2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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Supposedly CA did immediately ask KC if Caylee was there and KC said no, she's with the nanny.

Thanks, I guess I missed that ........ just as I must have missed any questions from CA directed toward AH, regarding Caylee on the ride from the mall to TL's apt.

I try to "keep up," but, dang ...... as convoluted as this case is, I fall short - often! :crazy:
Yes. I remember this. There was speculation that Caylee was put in AH *wrecked* car! I guess the notion was that the wrecked car went to some junkyard and then Caylee would never be found. :(


I must have missed this -because Amy was some distance away from Orlando when she wrecked her car, and I wasn't under the impression it was during the time Caylee was murdered.

Clearly the decomposition in ICA's trunk leaves no doubt the remains that had been there were human, that left behind a hair that belonged to Caylee or ICA and as ICA said, "well, I'm alive". I've never even heard a rumor that Amy's car may be involved. Can you remember which document it was in?
Perhaps not the appropriate thread to post this ........ but, AH rides w/ CA, directing her to TL's apt., where KC is. Alrighty!

AH gets KC to the door - alrighty - CA takes over ...... she (CA), at this time, has no idea where Caylee is, right? There is no discussion of this, Caylee's whereabouts, on record @ the time she is @ the apt. .........

WHY, dear lawd, does she just MAKE KC come w/ her???? She doesn't look in the apt., call for Caylee, etc.

Did she KNOW Caylee wasn't there? If so, from whom (or what evidence she smelled/saw in KC's vehicle) did she derive this information?

I cannot wrap my brain around the fact that this woman (CA) did not immediately question KC relative to Caylee's whereabouts, AT THE DOOR of TL's apt!

Is it just me??? Or is this strange to anyone else?

Trying to think back but somewhere I read that it was smokey in that apt so
Cindy just KNEW that Casey wouldn't have her there. Being mother of the year and all you know.
Trying to think back but somewhere I read that it was smokey in that apt so
Cindy just KNEW that Casey wouldn't have her there. Being mother of the year and all you know.

Or maybe ICA told Amy H. that TL didn't like Caylee to be there?
I must have missed this -because Amy was some distance away from Orlando when she wrecked her car, and I wasn't under the impression it was during the time Caylee was murdered.

Clearly the decomposition in ICA's trunk leaves no doubt the remains that had been there were human, that left behind a hair that belonged to Caylee or ICA and as ICA said, "well, I'm alive". I've never even heard a rumor that Amy's car may be involved. Can you remember which document it was in?

My memory says this was speculated on in here, not by LE. Amy's car was wrecked, and I believe the car was towed over to the parking lot of TonE's, but I don't remember why. Some thought ICA might have hidden Caylee's body in Amy's trunk for a while. I don't know why, as I was not one who thought this, but that's the way I remember this being a topic of discussion.
Perhaps not the appropriate thread to post this ........ but, AH rides w/ CA, directing her to TL's apt., where KC is. Alrighty!

AH gets KC to the door - alrighty - CA takes over ...... she (CA), at this time, has no idea where Caylee is, right? There is no discussion of this, Caylee's whereabouts, on record @ the time she is @ the apt. .........

WHY, dear lawd, does she just MAKE KC come w/ her???? She doesn't look in the apt., call for Caylee, etc.

Did she KNOW Caylee wasn't there? If so, from whom (or what evidence she smelled/saw in KC's vehicle) did she derive this information?

I cannot wrap my brain around the fact that this woman (CA) did not immediately question KC relative to Caylee's whereabouts, AT THE DOOR of TL's apt!

Is it just me??? Or is this strange to anyone else?
This bothers me too...just as much as the phone call from GA to LA - Casey's in trouble, we got the car. What kind of message is that? It implies common knowledge in the family that the car was something that if found would be big trouble.
Trying to think back but somewhere I read that it was smokey in that apt so
Cindy just KNEW that Casey wouldn't have her there. Being mother of the year and all you know.
You probably read it in Cindy's State depo (PDF page 179 & 180). Ms. Drane Burdick asks Cindy who knocked on Tony's door. This is what she had to say:

Cindy: Amy told -- asked me to stay in the stairwell. I didn't mention it. She did. I was ready just to go up there. And she said: Just let me go. So she went to the door and knocked on the door and I could hear because there's only one apartment from the stairwell. So, I mean, I could hear when she knocked on the door and then Casey opened the door.

And I don't know if Casey said what's up, or what's going on, or what are you doing here. And then Amy didn't say anything. She just did this [indicating] You know, she just kind of pointed to me. And I heard silence, so at that point I just kind of peeked around the corner. And Casey was in the doorway, and she goes: What's going on? T said: I'm here to pick you up. And when I went around the corner, I could smell smoke from inside.

