2009.02.18 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Sorry if this has already been posted, on this Supplemental report


page 9, it states when Detectives came to the Anthony home to carry out a search warrant, Cindy and George (plus the Milstead's and Dominic Casey) were at the home. Cindy told the Detectives that she had people search that area where the remains were found and there was nothing there then.

Also GA was very upset & combative & was told to go out on the patio.
When the search warrant was executed on December11, Cindy A. told LE that ....

"She had people walk that area (where the body was found) & there was nothing there"
The white sunglasses found were the same glasses she was wearing the last time GA saw her. That tells me she was murdered that day. I don't think the glasses would have made it to the body dump had she been takena nd murdered later.
The reports show that none of the fingerprints belonging to the toddler's grandparents or uncle were found on the duct tape. However, forensic investigators did not address if they found prints belonging to the toddler's mother, Casey Anthony, on the adhesive tape.

We are still waiting for this.
This is from NBC:

Items found in Anthony home: "Winnie-the-Pooh" bedding; Kodak disposable camera; two metal brackets with duct tape; one red gas can with duct tape, "Kenkel Consumer Adhesive"
Items found around body in woods: Crushed "Sprite" can; "Winnie-the-Pooh" helium balloon-broken; pregnancy test; Green "Sierra Mist" bottle; "Budweiser" can; Plastic "Publix" bag; Barbie doll legs; key on a

More at link

a pregnancy test was found at the site? I think a big bombshell was the gatorade bottle filled with unknown liquid and substance and a syringe!
So many bombshells in my mind, everything links Casey Anthony to this henious crime.
This is unbelieable. How is KC and her "dream team" going to explain this one? To me, this is a HUGE nail in KC's coffin!


Used as an admonition to seize the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future.
Yes. And if untreated, YES. Wasn't that the case with Andrea Yates? Untreated PPD?

Let's hope JB doesn't try to pull the insanity card.

But in her diary, she wrote how happy she was (June 21, 2008). That happiness doesn't sound a bit like depression. Unless they want to say she is bipolar, which she isn't.

"This is the happiest I've been in a very long time. I hope that my happiness will continue to grow."

She was miserable, yes, but when she wrote this, she was happy and looking forward to the future with her new "good people". :rolleyes:

Since that time, she hasn't acted like someone with depression.
I've always suspected that they(CA,GA,LA) had some ideas about where Caylee might be ...after all,I think they wanted her found(probably suspecting that she's dead),they just never admitted it in public.Somehow understandable....

How would they know to look so close to the right spot? Could DC got ahold of the calls from MR to LE?..I don't believe KC spilled the beans to ANYONE!

Casey started hyperventilating when she was told Caylee's body had been found. And she needed meds!

eta~ (from above article)
"Evidence discovered in the woods where Caylee's body was found match items found in the Anthony home, the documents said. The same type of laundry bag, duct tape and plastic bag discovered at the crime scene were located in the house, according to the documents."
Casey told Annie that "Cindy was trying to control her life & take Caylee away from her"


Every time Casey was out without Caylee& Cindy was Babysitting, Cindy would call Casey & argue with her about when she was comming home, where she was at or why she was out so late.
the diary entry for June 21st:

I have no regrets, just a bit worried. I just want for everything to work out okay.

I completely trust my own judgement & know that I made the right decision. I just hope that the end justifies the means.

I just want to know what the future will hold for me. I guess I will soon see -- This is the happiest that I have been in a very long time.

My bold -- and it's sick & twisted how she could put this in writing. How could she be so happy if little Caylee was 'missing'???

Because Caylee wasn't missing -- she killed her.

So much for BC telling us he didn't believe they even took "trashbags" or "duct tape" from the A home..I'm so sick of the LIES!!
Laundry bag found in Anthony garage matches bag in which Caylee's body was found.
i wonder if she injected Caylee with something?

I am wondering that. I am also wondering what the white substance is in a gatorade bottle. Wonder if she had given Caylee gatorade to drink and laced it with something? Where did the syringe come from? Wonder if KC could have "lifted" it from Cindy's work at at any time.

Does anyone see any huge bombshellsl in this doc dump? I don't see alot new. We all knew that KC had big problems with her mother and was mentally unstable.. But where is some bombshell evidence that points to her as the murderer. I mean out and out big evidence with her fingerprints etc. Were they on the syringe??? Whats in the syringe? Why is it taking so long for that info to come out? I just don't see any bombshells here. Does anyone else? How come no fingerprint evidence out about the duct tape and yet they say no other family member fingerprints on it? Were there any on it at all?? Any stranger's fingerprints? Again, I just don't see any huge bombshells here. Is this all thats coming out today? I am disappointed.

Remember the most damning evidence will come out at trial. I wasn't disappointed today, but it did change my decision on DP: Bring it back...
I'm sure they can get DNA from the syringe so they'd have to know IF it was used by her.. I'd be surprised if it was cos I just don't see her shooting up & CA being a nurse would've seen needle marks.

I understood it to be a needleless syringe? The kind used for dosing small children with medicine?
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