2009.02.27 - Lee's Deposition

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Yeah that made me sick, sick, sick. They are all cut from the same cloth. I bet there's more plaintiff's by the time this is done, ready and willing to sue the Anthony's...I give them my blessings.
I think Jesse Grund should join this defamation suit, as they have thrown him under the bus too...
I wish Mr. Morgan would ask any one of them,since they believe everything that Casey says,why did Casey need a nanny since she had no job and where was the money coming for this nanny?

I wish he would have asked him "Since you believe everything your sister tells you, what are you doing or what have you done to find the the other Zenaida that kidnapped and murdered your niece?"
I'm so speechless, I don't quite know what to say.......

Lee was actually talking about the "script" Casey said Zenaida gave her?!?

Funny thing about that...Casey claims she had to follow the "script" to protect Caylee but the first thing she tells the police on the 911 call Zenaida's name? Hey Lee, Casey didn't seem to worried about following the "script" when she was spelling Zenaida's name out for the 911 operator now did she? I thought she was the fearless mom doing anything to protect her family and her daughter? :furious:

And, just where is this script? Did Casey turn this script over to the cops?
So, LA knows about two different passwords to KC's myspace/facebook accounts, he knew she wasn't in Jacksonville even when she tried to argue with him she was, he knew through his investigation that she would go back to the A home (and even threw in "with TL") while GA & CA were at work, but...

he doesn't know if KC was employed or where in '08?

And he states that after all this time TODAY is the FIRST day he had ever heard the phrase "Zanny the Nanny" as related to a "Xanax" pill? I'm not even related to Caylee and I've followed her sad story enough to have learned of the "Xanny the Nanny" Theory".

The whole thing about him not knowing if she were employed or not just blew my mind! Along with not being able to find the "right" Jeff in Jacksonville. "I believe my sister"


I think Jesse Grund should join this defamation suit, as they have thrown him under the bus too...

Great point!

And, just where is this script? Did Casey turn this script over to the cops?

I have wondered and asked this all along - cause you know...that's EVIDENCE! Certainly she wouldn't throw evidence away! :bang:She would need this to show police! Of course...unless Zanny told her that if she DIDN'T throw it away she would hurt Lee, Cindy and George :rolleyes:
I'm so speechless, I don't quite know what to say.......

Lee was actually talking about the "script" Casey said Zenaida gave her?!?

Funny thing about that...Casey claims she had to follow the "script" to protect Caylee but the first thing she tells the police on the 911 call Zenaida's name? Hey Lee, Casey didn't seem to worried about following the "script" when she was spelling Zenaida's name out for the 911 operator now did she? I thought she was the fearless mom doing anything to protect her family and her daughter? :furious:

Thangs like the bolded is what we need to make a list of so we can send to LE/FBI---CIA---somebody.......when they start with that multiple personality crap.
Probably very unpopular here after I say this but, I believe Lee is trying to tell the truth. I think that he believes one thing in his mind and another in his heart. After he made the statement that "i believe everything my sister tells me" he then admitted later that he had to believe that. He might initially believe what she says, until it is proven incorrect. My son, happens to have a nervous laugh like Lee's and I believe it is a nervous laugh. My son laughs like that for two reasons - he is nervous, or he is telling a half-truth. He has never told me a bold faced lie, he is not comfortable doing that. He always tell at least half truth and then laughs after that. He is a great kid, just has an issue with being on the spot. I would not want to be in Lee's shoes. At all. He wanted the truth, and there are things that he heard that I am wondering whether he even told his parents. Again, probably not going to be popular, but please, he testified there for three hours. How easy can it be to do that?

Well one would be the truth and the other the lie wouldn't it? Half truths are ok? Alrighty then. LA is just like his sis, just minus the child killing thing. Which gives me the creeps knowing he's got his own kid coming soon.

ETA: I testified for a total of 8 hours regarding my husbands wrongful death and managed to tell the truth, remember everything, give straight answers, and not lie.
Personally I'm wondering if Lee suffers from the same type of personality disorder that KC does. The guy is just bizarre IMO.

So, you noticed that too. They are all alike and it's very spooky to me.

Lee, look around the room. You are the only one laughing during this deposition!
Oh my gosh.

