2008.7.30 - LA & Ex-BF Tony L. wired discussion (Documents 2009.04.06)

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DNA Solves
I didn't interpret the conversation the way you did. I didn't sense that Lee was trying to blame Jesse. He sounded as if he was trying to get to the bottom of whatever was happening and was asking some of the same questions we've been asking here.

At this point Lee is hoping Caylee is alive so he is hoping that Jesse may have taken Caylee. He stated that Jesse loved Caylee so maybe he took her to hurt KC (but not Caylee). That's how I interpreted Lee's remarks.

I find it very interesting that Lee states to TonE that he isn't sure Jesse isn't Caylee's father. That totally contradicts all his other statements regarding paternity. Coupled with JB's interest in the paternity test that Jesse had done when Caylee was born it makes you wonder if there is anything to that line of thought.
I didn't interpret the conversation the way you did. I didn't sense that Lee was trying to blame Jesse. He sounded as if he was trying to get to the bottom of whatever was happening and was asking some of the same questions we've been asking here.

At this point Lee is hoping Caylee is alive so he is hoping that Jesse may have taken Caylee. He stated that Jesse loved Caylee so maybe he took her to hurt KC (but not Caylee). That's how I interpreted Lee's remarks.

I did as well. I also think that Lee did not approve of the ongoing relationship that KC and Jesse maintained. I didn't interpret his words as blame just voicing his disapproval for the way that Jesse and KC kept coming back to eachother yet keeping it from everyone. Another example of her dishonesty.
Considering that their talk took place two weeks after KC's arrest and not much was known at the time, I heard Lee honestly "fishing" for answers. Yes he is exuberant and talkative but he did not seem to be hiding anything.

As a matter of fact, I bet LE has substantiated that Lee was out of town three weeks out of four for both May and June.

It struck me as if LE wired TL to get the goods on Lee but they were really after the goods on TL. He sure didn't say much did he? He seemed timid and scared.

Lee seemed to be suggesting to TL to beware because the bugs are coming your way fella. Lee knew he was being watched but I did not feel he was acting secretive.
I find it very interesting that Lee states to TonE that he isn't sure Jesse isn't Caylee's father. That totally contradicts all his other statements regarding paternity. Coupled with JB's interest in the paternity test that Jesse had done when Caylee was born it makes you wonder if there is anything to that line of thought.

Here we go again.:) Yes, wouldn't it be nice to know? Lee may really not know who the bio is. I don't know what reason Jesse would of had back then to disprove paternity other than he wanted to know "his" truth because the timing was not quite right, etc. But one never knows! Also, let's not forget, there may be some other family secret that we aren't supposed to find out about. If Lee knows it, he may protect it.
My GOD Lee is as pedantic and meandering as Cindy! However, I am glad to find out that he, as I thought early on, and then second guessed, was genuinely unable to wrap his mind around the truth he deep down sensed, and was truely and honestly busting his b@llz to find Caylee. I felt for him, by the end of vid 3, though I can barely stand to hear his bla bla bla...

Oddly, he points out something I had not noticed before, but now am pondering, that in many ways LEE and CINDY are more alike, and that KC is, in the way she thinks, more like her father.
My GOD Lee is as pedantic and meandering as Cindy! However, I am glad to find out that he, as I thought early on, and then second guessed, was genuinely unable to wrap his mind around the truth he deep down sensed, and was truely and honestly busting his b@llz to find Caylee. I felt for him, by the end of vid 3, though I can barely stand to hear his bla bla bla...

Oddly, he points out something I had not noticed before, but now am pondering, that in many ways LEE and CINDY are more alike, and that KC is, in the way she thinks, more like her father.

He stated that Casey and George were more selfish.
In this video I truly believe that Lee is trying to figure out what the h#ll is going on. At the same time he's learning more and more about his sister. In a way I get the feeling that he knows she is lying about everything and he's just trying to prove it. From what I gather Lee is not stupid and he's asking and searching for the right answers. I think in the beginning he was indeed trying to help LE, also telling his parents to let LE handle certain things that they as a family could not.

