2008.09.08 Anthony L. Interview ***REVISITED***

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Didn't Tony, KC, or Nate say something about Nate or one of the roommates using KC's phone to order pizza, too? I'm just trying to remember now.

I have heard the same thing as well, but it is not in any interview I have seen. It is possible it was mentioned by one of the players on Nancy "Just the Facts" Grace.
I have heard the same thing as well, but it is not in any interview I have seen. It is possible it was mentioned by one of the players on Nancy "Just the Facts" Grace.

I believe something to this effect is said in an audio interview, maybe LA with LE, or at jail with KC....KC said that one of Tony's roommates probably was calling for pizza...Lemme check in the audio, will be back sooon!
Didn't Tony, KC, or Nate say something about Nate or one of the roommates using KC's phone to order pizza, too? I'm just trying to remember now.

Hi. I just ran across this subject earlier today. The pizza question was brought up by Lee when he was in the car with TL. He said to TL that he was trying to determine where KC had been staying since June 16 after she had left the parents house.

Lee mentioned to TL that he had asked KC about some calls to a pizza place that were made from her cell. She replied that TL's roomies borrowed her cell to order pizza. If true, that places her at TL's the night of Tues., June 17 as the calls were made after midnight which would be the 18th.

Lee requested that LE arrange that wired interview with TL. It was not set up for TL to get info from Lee. Lee talked alot and I wondered why TL was not being more aggressive if he was the one cooperating with LE (he was but he had no choice). TL did not offer up too much information imo. My conclusion is that Lee was fishing for info from TL and a response to the pizza subject. TL could of said "Oh ya, I remember when we ordered pizza, etc." It is obvious to me that TL distanced himself from the week following June 15. For what reason I do not know.
Hi. I just ran across this subject earlier today. The pizza question was brought up by Lee when he was in the car with TL. He said to TL that he was trying to determine where KC had been staying since June 16 after she had left the parents house.

Lee mentioned to TL that he had asked KC about some calls to a pizza place that were made from her cell. She replied that TL's roomies borrowed her cell to order pizza. If true, that places her at TL's the night of Tues., June 17 as the calls were made after midnight which would be the 18th.

Lee requested that LE arrange that wired interview with TL. It was not set up for TL to get info from Lee. Lee talked alot and I wondered why TL was not being more aggressive if he was the one cooperating with LE (he was but he had no choice). TL did not offer up too much information imo. My conclusion is that Lee was fishing for info from TL and a response to the pizza subject. TL could of said "Oh ya, I remember when we ordered pizza, etc." It is obvious to me that TL distanced himself from the week following June 15. For what reason I do not know.

Here is the link to KC telling LA that roomates ordered pizza in jail conversation-Go to part 1 of 2 on July 28th jail visit, at the 5:30 mark and on:

I just found where Lee was mentioning the pizza calls to TL.

This can be heard by going to Post 131 of the Official Docs. thread. It is in Part 2 of the 4 part interview beween TL and Lee that was released 4/6/09.
Lee requested that LE arrange that wired interview with TL. It was not set up for TL to get info from Lee. Lee talked alot and I wondered why TL was not being more aggressive if he was the one cooperating with LE (he was but he had no choice). TL did not offer up too much information imo.

Huh? In the video interview with Lee and TonE in TonE's car, the cameras were in TonE's car, with multiple views, you can see an agent enter TonE's car to set stuff up in the very beginning, TonE speaks with the agent on the phone at one point, and even makes comments to the cameras after Lee leaves that he yammers on just like his sister does! TonE was the one "wired" to get info from Lee (in my opinion).

Maybe TonE was not talking incessantly because perhaps it is not his style.

If Lee was trying to ferret out information from TonE he did not do a good job of it. Instead we heard endless drama about his trials with the media, how his sister lies and speculation about why she does so, and so on.
Hi. I just ran across this subject earlier today. The pizza question was brought up by Lee when he was in the car with TL. He said to TL that he was trying to determine where KC had been staying since June 16 after she had left the parents house.

Lee mentioned to TL that he had asked KC about some calls to a pizza place that were made from her cell. She replied that TL's roomies borrowed her cell to order pizza. If true, that places her at TL's the night of Tues., June 17 as the calls were made after midnight which would be the 18th.

Lee requested that LE arrange that wired interview with TL. It was not set up for TL to get info from Lee. Lee talked alot and I wondered why TL was not being more aggressive if he was the one cooperating with LE (he was but he had no choice). TL did not offer up too much information imo. My conclusion is that Lee was fishing for info from TL and a response to the pizza subject. TL could of said "Oh ya, I remember when we ordered pizza, etc." It is obvious to me that TL distanced himself from the week following June 15. For what reason I do not know.

