2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

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You know, I thought so too. I thought she was holding something back. She kept looking at CS and family uncomfortably. JMO
Yes. She did seem like she was very uncomfortable. I think she wanted to tell them they were bitter and revenge was a double edged sword...which could bite them when they no longer get to see Rj.
I have lurked thru this entire case, but now must ask a question. Does anyone else get the impression that the State's attorney had something she wanted to say and just couldn't? Seems like she was walking all around the words she wanted to say.

I did think that. Stop that lurking! As another poster said, parachute on in! :seeya:
my question, why would RC stall for time?
Was he out searching for the man or Haleigh?
YOOOHOOOO!!! MISTY, where are youuuu????

What do you think Kelly? I think they want to show the other side of the coin, so to speak. Now it comes out maybe the father was a hot head and Misty put herself in a bad position. Ron ran with a wild circle of friends and even tho Misty might not be perfect either, I think she was basically under his control, and maybe that is changing as we speak and the truth will come out.

When LE nails the timeline. When. That is what will help to find Haleigh.
Yes, he should have been honest, it's part of the public record.
At least Crystal was honest about her drug use. For him to deny it completely is absurd unless he expects us to believe he was framed. :waitasec:
Why take a child to the hospital a week after she fell and scratched her face? I don't get it.

TN, RC's mother stated RC took Haleigh the next day to the Dr. and the follow up visit was a week later to determine if the nose was broke.
Just thinkin here...but I THINK I heard RC say.."i don't DO drugs"... he wasn't talking in past tense... go back and listen to it if you can and let me know if he says...Ive never done drugs...or does he say... I don't DO drugs...

That's wahat I heard, him speaking in present tense. Denied ever dealing or being a CI, but did not say he never did drugs, just that he does not do them now.
I said it elsewhere I'll say it here. daddy is another KC. this is a case of child neglect. I say lock daddy up for child neglect/endangerment and get on with this case.
Geraldo just makes me sick. How is anything that Crystal is claiming helping to find her daughter? If all that is true, did she tell LE? And even if it is all true, let's worry about it AFTER they find Haleigh. Not to mention the fact, if she knew all this why wasn't she trying to get custody of her children? Did she ever call DFCS about her concerns? After her cousin told her about Ron hitting Haleigh? And she is accusing Ron of fake crying? Please. Pot meet Kettle.

And I'm not really sticking up for Ron, he looked messed up to me, but again, starting a family war is NOT going to help find Haleigh. :mad:

never4getcaylee, I agree completely! And I am really putting myself out there with this, but having known (closely) people just like these families, I can tell you that even though drugs, spousal abuse, whatever might take place, that doesn't mean they are responsible for a child missing. LE still insists that they are treating this as an abduction. I also know that, while some of it might be true and is worth looking into, some of it is also just allegations from one angry ex to another. You hurt me so I am going to hurt you type of games.
Just thinkin here...but I THINK I heard RC say.."i don't DO drugs"... he wasn't talking in past tense... go back and listen to it if you can and let me know if he says...Ive never done drugs...or does he say... I don't DO drugs...

I noticed this to. He didn't say I have never done drugs. He kept saying I don't DO drugs.
Maybe Ronnie meant he never used drugs since he got custody of Haleigh and Jr.
Why wouldnt Ron jsut come clean, he says he just wants his daughter back, why not be 100% forthright, it almost seems like he doesnt want to lose his "connection"
Geraldo started off asking him if he was a DRUG INFORMANT! Where did he get this info?????Locally? Probably because Ron was charged with many drug crimes, but no convictions? Ron doesnt want to make the local dealers mad, or suspicious. I am afraid I would have to spill all the beans if I were him. Maybe he has to LE, but to get on tv and deny it makes him look so bad, and is only going to have the spotlight shined brighter on him and his activities, and not on Haleigh
Geraldo is a horrid little man. Reporting that someone is a drug informant could be dangerous to that person and his whole family. Some of the Mexican drug cartels that are rampant in the U.S. nowadays wouldn't mind killing a family. I think Crystal looks like a young woman who has lived a hard drug life and doesn't look fit and healthy as Ron. She better be careful, because all this could backfire and make the authorities start looking more at her, her husband, and life.
oh ITA SS however, when children fall on the sidewalk the hands and arms go first - in fact, had a child in a different class fall one time - didn't get her hand down in time and broke her wrist. I got real close to the TV to see that picture and her left eye was black. You're right when kids (or anyone) get hit hard enough in the nose it can black eyes - but usually its BOTH eyes when its a nose hit. Plus IF RC took her to the hospital right away - they would have xrayed and checked her nose right then. Why did he take her back a week later because he thought her nose could be broke? I went through two different incidents with my own kids - my DD was 3 - fell at preschool hit the side of a table - thought she broke her nose (her eyes did go black). My DS - rolled off the top of a bunk bed and hit the metal frame of the bottom bed (SCARED ME TO DEATH!!!) they kept him all night - did all kinds of xrays thought his cheek might have been broke and his nose (neither - thank God) and both his eyes got black and shut for 3 days!!! But just falling on a sidewalk - don't think so - I've never seen it and I've been around kids in a school everday for 15 years.

I saw the black left eye, a large gouge or scrap on the left side of her nose, and a cut lip on the left side. I couldn't see the bruising on the side of her face that GR mentioned.
"Denies ever hitting Haleigh, except for spanking her on the bottom, per DCF regulations"

I wonder what has come up with his need to know the law for spanking children?I didn't even know what a DCF regulation is and I've had five kids.hm
I thought he was granted custody because she missed a court hearing due to the notice being sent to a bogus address?

i know from personal experience this can NOT be true.

a supeona MUST be served to the "defendant".

if the "defendant" cannot be located, the hearing is rescheduled.

the court must prove "due diligence" in trying to locate the "defendant", such as hiring a private investigator to search for the "defendant." it has to be proven to the judge that everything has been done to try to find the defendant.

a "notice" is NOT just mailed to the defendant. a supeona MUST be SERVED. but she was right....if you don't show up after being served, you will "lose."

we went through 2 years of this in Florida.
The picture that was so "shocking" was not, I repeat Not all that shocking. Crystal's mother stated herself that the school said this injury happened at school, it is a scratch, and because it being on tv, i really couldn't see a bruise, but it happened at school. If the school said it happened at school then it happened at school. The school would have had every base covered in an accident. JMO but the BioMoms family is just stirring the pot.

That is what they have been doing since day one.
I think Crystal might have an agenda. Just sayin...
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