2009.02.18 Haleigh's Parents Taken to Sheriff's Office

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Just walked in the door and seen this thread --> I cannot wait to hear more!
Theres nothing to tell. No word at all as to why they were taken to the police station.
Since gf began to talk so much about the blankets when that was not even being asked of her, do you think they seized the van? Maybe LE is trying to figure out what blanket that she is talking about that "they" took. My DH and I do not have seperate blankets that we sleep with, and maybe RC and gf do, so maybe they are looking for *that* blanket........reaching for anything at this point.

And, YES, I would love some cookies and coffee, sounds great while we wait.
My theory on the parents trip to the Sheriff Dept-
Ron was picked up by the investigator because they don't want him to have the means to leave when they tell him that they think Misty is somehow responsible for this.

I'm thinking she may have confessed to something.......

And since Ron appears to be a hothead, they don't want him to be able to leave and go after her.

Agree. I think after tip re gf being elsewhere, gf admitted finally leaving the trailer, and the actual circumstances, ie when and how, under which she really discovered Haleigh's missing. LE needed to requestion dad in order to confirm he had no knowledge of this and also since dad IS hothead LE knows even this level of involvement could be reason enough for dad (or bio mom & family) to retaliate toward gf. I think this is the break LE needs to crack this, and did want to break it to family before releasing to media. JMO

My suspicion is that they have in some way confirmed the rumored tip that Misty was not in fact at home the night hayleigh disapeared. And that Misty probably arrived home not long before Ron.
Everyone says Ron is a hot head....I cannot begin to tell you how I would BLOW if someone took my child. I'll tell you that Ron would be considered mild mannered in comparison to me.
I wish we had some word on where Misty is right now or if she has been seen around camp.
Everyone says Ron is a hot head....I cannot begin to tell you how I would BLOW if someone took my child. I'll tell you that Ron would be considered mild mannered in comparison to me.

I agree! I would be taz. I couldn't believe NG's breaking headline last night: "How the *advertiser censored** you go lose my daughter B***" Not sure if that was the exact quote.
Agree. I think after tip re gf being elsewhere, gf admitted finally leaving the trailer, and the actual circumstances, ie when and how, under which she really discovered Haleigh's missing. LE needed to requestion dad in order to confirm he had no knowledge of this and also since dad IS hothead LE knows even this level of involvement could be reason enough for dad (or bio mom & family) to retaliate toward gf. I think this is the break LE needed to crack this, and did want to break it to family before releasing to media. JMO


I think I have already agreed that I agree... I think what she confessed to was not being there.....I don't know how many more days a girl 17yrs of age under national scrutiny could take anymore guilt or living with with lies she may have originally told......I don't think MC caused personal harm to Hayleigh with her own hands. (though i could change my mind)

If I were MC I would also be terrified of Ron - just after what he said during the 911 call. I will kill them, I am not afraid of prison etc etc etc.... Then again, I would react the same way as Ron if not worse!!
I wish we had some word on where Misty is right now or if she has been seen around camp.

The last "official" track I had on her, they did say in the afternoon presser, she had been re-interviewed today. Don't know if it was on-going or not.
i think the cops are just messing with misty and hoping she'll crack and spill the beans.

this, unfortunately, could be their best chance of ever finding haleigh.

if misty is guilty, i'm sure she is miserable now, but she probably wont ever confess to a serious crime.
I agree! I would be taz. I couldn't believe NG's breaking headline last night: "How the *advertiser censored** you go lose my daughter B***" Not sure if that was the exact quote.
I think it was How the *advertiser censored** you let my daughter get stole B****??

Sometimes bad situations bring out the worst in us.
Although, when you read Truecrimereport.com I am also swayed in a different direction.

www.truecrimereport.com -- Steve Huff is the blogger for those now familiar.
http://www.truecrimereport.com/2009/02/police_say_haleigh_cummings_di.php (not Steve Huff's post, but that of a poster on his site)

Five tip-offs for this arm-chair sleuth:

1. Contradictory statements to begin with. Could be the girl WAS in the same bed to begin with and WET the bed. THEN was put in other bed. Misty talks about her wetting the bed (recently) and she "washed the blanket." If she is 5 year-old girl with Turner's syndrome, living in emotionally and physically abusive environment, further explains why still bedwetter.

2. Father hothead and has lengthy criminal history - also domestic violence, reports of child abuse. Known fact that one of the leading causes of death in children are parents who go berserk due to bedwetting, over-discipline and possibly beat to death. Could have physically assaulted, broken limbs, bruises - only recourse was to throw her in the river, and place cinder block at back door to "cover" himself. Also reports that phone calls between two in early morning hours before he returned home, so if truly missing, he wouldn't have stayed at job 'til finished.

3. His dismay and tears are over what he did, and yes, he wants her back - but not because of abduction that never happened He is remorseful, like many abusers who do it over and over and over. Think sheriff's dept going along with story to get the goods on Dad and girlfriend.

4. Misty going along with story, but because she is young and not real bright, (like Ronald) they have really given themselves away with talk of bedwetting and now knowledge of truancy - in kindergarten of all things - which is another sign of physical abuse and healing injuries.

5. Child missed so much school that bio Mom said if missed anymore, father could be arrested. Contempt of Court entered against father on Mon 2/9 -hours before child went missing. Father didn't want to lose son, lose job, nor go to jail.

Father murdered unintentionally, life in prison. Girlfriend accomplice - serving 30+ years in the big house.

Case closed.
I think it was How the *advertiser censored** you let my daughter get stole B****??

Sometimes bad situations bring out the worst in us.

Oh that's right! and you're right!! I just couldn't believe she had that splashed across the screen.. I don't know why it shocked me..
Maybe Misty came clean to LE about not being home, and wanted to apologize to Ron and Crystal, and LE said, we'll bring them here, you will be safe, and LE was there to make sure nothing happened...
The last "official" track I had on her, they did say in the afternoon presser, she had been re-interviewed today. Don't know if it was on-going or not.

That make me think they "cracked" her today. I don't think anyone has seen her since she went for questioning today.
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