2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

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That blew me away. Nothing good is coming out of his mouth. This is the most f..ked up case with more liars than I have every seen in one room.

Yes Concerned, ITA.

We have read Crystal had her drug problems too and that could be why Ron got custody.

Battered Women's Syndrome is a really hard one to escape from and Crystal said she finally had enough and left, went back with him a few times when he called her to, basically for the kids. But she couldn't take the abuse and left again.

I think with Ron's obvious anger management problem they {his family} had him on some 'happy pills' or something like that so he wouldn't go off and pop Geraldo. They probably knew what was coming in the interview with all the tension between the two families.

Imagine being a child and having to live in this situation. Awful!!
Plus IMO it sounded like he was impaired a bit. If he sounds like that all the time I feel sorry for him. I don't believe him for one New York Second.

I about fainted when I heard Ron say "I'll always believe my little girl is alive until they find her"

I agree! Something did not seem right when he said that.
He came across like he was on something and lying about everything. I had an abusive relationship in the past and he certainly seems the type. I believe the mother.

I wonder if Misty or him have had any drug screens??
I think Misty is not telling the complete truth because she is terrified of RC.[/QUOTE]

If LE promised Misti protection from RC, maybe Misti is talking now and back home with her parents.
IMO I don't think crystal is capable of thinking for herself. This is awful. She's trashing RC and he's begging for his daughters return 'this is only about my daughter. I love you and I will find you. i love you baby, I will find you." Sad

bolded by me
I agree and I get the feeling that Crystals mother is behind this. Just because in any other interview I've seen, Crystal answers with one word answers and 'I don't know's and her mother always has an answer, it seems. And a much longer one than 'one word'.
never hit a girl, never, I dont do that
NEVER hit haleigh
then, he went on to say he and Haleigh had "AN AGREEMENT" (!!!) He knew how to spank her the way the dept of chidren and family services says he can...Good LORD!
Why would he know how to properly spank Haleigh unless he didnt do it the right way first? This guy is a MAJOR loose cannon

yeah, what kind of an agreement was this? if he never hit her before and then started spanking her........what was haleigh getting out of the deal? it definitely sounds like an "agreement" would be more along the lines of: i will only spank you and not hit you in any other ways (anymore).
question - we dug and found RC's rap sheet - but we have yet to find anything on CS - wonder why?

And, I, too, think CS and her family have had just about enough. I think they have been bullied and pushed around by RC and family (remember TN is a sheriff dispatcher). As for the older man with the redish face - IMO that's alcholism and for a long time.

Why did RC deny the drug use - he KNOWS his record - he KNOWS LE has that record. Not a very smart move to deny deny deny.
It only makes me go back to considering bio mom's family as suspects. Maybe LE is finally getting too close and this is the way they are deflecting any blame towards themselves.

It saddens me to see this for Rj. They had made such great strides in bringing a peace to the situation as witnessed in the vigils and interviews the past few days. I had hope they could leave the past alone and move forward for him. Oh...but Geraldo can't stand not to stir the pot to create animosity and hatred for ratings...Can he? (Shaking my head)

ITA! I don't think this helps Haleigh at all. IMO that "shocking" picture was ridiculous. Also, there is a school incident report stating it happened in school. I also believe that this is an attempt to try for custody of RJ. I am done with believing bio-mom's side of the family :mad: Wasn't bio gram on tv a few days ago apologizing for saying negative things about RC and MC??? What changed since then?
I'm starting to think daddy has pretty much expected to find her body by now but that the people he probably arranged to do this have no yet killed Haleigh and so daddy is worrying about that.
Geraldo just makes me sick. How is anything that Crystal is claiming helping to find her daughter? If all that is true, did she tell LE? And even if it is all true, let's worry about it AFTER they find Haleigh. Not to mention the fact, if she knew all this why wasn't she trying to get custody of her children? Did she ever call DFCS about her concerns? After her cousin told her about Ron hitting Haleigh? And she is accusing Ron of fake crying? Please. Pot meet Kettle.

