2008.10.22 Nancy Grace

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I will say this. Chloroform is used by dry cleaners to remove spots. Bleach is used to clean up spots. Acetone is used to clean up paint and other stains. Again how much was actually found in the car? It is very possible that some pure or concoction of a cleaning fluid was used that has either the exact components or common components to chloroform or the bleach / acetone mixture.

Just playing Devil's advocate with you here - if this is the case, how do you explain the computer searches? We don't just have either/or in evidence here. We have both. It didn't just accidentally happen. Casey made it happen.
It won't open for me either :(

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Ok. I have heard Caylee's hair was in the trunk and there is 'hair' evidence but I haven't read anything confirming that the hair in the trunk had death bands.
Then an expert talks about what hair banding means on the unconfirmed information.
Does anybody have a link to LE confirmation of the death band ?
No interviews that have been posted. You are correct. We all assumed that Cindy set the date and Casey ran with it. Didn't match the 31 days though. Guess she didn't feel like correcting her mom. I always thought it was strange that one wouldn't know the exact date that one lost their child. Oh, I'm getting the twitch.

Especially if the last day or two coincided with a holiday..that is kind of a marker. CA's answer was she got the date of Father's Day incorrect and that is what led to HER confusion. What led to KC's confusion was her mother IMO.
Really, I can? I'm asking because there seems to be a lot of debate about the amount of Chloroform found. You stated as a fact that the air was saturated, I figured you had a source for that information. :waitasec:

Investigators said they plan to present evidence that Anthony had been doing computer searches for chloroform, and the air in the car was saturated with the solvent.


This was answered several posts back...:)
No interviews that have been posted. You are correct. We all assumed that Cindy set the date and Casey ran with it. Didn't match the 31 days though. Guess she didn't feel like correcting her mom. I always thought it was strange that one wouldn't know the exact date that one lost their child. Oh, I'm getting the twitch.

Yet another example of Casey allowing her mother to control things.
Here is another Chloroform theory:

Meth labs are one of the most dangerous areas that federal agency's raid each year. The gases that are produced by meth are not only toxic, but have the ability to explode at any moment. Here is a list of just some of the toxins in meth: chloroform, used today in Freon refrigerant. Ether which can be found in aerosol propellant, hydrogen chloride, which can be found in toilet bowl cleaner, and lithium, used to fuse metal during welding and soldering.

I posted a link(can't remember the thread) to a site that teaches how to make street drugs. The author states "I'm not suggesting you should manufacture illegal drugs but if you do I want you to do it right."
Chloroform is a staple. This was my first hunch as to why she'd be researching chloroform.
Especially if the last day or two coincided with a holiday..that is kind of a marker. CA's answer was she got the date of Father's Day incorrect and that is what led to HER confusion. What led to KC's confusion was her mother IMO.
No argument here.
Ok. I have heard Caylee's hair was in the trunk and there is 'hair' evidence but I haven't read anything confirming that the hair in the trunk had death bands.
Then an expert talks about what hair banding means on the unconfirmed information.
Does anybody have a link to LE confirmation of the death band ?

Nothing that I myself am satisfied with. People have linked all kinds of articles saying the hair was in decomp. and that means she's dead etc etc but never have I read that the police or FBI state there were these "death bands" present.
Nothing that I myself am satisfied with. People have linked all kinds of articles saying the hair was in decomp. and that means she's dead etc etc but never have I read that the police or FBI state there were these "death bands" present.

IMO it's possible that all they have is Caylee's hair in the trunk. Which means that LE can say that the hair in the trunk along with the smell "indicates" that Caylee's body was in the trunk.
I'm tired of "indications" and will be thrilled when the actual facts come out so we can stop speculating.
when we heard him say that my bf ask "I wonder if the dog was male would it hit on say a female dog in heat"? I have no idea does anyone know?

The dog I saw in the film clips at the Anthony's was definitely an unneutered male.

But, I don't think they hit on the scent of dead bodies the way they respond to females in heat.
"Snipped for Space"

Rigor mortis, livor mortis, and algor mortis are relatively short-lived, but they are admittedly more helpful to an investigator when determining postmortem interval than the various stages of decomposition. Conversely, the process of decomposition is much longer, but by comparison is a very weak indicator of actual time of death because the stages are so easily influenced by the individual’s characteristics—primarily age, size, and health—and environmental variables.
A good example of environmental variables is to consider how a steak would be affected by its environment. A steak located outside will go bad much faster than a steak that is in an air conditioned kitchen. Insect activity is much more likely outside, and there is also exposure to circulation of air and sunlight while outdoors. A steak sitting on the kitchen counter will go bad much faster than a steak in the freezer. Even the steak in the freezer will go bad despite the attempt at preservation. Similarly, a body in a morgue cooler will still decompose, just at a much slower rate.

