2008.09.08 Anthony L. Interview ***REVISITED***

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
It would be reasonable to think that KC might have drank alittle too much and lost control when she first partied-hard after killing her own daughter. 5 nights after the fact, in fact...

Re: the first part of your post about LE getting dates wrong...good Lord! I've lost count of how many discovery items we are privey to with "Common Sense Knowledge" of the many typos and date errors! Are these typos and date errors going to work in KC's defense? I shudder to think about it...:confused:

FWIW, in LE's interview w/ AR, AR states that at least once her saw her "sloppy" drunk. That would have been back in December of '07. Ar sstates that Jessee had to literally carry her out to the car to take her home.

He goes on to say that this is not typical (from what little he really knows of KC IMO) because she can usually put away some alcohol without being sloppy drunk, so he's assuming she must have had quite a bit in order to get that intoxicated.

(OT, but I've read that women react differently to alcohol at different times of the menstrual cycle - IOW - can have different results from the same amount of alcohol.)
During TL interview they keep asking him if he had ever seen a duffle bag. I am wondering if CA or GA had reported that one of the hamper bags was missing and that is the reason for those questions.
During TL interview they keep asking him if he had ever seen a duffle bag. I am wondering if CA or GA had reported that one of the hamper bags was missing and that is the reason for those questions.
That part confused me...the only time I heard about a duffle-like bag was when Lee brought Casey's clothes home.
That part confused me...the only time I heard about a duffle-like bag was when Lee brought Casey's clothes home.

I believe what LE was trying to figure out was when KC "moved in" with Tony, and by extension, what her movements were. Remember that at the time of the interview we were still three months away from finding Caylee. In addition, LE had just begun trying to track KC via her cell pings.

On the 16th, after murdering her child, she only brought clothes to spend the night in. The next day she went to the 'rents and got fresh clothes. This continued for a solid week. IMHO LE was trying to validate what they thought they were seeing with the cell pings by using Tony's recollections.
I still want to know who she allegedly threatened to kill on June 27, 2008 when she wrote to TonE's friend on June 28:

"1:12pm Casey posts Facebook message to Cameron: "Got drunk last night. Threatened to kill someone. Good times."
A few things about KC "living" with Tony have bothered me, and this was amplified by the "undiscovered" Sept. 8 interview. Here are some excerpts:

Speaking with Det. Edwards about June 16:
EE: What did she bring to your apartment that night clothing-wise?
TL: Just probably something to sleep in.
EE: So she didn’t like show up with a ruck sack and a, that big bag that her brother ended up coming? That wasn’t the night she brought that?
TL: No. I don’t think she brought, she didn’t have that until I think from, I’m pretty sure until the 27th. That’s when she had stuff.
EE: Okay. So she…
TL: That’s what made me think that when that was the time I guess when she started staying…
EE: When she set up camp?
TL: Just yeah (affirmative), well that’s….
The "ruck sack" does not show up for another 11 days (or so). In the undercover video with Lee, Tony mentions that KC more or less moved in on the 27th, which happened to be the day he went to NY. :rolleyes:

This is immediately followed by:
EE: So before that she was just driving back and forth to Mom and Dad’s getting fresh clothes?
TL: I wouldn’t, uh, there would be times where I, I’m, that’s why I was saying that it was like, it’s kind of hard to remember if she, she might have been there the nights that I was, I was home. But staying there during the day I don’t know. I know for a fact that when I came back, and right before I, I left she was there during the days at my house. Like after that then she was like staying there. I don’t think she ever left my place.
I found this rather surprising, as that first week (June 16 - June 20) KC's cell phone pings from Tony's apartment and then from the Anthony's on the 17th, 18th, and 20th, yet during that time Tony's phone pings from his apartment. His school schedule is such that he is home the 18th and 20th, and he voluntarily took the 17th off (he says he did not go anywhere that day). How could Tony forget those days as being ones where KC leaves? :waitasec:

Reading the interview further, it is implied she was not there the eveing of the 17th, and Tony was not sure she was there the evening of the 18th. He said he needed to check his cell records to be sure.
EE: Wednesday is, did she come back that night and stay over? Because…
TL: Uh…
EE: …she stayed somewhere from that point on.
TL: I can’t remember if she was there that night or not. I’d have to look, uh, it’s, it’s better if I go in my phone records. Because if I’m talking to her at night then I know she’s not at my place. If I’m not talking to her then she’s probably, she could very well could be to my place.
Huh??? :eek:

If she suddenly started staying over from the 16th on, one would think he'd remember that, right? :waitasec:

Well, he does remember her staying over the night of the 20th:
EE: Alright, let me run, let me run back then to the, I just want to make sure that wasn’t the 20th.
TL: Okay.
EE: Anything stand out in your mind? She stay overnight that night of the hot body?
TL: Oh, yeah (affirmative).
EE: So…
TL: Stayed over that night.
EE: You say oh, yeah (affirmative). How do, how do we know that?
TL: Because I remember her being, the reason why she even did the hot body was because she got a little drunk that night, and she also ran my bar, oh, she ran, because I al…I usually go in there, I’ll usually go there early, like seven, eight o’clock, order some food, make sure everybody gets there on time, like I was working, and have my tab opened, you know? Never actually run, you know never ever actually have a tab. I made the mistake of saying you could buy a couple drinks on my tab. Well, because, because (inaudible) I get my money for that night and I got to use it to close the tab. So, she spent like sixty dollars on my tab that night. That’s how I, I can remember stuff like that.
YM: (Laughs.)
TL: Uh, because I remember scold…I was getting, I got pissed about that one.
EE: Is that the night she’s in the blue dress dancing with a girl in shorts there?
TL: Yup (affirmative).
YM: That’s 20th, right? That’s…
EE: Yeah (affirmative).
YM: Yeah (affirmative), that’s 20th.
IMHO, Tony is sorta, kinda saying that her staying over the nights of the 17th - 19th is in question. :eek:

Let's look at the cell records. Here is late June 17 / early June 18:
6/17/08 TUE 11:24:43 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/17/08 TUE 11:26:39 PM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony
6/17/08 TUE 11:27:33 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/17/08 TUE 11:28:19 PM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

6/18/08 WED 12:10:17 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Papa J's Pizza
6/18/08 WED 12:11:22 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Papa J's Pizza
6/18/08 WED 12:17:48 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Unidentified # 4074339999
6/18/08 WED 12:19:24 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Unidentified # 4074339999
6/18/08 WED 12:22:07 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/18/08 WED 12:31:31 AM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

Here is morning of June 19 (remember, Tony did not have school until 9:00 that day):
6/19/08 THU 8:32:28 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/19/08 THU 11:03:47 AM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

And finally, here is the early AM of the 20th:
6/20/08 FRI 12:22:32 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
Why is KC texting Tony if they are supposedly in the same room? :waitasec:

IMHO, if you put Tony's recollections together with the cell phone record, KC was sleeping in her car most nights between June 17 and June 27.

More specifically, one can almost imagine her going to bed w/ Tony on the 16th with Caylee asleep in the trunk...finding her dead on the 17th...spending the evening of the 17th / 18th / 19th in the car with her dead child ... then on the 20th going out to party after deciding to discard the body. :eek:

This could further explain why she got so little sleep during that time period. :eek:
JWG Great work!

A real NANCY on first read!

Have to think 'bout it a bit.

When was the shower at JG's place?

PS Ok shower at JG was July 1st?
Perhaps not part of car living? Car left at Amscot June 27th
Thinking about sleeping in car, possibly very short of sleep over several days, makes me wonder about some sort of drug use to cope?

Were samples af KC's hair taken into evidence at any stage? Would these be tested for drugs over the entire time-scale length of hair allowed?

I have checked available evidence details.

