2008.07.24 George Anthony Interview

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You got that right , i wish Cindy could be cut a bit of slack too , we would all die for our kid's right? No matter what?

Cindy is dying a slow death defending her Daughter , whether that is right or wrong is by the by but i respect her moral right to do so.

Like Tim Miller said if we were "walking in their shoes"!.......

I agree. I see George as a man who is protecting his entire family, his and Cindy's parents are elderly and have medical issues. In his way he feels that he is helping, I have a feeling that if their parents would find out the truth it would kill them literally, and maybe in part why he is continuing this charade. He also may be protecting Cindy from harming herself, we have no idea what really is going on inside that house. I see a man who is trying to hang on to what is left of his family, I don't think I would be doing some of the things he has done, but then again if I felt I was protecting the little that is really left, maybe I would.
Oh, and I also found it odd that he encouraged LE to lie to Lee, to call Lee and saying George was on his way too. That really speaks of the family dynamics. It's like Lee has taken the father tole and GA has taken the son's role. What would have been the harm in calling Lee and just saying your Dad's already here and he wants you to hear this too, so cam you come into the station?
Forgive me if this doesn't belong here but this is the only thread I could find to discuss todays doc dump

I am currently reading the child services report and KC states that she was proud that during a search for Caylee another child had been found??? Did I miss hearing about this or is this another one of her lies???

She also said her new vocation would be to work trying to find missing children and now we have CA saying the same thing!?!

And LA said it previously at a vigil. Aren't they all the nicest?
Apart from Caylee, I think I shed my first tears for a member of the family today. Reading the interview broke my heart because George sounds so broken over losing his granddaughter.

I know it's hard for anyone to believe, but men can be the victims of domestic violence as much as women. Think of Cindy's personality- she is controlling, she is volatile and she came out swinging in KC's defense. And I imagine that Lee also wants to protect her. So what chance did George have except behind the scenes to tell the truth? He went to the grand jury and, IMO, spilled his guts about what he smelled and suspected. He was pivotal in getting KC charged with murder. He did NOT drink the kool aid.

I grant George may be emotionally abused, and definitely verbally abused, but physically, I don't see it. And please don't read into that I don't think it is possible for a woman to physically abuse a man just because I don't think it is happening in this case. Regardless, George appears to love Caylee deeply, but I guess not enough to do more than go "behind the scenes to tell the truth." Where is his outrage over what has happened to this little girl? I've seen the man lose his temper, so I know he has it in him, can he only work up some righteous indignation when protestors are trampling his grass?
I grant George may be emotionally abused, and definitely verbally abused, but physically, I don't see it. And please don't read into that I don't think it is possible for a woman to physically abuse a man just because I don't think it is happening in this case. Regardless, George appears to love Caylee deeply, but I guess not enough to do more than go "behind the scenes to tell the truth." Where is his outrage over what has happened to this little girl? I've seen the man lose his temper, so I know he has it in him, can he only work up some righteous indignation when protestors are trampling his grass?

He has it in him to lose his temper, but I think he is afraid he will lose it and get out of control. So he seems to displace his anger onto "safe" people (i.e. people weaker than him, little lady protesters, and smaller guys), rather than where it probably should be directed (at KC - b/c Baez won't allow it). JMHO. Interesting to note that KC "hired" Baez (with $400, and a promise of more once this got cleared up) and GA never really liked him.
irishbosoxfan said:
Forgive me if this doesn't belong here but this is the only thread I could find to discuss todays doc dump

I am currently reading the child services report and KC states that she was proud that during a search for Caylee another child had been found??? Did I miss hearing about this or is this another one of her lies???

She also said her new vocation would be to work trying to find missing children and now we have CA saying the same thing!?!

And LA said it previously at a vigil. Aren't they all the nicest?

And OJ said he'd never stop looking for Nicole's killer. Did he ever even start?
KC? CA? Meet OJ.
Then he must be one heck of an actor too, because he threw up at the end of the interview.

Right! I'm sorry - I just don't see GA in a bad light. I think the man has lived soooo many years with CA that he is a puppet. When he gets the chance, though, he seems to almost be reaching out to LE, in a way, to kind of "save" him.

I also thinks he falls under CA's spell once he is in her presence. I believe this family has been in a sick, co-dependant, enabling type of life for so long, they can't possibly be normal without MUCHO counseling. Years of counseling/therapy.
Reading George's interview he was extremely concerned and co-operating with LE. But now that all seems to have diminished, as in he is with Cindy in denying Casey did anything. I have never gone thru all this, but I have to wonder why the change?
They must know what really happened is all I can assume, and so they are so upset they keep denying it in public.
And a side note here, boy is Cindy controlling. Reading all this, she tries to run the whole thing. George should speak up to her if he hasn't already.
*Janis* "I think he has Stockholm Syndrome"

I know it's in bad taste and I'm not sure if your serious, but that cracked me up.:D

The Stockholm Syndrome comes into play when a captive cannot escape and is isolated and threatened with death, but is shown token acts of kindness by the captor. It typically takes about three or four days for the psychological shift to take hold.

