2009.03.16 Nancy Grace Mon. night exclusive w/ Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings

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Once Nancy takes a stance... :eek:

...and she took one for the Cummings early on, especially in her nightly interviews of Ron's mother. IMO
Maybe she is giving him the benifit of the doubt unlike others. She is focusing on what should be focus on and thats Haleigh.
LOL....I wasn't trying to list HER inconsistencies....only the ones that Ron had within the first few questions just tonight.

Perhaps my story will give a different perspective on Misty.

Three years ago I went to my son's apartment and found that he had died during the night. He was in his twenties - I was in my fifties. I have no idea what I said to LE and para-medics that responded to my call. It took me some time to even be able to call 911. To this day, I could not tell anyone what happened and in what order that morning. I don't remember all of the next days or his funeral.

I have been in therapy ever since and have been told I may never recall - it's how your brain protects you. When something like that happens, you are in shock and don't always repond "normally".

It's easy to be critical, but unless you've been in a similar situation, you have no clue how you would react.

I pray for Haliegh's safe return every day. I also pray for Ron and Misty and Crystal and both families. No one can completely recover from losing a child.
His mom is crying and he isn't! Not one tear. I can understand wanting to appear strong, but this is about his daughter being missing! How can he sit next to his mom while she cries and not shed a tear?

Its simple...its detatchment.
And if he went back to work 50% of the people would be saying "how awful how can he work with his baby missing"

snipped and bolded by me respectfully :blowkiss:

Thanks for pointing that out CeeKer. I was glad that NG looked straight at the camera and called those that are chattering about his marriage "haters" I even cheered for her in the livingroom. I liked when M. Klaas advised him to get MC to tell the truth about that night.

But to add to the portion of your post that struck me the most (what I bolded) yes, if he went to back to work someone would have something to say about it in a negative way.

If he had reached over and held his Mother's hand in that interview I am willing to bet someone somewhere would say "Look how close he is to his Mother, it's unnatural".

If he cried his eyes out during that interview, someone somewhere would say "look at those crocodile tears, he's such a faker".

If he had kicked MC to the curb after Haleigh disappeared someone somewhere would say " Oh look at him, he's such a jerk, he was using that girl look at how he treated her and she didn't do anything".

Disclaimer: all someone's that are somewhere are *not* the someone's here at WS that I referred to in the above post.

There are a lot of bad people in the world. There are quite a few good ones, and then there is the category that I myself put myself in...I am capable of both bad and good. I happen to think RC falls into that category with me. JMHO.
Tiki welcome to WS and I'm so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing what I know must be a very painful memory for you. God bless my dear.
I'm glad he did this interview.
I'm glad he is keeping Haleigh in the spotlight.
I'm glad he is keeping this all about Haleigh.
I'm glad he is not slinging mud.
I'm glad he is trying to set the record straight about the events.
I'm glad he spoke out instead of us just hearing rumors.

All of this is my opinion only, and all thoughts are from my head.:)
Perhaps my story will give a different perspective on Misty.

Three years ago I went to my son's apartment and found that he had died during the night. He was in his twenties - I was in my fifties. I have no idea what I said to LE and para-medics that responded to my call. It took me some time to even be able to call 911. To this day, I could not tell anyone what happened and in what order that morning. I don't remember all of the next days or his funeral.

I have been in therapy ever since and have been told I may never recall - it's how your brain protects you. When something like that happens, you are in shock and don't always repond "normally".

It's easy to be critical, but unless you've been in a similar situation, you have no clue how you would react.

I pray for Haliegh's safe return every day. I also pray for Ron and Misty and Crystal and both families. No one can completely recover from losing a child.

I am so sorry for your loss. Sending many wonderful thoughts your way.
We need a ((HUGS)) button.
Now we have inconsistencies about inconsistencies and its getting more confusing .... none of that means guilt, but how on earth are they going to account for the time line if these explanations and stories keep changing??

If LE is as confused as I am with all the different stories, timelines, old timelines, new timelines, cousin was in the house, cousin wasn't in the house. No wonder they haven't found this child. I still pray for her safe return.
Its simple...its detatchment.