You are incorrect.
It was Tony who was wired to get info from Lee, not the other way around. Lee was never nor has been that cooperative with LE to have done such a thing.

Here is a link explaining how it all went down:
I have been going crazy trying to find the interview that Lee claims he went to his parents house in the morning of June 15th or July 15th? Does anyone recall this interview and if so please leave me a link. I just wonder what all was going on in the Anthony home on these two dates, and what reason Lee gave for the early morning visit. Please and Thank You.
I have been going crazy trying to find the interview that Lee claims he went to his parents house in the morning of June 15th or July 15th? Does anyone recall this interview and if so please leave me a link. I just wonder what all was going on in the Anthony home on these two dates, and what reason Lee gave for the early morning visit. Please and Thank You.

Here's a great post by JWG that outlines the activities of all the A's on July 15th. Just posted this morning too, so up to date with all recent docs.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3771249&postcount=84"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Ping Map for July 15, 2008 - Discuss that day only[/ame]
Hi. I just ran across this subject earlier today. The pizza question was brought up by Lee when he was in the car with TL. He said to TL that he was trying to determine where KC had been staying since June 16 after she had left the parents house.

Lee mentioned to TL that he had asked KC about some calls to a pizza place that were made from her cell. She replied that TL's roomies borrowed her cell to order pizza. If true, that places her at TL's the night of Tues., June 17 as the calls were made after midnight which would be the 18th.

Lee requested that LE arrange that wired interview with TL. It was not set up for TL to get info from Lee. Lee talked alot and I wondered why TL was not being more aggressive if he was the one cooperating with LE (he was but he had no choice). TL did not offer up too much information imo. My conclusion is that Lee was fishing for info from TL and a response to the pizza subject. TL could of said "Oh ya, I remember when we ordered pizza, etc." It is obvious to me that TL distanced himself from the week following June 15. For what reason I do not know.

The interview was not requested by Lee ..
Where did you hear that? :confused:
thanks so much for posting the entire interview JWG! For some reason up til now I hadn't read beyond the part about the black dress, I enjoyed the interesting discussions about it here and on the "items found Aug 17" thread etc, thanks again for posting all this :)

Things that jumped out at me in this interview:

that TL was driving Clint's car from June 16 onward for several days. Well he says that on the 16th at Blockbuster he must have been driving his truck, but then says that the 16th to the 27th(?) he was driving Clint's car.

TL said he knew that was him in the Blockbuster that day (as shown in the photo), but acted like he didn't know for sure if it was Casey with him in the Blockbuster picture, acted like he had to examine the picture very closely before saying yes, it was Casey with him. Weird.

TL's comments about wanting only boy children and no daughters, and the way he explains this, are very strange. (The whole "because I wouldn't make an ugly girl" thing.....just odd.)

that Tony had been planning to get the new apartment with SeanH and DrewH of DBC, not Cam or any of his current roommates/buddies. So not only an apartment change during the time frame but a complete change of roommates. And that Sean and Drew had been living at Arden Villas, same complex as JG right? I'd never known that either.

As usual, it jumps out how gently LE handles Tony and spoonfeeds him, very different from their treatment of Ricardo for example. I never did understand that.
Huh? In the video interview with Lee and TonE in TonE's car, the cameras were in TonE's car, with multiple views, you can see an agent enter TonE's car to set stuff up in the very beginning, TonE speaks with the agent on the phone at one point, and even makes comments to the cameras after Lee leaves that he yammers on just like his sister does! TonE was the one "wired" to get info from Lee (in my opinion).

Maybe TonE was not talking incessantly because perhaps it is not his style.

If Lee was trying to ferret out information from TonE he did not do a good job of it. Instead we heard endless drama about his trials with the media, how his sister lies and speculation about why she does so, and so on.

I agree with the rest of Woe be gone's post, though. Although TL was the one who was wired by LE, Lee was there to try to get information from Tony, for sure. He was desperate for information.

It was always weird to me that LE chose to wire TL to monitor Lee, seemed totally backward to me. I felt terrible for Lee watching that video, how worried he was and desperate to find Caylee, and to me, that video speaks volumes about TL and Lee.
There was Lee, very concerned about Caylee's whereabouts, extending a tremendous amount of good faith toward Tony considering the circumstances, I mean, his sister had started hanging around with this guy and his crowd and then Caylee disappears, but Lee acts in good faith treating Tony as a friend, assuming Tony will also be concerned about Caylee, wanting to get to the bottom of it, wanting to compare notes and share information in hopes of finding out (at that point) where Caylee is/who she's with.

