2008.10.14 Grand Jury Indictment

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Could CA have manipulated circumstances regarding turning over KC to LE in that remote area? Just thinking, it would be a way for KC to show CA where she put Caylee. CA could have insisted that she be allowed to name a place away from the media.

OHMY! That thought never entered my mind, but seems plausible....wow...how freakin' sad, scary, spooky to think about...wonder how close she was dropped off in relation to the 3 key areas TM was searching...
I'm really interested to know more about the chloroform now - that IMO would tell us if this was really a "felony murder" or premeditated.

I am still researching it, but there was a recent FL case that says jurors can convict first degree murder on EITHER premeditated OR felony - aka the jurors can disagree, and still hand down a conviction.
IMO it is pre-meditated because she was looking up chloroform on her computer before she killed Casey.
I have ANOTHER question in all of this....where is big strong high-fiving LEE??? <blech>

Don't you just want to high-five every member of the GJ right in front of her?
Notice how Beary kept saying "recover" Caylee instead of find? Also, I wonder if CA and GA will get separate lawyers now.

Poor GA, he couldn't have said anything positive today. The DA just said "premeditated..." They must have evidence we haven't even thought of. I was really leaning towards felony murder.. uch
Counts 4, 5, 6, 7 are:

Lying about:

4. where she worked
5. who she dropped Caylee off with
6. who she told about Caylee's disappearance
7. the call she received from Caylee at noon on July 15th.
Watching the Sheriff waiting his turn to talk & during his report he showed more emotion & sadness than Casey has through out this whole mess.
Don't you just want to high-five every member of the GJ right in front of her?

OMG YES! Heck, I would've loved for all of us to be down there when the GJ went home, we coulda made one of those people tunnels like we used to when the little kids played sports and came out onto the field LMAO!
Wow...a separate count for each of the major lies she told Yuri. I guess lying is against the law.

OMG....that really was a good one. I am ROFL
It still amazes me the rage in Cindy Anthony - it is RAGE. It was always outrage. She has never come off as sympathetic, or sad, or miserable. She is always angry and defensive even when no one is making accusations, she refuses everything and flees from media when in reality what does it matter at this point. pure rage.

I imagine this is a reality she just can't face, I know I couldn't! So sad.
Yes, I think that CA and KC think they are so much better than everyone else and if they can get their hands on that money then they could prove all the bogus BS that CA has been spouting.......I don't think they would spend anytime trying to prove KC as innocent, I think they will try to prove that the state has dissed her and try to get her off that way........JMOO

Susan Polk fired Horowitz and her other lawyers and managed to get herself convicted!:clap: Casey, go ahead and represent yourself, you can't charm the jury into believing your lies, yeah you're more experienced than JB, you've got a fool for a client!!!!!
WTH? Why would she try to represent herself - just for that state money??

From: http://www.abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=6032237&page=1

"Anthony may represent herself at trial if she is indicted, a spokesman for her attorney told ABC News earlier in the day.
"Don't be surprised that in a few months there is a drastic change in the defense and Miss Anthony may represent herself in this case with Jose Baez staying on strictly to advise her,'' said Todd Black, a spokesman for Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez.

Black explained that "In the state of Florida, if she represents herself, this would allow her access to state money to have investigators work on her behalf."

Shades of Bundy. Worked real well there, too. I guess it is all those lawbooks KC was reading in JB's office (she wants to be a lawyer, doncha know?).

Anyway....I'm thinking that it goes to the sociopathy and feelings of invincibility / superiority.
Could CA have manipulated circumstances regarding turning over KC to LE in that remote area? Just thinking, it would be a way for KC to show CA where she put Caylee. CA could have insisted that she be allowed to name a place away from the media.

OHMY! That thought never entered my mind, but seems plausible....wow...how freakin' sad, scary, spooky to think about...wonder how close she was dropped off in relation to the 3 key areas TM was searching...

How many turn themselves in under a bridge out in the sticks? It just sounds like something CA would come up with. The two of them would have been followed everywhere they went before this. Since KC was not allowed out to go to "key places", maybe CA convinced KC she better tell. Especially with GA's testimony before the GJ, CA and KC may be in even bigger cahoots!

Just a few thoughts, my point-oh-two. Hope this post isn't a duplicate; the server was kinda busy.
5:20 p.m.: Here are a few more details of the 7 count against Casey Anthony.

/ The first count is for first-degree murder, a capital offense that is punishable by the death penalty. (State Attorney Lawson Lamar, however, did not say specifically he would seek execution, if Casey Anthony is convicted. He took no questions.)

This charge alleges that Casey Anthony caused the death of Caylee “from a premeditated design” between June 15 and July 16. Those dates correspond to the last time Caylee was seen and when she was reported missing. The indictment offers no other information on how, why or when.

/ Count two is aggravated child abuse. This alleges that between the same dates Casey Anthony “did knowingly or willfully…causes great bodily harm, permanent disfigurement or permanent disability to Caylee Marie Anthony…by intentionally inflicting physical injury…or by intentionally committing an act or actively encouraging another person to commit an act which could reasonably expected to result in physical injury.”

Count three is aggravated manslaughter of a child. This count alleges that Casey Anthony caused Caylee’s death by failing to provide “the care, supervision and services necessary to maintain Caylee Marie Anthony’s physical and mental health” or that she did not make “a reasonable effort” to protect Caylee from someone else abuses, neglecting or exploiting her.

Counts four through seven are all “providing false information to a law enforcement officer.” Each count lists a time when Casey Anthony is alleged to have lied to investigators about Caylee.

I think these indictments are telling us that LE have a lot of very specific evidence about Caylee's death and not just the cadaver dogs, hair and body farm evidence we already know about.

For example, the specific dates cited. They could have written a much broader span of dates if they didn't know Caylee died within those two days.

And the aggravated child abuse I think is telling as well. Maybe that was just included because it's another death penalty charge in case she isn't found guilty on the murder charges. But I think it implies they know the exact cause of Caylee's death.

Could they have found the body and not made it public?
Did I just hear right on Fox 35 live?

Cindy is in the house alone. George is MIA? ??? AND there's a woman in a green car parked in the driveway?
Somebody on CNN headline News Just denied that KC will be representing herself

He said that he doesnt not know where that report is comming from

I don't know who it was that said it
IIRC GA's atty said this morning that IF an indictment was handed down, GA would comment....anyone heard from him?

GA was just on the Fox news here in Tampa area. Said that he "loved his wife, his son, his daughter and most of all his grandaughter"
wftv - Channel 9 just reported that Casey will be representing herself with Baez by her side.

It's Ted Bundy all over again.
Ted Bundy went to law school. Casey defending herself would be like this guy, who put himself in the position of having to question witnesses who testified, “You shot me.” Can you see her questioning Yuri Melich? What a joke that would be.

I can’t imagine that having access to state resources (given that her ‘adviser’ is apparently unaware of how to properly request them) would be of more help to Miss Casey than a savvy attorney would.

Of course, she can’t actually afford a savvy attorney.
Yes I am so happy to hear this..I have been waiting for this day ,,,also did anyone hear Cindy is offering an exclusive interview to the highest bidder what a piece of work already she is counting (in her mind) how much money she can make...I've never seen her Cindy or Casey cry a tear over Caylee..

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