Linda DB: Cigarette?

Cindy: Cigarette. I'm not sure if there was anything else going on, but I could definitely smell cigarette. I mean, that came out and hit me without even going to the doorway. And so I kind of knew at that point Caylee wasn't in there because of the smell. Casey was very meticulous about not -- she was adamant about her not being around cigarette smoke.

You probably read it in Cindy's State depo (PDF page 179 & 180). Ms. Drane Burdick asks Cindy who knocked on Tony's door. This is what she had to say:

Cindy: Amy told -- asked me to stay in the stairwell. I didn't mention it. She did. I was ready just to go up there. And she said: Just let me go. So she went to the door and knocked on the door and I could hear because there's only one apartment from the stairwell. So, I mean, I could hear when she knocked on the door and then Casey opened the door.

And I don't know if Casey said what's up, or what's going on, or what are you doing here. And then Amy didn't say anything. She just did this [indicating] You know, she just kind of pointed to me. And I heard silence, so at that point I just kind of peeked around the corner. And Casey was in the doorway, and she goes: What's going on? T said: I'm here to pick you up. And when I went around the corner, I could smell smoke from inside.

Linda DB: Cigarette?

Cindy: Cigarette. I'm not sure if there was anything else going on, but I could definitely smell cigarette. I mean, that came out and hit me without even going to the doorway. And so I kind of knew at that point Caylee wasn't in there because of the smell. Casey was very meticulous about not -- she was adamant about her not being around cigarette smoke.[/i]



Trash bags, laundry bags, and a flooded swamp, sure, but never cigarette smoke! :devil:
Originally Posted by BChand View Post
Trying to think back but somewhere I read that it was smokey in that apt so
Cindy just KNEW that Casey wouldn't have her there. Being mother of the year and all you know.

You probably read it in Cindy's State depo (PDF page 179 & 180). Ms. Drane Burdick asks Cindy who knocked on Tony's door. This is what she had to say:

Cindy: Amy told -- asked me to stay in the stairwell. I didn't mention it. She did. I was ready just to go up there. And she said: Just let me go. So she went to the door and knocked on the door and I could hear because there's only one apartment from the stairwell. So, I mean, I could hear when she knocked on the door and then Casey opened the door.

And I don't know if Casey said what's up, or what's going on, or what are you doing here. And then Amy didn't say anything. She just did this [indicating] You know, she just kind of pointed to me. And I heard silence, so at that point I just kind of peeked around the corner. And Casey was in the doorway, and she goes: What's going on? T said: I'm here to pick you up. And when I went around the corner, I could smell smoke from inside.

Linda DB: Cigarette?

Cindy: Cigarette. I'm not sure if there was anything else going on, but I could definitely smell cigarette. I mean, that came out and hit me without even going to the doorway. And so I kind of knew at that point Caylee wasn't in there because of the smell. Casey was very meticulous about not -- she was adamant about her not being around cigarette smoke.


Thank you both so much ............ took me a while to respond, 'cause I had to :sick: first. What a crock! Cindy, Cindy, Cindy ...........:banghead:

psst: I be stoopid on the double quotin' stuff :crazy:
My memory says this was speculated on in here, not by LE. Amy's car was wrecked, and I believe the car was towed over to the parking lot of TonE's, but I don't remember why. Some thought ICA might have hidden Caylee's body in Amy's trunk for a while. I don't know why, as I was not one who thought this, but that's the way I remember this being a topic of discussion.

Oh, I remember that. It was another one of those *headdesk* discussions for me. Someone, I can't remember if it was one person or more, asked if Amy's wrecked car could be found and investigated if it hadn't been yet. I think in the same discussion something came up about a car that used to belong to Kronk that he wrecked at one point. Amy H and Kronk's cars never made any logical sense to this case whatsoever. I can't remember the thread, but it was a discussion that went nowhere. It really sounded like something Cindy would desperately try to sell, honestly. But hello smell of decomposition in Casey's car! Thankfully, we don't seem to have discussions like that anymore.
I must have missed this -because Amy was some distance away from Orlando when she wrecked her car, and I wasn't under the impression it was during the time Caylee was murdered.

Clearly the decomposition in ICA's trunk leaves no doubt the remains that had been there were human, that left behind a hair that belonged to Caylee or ICA and as ICA said, "well, I'm alive". I've never even heard a rumor that Amy's car may be involved. Can you remember which document it was in?

Yes. I remember this. There was speculation that Caylee was put in AH *wrecked* car! I guess the notion was that the wrecked car went to some junkyard and then Caylee would never be found. :(


Amy "wrecked" her car June 6, 2008.

