2008.11.13 - 11.14 LP J Blanchard Park Search #2

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This was stated in regards to the Blanchard Park Search. Sounds like words of the Anthony. Something strange happening with all people involved with this family. I will say this is typical borderline behavior....divide and conquer is the MO of this personality disorder. They thrive on this and it affects every family member and co-worker and friend.

On a side note, I think that people should look more into LP's statement than just the words he used to TM. LP does not and has never appeared to be "out for the money"...TM has always appeared to be concerned about "donations", i.e. money. Talks about it in every search, despite huge amounts rec'd.

My assessment is that LP made the above statement thinking that would motivate TM to let him use his divers. LP quickly and easily figured out what motivates TM and used that scenario to try and get to him.

This was not a crass statement made for public ears but TM made sure millions heard it. I am very disappointed he would go this far and have lost respect for him. It appears he has sided with the people that give him the most money. I will NEVER forget how much TM was praising NeJame in September after MN gave him a hefty donation.

I know how much some people are devoted to TM. And they are letting their feelings for him over-ride their brains. I even saw on some boards you are not allowed to say one bad word about TM. Totally shocking to me. I can see not letting it get distasteful or too much but a polite and reasonable statement should be allowed like they do on this board.

My conclusion regarding the search at Blanchard Park and all the ramifications that are happening to LP is that TM does not like LP anymore (liked him when he was preaching to give money on NG to Equusearch though.)

The Anthony team has got to TM and he has drank their Kool-aid. I am very disappointed.
Agree with your conclusion. I think many are disappointed at TM but I'm not sure how the Anthony team has "gotten" to TM (he believes Caylee is dead, whereas G and C believe she is alive, right?). It sounded to me like tensions were high b/c TM absolutely believes Little Econ has already been full searched (via Sonar) and Caylee is not there. Leonard is insisting anyhow on a search and maybe, to Tim, that seems like a criticism of his sonar search but I think Leonard just has this overwhelming hunch that this is where Caylee is (i.e., not that he doesn't trust Tim's search capabilities). If Leonard is being foolish in his choice of where to search...that's one thing, but it's sad to hear Tim suggest Leonard is only out for the money. When the bag in question was found, I could hear Leonard weeping on Murt TV. That doesn't sound like someone who's only in it for the money. Even today, it sounded like Murt was looking to get Nejame's assistant in trouble (apparently, the "drunken cowby"?) over a taped phone call so I think there's lots of high emotions, impatience and testosterone flying around.
Either by LE or the park itself. They were tired of the crowds there. There is no link yet but I only got the end part of what they were saying.

Well, from what we've seen of our Lenny so far....I don't think he's going to just fold up and head out without a fight. Next week should be very interesting!
WOW..I cant believe I had to go thru so many pages about animals and how to get rid of them.....or bury them....yikes....I know it all started about the bones but really....do we need to hear about it how and why....sorry....a bit snarky today....and Ive never been snarky before....but please...I want info on today....and not past pets deaths...sorry.....:) and please dont ban me or get mad....:)
I heard LP had to stick around til next week to do the Poly test (he should tell them to shove it or if C & G take one he will) I heard they didn't them to search on the weekends too many people normally there..but who knows the way this case changes minute by minute. can't say it's boring, but they have gotten away from the main thing CAYLEE..where are you baby ???:confused:
It was so good to hear NG's caller Thursday remind everyone that volunteer searchers are a blessing and that finding Caylee is NOT a competition. We should be grateful and thank them all. I felt so bad for Leonard last night. The axes were out and he was taking it from all sides. Motto drawn: some good deeds leave the doer bloodied. Punishment would be polite by comparison.
I would be more inclined to trust LP if he hadnt flat out lied to the media. He stated that he had been sitting in his chair the whole time and didnt go near the 'evidence' pulled out of the water. I have a screenshot that proves this to be false.
He only walked over there for like 2 secs, didnt touch anything, and really just glanced at what was there, while he was on the phone....but why lie? especially when there was so much media that could have caught it on camera.
(My reflexes are a bit slow, lol, so the snap I have is of him a few yards away from the evidence walking away from it.)

I dont like kc's lies, the A's lies, or ANY lie being told in regard to Caylee....enough is enough.
It was so good to hear NG's caller Thursday remind everyone that volunteer searchers are a blessing and that finding Caylee is NOT a competition. We should be grateful and thank them all. I felt so bad for Leonard last night. The axes were out and he was taking it from all sides. Motto drawn: some good deeds leave the doer bloodied. Punishment would be polite by comparison.