I came from a loving family and I still find it hard to comfort my mom. Doesnt mean Im detatched or I dont love her. Some just feel out of place and clueless on how to comfort someone.
Okay, if this doesn't bring a tear to your eye, nothing will. I was in the bedroom folding cloths and listening to NG from the livingroom TV...twins were coloring in the livingroom. I heard my 4 y/o baby say "God, can you please bring Haleigh home to her mommy & daddy?" (I walked into the livingroom and saw my baby kneeling in the livingroom floor.) she continued..."she doesn't like being with a tranger (stranger), she misses her mommy & her daddy. God can you do it? God, can you bring her home? Amen...I love you

How precious!! Yes, it brought tears to my eyes!
Here's my take on Ron tonight. He answered NG's questions pretty straightforward, I thought. The eyerolling, etc. was reaction to what he thought was ridiculous questions or statements, many people do that.. me, included. I did not think he appeared rude or indifferent, he tried to look right at the camera, and answer as to what he knew. He can't say for sure what Misty did or didn't do, because he was not there.
I've said all along that some of these inconsistencies people are claiming are just misunderstandings about the way Misty made the statement from one time to the other. Not sure about the sleeping arrangements, but I don't believe I've ever heard her say that the exact time she woke up was 3:00, she said 3-something. And as Ron said, she was looking around through the house to see if Haleigh was hiding somewhere. So there might not have been such a difference in the time she got up and when she called 911.
As for the bathroom thing... Ron explained that you can see the kitchen light from the bedroom, so he doesn't know where they got the idea that she went across the house to the other one. And as far as I'm concerned, that has nothing whatsoever to do with the case. For the life of me, I can't figure out why people make such a big deal over what bathroom she went to... it doesn't matter! And it's not going to find Haleigh.
For once, I'm proud of Nancy. She is right... we should stop worrying about the custody issue, and the marriage to a teenager, and find out where little Haleigh is, then we can deal with these other things later.
I've given myself a couple of slaps on my hands for focusing on these issues that are not important... and I expect some of you to do the same.
Let's help find Haleigh and bring her home!
Sorry for the long post... I had to get this all in before the thread closes.
If LE is as confused as I am with all the different stories, timelines, old timelines, new timelines, cousin was in the house, cousin wasn't in the house. No wonder they haven't found this child. I still pray for her safe return.

I know. Its gone beyond 'novel'. Way beyond now. Poor families. Poor baby girl.
What did RC clear up for us with this interview? (things that caught my ear and I said to myself oh I gotta make sure that gets back to WS'ers)

1. Yes, the bedroom door is always open.

2. The kitchen light will shine bright enough to be seen from the bedroom with the door open at night.

3. He, himself, is the one that put that deadbolt on.

Did I miss anything he verified for us?
I came from a loving family and I still find it hard to comfort my mom. Doesnt mean Im detatched or I dont love her. Some just feel out of place and clueless on how to comfort someone.
I think that's especially true with many men, so I'm not surprised that Ron wasn't sitting there crying or holding onto his mother when she was. MOO
Maybe she is giving him the benifit of the doubt unlike others. She is focusing on what should be focus on and thats Haleigh.

Well, in our defense, I don't think having a problem with his marriage and thinking it's relevant, means we haven't given him the benefit of the doubt and are "haters." Describing us that way seems to go beyond just giving the benefit of the doubt, you know? :eek:
Personally, I think for the most part Ron is "what you see is what you get" which is why I think I tend to not be one of his distractors. He doesn't do things to play for the camera IMO, he rolls his eyes, he gets annoyed, he swore at Misty when he was angry, etc. but I find it all sort of "believeable" that he is just what he is... a very flawed man, who's done some things wrong and some things right and now he's just heartbroken and po'ed that his daughters gone. I still don't understand the whole "Misty" thing but I guess I just think she has him somewhat bamboozled.
What did RC clear up for us with this interview? (things that caught my ear and I said to myself oh I gotta make sure that gets back to WS'ers)

1. Yes, the bedroom door is always open.

2. The kitchen light will shine bright enough to be seen from the bedroom with the door open at night.

3. He, himself, is the one that put that deadbolt on.

Did I miss anything he verified for us?

I wish Nancy or a caller had asked him if he was the only one with a key or if Misti also had a key....
And then today this newspaper alludes to Misty lying about the relationship of her and the kids .... an old article republished...

Channel 4 learned that a 2-year-old and a 17-year-old cousin were sleeping in the same bedroom as Haleigh. They are both safe and detectives said the teenager had no information about what happened to Haleigh.


I will go out on a limb and assume the newspaper just got that wrong here.:snooty:
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