And I'm not really sticking up for Ron, he looked messed up to me, but again, starting a family war is NOT going to help find Haleigh. :mad:
oh my.

Just a little FYI - I am a public elementary school teacher for 15 years. I have had kids fall, get hurt, etc. I have never had a child fall on the sidewalk for any reason and get a black eye. Noses, cheeks, palms of hands (especially) but never ever a black eye.

In my experience a broken nose usually results in both eyes being blackened. It appears more to me that Haliegh suffered some type of blow, which could have been a fall, to the left side of her face.
Yes Concerned, ITA.

We have read Crystal had her drug problems too and that could be why Ron got custody.

Battered Women's Syndrome is a really hard one to escape from and Crystal said she finally had enough and left, went back with him a few times when he called her to, basically for the kids. But she couldn't take the abuse and left again.

I think with Ron's obvious anger management problem they {his family} had him on some 'happy pills' or something like that so he wouldn't go off and pop Geraldo. They probably knew what was coming in the interview with all the tension between the two families.

Imagine being a child and having to live in this situation. Awful!!

I read the transcripts from the custody hearing between Ron and Crystal. I saw a tit for tat as far as drugs and dependability and stability for these kids. I think the judge gave custody to Ron simply because he had just started working and would be getting health insurance for the two kids in a few months.
It only makes me go back to considering bio mom's family as suspects. Maybe LE is finally getting too close and this is the way they are deflecting any blame towards themselves.

It saddens me to see this for Rj. They had made such great strides in bringing a peace to the situation as witnessed in the vigils and interviews the past few days. I had hope they could leave the past alone and move forward for him. Oh...but Geraldo can't stand not to stir the pot to create animosity and hatred for ratings...Can he? (Shaking my head)

Wouldn't that just be something if Crystal staged this whole thing so she could get custody of her kids. It does seem to me that she will use this situation to get custody of Jr. I really think that's why they have called in the AG and they are now bringing out all the dirt on Ron.
I would think that if Haleigh's teachers suspected abuse or neglect they would have reported it to the State.
From the interviews I've seen Ron seems concerned, scared and passionate about finding his daughter. I can't say I've seen the same from Crystal.
I have lurked thru this entire case, but now must ask a question. Does anyone else get the impression that the State's attorney had something she wanted to say and just couldn't? Seems like she was walking all around the words she wanted to say.
why would she go on geraldo and do this? is this helping find haleigh?

is she saying she thinks RC is responsible for haleighs disappearance?

This should be kept off TV and only told to LE. Turning things into a feud or circus won't help Haleigh or Junior, but will put more money into the pockets of the media.

That is what I want to know.
Oh I don;t want to read anymore of this thread. I'll check the end later. This is awful.
OMG How in the h3ll is this helping to find Haleigh!
I'm sure Ron & Crystal's relationship was no walk in the park. But for her and her family to stoop to this level is beyond ridiculous. If things were so bad between them why wait until now to bring it to everyone's attention. She is Haleigh's mother and if she knew Ron was violent she should have fought for all she was worth to gain custody of her kids. Apparently a judge felt that Ron was the better parent and I'm sure the judge was well aware of any legal issues for Ron where drugs were concerned.
I say Ron is a stand up guy for not airing Crystal's dirty laundry. I'm sure her drug life would make for interesting TV too.
Why if Crystal and her family felt that Ron was not caring for Haleigh properly haven't they done something before now?

The best defense, is a good offense...The gloves are off now.
I would like to hear the story from AMBER also........the other girlfriend with his other child........
all girls being 16-17 when he started seeing them????
It seems like everyone is turning on RC and there must be some reason coming up........
skeletons in the closet so to speak, small town and stories.
Nothing looks good here.........I'm very afraid Haleigh in gone forever..........IMO
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