There were samples taken of KC's hair

Head hair from ANTHONY, Casey Orange County Jail (H-52050, item #3) K-8 FBI No. K2 10:20 p.m. 21/07/2008
Pulled head hair from ANTHONY, Casey Orange County Jail (H-52050, item #4) K-9 FBI No. K2 10:26 p.m. 21/07/2008

These hair samples relayed to FBI (No.K2), so there were some tests? No doubt there were DNA type tests, but could be other testing?
I wonder if "Meals on wheels" consisted of "Velvetta" on crackers? Spread with the now famous kitchen knife? :confused:

Maybe part of the smell was rancid KC?:eek: :bath:
When those pictures first surfaced, I thought that was a lycra jogging kind of top.

You're right, EmMomma :) No black dress. More about the tank top here, Scroll up to about post #210 or the top of page 9 for the start of the new stuff [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3744717#post3744717"]Items found by searchers in Wooded Area 8-17-2008 - Page 9 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
It's interesting that AL mentions a black dress/the black dress as being there with those items, since no black dress was shown in the pictures that were released of that find (at the time or subsequently, to my knowledge). He also says over by Amscott or something, doesn't he? Wonder why he thought LE would have found clothes by the Amscot? MOO Very interesting. Thanks for posting the missing interview parts, JWG!

Speak of the question of "coasting" up into the Amscot, isn't it kind of up on a hill compared to the street? I've only driven by it once, I've always had that impression in my mind but maybe I'm wrong.
Thanks for the awesome summary. I find the overtalking and interruptive interview style difficult to follow so your summary really cleared up the disjointed segments.

This group of friends is so verbally challenged its a miracle that they understand each other when they are sober. Almost every interview is garbled. Scary when you consider some of them were LE.
JWG Great work!

A real NANCY on first read!

Have to think 'bout it a bit.

When was the shower at JG's place?

PS Ok shower at JG was July 1st?
Perhaps not part of car living? Car left at Amscot June 27th

I have to admit I was kinda half-joking when I posted that theory [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3752165&postcount=167"]here[/ame]. After all, it appeared she did not leave the area, so what did she do? Sleep in the car in the parking lot at Tony's apartment complex? Someone would see her - someone would see her in just about any parking lot. On top of that, it can get kind of warm sleeping in a car in summer in Orlando.

But maybe she did leave the area, and it just did not show in the cell record. :waitasec: When I first looked at her records it looked to me like she goes to sleep and wakes up at Tony's, but upon further review it looks to me like she turns the phone off somewhere near Tony's and then turns it back on in the same area. The phone is off long enough to drive somewhere, get a decent amount of sleep, and then drive back.

Here are the time windows for the three evenings (17th, 18th, 19th) when KC seems to turn off her phone for a lengthy period and then turns it back on:
6/18/08 WED 12:31:31 AM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony
6/18/08 WED 7:55:20 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697724 Casey Anthony
(nearly 7 1/2 hours)

6/18/08 WED 6:57:42 PM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony George & Cindy Anthony
6/19/08 THU 8:32:28 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
(13 1/2 hours)

6/20/08 FRI 12:22:32 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/20/08 FRI 8:10:56 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697724 Casey Anthony
(nearly 8 hours)
Notice how each time window either begins or ends with a text 'tween KC and Tony? :eek:

So...just where did she go if it was not Tony's? :waitasec:
A few things about KC "living" with Tony have bothered me, and this was amplified by the "undiscovered" Sept. 8 interview. Here are some excerpts:

Speaking with Det. Edwards about June 16:
EE: What did she bring to your apartment that night clothing-wise?
TL: Just probably something to sleep in.
EE: So she didn’t like show up with a ruck sack and a, that big bag that her brother ended up coming? That wasn’t the night she brought that?
TL: No. I don’t think she brought, she didn’t have that until I think from, I’m pretty sure until the 27th. That’s when she had stuff.
EE: Okay. So she…
TL: That’s what made me think that when that was the time I guess when she started staying…
EE: When she set up camp?
TL: Just yeah (affirmative), well that’s….
The "ruck sack" does not show up for another 11 days (or so). In the undercover video with Lee, Tony mentions that KC more or less moved in on the 27th, which happened to be the day he went to NY. :rolleyes:

This is immediately followed by:
EE: So before that she was just driving back and forth to Mom and Dad’s getting fresh clothes?
TL: I wouldn’t, uh, there would be times where I, I’m, that’s why I was saying that it was like, it’s kind of hard to remember if she, she might have been there the nights that I was, I was home. But staying there during the day I don’t know. I know for a fact that when I came back, and right before I, I left she was there during the days at my house. Like after that then she was like staying there. I don’t think she ever left my place.
I found this rather surprising, as that first week (June 16 - June 20) KC's cell phone pings from Tony's apartment and then from the Anthony's on the 17th, 18th, and 20th, yet during that time Tony's phone pings from his apartment. His school schedule is such that he is home the 18th and 20th, and he voluntarily took the 17th off (he says he did not go anywhere that day). How could Tony forget those days as being ones where KC leaves? :waitasec:

Reading the interview further, it is implied she was not there the eveing of the 17th, and Tony was not sure she was there the evening of the 18th. He said he needed to check his cell records to be sure.
EE: Wednesday is, did she come back that night and stay over? Because…
TL: Uh…
EE: …she stayed somewhere from that point on.
TL: I can’t remember if she was there that night or not. I’d have to look, uh, it’s, it’s better if I go in my phone records. Because if I’m talking to her at night then I know she’s not at my place. If I’m not talking to her then she’s probably, she could very well could be to my place.
Huh??? :eek:

If she suddenly started staying over from the 16th on, one would think he'd remember that, right? :waitasec:

Well, he does remember her staying over the night of the 20th:
EE: Alright, let me run, let me run back then to the, I just want to make sure that wasn’t the 20th.
TL: Okay.
EE: Anything stand out in your mind? She stay overnight that night of the hot body?
TL: Oh, yeah (affirmative).
EE: So…
TL: Stayed over that night.
EE: You say oh, yeah (affirmative). How do, how do we know that?
TL: Because I remember her being, the reason why she even did the hot body was because she got a little drunk that night, and she also ran my bar, oh, she ran, because I al…I usually go in there, I’ll usually go there early, like seven, eight o’clock, order some food, make sure everybody gets there on time, like I was working, and have my tab opened, you know? Never actually run, you know never ever actually have a tab. I made the mistake of saying you could buy a couple drinks on my tab. Well, because, because (inaudible) I get my money for that night and I got to use it to close the tab. So, she spent like sixty dollars on my tab that night. That’s how I, I can remember stuff like that.
YM: (Laughs.)
TL: Uh, because I remember scold…I was getting, I got pissed about that one.
EE: Is that the night she’s in the blue dress dancing with a girl in shorts there?
TL: Yup (affirmative).
YM: That’s 20th, right? That’s…
EE: Yeah (affirmative).
YM: Yeah (affirmative), that’s 20th.
IMHO, Tony is sorta, kinda saying that her staying over the nights of the 17th - 19th is in question. :eek:

Let's look at the cell records. Here is late June 17 / early June 18:
6/17/08 TUE 11:24:43 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/17/08 TUE 11:26:39 PM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony
6/17/08 TUE 11:27:33 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/17/08 TUE 11:28:19 PM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

6/18/08 WED 12:10:17 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Papa J's Pizza
6/18/08 WED 12:11:22 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Papa J's Pizza
6/18/08 WED 12:17:48 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Unidentified # 4074339999
6/18/08 WED 12:19:24 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Unidentified # 4074339999
6/18/08 WED 12:22:07 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/18/08 WED 12:31:31 AM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

Here is morning of June 19 (remember, Tony did not have school until 9:00 that day):
6/19/08 THU 8:32:28 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/19/08 THU 11:03:47 AM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

And finally, here is the early AM of the 20th:
6/20/08 FRI 12:22:32 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
Why is KC texting Tony if they are supposedly in the same room? :waitasec:

IMHO, if you put Tony's recollections together with the cell phone record, KC was sleeping in her car most nights between June 17 and June 27.

