2009.02.27 - Lee's Deposition

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She did. But, she was using the Blackjack at the time.

She only had the one sim card so the pics will be on that?

Have you ever heard anything so stupid as to claim you have a work phone and your own phone and some how just one sim card?

As an olympic qualifying liar, she must be a bit ashamed of that one! Damned Yuri rushed her on that!
Add the high fiving and inapropriate behavior on stage at the funeral. The guy is wacked and from another universe. No one gets them, but they get each other....creepy and scary. If I had to spend the night in that house, I'd be sleeping with one eye open and the dresser pushed up against the door.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I think he and KC are cut from the very same cloth. Both are psychopaths - only he hasn't murdered anyone.
I only got to pg 21 before I had to go away for a while, you know, gain some composure!

Wondering if any one commented on the Zanny for Xanax referenced by Morgan?

Didn't some one ask Casey about getting some for them in a chat or text message before Caylee went missing?
Notice how Morgan made the connection for LA re: zanny nanny used for knocking people out? (also I've heard them referred to as zanny bars, by LE when talking to CA)
I thought Lee saying he didn't ever hear of or know about that kind of thing was very telling since LE had mentioned this to CA in the beginning!
Also, wondered why he wasn't asked if 'Zanny' had Caylee, how then did her hair with decomposition band get into her vehicle, along with the stains, maggots and odor??

Can't keep my eyes open so will have to check back about this!
I totally agree, but this ZG has the most basis- she is ZF-G, fits the look, the race, the car, the kids names, was at Sawgrass apts... Casey said to LE, "ZF-G took my daughter". That's the most basis for slander I've ever heard in my life!!!!!
Funny how she changed her story AFTER she had access to the internet.

She only had the one sim card so the pics will be on that?

Have you ever heard anything so stupid as to claim you have a work phone and your own phone and some how just one sim card?

As an olympic qualifying liar, she must be a bit ashamed of that one! Damned Yuri rushed her on that!

OT, but I caught during the LA/KC jail tape when KC changes her story and tells LA both phones were personal phones. He even asked her again to confirm and she stated it again.
If you were following instructions and going to places as directed by kidnapper, you might click the odd photo on your cell/raunch cam?
How about take a pic of the license plate (oops, I forgot she lost her phone in JBP!)...or commit the number to memory?
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I think he and KC are cut from the very same cloth. Both are psychopaths - only he hasn't murdered anyone.

Omg, I am so worried about that baby on the way. The only way I can fathom that Mallory can be around them and not be scared ****less is because she's just like them. I pray I am wrong.
How about take a pic of the license plate (oops, I forgot she lost her phone in JBP!)...or commit the number to memory?

eh...to give her the benefit of the doubt, Zanny was only watching Caylee for 1 1/2 to 2 years....why memorize her phone number? :crazy: {{{sarcasim}}}
With this family they "choose" not to know. I think they all just looked the other way for some reason. Why no body confronted her I will never understand.

I will have to go back and read the emails between Cindy and her mother, but didn't Cindy's mom mention at one point that she didn't think KC was working?
Well, George sure had his suspicions. I guess it was ok to make fun of poor dad when he didn't have a job...but never ask your own sister where she was gainfully employed.
Did you say you had information written down Lee ? JM is pretty good, I'm impressed.
And that means if she's sent herself messages from the Imaginary Zanny Nanny- that she would have had to have created the Zanny Nanny Myspace and Facebook profiles herself. I wouldn't put it past her at this point.
I'm sure LE and the best sleuthers have searched all through myspace looking for a real or fake Zanny page but I thought I'd take a spin at it. I found a "Zanny" 23 y/o from Sanford, Fla who last logged in 8/4/08. There is no Profile pic, no photos, no friends...I don't know how to dig deeper technically (when the page was set up, etc...).

There were also a couple of suspicious "Nanny's"

Has anyone found someone like this?
Funny how CA leaves this little tidbit out of her sworn statements with LE, the fact that she sent LA to find KC. I don't remember her telling LE this. Ofcourse there are lots of things she left out of her statement, fight with KC on the night of 15th, which LA is now denying as well.

Yeah, they got along swell in spite of the "spiteful b$tch" remark.
Omg, I am so worried about that baby on the way. The only way I can fathom that Mallory can be around them and not be scared ****less is because she's just like them. I pray I am wrong.

:confused: Okay...hold up....I didn't know Mallory had a bun in the oven? Is this really true? Seriously? Please say it isn't so!
Well, George sure had his suspicions. I guess it was ok to make fun of poor dad when he didn't have a job...but never ask your own sister where she was gainfully employed.

And a jobless Casey made fun of George too! What's wrong with these people? It's madness I tell you! :crazy:
I'm getting a late start tonight and haven't read any posts, and there are already 11 pages. Rather that start reading at this late hour, I will just give my opinion, and hope to hear what you all think. I think LA is really trying to get Casey convicted! No joke! I know this sounds really odd, but I thought it was so strange way back when LA was giving all that info about KC to LE, almost like he was an informate. It surprised me at that time. It seemed strange that he was laughing during the depo, but I watched NG a second time,and it looked lilke he was laughing only when he was giving answers that made his sister look crazy! and guilty! He even seemed to smirk when he said he still believed everything his sister said! An example was when he was asked if he saw her when he looked for her till 3am. His answer had the tone (after he laughed) to say: "NO, she is so stupid and crazy,and I can't even defend her on that." (not his real words, but maybe his implication) That might also explain when he told her before that he would keep the promise he had made her. That promise may have been (and I think I remember one of you commenting on this before) that "I know you killed Caylee, and I will help bring you to justice." This may be me just rambling, but I am very interested in what you all think about this idea.
Thanks. NB

I sure hope you are right with this way of thinking. I think they are laying the ground work for KC to have multiple personalities.
If you look at this logically, it all makes sense. The As know that KC has lied to LE but she is telling the family the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The As haven't asked KC if she had a job, so therefore she has not lied to them, is one example.

Comprende now?

Is it no wonder now why they never wanted to take a polygraph test?
:confused: Okay...hold up....I didn't know Mallory had a bun in the oven? Is this really true? Seriously? Please say it isn't so!

Yes, and it appears she got pregnant around the time Caylee went missing. As Dr. Phil would say, that baby will be born with a job to do.
Well IF you believe Lee, he never really asked KC much at all. It's hard to fathom that there would be so few questions asked about this strange kidnapping, especially from the "detective" in the family.
Well, I guess he didn't feel a need to 'cause they were so much alike.
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