He must have been terribly disappointed when he met with TL. If I'd been him, my blood would have run cold. TL showed no interest, no worry about where could Caylee be, etc. Here and in other interviews, all he can do is make a few negative comments about Casey, about being annoyed at having to pick her up, etc, in all his comments he definitely seems to want to paint a picture of himself as having been very unconnected with Casey, distancing himself, making jokes at her expense. There's no normal level of concern or interest. In the meeting with Lee, he just stares ahead of himself and acts robotic.
And then the way he made the rude comment to LE about Lee afterward. I couldn't believe the lack of empathy/concern/compassion, I mean any normal person would understand the agitated state of the uncle of the missing child. Or maybe his comment was just an attempt to ingratiate himself with LE.
I agree with Woebegone's comment about TL seeming to want to distance himself from the week of June 16, for whatever reason. I see more of that in this Sept interview. MOO of course
While Lee did act concerned about Caylee and her whereabouts, he sure did his share of laughing in that meeting with TL. Lee acted very strange if you ask me. Very strange. I will never understand it. I've never walked in his shoes, but the laughing does not seem normal of a grieving or concerned uncle. TL should have been concerned about Caylee, but you have to remember that he is a victim in all of this as well. His life was turned upside down because of Casey and her reckless behavior. I'm sure he was in a state of shock just as much as Lee was. I can't say as I blame TL for wanting to distance himself from the whole family.

And LE wiring Lee instead of TL? Really? After he spoke out of both sides of his mouth? IMO, TL was always straight up with LE. Lee was not.
While Lee did act concerned about Caylee and her whereabouts, he sure did his share of laughing in that meeting with TL. Lee acted very strange if you ask me. Very strange. I will never understand it. I've never walked in his shoes, but the laughing does not seem normal of a grieving or concerned uncle. TL should have been concerned about Caylee, but you have to remember that he is a victim in all of this as well. His life was turned upside down because of Casey and her reckless behavior. I'm sure he was in a state of shock just as much as Lee was. I can't say as I blame TL for wanting to distance himself from the whole family.

And LE wiring Lee instead of TL? Really? After he spoke out of both sides of his mouth? IMO, TL was always straight up with LE. Lee was not.

I stand by my comments. I don't think the inconvenience and expense that TL has incurred in this case can even be compared to Lee A's suffering, how could there be any comparison. And TL certainly is not the victim in this case. Though I know what you mean, and I could understand TL wanting to distance himself from the case and from Casey/Caylee for various possible reasons.

I really think Lee probably became alienated from LE because they weren't even removing the crazy mob from around the family home, or acting very friendly toward the family, they were acting somewhat hostile toward the family, they wouldn't really listen to them, he could already see they seemed primarily interested in building a case against Casey. I think he might have felt (rightly or wrongly) that he was having to search for Caylee on his own. I think I probably would have done the same thing.

My impression during the meeting with TL is that (a) Lee is exhausted, he hasn't slept for days, (b) he does laugh when he's worried and nervous, and (c) at that stage Lee was still thinking (and very much hoping) that Caylee was just with some associate of Casey's, whether this "nanny" or more likely some other friend. He makes it clear he knows Casey fibs and he's trying to get to the bottom of who Caylee really is with, but I don't think he's crossed into the arena of grief yet at that stage, not yet allowing himself to think that anyone would have hurt Caylee. I think he just wanted to get her home to the family home at that point. MOO Though he does appear to get progressively more concerned throughout the meeting with TL.

I haven't seen any evidence of Lee being deceptive in this case, I've found that to be rumor personally. I also can't assume that TL was "always straight up with LE". I found that they handled him with kid gloves, never pressing him for any information beyond info to try to build a case against Casey. I thought it was ludicrous the way they got his permission to tap his phone, etc. What's the point of that?! Not to mention them wiring him to interview Lee. Ridiculous, I've never seen anything like it.

What would be the point of this wire? If they really thought Lee was guilty of anything, did they think he would divulge this to TL? They had repeatedly asked witnesses "did Lee A try to influence your statement today", etc, presumably they were hoping to catch Lee trying to influence Tony in some way? I can't think of any other point to this wire. Of course Lee didn't, every other witness said the same thing, he never tried to influence anyone's statements to LE, just the opposite. All LE got on their wire was a normal, worried uncle trying to find his niece, and a couldn't care less TL. MOO

Anyway, sorry, I'll go back to the topic of this Sept interview, I was just responding to a post above :)
I stand by my comments. I don't think the inconvenience and expense that TL has incurred in this case can even be compared to Lee A's suffering, how could there be any comparison. And TL certainly is not the victim in this case. Though I know what you mean, and I could understand TL wanting to distance himself from the case and from Casey/Caylee for various possible reasons.