More specifically, one can almost imagine her going to bed w/ Tony on the 16th with Caylee asleep in the trunk...finding her dead on the 17th...spending the evening of the 17th / 18th / 19th in the car with her dead child ... then on the 20th going out to party after deciding to discard the body. :eek:

This could further explain why she got so little sleep during that time period. :eek:

I have always suspected that KC spent at least one night in her car, due to the evidence of the knife, the pizza order and some of the contents of the white trash bag found in her car. I think she may have taken a partly filled bag of trash from AL's apartment and used it to stash her own rubbish from the car - soft drink containers, pizza box, etc.

I have also suspected that she spent the night of June 30 - July 1 in her car - hence the need for a shower at JG's, but I haven't checked that idea against the ping/cell/testimony evidence yet - could be wrong! :rolleyes:

I have never believed that she 'moved in' with TL on 16 June - I have always thought she just pitched up there that day because she had to hide somewhere since she obviously couldn't go home with her 'bundle in the trunk' and TL's offered the best chance of 'a neutral place'! :( TL's most recently revealed statement confirms for me that he was not expecting to see KC that Monday evening - they had made no advance plans for that day.
I have always suspected that KC spent at least one night in her car, due to the evidence of the knife, the pizza order and some of the contents of the white trash bag found in her car. I think she may have taken a partly filled bag of trash from AL's apartment and used it to stash her own rubbish from the car - soft drink containers, pizza box, etc.

I have also suspected that she spent the night of June 30 - July 1 in her car - hence the need for a shower at JG's, but I haven't checked that idea against the ping/cell/testimony evidence yet - could be wrong! :rolleyes:

I have never believed that she 'moved in' with TL on 16 June - I have always thought she just pitched up there that day because she had to hide somewhere since she obviously couldn't go home with her 'bundle in the trunk' and TL's offered the best chance of 'a neutral place'! :( TL's most recently revealed statement confirms for me that he was not expecting to see KC that Monday evening - they had made no advance plans for that day.

IIRC, Cindy even mentioned at one point that Casey (and Caylee?) had slept in the car. I know she made a comment about it at some point in her ramblings, but can't for the life of me remember when. Of course, even that would be ASSuming that Cindy was telling the truth :rolleyes: and not trying to cover up something...once again.
A few things about KC "living" with Tony have bothered me, and this was amplified by the "undiscovered" Sept. 8 interview. Here are some excerpts:

Speaking with Det. Edwards about June 16:
EE: What did she bring to your apartment that night clothing-wise?
TL: Just probably something to sleep in.
EE: So she didn’t like show up with a ruck sack and a, that big bag that her brother ended up coming? That wasn’t the night she brought that?
TL: No. I don’t think she brought, she didn’t have that until I think from, I’m pretty sure until the 27th. That’s when she had stuff.
EE: Okay. So she…
TL: That’s what made me think that when that was the time I guess when she started staying…
EE: When she set up camp?
TL: Just yeah (affirmative), well that’s….
The "ruck sack" does not show up for another 11 days (or so). In the undercover video with Lee, Tony mentions that KC more or less moved in on the 27th, which happened to be the day he went to NY. :rolleyes:

This is immediately followed by:
EE: So before that she was just driving back and forth to Mom and Dad’s getting fresh clothes?
TL: I wouldn’t, uh, there would be times where I, I’m, that’s why I was saying that it was like, it’s kind of hard to remember if she, she might have been there the nights that I was, I was home. But staying there during the day I don’t know. I know for a fact that when I came back, and right before I, I left she was there during the days at my house. Like after that then she was like staying there. I don’t think she ever left my place.
I found this rather surprising, as that first week (June 16 - June 20) KC's cell phone pings from Tony's apartment and then from the Anthony's on the 17th, 18th, and 20th, yet during that time Tony's phone pings from his apartment. His school schedule is such that he is home the 18th and 20th, and he voluntarily took the 17th off (he says he did not go anywhere that day). How could Tony forget those days as being ones where KC leaves? :waitasec:

Reading the interview further, it is implied she was not there the eveing of the 17th, and Tony was not sure she was there the evening of the 18th. He said he needed to check his cell records to be sure.
EE: Wednesday is, did she come back that night and stay over? Because…
TL: Uh…
EE: …she stayed somewhere from that point on.
TL: I can’t remember if she was there that night or not. I’d have to look, uh, it’s, it’s better if I go in my phone records. Because if I’m talking to her at night then I know she’s not at my place. If I’m not talking to her then she’s probably, she could very well could be to my place.
Huh??? :eek:

If she suddenly started staying over from the 16th on, one would think he'd remember that, right? :waitasec:

Well, he does remember her staying over the night of the 20th:
EE: Alright, let me run, let me run back then to the, I just want to make sure that wasn’t the 20th.
TL: Okay.
EE: Anything stand out in your mind? She stay overnight that night of the hot body?
TL: Oh, yeah (affirmative).
EE: So…
TL: Stayed over that night.
EE: You say oh, yeah (affirmative). How do, how do we know that?
TL: Because I remember her being, the reason why she even did the hot body was because she got a little drunk that night, and she also ran my bar, oh, she ran, because I al…I usually go in there, I’ll usually go there early, like seven, eight o’clock, order some food, make sure everybody gets there on time, like I was working, and have my tab opened, you know? Never actually run, you know never ever actually have a tab. I made the mistake of saying you could buy a couple drinks on my tab. Well, because, because (inaudible) I get my money for that night and I got to use it to close the tab. So, she spent like sixty dollars on my tab that night. That’s how I, I can remember stuff like that.
YM: (Laughs.)
TL: Uh, because I remember scold…I was getting, I got pissed about that one.
EE: Is that the night she’s in the blue dress dancing with a girl in shorts there?
TL: Yup (affirmative).
YM: That’s 20th, right? That’s…
EE: Yeah (affirmative).
YM: Yeah (affirmative), that’s 20th.
IMHO, Tony is sorta, kinda saying that her staying over the nights of the 17th - 19th is in question. :eek:

Let's look at the cell records. Here is late June 17 / early June 18:
6/17/08 TUE 11:24:43 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/17/08 TUE 11:26:39 PM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony
6/17/08 TUE 11:27:33 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/17/08 TUE 11:28:19 PM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

6/18/08 WED 12:10:17 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Papa J's Pizza
6/18/08 WED 12:11:22 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Papa J's Pizza
6/18/08 WED 12:17:48 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Unidentified # 4074339999
6/18/08 WED 12:19:24 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Unidentified # 4074339999
6/18/08 WED 12:22:07 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/18/08 WED 12:31:31 AM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

Here is morning of June 19 (remember, Tony did not have school until 9:00 that day):
6/19/08 THU 8:32:28 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/19/08 THU 11:03:47 AM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

And finally, here is the early AM of the 20th:
6/20/08 FRI 12:22:32 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
Why is KC texting Tony if they are supposedly in the same room? :waitasec:

IMHO, if you put Tony's recollections together with the cell phone record, KC was sleeping in her car most nights between June 17 and June 27.

