2008.09.08 Anthony L. Interview ***REVISITED***

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Thank you JWG... !

There is a part of this interview, bottom of pg 5, w/ Tony...where he tells investigators (when asked if Casey talked about a dead animal in her car) that when he brought the subject up to Casey on July 16th, she was trying to tell Tony that she had told him about the animal and the smell. That's not the exact quote. But, they act like they don't want him to talk about it further, maybe they already have this information in another interview, that is not yet released. That will be good evidence, Casey trying to tell Tony, on July 16th, that she had told him about the dead animals causing the smell in her trunk and he forgot...while he is denying she told him this, hopefully that's the way it went down.

Eddie Murphy would say, "Baby, it watn't me! I know you say you looked right at me, but it watn't me! Are you gonna believe me, or your lyin' eyes?"
She slipped up on other occasions thinking she told him something, but it was Ricardo she had told. In her text messages with Tony he busts her lying about having told him things. She just sticks to her story. Cindy would be so proud. LOL
IMO, this is why she was circling around that area so much right before she parked it at Amscot (according to NG and pings). She was trying to use up the gas she had put into it 4 days ago to have an excuse to leave it somewhere.

Maybe she was stalling until there were no cars there so no one would see her when she got out...
One thing that really stood out to me in this interview is that it really didn't seem like Tony liked KC at all. It may be in light of the situation (your girlfriend killing her daughter tends to make things go a little soft) but he talks about remembering being ticked off about having to help her when she ran out of gas...again, how annoying her "drunken randomous" talking was, how annoying she was in general. She was nothing more then a quick fling to him, that I'm sure would have been thrown out shortly if she hadn't been arrested for that pesky child murder thing.

I can't wait to see how she reacts to his testimony. I bet we see more of a reaction to that from her then anyone else.

Remember when Scott Peterson said in an interview he was proud of Amber for coming forward and telling the truth? When Casey was arrested for murder and she is in the interview room with the FBI agent, asking about her dad testifying against her to the grand jury that day, she is so detached and flippant, and pretending she told him to be honorable, "Do what you have to do, Dad!" , she went on to explain she wouldn't want him to be in contempt of court. She, like Scott, really believe that the listener is buying her pretense of character, (not to mention that she wanted to impress the FBI agent of her understanding of the legal system, LOL). She will flirt with him even at the trial as he testifies against her. I am sure he feels like such a fool and a sucker. Yes, he is going to try to distance himself and minimize how "in to her " he was, but his action then show he was not in love with her by any stretch of the imagination, so I believe his behavior now is consistent, he was using her for sex. He even tried hinting around to her that she was not the kind of gal he was looking for saying such overt things like when I marry, I only want boys: translation, I don't now nor will I ever want to marry you and adopt your daughter. Any girl in her right mind would have replied to that deal breaker....see ya! Yet, she stayed.
TL: I wouldn’t, uh, there would be times where I, I’m, that’s why I was saying that it was like, it’s kind of hard to remember if she, she might have been there the nights that I was, I was home. But staying there during the day I don’t know. I know for a fact that when I came back, and right before I, I left she was there during the days at my house. Like after that then she was like staying there. I don’t think she ever left my place.

First - thanks for posting the details everyone. I haven't been able to open the file due to problems w/ Acrobat.

Specific to the snipped statement above. FWIW, I seem to recall earlier statements from Tony, perhaps also from Clint, that suggested Casey would leave the apt. in the mornings earlier than Tony...around the time Clint would be leaving. Then she would be back @ the apt. before he returned from class in the afternoon...having done some laundry, cleaning, and/or cooking. Perhaps all of that Casey-left-before-Tony simply ties to pre-6/15 and Casey telling Tony she was going into work @ 6AM (per IM's week of 6/9 IIRC) :rolleyes: since they are focusing on the period 6/16-6/27 in this portion of the interview. :confused:

Soo...by contrast post-6/16 Casey was free to hang in the mornings...