One thing I am curious about is, it seems everyone (including Lee) is trying to figure out where KC was staying mid June (after Caylee went missing). I know some of you will not want to hear this but here goes.....I think that KC was either staying at or frequently visiting that house on Brackenwood. I know I know. But I still believe that whoever gave the PI the information on the location at Suburban also directed him to this house for a reason. I wonder if Lee knew about the house on Brackenwood?
I think one of the bombshells is the tape of Lee and Tony talking, and Lee saying she lied, she has lied, all of it is lies.... I guess he can now join the throw your loved one under the bus gang. An interesting part was when KC was talking to NS after her arrest for murder, she is insisting that she and JB have wanted to talk to law enforcement, he arrives and they ask her to relay that to him, he meets with her privately then they return and he says no he wants/she wants to go straight to the jail. He did the same thing to her regarding meeting with George. Until he started to assemble the pro bono dream team, both her folks and Lee wanted her to fire JB because he wasn't worried a bit about the baby, and in her jailhouse visits she kept insisting that she wanted to talk to FBI and they felt it was JB putting the breaks on. I know this is no laughing matter but I get the church giggles when she tries to talk as if she is very educated, she uses the word "myself" inappropriately, often. The questions she asks the officers are not anything about her daughter, she asks if there are cameras in the room and why the grand jury was leaked. The constant fussing with her clothes and hair is so revealing about where her focus is. Going back to Lee he is speaking honestly with Tony, and not telling the lie he told in the ZG deposition that he believes everything his sister told him.

By far my favorite was the audio of the lady at the jail who took KC down to the medical area. She did the state no favor admitting that she took her there to "watch the coverage on TV", someone must have raised an eyebrow because she quickly added and to be with a nurse if she should need one. This is exactly what JB told the judge , it was done for the sole purpose of getting her reaction caught on tape. The one who should be fired immediately was the officer who responded to the site the meter reader was at, and never, ever asked him, can you show me, I don't see the bag. Baez is going to have a field day with that one. It makes no sense that he can't get his story together, Yuri is so pissed and frustrated with him, "Why....why....why didn't you?" They fired others for less, that guy is too lazy to be an officer. Unfortunately today may turn out to be a good day for the defense or at least have mixed results. I have to add finally that the police must have a treasure of information they gained bugging the A. home and G&C's cells (Lee said BC had a PI investigate the phone lines and he determined they were indeed being monitored.) We assumed they had done it of course as well as had tracking devices on all of their vehicles.
In this video I truly believe that Lee is trying to figure out what the h#ll is going on. At the same time he's learning more and more about his sister. In a way I get the feeling that he knows she is lying about everything and he's just trying to prove it. From what I gather Lee is not stupid and he's asking and searching for the right answers. I think in the beginning he was indeed trying to help LE, also telling his parents to let LE handle certain things that they as a family could not.

One thing I am curious about is, it seems everyone (including Lee) is trying to figure out where KC was staying mid June (after Caylee went missing). I know some of you will not want to hear this but here goes.....I think that KC was either staying at or frequently visiting that house on Brackenwood. I know I know. But I still believe that whoever gave the PI the information on the location at Suburban also directed him to this house for a reason. I wonder if Lee knew about the house on Brackenwood?

Hey man, in this case, you never know.
That's what I heard too. Seems that it was very sophisticated technology, making him suspect it was Police that planted them. There was also a lower tech "bug" at the house, maybe placed by media (per AL).

It is actually very easy to bug phones and the local spy shops help people that suspect a spouse is cheating with relative ease and little expense.
I know, it's just odd as the public perception is generally that Cindy is the more selfish one.
If you read the letters from CA's mother you will see that GA was a bit of a jerk that didn't work for many years and far from the nice man we saw at the memorial, a cheat, a gambler... and it was CA who had to hold things together. Interesting that she is the one people always blame KC's behavior on, but she didn't have a good role model in dad either.
You're assuming they didn't have search warrants to bug the house in the first place. If they did bug the house. I guarantee you they had a search warrant to place them or monitor their phones. And trust me there is AMPLE evidence to give a judge the grounds to sign the search warrant.
I agree, it is done and especially in a case like this where a child's life may be in danger, the judge will sign and seal (secrete) it.
I think Jose has her convinced that he can get her off by simply discrediting the evidence. So.....she doesn't want to admit to an "accident" and get jail time when she would "go free" when he wins her case. I'd love to see her get the DP but I have to also recognize the fact that her atty is clearly not working in her best interests.

My guess if there is a plea, it will be the night before trial. That will give Baez and company enough time to rack up substantial legal fees. They haven't earned enough yet...