More specifically, one can almost imagine her going to bed w/ Tony on the 16th with Caylee asleep in the trunk...finding her dead on the 17th...spending the evening of the 17th / 18th / 19th in the car with her dead child ... then on the 20th going out to party after deciding to discard the body. :eek:

This could further explain why she got so little sleep during that time period. :eek:

In regards to the Papa John's pizza order, I remember reading if not TL's interview, perhaps Nate's, about Casey ordering pizza late one night, perhaps for TL after coming home from school. I will have to go back and check for sure and post the link.
There are 2 Papa John's in the area one is (by coincidence) located in the same strip plaza as the Amscot on Colonial and Goldenrod and the other on Semoran Blvd.

Okay, just finished reading Nates interview and no mention of the pizza ordering incident
Will look for Camerons interview....
I know I read it or heard it....how frustrating LOL LOL
A few things about KC "living" with Tony have bothered me, and this was amplified by the "undiscovered" Sept. 8 interview. Here are some excerpts:

Speaking with Det. Edwards about June 16:
EE: What did she bring to your apartment that night clothing-wise?
TL: Just probably something to sleep in.
EE: So she didn’t like show up with a ruck sack and a, that big bag that her brother ended up coming? That wasn’t the night she brought that?
TL: No. I don’t think she brought, she didn’t have that until I think from, I’m pretty sure until the 27th. That’s when she had stuff.
EE: Okay. So she…
TL: That’s what made me think that when that was the time I guess when she started staying…
EE: When she set up camp?
TL: Just yeah (affirmative), well that’s….
The "ruck sack" does not show up for another 11 days (or so). In the undercover video with Lee, Tony mentions that KC more or less moved in on the 27th, which happened to be the day he went to NY. :rolleyes:

This is immediately followed by:
EE: So before that she was just driving back and forth to Mom and Dad’s getting fresh clothes?
TL: I wouldn’t, uh, there would be times where I, I’m, that’s why I was saying that it was like, it’s kind of hard to remember if she, she might have been there the nights that I was, I was home. But staying there during the day I don’t know. I know for a fact that when I came back, and right before I, I left she was there during the days at my house. Like after that then she was like staying there. I don’t think she ever left my place.
I found this rather surprising, as that first week (June 16 - June 20) KC's cell phone pings from Tony's apartment and then from the Anthony's on the 17th, 18th, and 20th, yet during that time Tony's phone pings from his apartment. His school schedule is such that he is home the 18th and 20th, and he voluntarily took the 17th off (he says he did not go anywhere that day). How could Tony forget those days as being ones where KC leaves? :waitasec:

Reading the interview further, it is implied she was not there the eveing of the 17th, and Tony was not sure she was there the evening of the 18th. He said he needed to check his cell records to be sure.
EE: Wednesday is, did she come back that night and stay over? Because…
TL: Uh…
EE: …she stayed somewhere from that point on.
TL: I can’t remember if she was there that night or not. I’d have to look, uh, it’s, it’s better if I go in my phone records. Because if I’m talking to her at night then I know she’s not at my place. If I’m not talking to her then she’s probably, she could very well could be to my place.
Huh??? :eek:

If she suddenly started staying over from the 16th on, one would think he'd remember that, right? :waitasec:

Well, he does remember her staying over the night of the 20th:
EE: Alright, let me run, let me run back then to the, I just want to make sure that wasn’t the 20th.
TL: Okay.
EE: Anything stand out in your mind? She stay overnight that night of the hot body?
TL: Oh, yeah (affirmative).
EE: So…
TL: Stayed over that night.
EE: You say oh, yeah (affirmative). How do, how do we know that?
TL: Because I remember her being, the reason why she even did the hot body was because she got a little drunk that night, and she also ran my bar, oh, she ran, because I al…I usually go in there, I’ll usually go there early, like seven, eight o’clock, order some food, make sure everybody gets there on time, like I was working, and have my tab opened, you know? Never actually run, you know never ever actually have a tab. I made the mistake of saying you could buy a couple drinks on my tab. Well, because, because (inaudible) I get my money for that night and I got to use it to close the tab. So, she spent like sixty dollars on my tab that night. That’s how I, I can remember stuff like that.
YM: (Laughs.)
TL: Uh, because I remember scold…I was getting, I got pissed about that one.
EE: Is that the night she’s in the blue dress dancing with a girl in shorts there?
TL: Yup (affirmative).
YM: That’s 20th, right? That’s…
EE: Yeah (affirmative).
YM: Yeah (affirmative), that’s 20th.
IMHO, Tony is sorta, kinda saying that her staying over the nights of the 17th - 19th is in question. :eek:

Let's look at the cell records. Here is late June 17 / early June 18:
6/17/08 TUE 11:24:43 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/17/08 TUE 11:26:39 PM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony
6/17/08 TUE 11:27:33 PM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/17/08 TUE 11:28:19 PM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

6/18/08 WED 12:10:17 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Papa J's Pizza
6/18/08 WED 12:11:22 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Papa J's Pizza
6/18/08 WED 12:17:48 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Unidentified # 4074339999
6/18/08 WED 12:19:24 AM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony Unidentified # 4074339999
6/18/08 WED 12:22:07 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/18/08 WED 12:31:31 AM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

Here is morning of June 19 (remember, Tony did not have school until 9:00 that day):
6/19/08 THU 8:32:28 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/19/08 THU 11:03:47 AM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony

And finally, here is the early AM of the 20th:
6/20/08 FRI 12:22:32 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
Why is KC texting Tony if they are supposedly in the same room? :waitasec:

IMHO, if you put Tony's recollections together with the cell phone record, KC was sleeping in her car most nights between June 17 and June 27.

More specifically, one can almost imagine her going to bed w/ Tony on the 16th with Caylee asleep in the trunk...finding her dead on the 17th...spending the evening of the 17th / 18th / 19th in the car with her dead child ... then on the 20th going out to party after deciding to discard the body. :eek:

This could further explain why she got so little sleep during that time period. :eek:
Ok...one question...not really, I have tons...but what night(s) did he have the lab till 1:00am...if it was Thursday then her texting him early on the 20th makes sense, no? I've thought she had to have been in her car for a couple of days.

Your work is just amazing BTW!
I have to admit I was kinda half-joking when I posted that theory here. After all, it appeared she did not leave the area, so what did she do? Sleep in the car in the parking lot at Tony's apartment complex? Someone would see her - someone would see her in just about any parking lot. On top of that, it can get kind of warm sleeping in a car in summer in Orlando.

But maybe she did leave the area, and it just did not show in the cell record. :waitasec: When I first looked at her records it looked to me like she goes to sleep and wakes up at Tony's, but upon further review it looks to me like she turns the phone off somewhere near Tony's and then turns it back on in the same area. The phone is off long enough to drive somewhere, get a decent amount of sleep, and then drive back.

Here are the time windows for the three evenings (17th, 18th, 19th) when KC seems to turn off her phone for a lengthy period and then turns it back on:
6/18/08 WED 12:31:31 AM INCOMING TEXT Anthony Lazzaro Casey Anthony
6/18/08 WED 7:55:20 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697724 Casey Anthony
(nearly 7 1/2 hours)

6/18/08 WED 6:57:42 PM OUTGOING CALL Casey Anthony George & Cindy Anthony
6/19/08 THU 8:32:28 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
(13 1/2 hours)

6/20/08 FRI 12:22:32 AM OUTGOING TEXT Casey Anthony Anthony Lazzaro
6/20/08 FRI 8:10:56 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697724 Casey Anthony
(nearly 8 hours)
Notice how each time window either begins or ends with a text 'tween KC and Tony? :eek:

So...just where did she go if it was not Tony's? :waitasec:
Could she have been at Tony's and left before he woke up? Wasn't she supposed to be working? It would have been later on that she got "permission" to work from home (HA!), right?
Could she have been at Tony's and left before he woke up? Wasn't she supposed to be working? It would have been later on that she got "permission" to work from home (HA!), right?

But she wouldn't have been "supposed to be working" during those hours.

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