2008.07.25 Discuss Jail Visit with George & Cindy

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you know what really makes my blood boil ? Kc acts like she likes being in protective custody, this again in her mind just shows how darn special she really is. and the conversations about the people magazine. The cover shouldnt have been a big picture of me with a small picture of caylee down at the bottom, grin sheepishly open eyes wide, it should be all about caylee.
I swear I'm going to have nightmares about all of these videos for a long time to come.
So easy to do around these people. LOL! I just have lost my last shred of sympathy for them. I really do feel badly. THey are drowning in a horrible loss. Then they open their mouths and I just want to scream!

I know what you mean.
GA to KC --- “I want you out of here.” Then, “Can I share something with you? The longer long this drags on (KC interrupts) there’s going to be may be additional things that might hit everyone and I don’t want to get into that with you but it’s getting very, very crucial we’ve gotta get you out of here…if I could get you out of here right now I would, but I want Caylee back, too.

I'm fed-up with GA playing the "poor me" thing. "I wish I was a better father and grandfather" and KC telling him (ego-boosting) all about how he was.

Yes. He should have been a better father and grandfather.

Both respectfully snipped.
My take on this is George is trying to tell perp if she doesn't come up with a PLAUSIBLE story she is going to be charged with murder 1. At this point she could have 'broken down' and claimed accidental death, provided a body, and given there was no evidence to disprove what she said, she could have gotten out.
I also think he was feeling guilty and apologizing for his part in raising her to turn out the way she did. I think he is trying to tell her he is willing to take some of the responsibility for what has happened, so now she should follow along and do the same.
PS I don't think anyone other than perp was involved in what happened to Caylee, but since so many of you do, I have really been trying to have an open mind, but I am still not seeing code, or complicity. Sorry.
Or is she setting him up to blame for Caylee's demise? On another thread, some posters theorized that this might have begun when KC called JG to ask if she could take a shower at his apartment (perhaps getting his dna?) Just to be clear, I am not taking credit for this - it was on another thread.

yeah she wants him to be the scapegoat, but jg took and passed a polygraph. she hasnt and he will testify, she wont (boy would that be a disaster for jb, if they got her on the stand) he will come across as sincere and honest. I couldnt tell if she was trying to blame ric and amy and the gang or tone and his friends and room mates, but you can bet she'll be trying to tie some of these people in with the nanny story.
Bold and red is mine above. could George be referring to the money scam that he got caught up in where he lost a lot of the family savings?

Or something more? That alleged scam may be the tip of the ice berg. Moo.
yeah she wants him to be the scapegoat, but jg took and passed a polygraph. she hasnt and he will testify, she wont (boy would that be a disaster for jb, if they got her on the stand) he will come across as sincere and honest. I couldnt tell if she was trying to blame ric and amy and the gang or tone and his friends and room mates, but you can bet she'll be trying to tie some of these people in with the nanny story.

She is trying to blame anyone and everyone. A splatter-gun approach. Fling some $hite around and see how much sticks.
every time KC talks about Caylee she looks down and to the left...and she can't stay in the present tense no matter how hard she tries, correcting herself time and again. "I'm so glad that she's had you...that she still has you..."
Nancy botwin: Casey says ZFG straightens her hair. She reminds Cindy that ZFG gave Casey her hair straightener. (*an appeal to try to make Cindy imagine she knows that ZFG is real, IMO)

That is actually one of the more clever things she has done.

I was thinking is that an object that could be finger printed?:waitasec:
I haven't watched but a little of the jail videos of CA & GAs visit but one thing I did come away with is that KC is thrilled that she no longer has to compete with Caylee for CA & GAs attention. She can finally continue to be up on the throne that her parents put her on years ago. She's the most self centered person I've ever seen. I just can't figure how CA can be as stupid as she is, to not see right through that that killed her precious grandaughter. Poor GA has been out in left field for years, but I do think he sees more of the "true" KC than CA ever could or ever will. I can't wait for this trial to start and see CA on the stand.....prosecution is going to rip her a new one.

IMO, CA does see right through the , that's why she is so zombied out on meds, she can't handle it. Cindy is a control freak, IMO, and as such, if she was really on board with all this, she would not be taking any kind of mind altering substance. The fact that she is speaks volumes to me.
IMO, George is also on the same page. He bought a gun, and whether it was for suicide, protection from wacko daughter, or to take care of her himself, he knows good and well what she is.
IMO, what I am seeing is not just them trying to deal with a missing/probably dead grandchild, they are also trying to come to terms with the monster they raised.
Not sure if you were referring to ME as a troll .. LOL .. I'm certainly not. Please do feel free to check my posts. :)

Anyway, all I'm saying is, the truth of how I felt when I watched the tapes today. I do hope we can all be open and honest here, without being ignored or ridiculed.