It must've been during the 6/16-6/27 period that Casey told Tony her boss was ok w/ her working remote. IIRC, Tony asserted Casey told him this in a statement released earlier.

AZ...you tempt me w/ yet another sleuthing opportunity...when could Tony have been in the Pontiac? :waitasec: IMHO, the answer to that question may very well tell us precisely when and why Casey disposed of the body on Suburban Dr. :eek:

Well...we know he was in the Pontiac 6/10 when they (Casey, Caylee & Tony) went to pick up his Jeep @ Tom's Repair. But Tony's seems certain it was between 6/16-6/20. That outta be easy enough to sleuth out, eh? FWIW, it sounds to me like Tony rode w/ his buddies TO the place, and Casey drove TO the place to meet them. Then, Tony left FROM the place in Casey's car w/ Casey.

I'm making my short list for 6/19 or 6/20, w/ 6/19 going in as the favorite. Gotta start looking @ the details...

First - thanks for posting the details everyone. I haven't been able to open the file due to problems w/ Acrobat.

Specific to the snipped statement above. FWIW, I seem to recall earlier statements from Tony, perhaps also from Clint, that suggested Casey would leave the apt. in the mornings earlier than Tony...around the time Clint would be leaving. Then she would be back @ the apt. before he returned from class in the afternoon...having done some laundry, cleaning, and/or cooking. Perhaps all of that Casey-left-before-Tony simply ties to pre-6/15 and Casey telling Tony she was going into work @ 6AM (per IM's week of 6/9 IIRC) :rolleyes: since they are focusing on the period 6/16-6/27 in this portion of the interview. :confused:

Soo...by contrast post-6/16 Casey was free to hang in the mornings...

It must've been during the 6/16-6/27 period that Casey told Tony her boss was ok w/ her working remote. IIRC, Tony asserted Casey told him this in a statement released earlier.

AZ...you tempt me w/ yet another sleuthing opportunity...when could Tony have been in the Pontiac? :waitasec: IMHO, the answer to that question may very well tell us precisely when and why Casey disposed of the body on Suburban Dr. :eek:

Well...we know he was in the Pontiac 6/10 when they (Casey, Caylee & Tony) went to pick up his Jeep @ Tom's Repair. But Tony's seems certain it was between 6/16-6/20. That outta be easy enough to sleuth out, eh? FWIW, it sounds to me like Tony rode w/ his buddies TO the place, and Casey drove TO the place to meet them. Then, Tony left FROM the place in Casey's car w/ Casey.

I'm making my short list for 6/19 or 6/20, w/ 6/19 going in as the favorite. Gotta start looking @ the details...

And JWG favors 6/17, for reasons he explained above--WITH the body in the trunk.

OT, have you tried saving the document somewhere, opening Acrobat (just the program, no document), and then trying to open the document from within Acrobat?
Yes, these officers seem in need of interview practice. Either that or, as others have suggested, they don't want certain topics on tape.

A pre interview is always discussed before the tape starts recording for the record. If they seem to be confused or lost it is a strategy, believe me. These guys are the best of the best and they get results. They already know the answers to 99% of their questions before they ask them. Do you notice the different approach they take with each person? They know which buttons to push on each person and what personality types they are dealing with. Don't worry.
Trust me, they've got this!
Thanks! Do we know if this is consistent with the science re: decomp smell? E.g., if the body was in the trunk unwrapped until the 19th and then wrapped and/or removed from the trunk that day, does it make sense that there would be no smell until later?

I used to think KC's rush to keep Dad away from the trunk on the 24th meant that Caylee's body was still in there...but obviously based on her text to Amy about "dead squirrels" she realized that the smell in her trunk was a "death smell", and she probably knew that Dad had smelled death before, so IMO the presence of the smell alone would be enough reason to keep him away.

I read an article today that really struck me and gave me a new perspective regarding the smell.