I really think Lee probably became alienated from LE because they weren't even removing the crazy mob from around the family home, or acting very friendly toward the family, they were acting somewhat hostile toward the family, they wouldn't really listen to them, he could already see they seemed primarily interested in building a case against Casey. I think he might have felt (rightly or wrongly) that he was having to search for Caylee on his own. I think I probably would have done the same thing.

My impression during the meeting with TL is that (a) Lee is exhausted, he hasn't slept for days, (b) he does laugh when he's worried and nervous, and (c) at that stage Lee was still thinking (and very much hoping) that Caylee was just with some associate of Casey's, whether this "nanny" or more likely some other friend. He makes it clear he knows Casey fibs and he's trying to get to the bottom of who Caylee really is with, but I don't think he's crossed into the arena of grief yet at that stage, not yet allowing himself to think that anyone would have hurt Caylee. I think he just wanted to get her home to the family home at that point. MOO Though he does appear to get progressively more concerned throughout the meeting with TL.

I haven't seen any evidence of Lee being deceptive in this case, I've found that to be rumor personally. I also can't assume that TL was "always straight up with LE". I found that they handled him with kid gloves, never pressing him for any information beyond info to try to build a case against Casey. I thought it was ludicrous the way they got his permission to tap his phone, etc. What's the point of that?! Not to mention them wiring him to interview Lee. Ridiculous, I've never seen anything like it.

What would be the point of this wire? If they really thought Lee was guilty of anything, did they think he would divulge this to TL? They had repeatedly asked witnesses "did Lee A try to influence your statement today", etc, presumably they were hoping to catch Lee trying to influence Tony in some way? I can't think of any other point to this wire. Of course Lee didn't, every other witness said the same thing, he never tried to influence anyone's statements to LE, just the opposite. All LE got on their wire was a normal, worried uncle trying to find his niece, and a couldn't care less TL. MOO

Anyway, sorry, I'll go back to the topic of this Sept interview, I was just responding to a post above :)

TL may not be the primary victim in this case but he is a victim nonetheless. He knew this girl for a month and a half at best, let her stay at his apt all the time, all the while she was still invested with RM and seeking out a new interest in WW(thats not the end of the man list I'm sure but it's late and I'm tired). Most males do not wear their hearts on their sleeves so we don't know how deeply he felt about KC. But if he invested any feelings in her(and I believe he did) she sure has left her mark on him. Can you imagine how difficult it will be for him in the future to trust a girl after what KC's done? And who in their right mind would not distance themselves from someone they've known such a short time after finding out all he found out. I am sure he, like the rest of us, couldn't get past certain factors to have any faith in KC's innocence. 31 days, the lies to LE who could have helped her had she been innocent, the non existent nanny, her duplicity (job, school, boys, etc etc etc). If he were my son, I'd tell him to ski on as fast as possible. This girl is trouble with a capital T and she's already caused you enough. I am also sure that TL thinks about Caylee probably every day at this point, and for the rest of his life will remember her.

All you said about LA could easily and accurately be turned. LE knew the family was not telling all they could, making excuses for KC, outright lying in some cases and the A's were hostile to LE because they were following the facts and the A's didn't like where the facts were going. The A's would not listen to LE. Thats not LE's fault. As far as LE not removing the crowd outside the A home, the A's did all they could to antagonize the public---not LE's fault either. MO is that LE has bent over backwards for this family and many many others who would behave this same way.....they'd be sitting in a jail cell right now. The point of the wire would have to be answered by LE but my guess is they were trying any means possible to find out any info that could help them find Caylee.

Anyway I just had to respond to your post the way you felt the need to respond to anothers. It's all good tho, we will just have to agree to disagree. :cow:
TL may not be the primary victim in this case but he is a victim nonetheless. He knew this girl for a month and a half at best, let her stay at his apt all the time, all the while she was still invested with RM and seeking out a new interest in WW(thats not the end of the man list I'm sure but it's late and I'm tired). Most males do not wear their hearts on their sleeves so we don't know how deeply he felt about KC. But if he invested any feelings in her(and I believe he did) she sure has left her mark on him. Can you imagine how difficult it will be for him in the future to trust a girl after what KC's done? And who in their right mind would not distance themselves from someone they've known such a short time after finding out all he found out. I am sure he, like the rest of us, couldn't get past certain factors to have any faith in KC's innocence. 31 days, the lies to LE who could have helped her had she been innocent, the non existent nanny, her duplicity (job, school, boys, etc etc etc). If he were my son, I'd tell him to ski on as fast as possible. This girl is trouble with a capital T and she's already caused you enough. I am also sure that TL thinks about Caylee probably every day at this point, and for the rest of his life will remember her.