What can I say? Maybe I'm all wrong, but this is the first time I saw the tapes, other than NG show, and that's what "I" saw ... not sure exactly why.

G&C aren't really coming out and asking what they should be asking either.

To ME, I see allot of cover up, allot of deflecting off of the real situation, as if KC is afraid to say much. Also, it HAS to be a scary situation, being there with the guards walking around, other inmates that may want to harm you, etc.

OK .. well, that's how I see it TODAY, might see it differently tomorrow.
I wonder- does anyone think CA relives the moments on Father's Day, when she had her hands around KC's throat? Do you think she wishes she had choked the life out of KC?

Me thinks- yes and yes.
I wonder- does anyone think CA relives the moments on Father's Day, when she had her hands around KC's throat? Do you think she wishes she had choked the life out of KC?

Me thinks- yes and yes.

ssushhh....this is a happy loving family...that never happened.
I wonder- does anyone think CA relives the moments on Father's Day, when she had her hands around KC's throat? Do you think she wishes she had choked the life out of KC?

Me thinks- yes and yes.

Oh Absolutely! I can certainly understand her need to reach out to KC...and choke the livin' chit out of her.
KC gives a very good description of ZFG car in this interview... was there anything that LE has put out about their search for this car? DMV records? anything to verify this woman exists??
~~ respectfully snipped~~

When is the DS or Playstation or Wii version coming out??? Instead of the Ace Detective series they can put this straight to graphics. There are so many twists and turns and every time you click on a personage in the story he or she tells a complete different version according to whom you've recently come into contact with and the way you choose to go through the different locations. It would be a bestseller because you'd never get enough clues to actually solve the case.

~~respectfully snipped~~

Thanks, Dutchie. Just...just thanks a whole lot. Now I have to clean the screen, keyboard (which might short out), desk and parts of the surrounding floor of Diet Pepsi. Not to mention the waste of a good mouthful and bottle (think backwash) of Diet Pepsi. <<<opens new bottle now while using absorbent toweling to clean up "mess". ROFL!

~~~ respectfully snipped in places~~~
Nice try. Doesn't work with sociopaths.

Try this: KC I want to do everything to help YOU. What do YOU need? Im worried about YOU. Do YOU need anything? After about 3-4 years of daily submissive statements, MAYBE she'll throw you a bone. MAYBE

Both respectfully snipped.
My take on this is George is trying to tell perp if she doesn't come up with a PLAUSIBLE story she is going to be charged with murder 1.

~~respectfully snipped~~~

Wow. Valrico and Lanie --- I didn't read it that way at all. I read it as "code" for if you don't tell the truth we'll be charged, too.

GA to CA Can I share something with you? The longer long this drags on (KC interrupts) there&#8217;s going to be may be additional things that might hit everyone...

"Can I share something with you?" = "Let me tell you what's going to happen if you don't come clean". Ant colony speak. Then, he goes on to explain. "Everyone" refers to the rest of the family (him, CA and LA) and their involvment in the coverup.

Keeping in mind that this conversation took place the latter part of July -- they were in it up to their eyeballs and only days, (ok, maybe weeks) before CA started to really spin.

She is a sociopath and a pathological liar. "Honey, please tell us the truth" doesn't work. Neither does "Honey, if you don't tell the truth we'll all be charged."
Sorry, I forgot a few:

Casey claims she was under "time of desperation" as to why she stole from AH.

That part bothered me too. I rewatched that part between GA & KC 3 times. GA tries to make KC explain how she could be in a "time of desperation" while buying beer and push-up bras at Target, and KC gets pizzed-off and shuts him up (as usual) with yet another "I'll have to put it in a letter"...I'd like to see her put in a chair.
Isn't she something?

That mommy loves her very much, and she`s the most important thing in this entire world to me and to be brave.

I hate when she says that, if Caylee is w/ZFG why the need to be brave?
When you are there 90 percent of the time(per Kc and her friends right? nobody ever gets to see Caylee she's never with KC) and you get to go to Disneyworld, Universal studios to the beach and shopping?
Complete BS
I wonder- does anyone think CA relives the moments on Father's Day, when she had her hands around KC's throat? Do you think she wishes she had choked the life out of KC?

Me thinks- yes and yes.

somebody else posted of couple weeks ago, and I'm gonna steal their line, I bet its like groundhog day everyday, ya know where you get to keep doing it over until you get it right. and the look on ca's face sometimes was scary in the new vids, she looked like if she had been in a room with kc that may have played out.
In keeping with all things Anthony....lest us not forget the ABSOLUTLY BRILLIANT hand and star analogies! I just loved how pleased Casey was with herself when she told one of her jailers (of course my pleasure aforely stated was sarcastic as he!!) about how Caylee is the point on their star (or when using the hand the middle finger which...well....I think the star works better for her in her pathetic attempts to garner attention and sympathy).
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