"Rotten office fridge cleanup sends 7 to hospital
18 hours ago

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — An office worker cleaning a fridge full of rotten food created a smell so noxious that it sent seven co-workers to the hospital and made many others ill.

Firefighters had to evacuate the AT&T building in downtown San Jose on Tuesday after the fumes led someone to call 911. A hazmat team was called in.

What crews found was an unplugged refrigerator crammed with moldy food.

Authorities say an enterprising office worker had decided to clean it out, placing the food in a conference room while using two cleaning chemicals to scrub down the mess.

The mixture of old lunches and disinfectant caused 28 people to need treatment for vomiting and nausea.

Authorities say the worker who cleaned the fridge didn't need treatment — she can't smell because of allergies."

Interestingly, even though the old/moldy food was already there for a while, the smell of the refrigerator was not bad/noxious UNTIL they started cleaning it. I am wondering if this is what happened with the pontiac. There may have been a decomp smell, but it was exacerbated when Casey tried to clean it. That would also explain the existence of chloroform and her explanation to Annie that it was from "cleaning chemicals."

Oops - I thought I was in the Pontiac thread when I posted this. I'm going to repost there.
And JWG favors 6/17, for reasons he explained above--WITH the body in the trunk.

OT, have you tried saving the document somewhere, opening Acrobat (just the program, no document), and then trying to open the document from within Acrobat?

Isn't it probable that Caylee was in the trunk during the Blockbuster visit? Or did they drive another car?

Veering off topic I know...
I read an article today that really struck me and gave me a new perspective regarding the smell.


"Rotten office fridge cleanup sends 7 to hospital
18 hours ago

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — An office worker cleaning a fridge full of rotten food created a smell so noxious that it sent seven co-workers to the hospital and made many others ill.

Firefighters had to evacuate the AT&T building in downtown San Jose on Tuesday after the fumes led someone to call 911. A hazmat team was called in.

What crews found was an unplugged refrigerator crammed with moldy food.

Authorities say an enterprising office worker had decided to clean it out, placing the food in a conference room while using two cleaning chemicals to scrub down the mess.

The mixture of old lunches and disinfectant caused 28 people to need treatment for vomiting and nausea.

Authorities say the worker who cleaned the fridge didn't need treatment — she can't smell because of allergies."

Interestingly, even though the old/moldy food was already there for a while, the smell of the refrigerator was not bad/noxious UNTIL they started cleaning it. I am wondering if this is what happened with the pontiac. There may have been a decomp smell, but it was exacerbated when Casey tried to clean it. That would also explain the existence of chloroform and her explanation to Annie that it was from "cleaning chemicals."

Sounds totally plausible.
She left her purse and ID in open view on the front seat, she so hoped that someone would take the car, or if the police happened upon the car it would look like someone forcefully took the car from her. Tony said she had freezer pops with her from her mom's fridge when he picked her up, but the Amscot manager noticed the car there, hours earlier at 7 am. Staged.


I'm not sure Catherine S.'s interview seals the deal on her seeing it at 7AM Friday:

JW: Okay.
CS: …in the parking lot.
JW: Well Friday when?
CS: Uhm, I can’t, prob…probably in the morning. Uhm, oh, Friday, the day the, it was the 27th, June the 27th.
JW: Okay. So you see the car parked uhm, in the parking lot…
CS: Uh-hum (affirmative).
JW: …by your dumpster?
CS: Yes.
JW: Okay, what are you uh, what, what do you do uh, about it?
CS: Uhm, nothing. I mean it, it was daytime so uh, there’s a few cars. I didn’t see no customer. At first there probably would be, it belonged to somebody next, to the other businesses, next business so I didn’t do anything about it.
JW: Okay.
CS: Then when I came back Saturday, the 28th, in the morning, I believe it was seven o’clock in the morning I saw the car again.