I just realized that those threats by "Zanny" to hurt all the members of the Anthony family if Casey didn't follow instructions, were actually direct threats from Casey to Lee, George and Cindy.

She had already killed Caylee. The rest of the family BETTER follow HER script or they would be next.

ETA: I wonder how Lee, Cindy and George would react if Casey really DID threaten them --as herself and not some imaginary nanny.

Would they still be following this unbelievable nonsense and repeating it as "truth?"

Or would they turn on her?
...and wasn't it also VERY nice of Lee to offer JG up on a silver platter for that one. I don't like where this is going. If the As are going to continue to implicate JG indirectly they're going to wake a sleeping giant...or the wrath of G-d KWIM?

This is the perfect reason that JG has obtained an attorney. I'd like to hear from those on WS who before, thought that JG was over-doing it by having an attorney. What do they think now? :eek:
I have wondered and asked this all along - cause you know...that's EVIDENCE! Certainly she wouldn't throw evidence away! :bang:She would need this to show police! Of course...unless Zanny told her that if she DIDN'T throw it away she would hurt Lee, Cindy and George :rolleyes:

Maybe part of the script was that KC was to eat the script before she went to Fusian?

I thought we figured out that TIMER55 referenced 55 days from June 15 until August 9 (Caylee's B-Day). KC knew she would have to produce Caylee to her family on her B-Day, thus she had 55 days to screw around until reality set in...

It's all so confusing, keeping up with these people.

Surely, CA will clear this all up for us when it's her turn. (Just can't wait!)
JB has the ZFG script, he is holding it for the highest bid on the new movie and book rights, The Casey Anthony Story -- The Nanny Made Me Do It.
Federally? My law partner tries to use it. It's horrible! He sends me messages using it and they make no sense at all. Drives me nuts.

ITA - one of the guys I practice with insists upon using it, too, and he gets so irritated when the rest of us have trouble understanding him, but really - it's horrible.
Maybe Lee "has to believe" everything Casey told him because to admit he did not or does not believe her will leave him looking very guilty for some things he did. ??

For instance, if Lee tried to erase a hard drive or faked some emails, or tried to influence some witnesses, or tossed some info from those witnesses, if the poo ever hits the fan over any of those things, his defense/excuse might be that he believed Casey when she said Zenaida and crew would kill Caylee, Cindy etc. so he did what Casey said, in good faith.

So now he "has to" keep "believing" Casey, to keep himself looking innocent.
Oops. Seriously, I listened to 20 minutes and couldn't endure anymore. What was the answer?
I saw a bit more but missed the ending.

Last I heard KC was being taught a "lesson" and she had to follow instructions for 55 days and Caylee would be OK. What did that "Lesson" turn out to be? Has KC learned it yet?
Seems KC was doing well. Going to Target at 3:00 etc and going to all the right parties etc.
She did not tell a living soul that Caylee was missing, so FZFG should have been well pleased.
So what went wrong?
KC did everything right. Was it CA fault for calling the cops? I gather Caylee was alive right up to 15th July when she called Mommydearest? If only CA had listened to KC!

So is the unfortunate end part, that FZFG killed Caylee after CA called in LE?
Does that mean that while Cops an searchers and world media swarmed around the Ant home, FZFG chose to dump Caylees body in the middle of it?
If she drove past the Ant home was it captured on fox Cam?
Oh my goodness! I just gotta say this!

I've been in deep depression for days ... but tonight, you guys have me laughing for the first time in months!

Please don't think for one SECOND, I'm taking away from the horribly sad tragedy of our little angel's death but:

The posts you guys have come up with, are just priceless.

Thanks guys :)

Sometimes is the laughing that gets us thru the day. Cheer up!
My first post. I keep yelling at the TV and my family just said "please change the channel and stop watching a show that makes you yell". I don't have enough strength to relay all this mess to them...so I must speak to someone. I come from a wacky family BUT if I acted like this in public, they would throw me to the wolves. I was always taught that ACTION speaks louder (and longer) than WORDS. BUT what upsets me soooooo much is...who will be sitting in that courtroom on the victims side??? Those A--holes will sit on the "mother's" (puke) side. WHO will be there for that baby??? WHO will cry when it is shown what that horrid b&tch did to her??? That child's only protectors are the state's attornies. No one to cry for that little lost baby....
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