EE: And alright, the 6th you total your car…
AH: Uh-hum (affirmative).
EE: …coming back from downtown? But Casey tells you that her boy from work sent her to Fusion to
AH: Yeah (affirmative).
EE: …on her daughter?
AH: She actually does that. She was at work. Uhm, and then later the, the next day she told me that…
EE: Yeah (affirmative).
AH: …her boss had actually sent her to Fusion to go check on uhm, his daughter and we thought that
was a little weird. But we were like whatever.
EE: So she admits to being at Fusion on the 6th?
AH: Yes. And then says that she went back to work after that.
EE: Uhm, uhm, you move in, or you started staying with Ricardo…
AH: On the 7th.
EE: …on the couch, on the 7th? Saturday the 7th? And Ca

The only sense that AH's wrecked car would make is as one more seed to grow another KC lie.

Fortunately, KC herself noted the scent of decomposing squirrels plastered to her engine, thereby negating any further lies propagated against AH, who was KC's "best friend". OH KC, those nasty smelly dead zombie squirrels that crawled all up in your engine parts. Oh, you poor dear.
I have only been seeing and hearing hearsay evidence about Cindy's behavior, most of which is coming from ICA, who has her own view of what is going on. I do understand any mother who makes numerous attempts to get her daughter to "go straight", at her own expense. I believe mother's first blame themselves for their child's behavior, that "they" must have done something wrong in bringing them up, before they have their face at the wall, and need to make strong changes in an attempt to correct that behavior. Not all parents can handle "tough love".
I am not speaking about what CA has done or appears to have done since ICA was arrested, but her behavior from December 2007 to June 15, 2008 regarding her own money, and that of her parents, that ICA was "dipping" into whenever she felt like it.

BBM - This is very true, having experienced it myself and witnessing so many other parents living it. I learned this during workshops I actively participated in on a weekly basis while my child was in treatment for primarily emotional growth and other issues.
Thank you for posting Amys account of the night of the 15th. I am rewatching the hearing at the moment and am frustrated by the number of lies Cindy told.

What hearing are you referring to? The one regarding whether the 911 call would come in? I'm trying to locate it!

I have a question for anyone who knows. In Lee's INTERVIEW with the State and Cindy's and also George's, they all slander Amy H and Tony and Ricardo - Lee goes so far to say she is into heroin, but is unable to prove this and says he never asked for proof from Dominic Casey (who told him this to beging with).

My question - can Amy H. sue for slander.

She can but she probably would not win. She has to be able to show that as a result of the lies, her reputation was damaged and that the damage to her reputation caused financial loss somehow. For example, she is called a heroin user and is fired from her job due to the lie, or she has a business but after people hear that she uses heroin, she loses clients and her business suffers.

Yes but the records are from December 2007 on. Logic, if you checked your account at the end of a month and saw several checks to your daughter and several checks to Target and a check for 167 to T Mobile and you know you didnot do it, you would put a stop to it and call the bank and say my daughter has been doing this and I want to make sure no one can write a check but me, wouldn't you. Cindy lets this go on and on and just closes her account and KC starts on another account about a month after she closes it but not before she steals from her grandfather.

There is no way that Cindy did not know about this unless she did not want to.

Cindy. What can I say? She is so disordered it's not funny. I think, in a way, she may have felt some weird sense of control by allowing casey to keep stealing her money. First, she could track her and find out what she was doing or buying and second, it gave her a reason to pry and to question everything that went on in casey's life. It also gave her a reason to criticize her princess, and scream at her, which I think CA sort of enjoyed in a subconscious, masochistic manner which I'll explain below.

Cindy could not differentiate between casey and herself, IMO. She was and is completely enmeshed. But when a parent enmeshes themselves totally with their child, often the child rebels by becoming very manipulative, secretive and closed off, revealing only superficial things to the enmeshed parent, so as to protect themselves from the utter domination of such a parent.

I know people like CA and I know what kind of parents they make. I bet dollars to donuts that she gave casey two very confusing and contradictory message as she grew up - messages that resulted in the monster we now see before us. Those messages were that casey was a princess who could do no wrong, at least when it came to other people's opinions and viewpoints (in other words, cindy would instantly take casey's side if casey complained about someone accusing her of something), and that casey is a horrible, out of control person who needs to be totally controlled by her mother to keep her in line. These messages came from Cindy's subjective identities, which were also conflicting: That of a deservedly indulged princess and that of a person with little talent, intelligence or grace who could never measure up and thus needed to be punsihed. Since CA saw herself this way, she saw this in casey and she helped create this in casey. So, casey became a narcissist, desperately hiding her feelings of not measuring up with delusions of grandeur, and a sociopath who felt that no matter what she wanted, it was justified, no matter the cost and that if she had to lie and steal from idiots to get what she wanted, that's okay, she could easily make up a story to get out of any trouble.