She was not really sure. IMO, with a month having gone by and knowing she had seen the car Saturday and Monday morning, she probably assumed she must have seen if same time Friday morning. I bet what really happened is she noticed Friday noon when she returned from lunch. :rolleyes:
Isn't it probable that Caylee was in the trunk during the Blockbuster visit? Or did they drive another car?

Veering off topic I know...

IIRC Tony said she drove her car to his apartment the evening of June 16 and then they took his Jeep to Blockbuster.
She left her purse and ID in open view on the front seat, she so hoped that someone would take the car, or if the police happened upon the car it would look like someone forcefully took the car from her. Tony said she had freezer pops with her from her mom's fridge when he picked her up, but the Amscot manager noticed the car there, hours earlier at 7 am. Staged.

In addition to JWG's comment above about the "7 am" testimony really being for the 28th rather than the 27th, I believe it has been established that the "purse" was a CD case or work bag or similar--not a purse that would look like it had money in it. ;) Also the only ID I know of that was in the car was (supposedly) her old Universal tag on a chain.
Am I reading this transcript right that there was garbage from Tony's in her trunk???

YM: So that would explain why Nathan’s receipt would be in the bag, uh, probably a bag of….
TL: Right.
YM: …garbage from your apartment. Alright. Fusion.
TL: I don’t know why she would have my garbage though.
YM: That’s kind of what leads me to go through this is why, why she would have your garbage period. Or why she would have your garbage in the trunk of the car. Uhm…
Am I reading this transcript right that there was garbage from Tony's in her trunk???

YM: So that would explain why Nathan’s receipt would be in the bag, uh, probably a bag of….
TL: Right.
YM: …garbage from your apartment. Alright. Fusion.
TL: I don’t know why she would have my garbage though.
YM: That’s kind of what leads me to go through this is why, why she would have your garbage period. Or why she would have your garbage in the trunk of the car. Uhm…

Yes. There has been speculation that KC left the garbage there to explain the smell in case anyone asked. Like this: "OH MY GOSH no wonder the car's been so stinky! I put this bag of garbage in my trunk to drive it to TonE's dumpster because the dumpster is so far away from his apartment and I must have forgotten to take it out! That and did I mention my dad ran over a squirrel?"
Source:http://www.wftv.com/pdf/18974626/detail.html PG4967

After Casey leaves the Anthony's she is pings at a cell tower at E Colonial Dr adn Culver Road(Downey Park area). There is a dead zone from 5:23 to 8:23 while near the tower.

I believe she drove the car to this area, met up with Tony while he looked at the house and then Tony drove back with her in her car to his apartment.


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OT, but, FWIW, she drove 47.2 miles between 6/23 and 6/27, after putting in the two gas cans (1 @ 2.5 gal and 1 @ 1.25 gal) that combined were an average of ~63% full (= 2.4 gallons)...getting 20mpg city for a '98 Pontiac Sunfire w/ a 2.2L 4cylinder and running out precisely @ Amscot.

For variations on the #'s see the details on the "Pontiac - Revisited" thread here .
Bless you!
Just now it strikes me as too strange that no one has come forward saying they helped her push the car or someone saying they saw the car being pushed. I mean, it's a very exposed avenue/ parking lot with many people coming and going at all times, isn't it?

Yes, The intersection of Colonial Rd(S.R 50) and Goldenrod is a busy intersection.
Add to that Colonial Rd has been under construction to widen to 6 lanes.
snipped from http://www.dot.state.fl.us/publicinformationoffice/construc/district5pio/orange.shtm
"SR 50: Six-laning 3.6 miles from SR 436(Semoran) to SR 417(The Greenway Toll rd) (including a SR 50/SR 436 interchange) (FM No. 2392032). The Lane Construction Corp. was awarded the $65,912,763 contract August 22, 2007. Work began January 7, 2008."

There is a Sam's Club on Goldenrod right beside/behind the Amscot and wholesale clubs are very busy beginning on Fridays leading into the weekend.

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