2008.11.20 George & Cindy's Attorney, Mark NeJame, Quits

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Well perhaps the parents of the child that was at the Orlando Mall this weekend will call police to put an end to do this new sighting circus. I'm sure they will recoginze their kids plaster all over the news media as the alive Caylee.

And what will they think of having THEIR daughters picture splashed all over the news? I sure wouldn't be happy about it, I would be pizzed! If whoever took this picture REALLY thought this little girl was Caylee, why didn't they contact LE, or at least mall security? The A's IMO are completely off the deep end. I'm sorry, but they make me want to :puke:!
I most certainly agree...and I believe his association was with NLHF.

NeJame's association was with NLHF. He had no association with KFN at all.

I strongly believe that the A's left MN no choice but to quit when they refused to distance themselves from KFN, DM and SM.

The man took on a challenging job, but it is now an impossible job.
Sounds like he wanted to do this before the presser tomorrow. This can only mean it's gong to be a good one filled with many "anthony mis-truths"

Those were my thoughts too.
Hmmm...interesting indeed.

Remember during his last appearance on NG he said that he would not represent the A's if they were profiting from this case. He went on to say that they had never received any money from any videos and / or photos etc.

Then a week or so later they fire Garrison for "profiting" from the photos - which tells me Nejames started digging into this possibility after defending his stance so strongly on NG.

I bet he quit because
1. He found out they had made money off the photos - maybe not the one's in question on the Garrison emails; but remember, he said they were continuing their efforts to find anyone who was / is exploiting poor Caylee and profitting from her "disappearance". Sounds to me like he found them...the A's.
2. The book deal - since it would be profitting from Caylee's "disappearance" too.
3. GA's official spokesperson for KF
4. Cindy won't shut up
5. Most of all---there's gotta be a bombshell coming and as other's have said; this is his pre-emptive strike; because the A's are surely going to trash him, just as they have everyone else. Also, he knows how foolish he would look to continue to stand behind such pitiful characters.

Oh...one more thing - I think the statement about Casey's defense in his release is saying something...without saying something...I just can't figure out what that something is right now...

My take on NeJame's press release is that the "Caylee is alive" press conferences are not in George and Cindy's best legal interests.
THAT would get them jail time for sure!

I keep thinking that perhaps that will do it...but they remain out and about...I think they need to reserve a room either in a hospital for them or the jail (preferable where they are with their loving "mother of the year" daughter :bigstick:) .... they are both getting way beyond anything...
I know that they say there is no book on how to behave but sadly we have seen others and they do maintain --- they know more and should have to tell what it is.....
Have not read this entire thread as I just got here but 13News is reporting the Anthony's have said that Nejame did not push LE enough in their search for Caylee and that is why he is no longer their attorney UGH!!!

http://www.cfnews13.com/MediaPlayer...ocal&title=Anthonys Intrigued By Childs Photo

Well it sure didn't take the A's long to start throwing Nejeme under the bus - someone said he is now repping TES? Why? Is something happening with Tim?

Oh yeah, Nejeme said he got paid only a $5000 straight fee to rep the A's - that much would cover one full day of his attention - I think the A's really really really screwed up here

Now every ambulance chaser lawyer will be contacting them
I keep expecting every day to hear that Cindy's shaved her head, is attacking people with umbrellas, has started speaking with an English accent and is now sleeping with one of the media (the closest thing she can get to papparazzi). Seriously!!

omg NOTHING would even suprise me coming from CA!!! :eek:
I keep expecting every day to hear that Cindy's shaved her head, is attacking people with umbrellas, has started speaking with an English accent and is now sleeping with one of the media (the closest thing she can get to papparazzi). Seriously!!

That could make that guy she was hugging on last week at the BP dive a little jealous.
That could make that guy she was hugging on last week at the BP dive a little jealous.

He's probably got permanent psychological damage now after being subjected to Cindy's "lovin', touchin', squeezin'" routine she pulled on him last week. :crazy:
There are two children, two girls around 3 or 4 in the photo. The one to the top left would be the closest but she is quite tall and lanky to me to be Caylee. Anyway, why would the kidnappers take her to Chuck-e-Cheese in Orlando? Makes no sense. It is not Caylee, neither girl is Caylee. And who is to say when that photo was taken anyway? We will probably see Anthony family photos of Caylee someday as if they are sightings. I would NOT put it past the Anthony family one bit. They are liars.

Now that you mention this, I'm really concerned that the Ants will try Photoshopping Caylee's likeness onto pictures of little girls they get - the right person can make these look pretty authentic.

Someone, please, reassure me that they wouldn't get away with something like this! If they do, I'm afraid reasonable doubt will creep in...
I'm trying to play catchup on this case as I've been offline all day.

I guess I'm a bit shocked to read this news, but I have been impressed with MN all along. I honestly liked him from the very first interview that he ever gave after taking this case. I have no doubt whatsoever that he's going to come out of this smelling like a rose. His demeanor has been top notch and totally professional at every turn. He's definitely a winner, IMO. George and Cindy just lost the best friend they could have ever had in this whole mess.
Oh this is huge!

Haven't had internet all day so excuse me coming into this thread late!

I'm so excited I can't stand it, and I have a new found respect for MN...could not understand why the A's continued to blab and blab and blab with no muzzles. Glad MN has walked away from the madness.

Now that you mention this, I'm really concerned that the Ants will try Photoshopping Caylee's likeness onto pictures of little girls they get - the right person can make these look pretty authentic.

Someone, please, reassure me that they wouldn't get away with something like this! If they do, I'm afraid reasonable doubt will creep in...

Like KC's lies it would have to be verifiable in that it is dated proof-of-life, analysis shows it not to be tampered with, there is a chain of custody as to tipster, tip, etc.

Sure they could take this risk but it is dangerous and, may not sway the actual jury pool -- it all comes down to the evidence at trial and if a body is ever found. A big risk.
I believe Nejame has a good head on his shoulders and had good intentions. He seems to he respectful and tactful in his statement and I think he resigned because he did what he could to help them but ultimately they would not listen to his advice or follow the guidance he was trying to provide. I dont blame him for deciding to walk away and I have a new respect for him.
In this interview MN is asked about the fact that LE want to talk to C&G again. He admits that he was going to represent them in this but that he let a detective know today he will not be representing them further.

I think something has happened that makes him want to distance himself further from these people.

All along he has refused to listen to people that say that CA & GA are in denial. So it has to be more than that.

He is saying that they won't take his advice.

In this interview he is being very kind, but there seems to be more to this that is causing him to run from the A's. No matter what anyone says everyone...attorney's especially....look out for #uno.
ok, just throwing this out there, (haven't heard it anywhere, etc, just my opinion)...GA & or CA will soon become board members for KFN, and that would bring too much negative publicity to Nejame. I don't think Nejame would represent them, in good conscience. So, I think he's leaving before they ally with KFN in those open board member positions.

IMHO only :)

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