I believe that casey was very dominated from childhood through adolescence by her helicopter mother and that she struggled hard to have any identity at all. I think she felt that the best way to survive was to be mommy's perfect doll. But no one can keep that up. And sometimes when the mask slipped, especially if someone outside the family called her on it, mommy jumped to the rescue, so casey began to learn that she could be something other than what her mother demanded, as long as she kept that part of her secret. And, I'm sure that she grew to enjoy that part of her more and more as it became the only way to rebel against such smothering and as it somehow punished CA because casey knew that the things she did wrong would shame her mother if they ever became public. Being bad then, became casey's dirty little secret.

However, as time went on, the bad overwhelmed the good and what was left was a person addicted to being bad and the resultant, subconscious punishment of her mother, while also still longing to be mommy's princess and seething with rage at the impossibility of that task. That combination put everyone in casey's path at dire risk, even her good friends, like poor Amy and especially her family and helpless daughter. The dysfunction is so incredible it's almost hard to fathom the possibility of it all.

Yes, agree Solace. The difference for me is we have seen a number of people who have pushed themselves into this case for their own self promotion or need for attention, who have ended up needing lawyers.

I feel sympathy for someone like Amy H. who clearly looks like she will be affected by this for some time to come.

Poor Amy. She knew Caylee. She probably loved her like most people love their friend's little kids (especially when those kids are nice and sweet like Caylee!). She has to live with the thought that she was close with and trusted a person who murdered their own child for revenge and freedom. If I was in Amy's shoes, I don't think I would ever be able to get over something like that, to shake the pall of evil that fell across me from being in such a creature's presence.
What hearing are you referring to? The one regarding whether the 911 call would come in? I'm trying to locate it!

She can but she probably would not win. She has to be able to show that as a result of the lies, her reputation was damaged and that the damage to her reputation caused financial loss somehow. For example, she is called a heroin user and is fired from her job due to the lie, or she has a business but after people hear that she uses heroin, she loses clients and her business suffers.

Cindy. What can I say? She is so disordered it's not funny. I think, in a way, she may have felt some weird sense of control by allowing casey to keep stealing her money. First, she could track her and find out what she was doing or buying and second, it gave her a reason to pry and to question everything that went on in casey's life. It also gave her a reason to criticize her princess, and scream at her, which I think CA sort of enjoyed in a subconscious, masochistic manner which I'll explain below.

Cindy could not differentiate between casey and herself, IMO. She was and is completely enmeshed. But when a parent enmeshes themselves totally with their child, often the child rebels by becoming very manipulative, secretive and closed off, revealing only superficial things to the enmeshed parent, so as to protect themselves from the utter domination of such a parent.

I know people like CA and I know what kind of parents they make. I bet dollars to donuts that she gave casey two very confusing and contradictory message as she grew up - messages that resulted in the monster we now see before us. Those messages were that casey was a princess who could do no wrong, at least when it came to other people's opinions and viewpoints (in other words, cindy would instantly take casey's side if casey complained about someone accusing her of something), and that casey is a horrible, out of control person who needs to be totally controlled by her mother to keep her in line. These messages came from Cindy's subjective identities, which were also conflicting: That of a deservedly indulged princess and that of a person with little talent, intelligence or grace who could never measure up and thus needed to be punsihed. Since CA saw herself this way, she saw this in casey and she helped create this in casey. So, casey became a narcissist, desperately hiding her feelings of not measuring up with delusions of grandeur, and a sociopath who felt that no matter what she wanted, it was justified, no matter the cost and that if she had to lie and steal from idiots to get what she wanted, that's okay, she could easily make up a story to get out of any trouble.

I believe that casey was very dominated from childhood through adolescence by her helicopter mother and that she struggled hard to have any identity at all. I think she felt that the best way to survive was to be mommy's perfect doll. But no one can keep that up. And sometimes when the mask slipped, especially if someone outside the family called her on it, mommy jumped to the rescue, so casey began to learn that she could be something other than what her mother demanded, as long as she kept that part of her secret. And, I'm sure that she grew to enjoy that part of her more and more as it became the only way to rebel against such smothering and as it somehow punished CA because casey knew that the things she did wrong would shame her mother if they ever became public. Being bad then, became casey's dirty little secret.