All you said about LA could easily and accurately be turned. LE knew the family was not telling all they could, making excuses for KC, outright lying in some cases and the A's were hostile to LE because they were following the facts and the A's didn't like where the facts were going. The A's would not listen to LE. Thats not LE's fault. As far as LE not removing the crowd outside the A home, the A's did all they could to antagonize the public---not LE's fault either. MO is that LE has bent over backwards for this family and many many others who would behave this same way.....they'd be sitting in a jail cell right now. The point of the wire would have to be answered by LE but my guess is they were trying any means possible to find out any info that could help them find Caylee.

Anyway I just had to respond to your post the way you felt the need to respond to anothers. It's all good tho, we will just have to agree to disagree. :cow:

Don't forget IassenD. She was IM'ing him some things that TL would not have liked to see (especially since she was staying at TL's place for free because she was supposed to be a loyal girlfriend), and she even tells ID in the text that she would not be flirting with him if TL were there, she would have to hide what she was writing.
Funny thing about ID, he told LE that he had no doubts that Casey murdered Caylee on her own. He had seen the ugly side of humanity overseas and found it possible without attaching too much emotion.
A lot of these guys, TL included, were not investing serious time in KC, serious as in marriage or even exclusive dating. At the end of the day, TL did not expect to be staying in Orlando anyway.
You are incorrect.
It was Tony who was wired to get info from Lee, not the other way around. Lee was never nor has been that cooperative with LE to have done such a thing.

Here is a link explaining how it all went down:

This is the first I am aware that TL's apartment was burgalarized while he was in NY. A window was broke, money taken, perp left through the front door hmmmmm......
Don't forget IassenD. She was IM'ing him some things that TL would not have liked to see (especially since she was staying at TL's place for free because she was supposed to be a loyal girlfriend), and she even tells ID in the text that she would not be flirting with him if TL were there, she would have to hide what she was writing.
Funny thing about ID, he told LE that he had no doubts that Casey murdered Caylee on her own. He had seen the ugly side of humanity overseas and found it possible without attaching too much emotion.
A lot of these guys, TL included, were not investing serious time in KC, serious as in marriage or even exclusive dating. At the end of the day, TL did not expect to be staying in Orlando anyway.

Bold is mine...KC was playing fast and loose. TL was NOT looking for a permanent relationship but with KC, he had a maid, someone who bought groceries over (with a house full of guys crashing, groceries are a good thing),
someone to do his laundry and someone to answer that booty call every once in a while. TL had the best of both worlds. As my dear Momma said "Why buy the cow if ya get the milk free...."
I'm positive Caylee will have a huge impact on TL's life forever more.
Suppose this:

Antoinette is a 4th year university student, living in an apartment with various other female students to share rent. She works at a night club part time to help with her expenses. She meets a handsome young man who is a lot of fun and they click. He spends a lot of time with her at her apartment, going out and soon he is spending the night. He works part time and is raising his toddler son. The little boy is visiting grandparents so they spend 30 days together. He is very accomodating, doing all sorts of "man" stuff around the apartment and fixes her car.

Then one night, out of the blue, she finds out that the man's son is missing, hasn't been seen by anyone for 30 days. He gets arrested and tells nothing but lies. The child's body is found, and he is charged with murder.

Does she freak out when she realizes she has been living with a murderer? Will she be a little nervous around his family? Wouldn't she be wise to cut bait? Is it something that would haunt her forever? Sure.

How could she ever trust her own judgment of people again?

Same with TL. Good grief, he was intimately involved with a woman who had killed her child. You can't wash that off. He is a victim of KC. She left a lot of victims.
This is the first I am aware that TL's apartment was burgalarized while he was in NY. A window was broke, money taken, perp left through the front door hmmmmm......

I did not know this either! I thought one of TL's aquaintance's apt had been broken in to and I thought that I heard this in an interview between TL and LE. Because I thought LE asked TL if he thought KC could have done it? Am I imagining I heard all that? Some of TL's interviews were very hard for me to follow. JMO

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