2008.11.20 George & Cindy's Attorney, Mark NeJame, Quits

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Your "vision" has left me giggling with a vision of my own. :D
CA has taken one too many pages from the book of JP for my taste...JMO, as always.

My vision was more like the pillow going over CA mouth :crazy:
MN has been going against his conscience in my opinion in his standing up for the A's behavior. You could almost see it in his body language. He was saying one thing, but his body was saying another.

I am glad he is now on the side of Caylee. Her grandparents need to demand that their daughter tell them the truth. As was said in the statement Casey is the only one that knows where that child is..dead or alive. Standing by her and "bailing her out" of every problem will never do any of them any good.

I guess MN is a better man then I figured him for. God Bless Him!:clap:
Video at WESH says that he quit because he wanted to be the mouthpiece for the family and since they wouldn't quit doing interviews, he didn't want to be involved anymore.
He is right.Why waste his time on people who refuse to listen. I'd wager to say they may have a problem retaining a good Lawyer after this.If they wont stop flapping their gums why should any good lawyer waste his time.IMO
Do you guys think Nejames worked pro bono? If not can you imagine what that bill is going to look like when it arrives in a nice envelope to the A's home?
Seems like NeJame was very upset about the tone of the interviews the A's were doing the past few days. Seems like he probably told them not to do it and they did anyway. That's what I'm hearing anyway.

Do you really rub the State Attorney, FBI, LE and organizations up the wrong way continually and aggressively in public when they have the future prosecution and possibly life (LWOP or DP) of your daughter in their hands? Do you?

LE was trying to be patient, give the A's time to come to terms with the forensics, accept what they originally believed, but no -- CA is taking it to the limit and then adding a whole bunch more on top.

I think this escalation and stretching of their reality to the extreme is about to be their downfall and -- as we observed -- while they may feel they are doing a sensational job of defending KC -- they are simply ensuring LWOP instead of a lesser charge.
Now out of all the A's, KC is the only one who has a lawyer. Maybe CA should have taken a play out of KC book and shut her mouth. Now if only KC would open hers....:rolleyes:
Do you guys think Nejames worked pro bono? If not can you imagine what that bill is going to look like when it arrives in a nice envelope to the A's home?

He didn't NLHF footed the bill.
I remember reading posts stating that Nejame also represents KidFinders and/or The Never Lose Hope Foundation and that one of those entities was paying for the Anthony's representation.
Is this true?? Do we have proof??
If so, I think Nejame's withdrawal from representation could be extremely significant.
It's quite abnormal and possibly inappropriate for an attorney to issue a public statement of this nature. Something weird is going on.
I most certainly agree...and I believe his association was with NLHF.
:bang: Geeeezzzzzzzzzz, I didn't see this one coming at all!

Although in the back of my mind, I wondering what MN was thinking when the Anthony's announced a press conference earlier in the week. :waitasec:

I am soooooo late hearing about this and just now reading the thread. When I read your comment PattyG, I remembered that they postponed the press conference the first time because NeJames was out of town.
LOL about the car..did you ask them who was awarded the car anyway??:bang:

The big drawing is 12/15/08. I e-mailed them and they replied that I should contact Exoctic Cars. I replied back (and cited the Florida law on raffles that some one of you so kindly posted) and son of a gun, the msg came back to me immediately as undeliverable. They must have dismantled their e-mail as soon as they replied to me. And of course, Exotic Cars has never replied. When I sent a follow up to them, the exact thing happened. My message immediatedly rejected back to me!

What a bunch of crooks. When 12/15 comes and goes, I do intend to report them to the Florida attorney general.
I never expected this. Congratulations to MN for stepping down. The reasons:

1. Cindy house tour.
2. George becoming the spokesman for a questionable organization.
3. Press conference scheduled for tomorrow.
4. Knowledge of possible indictment of Cindy, George and/or Lee???
Seems like NeJame was very upset about the tone of the interviews the A's were doing the past few days. Seems like he probably told them not to do it and they did anyway. That's what I'm hearing anyway.
Seems to me he didn't like the crowd of people they were hanging with. JMO, though.
The big drawing is 12/15/08. I e-mailed them and they replied that I should contact Exoctic Cars. I replied back (and cited the Florida law on raffles that some one of you so kindly posted) and son of a gun, the msg came back to me immediately as undeliverable. They must have dismantled their e-mail as soon as they replied to me. And of course, Exotic Cars has never replied. When I sent a follow up to them, the exact thing happened. My message immediatedly rejected back to me!

What a bunch of crooks. When 12/15 comes and goes, I do intend to report them to the Florida attorney general.
You should let one of the news stations know. Sounds like a relatively simple thing for them to be able to follow up!
Long list of the A's alienation list:

1. TM.
2. LP.
3. TB.
4. "Spokesman."
5. LE.
6. MN.

Am I missing someone? Can the A's destroy anyone else in their path? Looks to me that they are giving up finding little Caylee and Operation Protect KC has taken over, and in that switcharoo they are alienating those who really want to find their granddaughter. I hope media just STOPS talking to the A's. It's enough already...

7. GA?
I mean, how long before CA fires GA? Then again, he learned to shut up and take his koolaid a long time ago... just keep lookin' straight ahead GA... sorry he needs to take a stand, the only loving, helpful thing to do in the long run IMO

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