However, as time went on, the bad overwhelmed the good and what was left was a person addicted to being bad and the resultant, subconscious punishment of her mother, while also still longing to be mommy's princess and seething with rage at the impossibility of that task. That combination put everyone in casey's path at dire risk, even her good friends, like poor Amy and especially her family and helpless daughter. The dysfunction is so incredible it's almost hard to fathom the possibility of it all.

Poor Amy. She knew Caylee. She probably loved her like most people love their friend's little kids (especially when those kids are nice and sweet like Caylee!). She has to live with the thought that she was close with and trusted a person who murdered their own child for revenge and freedom. If I was in Amy's shoes, I don't think I would ever be able to get over something like that, to shake the pall of evil that fell across me from being in such a creature's presence.

Wow! This was an amazing post! Powerful... powerful stuff!
I must have missed this -because Amy was some distance away from Orlando when she wrecked her car, and I wasn't under the impression it was during the time Caylee was murdered.

Clearly the decomposition in ICA's trunk leaves no doubt the remains that had been there were human, that left behind a hair that belonged to Caylee or ICA and as ICA said, "well, I'm alive". I've never even heard a rumor that Amy's car may be involved. Can you remember which document it was in?

Yes. I agree with you there is NO DOUBT the decomposition was/is in ICA's trunk. :) IIRC it was speculation that Caylee was moved from ICA's trunk to AH's wrecked car after it was towed to a junkyard. Obviously, this wasn't the case. Though at that time, which was before Caylee's remains were found, some thought perhaps she would be discovered in that wrecked car. I remember we talked about it here on WS. I'll try and find it for you. :)
Perhaps not the appropriate thread to post this ........ but, AH rides w/ CA, directing her to TL's apt., where KC is. Alrighty!

AH gets KC to the door - alrighty - CA takes over ...... she (CA), at this time, has no idea where Caylee is, right? There is no discussion of this, Caylee's whereabouts, on record @ the time she is @ the apt. .........

WHY, dear lawd, does she just MAKE KC come w/ her???? She doesn't look in the apt., call for Caylee, etc.

Did she KNOW Caylee wasn't there? If so, from whom (or what evidence she smelled/saw in KC's vehicle) did she derive this information?

I cannot wrap my brain around the fact that this woman (CA) did not immediately question KC relative to Caylee's whereabouts, AT THE DOOR of TL's apt!

Is it just me??? Or is this strange to anyone else?
Trying to think back but somewhere I read that it was smokey in that apt so
Cindy just KNEW that Casey wouldn't have her there. Being mother of the year and all you know.


I agree misinformed, I remember back when I first heard CA's account of this encounter. I remember her talking to detectives and she said that she knew instantly that Caylee wasn't in that apt. due to the cig. smoke. But even if one believes her I still can't understand it. Her whole purpose & goal in locating KC was to find Caylee. So......when you found your daughter, wouldn't the first words out of your mouth be...."WHERE IS CAYLEE?" ??? Like, I just imagine myself in that spot, and I'd be pouncing.....I be all over it....."WHERE IS XXXXX?"!!!!!! I wouldn't care who heard me, I don't imagine that it would matter that my gut told me that she isn't in this apt as it's full of smoke, I think if I had gone to the trouble of chasing down the BF..going and picking up the BF, having BF take me to my daughter, when I finally came face to face with daughter.....I'd get to the point, no beating around the bush, no pleasantries, no trying to put up a front for appearances sake......I'd be after it. Ya know? So, the fact that Caylee wasn't even brought up in that apt???? It's a mystery to me. I just don't GET IT!?



I agree misinformed, I remember back when I first heard CA's account of this encounter. I remember her talking to detectives and she said that she knew instantly that Caylee wasn't in that apt. due to the cig. smoke. But even if one believes her I still can't understand it. Her whole purpose & goal in locating KC was to find Caylee. So......when you found your daughter, wouldn't the first words out of your mouth be...."WHERE IS CAYLEE?" ??? Like, I just imagine myself in that spot, and I'd be pouncing.....I be all over it....."WHERE IS XXXXX?"!!!!!! I wouldn't care who heard me, I don't imagine that it would matter that my gut told me that she isn't in this apt as it's full of smoke, I think if I had gone to the trouble of chasing down the BF..going and picking up the BF, having BF take me to my daughter, when I finally came face to face with daughter.....I'd get to the point, no beating around the bush, no pleasantries, no trying to put up a front for appearances sake......I'd be after it. Ya know? So, the fact that Caylee wasn't even brought up in that apt???? It's a mystery to me. I just don't GET IT!?


Hadn't ICA been telling CA for a month that Caylee was with the Nanny and that was why CA was picking ICA up? To go and get Caylee? Because CA believed if Caylee wasn't with ICA she was with Somebody.
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