2009.01.21 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I've been through this whole thread and don't recall anyone saying all the other DNA test results were back...it's blatantly obvious we don't have the crime scene DNA results, the labs probably haven't finished them all.

The test OCSO asked for was re parentage and was done months before Caylee was found.

I agree but as far as testing his DNA against the car, too, I think that is possible.
They aren't sharing ANY of the family's DNA results. There would be no reason to do. Then, the DNA associated with the crime scene would be at issue-- not everyone's DNA that was taken.

Have you ever seen DNA codes published in the media, during a criminal trial? They look a lot like bar codes, or a series of letters.
No, right? There is just a statement that, say, Col. Mustard's DNA was found on the Wrench, in the Library.

They would show the incriminating DNA codes and explain them to the jury. That's all.

I have been involved in many murder cases and seen many DNA test results, both in murder trials and other crimes. If you are that interested in learning about DNA, perhaps you should start a new thread about it, but you will probably find one already there. I really don't want to debate this with you anymore.
Thanks JBean, Cocoamom :]

Another interesting little factoid...hubby says its a well known trick with the cops, at least around here...maybe orlando too?

"here" is New Orleans, btw.

ETA : talking more with him, he says his dad actually learned it from a cop. He said they have to know how to get rid of all kinds of stains for when they auction off cars that were involved in crimes. Now, that's interesting...

Now I can't even get the docs to load to view on WFTV site. Just comes up as a blank page where the it used to be. GRrrrrr.
From what I have read Welsh does not have the full set on their site so that is why I always go to WFTV for them. Maybe they are having problems and it will work later.

Try clearing your cache... sorry you are having problems. The page was black for me earlier today, I would just click to a new tab and click back and it would appear, lol.

I always go to WFTV as well, unlike Baez, I like Kathi Belich. :crazy:
Maybe Casey was just being a smart as$ - who knows,you know??

No, just because Casey killed Caylee doesn't mean she or was incapable of dramatic sentimental gestures.

Susan Smith probably kissed her sleeping kids goodbye before pushing her car into the lake.

Nila Wacerson took her sons out to their favorite place to eat before bringing them to a motel room and stabbing them to death.

In her way Casey was sayin she was sorry Caylee had to go. No way did she use gorilla tape and think it would ever come off. She meant to kill Caylee and was ready to put her past behind. The sticker was a "Sorry, baby."
Hiya, newbie here but long time lurker. I just had a thought about the gas cans that were "stolen". My husband's father owned a used car lot when he was a boy and his job was to clean the interiors of the cars. He told me a long time ago, that the best way to clean a stain out of carpeting is gasoline and a fork. Pour the gas on the stain and let it set for a minute, then take a fork and scrape the stain and funk out of it. Worked like a charm too, although i'm not sure how it would work on a decomp. stain. Just a thought...

Welcome to WS!

And thank you for the insight....I had no idea you could use gas on a stain! I suppose if they found gas in the trunk they probably would have thought it might have leaked out of the cans?? Maybe that's what the knife was used for, instead of a fork.
I didn't see that anyone else had replied, so I thought I would share what I found.

Looks like the various media outlets broke up docs and were not consistent in what they published. Seems to me WFTV's release was the most complete. Using the hand-written numbers in the lower-right, it breaks down like this:

3063-3073: Supplemental County Investigation Report
3074-3142: missing
3143-3153: RK 911 Call Transcripts
3154-3171: Search Warrants
3172 : missing
3173-3215: County Forensics Part 2
3216-3274: County Forensics Part 1
3275-3327: County Evidence Sent to FBI
3328-3373: FBI Documents

So, 3063 - 3373 are the 311 pages reported released through discovery. So I think we're seeing everything from LE has released to the media regarding the FBI lab results.

However, I haven't found any media outlets publishing anything from 3074-3142 (69 pages). I wonder what's in there.

Meta, I just HAVE to tell you this is great information! NOW, who are you gonna email to find out where the missing pages are? LOL Thanks for the research!:blowkiss:
I worry that I read too much into everything, I did'nt find anything about maggots being in the trunk, anyone else?

I don't know how to correctly do a link, but I copied and pasted:
Under Thurs.,Aug. 8: from trash bag in trunk-maggots and pupa
It's at the bottom of page 3221. It's under the 1st set of docs under RK's 911 calls.
Trying to figure that out too. Cloth-type lettering....could be anything.