A strategy of trying to keep your captor happy in order to stay alive becomes an obsessive identification with the likes and dislikes of the captor which has the result of warping your own psyche in such a way that you come to sympathize with your tormenter!

The syndrome explains what happens in hostage-taking situations, but can also be used to understand the behavior of battered spouses, members of religious cults, Holocaust victims, household pets, and perhaps even users of Internet Explorer. I think it may also help explain the popularity of government and of the mass institutionalization of young people.
SO CA and La had no idea this interview happened. My thoughts are his GJ testimony goes over some of the stuff in this interview. I feel for GA, CA now knows in writing what he has told LE and possibly the GJ.
Oh and I agree with yall that he is still hiding something. he;s in protect mode.
QUOTE: p. 13 - re TonE/A L.

GA: "...I've never met this Tony. I don't want to meet this Tony because I'm afraid I might bite into this Tony. I, I, I don't want to see the man..."

Does GA (and now the GJ?) know something about Tone/A L that we need to know?

Anybody done a criminal history on him? On KC's other new friends? I'm sure y'all have...but just wondering.
Reading George's interview he was extremely concerned and co-operating with LE. But now that all seems to have diminished, as in he is with Cindy in denying Casey did anything. I have never gone thru all this, but I have to wonder why the change?
They must know what really happened is all I can assume, and so they are so upset they keep denying it in public.
And a side note here, boy is Cindy controlling. Reading all this, she tries to run the whole thing. George should speak up to her if he hasn't already.

CA is very controlling, and GA seems to be a very loving person. Perhaps she gave him another ultimatum about how he acts in public. My guess is, at this point, GA is not willing to lose a 3rd person in his life that he loves very much.
This was almost unbearable to read. For all those here that keep criticizing George for driving around with the billboard and trying to sell the T-shirts--please let it be. I think GA needs this or he will truly go insane.

I have to agree somewhat with this. I don't like Cindy getting a dime..but I do feel this is George's therapy and the billboard does have other kids on it, doesn't it? So he said the other day..........
Thanks. I still wonder just how much investigating Cindy did in getting custody....or was it just a threat she liked to throw Casey's way?

I haven't seen where she did any investigating. Most likely no more investigation, then most Parents do when they speak to their kids friends, or gather their own conlusions based upon what they think their child should be doing.

Reports of the prego and early days show that KC didn't want the child. That it was Cindy who forced her to keep it. So that doesn't sound like much of a threat. More likely some sort of a whip used on KC. One among many statements Cindy can use, involving Caylee, towards KC. All to 'control' her own child and keep her home.

As a single parent, it looks like KC had it made. I was in the same situation once. I lived at home, but my parents did not watch my child when awake. Babysitting only happened at night, after the baby was fully asleep. And I was to be home before the child wakes. When school/work started back up, baby sitting was allowed during those times only.

Nothing like parenting with a full time nag over your shoulder. Disagreeing with everything you do. Changing rules to suit themselves. etc. My breastfeeding got screwed up, my idea of no cereal was ignored.. cause she knew better then my doctor, etc. She had no problem doing for the baby, so long as I was 'there".

She wasn't doing this to be mean. She thought she was helping, by making sure I would be responsible for my child. But she has a very controlling personality. I was constantly reminded how lucky I was, how it could be, etc. Guilt, etc.

It's been 20 years. But I do remember it wasn't the perfect set up, that some folks might think it would be.

None of that would excuse what KC did to Caylee. I"m just seeing some wild assumptions. IF folks are going to guesstimate what might have been going on. Might want a peek at someone elses story.
I have to agree somewhat with this. I don't like Cindy getting a dime..but I do feel this is George's therapy and the billboard does have other kids on it, doesn't it? So he said the other day..........

Growing up with a woman like Cindy, I have always thought the "driving around with the billboard" right after saying they know where Caylee is and they are watching the kidnappers..... that is his quiet solitude away from the crazy making household. If you live with someone like that you will do anything to for moments of peace.
QUOTE: p. 13 - re TonE/A L.

GA: "...I've never met this Tony. I don't want to meet this Tony because I'm afraid I might bite into this Tony. I, I, I don't want to see the man..."

Does GA (and now the GJ?) know something about Tone/A L that we need to know?

I was thinking that George is blaming Tony for being a bad influence on Casey, he needs to do this maybe to make some sense to why Casey could harm Caylee.
I'm starting to think that KC actually would confess if CA let her. CA's insistence to hang on to the kidnapping story seems to have influenced the entire family and KC seems to be part of that too. KC followed right along with the June 9th date. I think she may be following right along with CA's kidnapping story as well.
, and perhaps even users of Internet Explorer. I think it may also help explain the popularity of government and of the mass institutionalization of young people.

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LOL! I know I like you!

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