Boy. Just had to say, I couldn't agree with your post more...what a sorry situation this has become. It makes me sad.
snip<<"Tim Miller, the founder of EquuSearch, a group that organized a massive weekend search for Caylee's remains, was very critical of Padilla."What a disgrace to society this man is for doing this kind of stuff," Miller said. Miller said during the weekend search, Padilla had begged Miller to use his own divers to search the river. Miller recounted the conversation, saying Padilla said to him, "Tim Miller's divers out here, news cameras out here ... think how much money we could make, Tim.">>snip

This was stated in regards to the Blanchard Park Search. Sounds like words of the Anthony. Something strange happening with all people involved with this family. I will say this is typical borderline behavior....divide and conquer is the MO of this personality disorder. They thrive on this and it affects every family member and co-worker and friend. On a side note said:
Snipped for space.

ITA. I think LP was talking about donations for TES , he was not referring to PERSONAL GAIN for TM or himself... i think TM is may be quoting out of context. Money has always been an issue for TES, TM has stated that repeatedly. LP has ALWAYS asked for donations of behalf of TES, how is it that TM is all of a sudden incensed over this?

I do not believe for one second that LP is only there for the media. He truely cares about Caylee. That very obvious.
snip<<"Tim Miller, the founder of EquuSearch, a group that organized a massive weekend search for Caylee's remains, was very critical of Padilla."What a disgrace to society this man is for doing this kind of stuff," Miller said. Miller said during the weekend search, Padilla had begged Miller to use his own divers to search the river. Miller recounted the conversation, saying Padilla said to him, "Tim Miller's divers out here, news cameras out here ... think how much money we could make, Tim.">>snip

This was stated in regards to the Blanchard Park Search. Sounds like words of the Anthony. Something strange happening with all people involved with this family. I will say this is typical borderline behavior....divide and conquer is the MO of this personality disorder. They thrive on this and it affects every family member and co-worker and friend.

On a side note, I think that people should look more into LP's statement than just the words he used to TM. LP does not and has never appeared to be "out for the money"...TM has always appeared to be concerned about "donations", i.e. money. Talks about it in every search, despite huge amounts rec'd.

My assessment is that LP made the above statement thinking that would motivate TM to let him use his divers. LP quickly and easily figured out what motivates TM and used that scenario to try and get to him.

This was not a crass statement made for public ears but TM made sure millions heard it. I am very disappointed he would go this far and have lost respect for him. It appears he has sided with the people that give him the most money. I will NEVER forget how much TM was praising NeJame in September after MN gave him a hefty donation.

I know how much some people are devoted to TM. And they are letting their feelings for him over-ride their brains. I even saw on some boards you are not allowed to say one bad word about TM. Totally shocking to me. I can see not letting it get distasteful or too much but a polite and reasonable statement should be allowed like they do on this board.

My conclusion regarding the search at Blanchard Park and all the ramifications that are happening to LP is that TM does not like LP anymore (liked him when he was preaching to give money on NG to Equusearch though.)

The Anthony team has got to TM and he has drank their Kool-aid. I am very disappointed.

Very valid unemotional points.:clap::clap::clap:
Agree with your conclusion. I think many are disappointed at TM but I'm not sure how the Anthony team has "gotten" to TM (he believes Caylee is dead, whereas G and C believe she is alive, right?). It sounded to me like tensions were high b/c TM absolutely believes Little Econ has already been full searched (via Sonar) and Caylee is not there. Leonard is insisting anyhow on a search and maybe, to Tim, that seems like a criticism of his sonar search but I think Leonard just has this overwhelming hunch that this is where Caylee is (i.e., not that he doesn't trust Tim's search capabilities). If Leonard is being foolish in his choice of where to search...that's one thing, but it's sad to hear Tim suggest Leonard is only out for the money. When the bag in question was found, I could hear Leonard weeping on Murt TV. That doesn't sound like someone who's only in it for the money. Even today, it sounded like Murt was looking to get Nejame's assistant in trouble (apparently, the "drunken cowby"?) over a taped phone call so I think there's lots of high emotions, impatience and testosterone flying around.
One of the reason people believe TM has been drinking the koolaide is because he stated that he believe Caylee to be deceased then turns around and says IF. And it all started after he started talking to the A's again.

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