What ever it is I hope they found matching ones at the Anth's home

I suppose these were the type of letters you buy at a craft store and can iron on a shirt or something. Maybe.
I really think it was a My Little Pony. I am positive I saw a picture of Caylee with My Little Pony horses in a You Tube tribute video. Caylee was standing behind a table (like a low coffee table) and there were several My Little Pony horses on the table. I will try to find that tribute video, but I have watched SO many of them.... I'm sure I saw that picture though. I remember thinking it was a picture I had never seen.

I've found a video with Potato Head people. Still looking for hose stuff...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiQK700P8nM At 3:12 in the video.

It's hard to watch. :frown:
It MAY be that one or some of those hairs were LE, or persons who conducted tests on or handled these exhibits. JB & Dr. Lee may have even shed a hair or 2 into the mix! It may be that those hairs weren't there when the car was impounded by LE.

Got it. Thanks for answering!
I've been through this whole thread and don't recall anyone saying all the other DNA test results were back...it's blatantly obvious we don't have the crime scene DNA results, the labs probably haven't finished them all.

The test OCSO asked for was re parentage and was done months before Caylee was found.

I'm not going to look for it, my old eyes are tired enough tonight from squinting at the documents.

The post that started all this new speculation said that the new documents listed the DNA tests for all three and then the results for Cindy and George and not Lee and hmmmm, wasn't that something. I haven't been able to find anything other than a list of the DNA samples being taken and a list showing they were returned by the lab, no results.

I've asked several times if the person who posted this would tell us where to find these results. No one has replied.
Did anyone notice all the empty containers of Velveeta they found in the trunk? Wasn't that odd? It suddenly occurred to me that when my dog was sick, the only way she would take pills was if I put them tin a piece of soft cheese -- like Velveeta. If Caylee was given something like, say Xanax (Zanny) maybe Casey put it in the cheese so she would easily take it. Don't know if this has been discussed, but that's a whole lot of empty cheese containers in a trunk. Very strange.

I think that is brilliant. I do the same with my dogs, but it never occurred to me.
Could the letters have once been ironed on to the laundry bag? First name or initials?
I don't see ANY results from ANY DNA tests in the documents. Does that make it simple? The point the original poster made was that it was suspicious that the results from the others were in there but not Lee's. I don't see those results. I don't see any results from any tests.

Would you indulge me and provide a link to the exact text of the poster to whom you keep referring? TYIA
I found this interesting:
"In late June, Cynthia came to Debbie (Polisano) and said she was having problems at home and wanted to take some time off during the day. Cynthia said she and George were having problems because George and Casey were fighting and George was really mad at Casey".

I can't remember exactly when the gas can inncident, will have to go look it up, but I was under the impression that the A's had not seen nore heard from KC and Caylee during that time, other than GA with the gas can inncident IIRC. Looking at the cell phone records, I don't see where KC had any phone conversations with GA long enough to actually fight. So does this mean that GA was seeing KC on a regular basis at the A home during this time? If so, and CA is complaining to co-workers about GA and CA's constant fighting, then she too knew all along that KC had been going home. Have I missed something? I was under the impression from statements that the A's had not physically seen her at all during this time period.
I agree but as far as testing his DNA against the car, too, I think that is possible.

I would think that a lot of the DNA evidence found at the scenes (car, woods etc) that is not attributable to Casey or Caylee, would be tested against their profiles to see if it is theirs. I think they would do it for 2 reasons here....
1. LE suspect they may be involved
2. To identify DNA on the commonly used household items.
I would think that a lot of the DNA evidence found at the scenes (car, woods etc) that is not attributable to Casey or Caylee, would be tested against their profiles to see if it is theirs. I think they would do it for 2 reasons here....
1. LE suspect they may be involved
2. To identify DNA on the commonly used household items.

Good points, thanks! :)
Hiya, newbie here but long time lurker. I just had a thought about the gas cans that were "stolen". My husband's father owned a used car lot when he was a boy and his job was to clean the interiors of the cars. He told me a long time ago, that the best way to clean a stain out of carpeting is gasoline and a fork. Pour the gas on the stain and let it set for a minute, then take a fork and scrape the stain and funk out of it. Worked like a charm too, although i'm not sure how it would work on a decomp. stain. Just a thought...

I read somewhere else on one of the doc dumps with comments after it where someone wrote they thought was that they were going to be used to *cremate* Caylee
That Caylees remains were in the bag in the car when sprung by George with the Gas Cans that she panicked and dumped Caylees remains
Ok I read through all the pages of posts just now and I have so much to say:D

But first, one note, the DNA Parentage Test Report (item K-1) was sent TO the FBI, not back from them. I would imagine this is the report from JG's paternity test and was used as a clear sample of Caylee's DNA for comparison to all items. Evidence sent by County to FBI documents Page 23

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