Right now they are still telling KC she can beat this thing. About a week or two before trial, they will start telling her she probably won't win...

It's all about the attorneys making the big bucks.
I think Lee was genuine, it must be nearly impossible to believe your loved one murdered her own beautiful daughter. The only thing I agree with CA about was her general statement just because you're a liar doesn't mean you're a murderer. Most people who we'd even consider "rotten" people - not that nice, stealing, lying - would never, ever MURDER someone. And with no "clues" like stashing weapons, death filled diary entries (all those "red flags") - it has to be really, really hard to accept even what seems obvious. I'm sure Lee's mind went back to Christmas's when they were little, family vacations. Even when he says KC has lied since middle school- she's only 22 now, in his "big brother" mind he might have thought this is some arrested-development teenage BS up until now.

I just feel awful for him at this point. I think he's just trying to flesh out if any of her friends could have been dark, drug addicted people who would be more "foreseeable" as murderers than his semi-innocent sister. But POOR TL also when he finds out on top of everything she was cheating? I bet he wishes he declined her myspace friend request long ago
Lee is trying to get answers to the same questions we have: where was she staying, was she really looking for Caylee, where did she get the money she claimed to have and who is she, really.

There were many things during Lee's ramblings that I found interesting. KC didn't party before April 08, there are 2 different KC's, she would lie to better herself and lie to lie,
if Cindy would have thought Caylee was in danger Lee would have done more to track KC down the night of July 3rd, the computer was Cindys, the digital camera was Cindys and the 'big' purse was Cindys (the items taken from AL's apartment), a 5th check that KC wrote belonged to someone, but Lee couldn't figure out who, and maybe KC needed to start fresh with a new group of friends.

8.5 months later and I'm still shaking my head.
Poor Lee. He is trying so hard to figure it out, and really seems to have an objective handle on Casey's lies. It's apparent he feels that if Casey killed Caylee that it was an accident. He also thinks LE is out to get her.

I think he would justify himself defending her, even to the point of doing something illegal, to help her. He thinks that LE will crucify Casey because she stuck with her lies, but that she really did not kill Caylee on purpose.

He's not seeing another point of view:

Even if it was an accident, she should be in jail for a long time for giving false hope to everyone who loves Caylee and who held out hope she was alive, instead of telling the truth. All those months, every moment, when those who loved Caylee were in agony and searching desperately for her- that kind of hell they went through could be avoided by one simple sentence from Casey.

I know that should not be considered when giving a verdict. But it sure would alleviate any concerns I had re: accident vs. intentional. I would vote NO on the death penalty, but YES on a long sentence.
Personally I don't get the feeling Cindy, George or Lee have much respect for law enforcement except when they need help or special consideration (favors). As for Lee, his strange and near incoherent speech at Caylee's memorial has convinced me that it might be a very good idea if he, along with his parents, sought professional counseling.
i just love how hes trying to put some blame on jesse. what an a@@hole!!!!!!!!!
Considering the likes of her other dopey boyfriends, it seems to me that Jesse would have been a fine young husband and father and he comes from a strong Christian family that would have been wonderful to the baby, always. In her life he will always be the one that got away. Even if she doesn't realize it for ten years, he truly loved her and her family is way off their mark to blame him. It is almost like deep down she didn't feel worthy of Jesse, does anyone wonder if something horrible, traumatic happened to her?
Considering that their talk took place two weeks after KC's arrest and not much was known at the time, I heard Lee honestly "fishing" for answers. Yes he is exuberant and talkative but he did not seem to be hiding anything.

As a matter of fact, I bet LE has substantiated that Lee was out of town three weeks out of four for both May and June.

It struck me as if LE wired TL to get the goods on Lee but they were really after the goods on TL. He sure didn't say much did he? He seemed timid and scared.

Lee seemed to be suggesting to TL to beware because the bugs are coming your way fella. Lee knew he was being watched but I did not feel he was acting secretive.
Yes, the kid was cold busted about his pot smoking and dealer friends and Lee got him to name the dealer. He was a bit nervous, as he should be knowing the dealer is going to be pissed and his parents are going to hear all about his weed smoking, even future employers, etc. will think of him in this taint going forward. It wasn't good for him, but he felt there was a higher calling goal I guess.

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