Decomposition is certainly one of the more repulsing aspects of death investigation but just as equally one of the more natural (when compared to homicides and auto fatalities). The stages of postmortem decomposition generally follow the same process. From the moment that a person dies, the body begins to break down chemically just as any other carbon-based substance does.
On average, external signs of decomposition begin to appear about 24 hours after death. The soft, moist tissue inside the body begins to break down faster than the more durable exterior surfaces of the skin. Consequently, escaping gases from inside the body often create a uniquely repulsive odor even before any external signs of decomposition are present. Moving the body to examine it or to remove it from a scene only increases the amount of the gas and smell.
As the smell becomes stronger, large areas of skin will begin to show signs of a blueish-green discoloration. This color usually starts to become visible around the abdominal region. This skin discoloration is usually accompanied by a “marbling‿ of the skin that is deep purple in color.
After death, the digestive enzymes that were previously tasked with breaking down food particles become stagnant and begin to break down the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. The resulting gases from these chemical processes will eventually cause the body to bloat at about 36 hours after death. The abdomen becomes distended and areas of soft tissue around the genitalia and the eyelids will have a “swollen‿ appearance. This swelling around the eyes is often mistaken as a sign of trauma by first responders.

A few days after death, signs of skin slippage will begin to appear. Outer layers of skin at the feet and hands will separate from underlying layers, which looks similar to a loose fitting rubber glove. Fingernails can easily be removed and areas of skin that appear to be intact may slide off when the body is handled for examination or movement. Sections of hair may also pull free if the follicles are adhered to another surface like carpet or bedding.
In that heat, she would have pretty much been liquid and bones after 10 days in the Florida heat. I am wondering if she had a cooler or something in her trunk for a while and I have also wondered if she took one of the drums of chlorine and put her in it. That way no one would think a thing about a 50 lb drum in the trunk.

Except, maybe her father when he wanted to go into the trunk for the "chucks".

Very plausible.
Air: No standards exist for the amount of chloroform allowed in the air of homes. We use a formula to convert workplace limits to home limits. Based on the formula, we recommend levels be no higher than 0.2 parts per million (ppm) of chloroform in air. Most people can’t smell chloroform until levels reach 133 ppm or higher. If you can smell the chemical, the level is too high to be safe.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources regulates the amount of chloroform that can be released by industries.

Notice the part about smelling chloroform and also remember the trunk was open in the garage prior to being impounded. If there were chloroform so strong to smell then it was because someone used it to clean the car - not used 1 - 30 days earlier to knock out little K.

1. She looked up the (chloroform)to maybe use it on her parents (LA)&
Caylee(something messed up her plan-Caylee in trunk).... Her crazy
way of having the A's house & lie @ thier whereabouts. Story
telling & lying is her game! :waitasec:

2. Or make it look like a murder @ the A's for house & life insurance

3. While looking this up remembered it could be used to try to clean
up DNA or whatever. (I wish NG knew this info of the dates of her

4. Her next plan was that Amy would move in the A's & she would be
free to party.

I'm looking forward to Thursday's NG show....maybe she will have more facts on the laptop searches! :woohoo: :waitasec:
When you prostitute yourself and say things you do not believe it means that somewhere down the line the pendulum has got to swing back. He better be prepared to duck.

I bet the attorneys are going through his public statements and past trial testimony. Everything he is going to say at Casey's trial will be refudiated by his pre-prostitute self. IMHO.

Also, I am wondering if they found cadaver fluid in any of the dirt in the backyard. Specifically in the sandbox or inside the playhouse. Evidence presented at trial is probably going to overwhelming and sickening. I will not be surprised if the jury foreman jumps the rail and tries to give her a beatdown.

I reckon the Bailiffs may be slow to pull him off.
Not sure where you got your numbers but I get mine from the MSDS (Safety Data Sheets). In air at 100 PPM people start to get physical symptoms from breathing the chloroform. By the time you can actually smell it - 133 parts per million you risk exposure to cancer, organ damage etc. Again if the air samples indicated saturation then why wasnt anyone complaining of dizziness, headaches, etc. around that car?


Breathing about 900 parts of chloroform in a million parts of air (900 ppm or 900,000 ppb) for a short time causes fatigue, dizziness, and headache.

The amount of chloroform normally expected to be present in air ranges from 0.02 to 0.05 parts of chloroform per billion parts of air (ppb) and from 2 to 44 ppb in treated drinking water.
Well, that's something to look forward to !:)

Sorry if the post offended you - I did not enjoy doing that research; however, it answers many of the questions that have been posed on this thread tonight.

Mods are welcome to delete it if they find it inappropriate.

Added a warning...maybe that will help.:crazy:
Yeah, I'd be really curious about that myself. If the smell is as horrible as everyone is saying, I just cannot imagine Casey opening that car door after that car had been sitting in that hot Florida sun, and getting in and driving it all over the place. Day after day, for 11 days. Especially her knowing exactly what that smell was. It's just really hard for me to comprehend.

I don't believe Caylee was in the trunk for 11 days.
How could KC deal with all this decomposition of her dauthter and move that body so many times. It makes me sick. I wrote in another thread that I felt sorry for KC and I did at the time until I heard that they found body fluids on the trash bag in the trunk, that did it for me. When I was watching NG tonight I was actually flipping KC off, which I know is so immature, but I just cannot stand what she did. Killing her daughter is bad enough, but to move the body, dispose of that poor innocent child the way she did and then go strut her stuff like nothing ever happened is far beyond my comprehension. This has been one emotional case and I go from one feeling to another but I have never stopped feeling for that beautiful little girl Caylee who is so prescious and lovable and did not deserve what happened to her. I heard a saying the other day that helped me deal with this "Sometimes God needs our Angels more than we do". She is an angel that has touched so many people that she will never know, but she does. God Bless Caylee

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