2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

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I'm sorry, guys. I'm glad this info came to light. If LE needs to be looking in another area to find this child, so be it! If Chad and Marcus heard Ron say he was 75% sure who had his daughter and he was going to be gunning for them...if I was the mother and found this out, I would be doing exactly what she did.
I don't think I would have gone to the extremes they did, but I am sure they are fed up with all the lying, as I am!
Geraldo is determined to find all the facts about this case
Sorry, I had to. That was sad. Sad and disturbing. Very disturbing. I think the National Enquirer just gained credibility as compared to GR.
"Denies ever hitting Haleigh, except for spanking her on the bottom, per DCF regulations"

I wonder what has come up with his need to know the law for spanking children?I didn't even know what a DCF regulation is and I've had five kids.hm

if either parent has ever been reported to DCF for anything, (and seeing these people on tv it looks to me like they might call DCF on each other just for spite) if DCF felt it was needed they can order the parents to "parenting classes". in these classes they do discuss "appropriate discipline." in florida it is NOT illeagal to spank, but it cannot be done with an object and it cannot leave a "mark."

btw...we are adopting a child thru DCF, her parents' rights were terminated by the state. this is how i know about DCF! NOT because i was reported!
Aren't there anonymous groups who you can hire to actually kidnap your child back?
This should be kept off TV and only told to LE. Turning things into a feud or circus won't help Haleigh or Junior, but will put more money into the pockets of the media.

Many sleuthers here wanted more info......careful what ya ask for. imo- this gives more insight into the families dynamics and I'VE seen this type of stuff before. I am not surprized by it.
I can understand why he would deny all the charges publicly,because how embarrassing.He could have said he's had problems in the past and he's changed.I am wondering if he's been found out as a drug informant and they took her for a lesson?Or he owed money and they were holding her till he paid up?

Maybe the bioMom feels she needs to force the LE's hands into forcing him to tell who he thinks would have her.She wants her back and everyone's life has stopped,because he's had a child watching thier children and can't stop lying about that night.IMO

Also,if this is true about him still dealing,this is why he'd not want to come out publicly against Misty,because she would tell all she knows.BTW,I think Crystal just got Chad in alot of trouble,he'll have to watch his back now,with RC's temper.:eek:

Yeah okay like LE is going to watch this circus and press charges. This is NOT the way to force LE's hand.

She wasn't the one begging for the return of her daughter. She wasn't the one that said it was about Haleigh and not about her..nope that was RC.
I guess I don't understand why Ron's friends would make up total lies about him, if we are to believe what Ron is saying. Why would this Chadd fellow say that about him "being 75% sure he knows where she is." What would their motive be?

Still find it odd that Ron never actually said Haleigh's name. Only my daughter, my child. Why won't he say her name?

i thought chad was cs fiance? i am getting confused...more players here than the "other" case.
I'm sorry, guys. I'm glad this info came to light. If LE needs to be looking in another area to find this child, so be it! If Chad and Marcus heard Ron say he was 75% sure who had his daughter and he was going to be gunning for them...if I was the mother and found this out, I would be doing exactly what she did.
I don't think I would have gone to the extremes they did, but they are probably just as fed up with all the lying as I am!
I agree ~ let both sides of the story come out and see where it all leads. I just hope Haleigh is found soon, and CPS takes a good look at everything. :(
I thought she was just there as an "expert".

Yeah, I believe they said she is a "former" SA.

(Come to think of it: She might have looked so uncomfortable because she wanted to be a "future" SA, and being involved in this circus has shot her chances out of the cannon along with the little clown).
I think he was too busy defending himself,because we've seen all the drug charges and abuse allegations on him.And probably even scared,afraid to tell LE he's a dealer,again,he'll go to jail,maybe he's just hoping all the media attention will get them to give her back.
bolded by me
I'm right there with you. He could have been way worse and hasn't. He STILL hasn't even trashed talked anybody. When asked about personal things, he says "This isn't about me. This is about Haleigh. Find my daughter."

Yes, I think this is one thing that saved Ron a little bit even though he was denying everything in his past..

I thought for sure GR would tell him where the info was coming from b/c it would have made for a great little tv moment.. I was shocked he didn't! Wonder why?
I thought he was granted custody because she missed a court hearing due to the notice being sent to a bogus address?

that is what Crystal said and I really don't believe much of what comes out of her mouth either. Like the near drowning of Haleigh. I don't believe it.
Geraldo is a horrid little man. Reporting that someone is a drug informant could be dangerous to that person and his whole family. Some of the Mexican drug cartels that are rampant in the U.S. nowadays wouldn't mind killing a family. I think Crystal looks like a young woman who has lived a hard drug life and doesn't look fit and healthy as Ron. She better be careful, because all this could backfire and make the authorities start looking more at her, her husband, and life.

Maybe RC is an informant and that is why LE ISN"T TALKING!!!!
Wouldn't that just be something if Crystal staged this whole thing so she could get custody of her kids. It does seem to me that she will use this situation to get custody of Jr. I really think that's why they have called in the AG and they are now bringing out all the dirt on Ronnie.
I would think that if Haleigh's teachers suspected abuse or neglect they would have reported it to the State.
From the interviews I've seen Ronnie seems concerned, scared and passionate about finding his daughter. I can't say I've seen the same from Crystal.

I have not watched GR but will try to catch it later if I am up. I have also thought maybe Crystal staged this b/c she is the one having to pay him child support. Also thought it was so odd her mother said last wk she didnt know why but she just had a "feeling" about GA & TN.
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