2009.03.20 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I feel sure there is MUCH more that has not been released. As we get closer to trial it will be though. I was in hopes that this document dump would reveal more too, I guess we have to wait. I still don't understand why they would release duplicates of interviews that have been released before.

Have they been updated or corrected?
Probably to play practical jokes on his friends. One of the mechanics at work did that with a rattlesnake he found dead on his property. He kept it in the freezer and brought it into work one day and put it in a tool box drawer of another mechanic, who was deathly afraid of snakes, and then just waited for him to open that drawer. I guess the scream could be heard 10 miles away. (not that I would have been any better, I would have screamed and left a deposit in my underoo's)
Oh, that's so cruel, but funny at the same time. I understand the fear though. One morning I got up and, half asleep, started to put a cup of water in the microwave for instant coffee. As I popped open the door I noticed my son's 4 ft ball python curled up on top of the microwave. I went hysterical with fright, probably woke the whole neighborhood up.
I'm not any kind of mental health care professional by any means. I am only going by personal experience, and have seen many, many cases where a person has gone through puberty or gotten pregnant and it was like a switch was flipped. I have also participated in discussions with mental health professionals where several believed major hormonal changes played a part in triggering bi-polar illness, and was also told of several cases where birth control pills had a positive impact on the treatment of it. I haven't researched the subject in several years, but back when I was looking into it, I couldn't find any scientific studies relating to hormones and bi-polar. I was pretty much told it wouldn't hurt and it might help.
I have just noticed what seems to be a pattern in what is said by the people interviewed. When they discuss Casey lying and stealing, it doesn't come up before she got pregnant, but while pregnant and after giving birth. The people who have known her before and after at least allude to her changing after she got pregnant. I don't know, just theorizing.

I agree - reminds me of Britney Spears!
But understand, they surround themselves with people much like those they've fooled all of their lives. They are great at one thing: CONNING OTHER'S! therefore, easy to fool. They are drawn to people like JG, who, even tho was lied blatantly to about Caylee's paternity, fooled into believing she was a 'good' girl who didn't party or fool around on him all the while, she was doing just that. He even mentioned hangover's, her lying and his father said all she did was bad mouth her parents and tell tall tales. She was a 'chameleon' and mirrored herself into what she thought he wanted in a GF/wife, got bored and wanted to openly do what she was doing behind his back.
For him to say she is a 'different' woman is merely denial. He's discounting her HUGE lie about the baby and all the other behavior's cuz she could sweet talk and con him into never believing anything negative about his sweet little 'lady'. Later, she wants her family to stay as far away from him as possible. WHY? So they can't compare notes, can't find out she really was saying her mother's nuts and so on.
She puts on an act with each and every person she's with, put herself out there as a good person, good mother in front of people, yet she had to separate her friend's because her lifestyle and lies were so out there she couldn't have them comparing notes.

Her best friend since middle school just told LE in the interview just released that her lies were what turned her off from the friendship, even after many years and thru HS. She says she wasn't the same girl either YET she was a liar and that got into the way of their relationship. She knew Casey couldn't have a career that she was working in school herself toward, cuz Casey didn't go to school for it--or anything. She said that even tho CMA's babysitter called the Gym (iirc) where she told her (lauren) she worked and they said they'd never heard of her, Casey maintained she did work there and even has a BADGE, LOL. That carp worked with her parents for YEARS and she told LE, well, I have a badge (for Universal) another words, she didn't care what they said, she worked there and that's that. This 'friend' knew all these things YET says, she was suddenly different??? I mean, she admits that Casey even believed her own lies!
Same with the A's, they 'know' her but they don't because they had no idea she was capable of murder YET she'd done many cruel things by stealing, lying and it wasn't just the partying or the friend's/lover's or all just out from left field. It had been going on for years.
A person doesn't get the way this woman is overnight. they fool every person they come across and make sure to attach themselves to people who are gullible and easily taken advantage of. You could tell some still had a hard time telling the LE the way it was with her. The grandmother knew! Couldn't understand how CA let it go ten days let alone 31 with all the stories and excuses she got from Casey during all that time she was gone.
She was so good at it, C & G believed she wasn't pregnant! In the face of other's telling them WTH's wrong with you--look at her!
Listen to the July 30 jail visitation. A poster wrote one paragraph. She showed no compassion, no conscience NOTHING about Caylee, or her parents feelings but went on and on about herself.

This is sociopathy. Pathological. It doesn't happen overnight or because of some flood of hormones or stressful event. This is not how those things manifest themselves, this is a personality disorder.

I have worked with these people and I could see it in the first phone call--the 911 where her mother's a wreck yet she's nonchalant. And the second where she's having a temper tantrum, wants her way and by the way they don't care about her, they only want Caylee back, that's all they want. It was all a huge waste, that call. Because for once it wasn't going to be about her no matter how much she wanted it to be.

CMA is nothing but a predator, she has honed her skills over the short years of her life to get where she is today.

ETA: Holy moly I wrote a BOOK! So sorry!!!!


Wow! Excellent post! I tried to decide which parts of it to bold, but I would have ended up bolding it all!!
I would make a t-shirt out of it, but it's just a bit wordy. :)
True, but some of the lies are so elaborate and seem to have no purpose. For instance, Casey's entire fake relationship with Jeff H. Week after week he was supposed to meet with Cindy and George. Cindy prepared meals for him. Always at the last minute he was unable to come, and eventually he moved away to Jacksonville. What was that all about?

To me? KC was like a spiteful cat and she was toying with the mouse, i.e., CA and jerking her around for humor and grins. It both provided a cover for her many boyfriend encounters, they were "Jeff" as well as push CA's buttons.

Fake cover nanny and a fake cover serious boyfriend.
On the surface most of the lies are not that outrageous. If my daughter told me she'd met a nice guy who has a son and his wife is deceased, I wouldn't doubt her. If my daughter told me that guy had introduced her to a great nanny who also watched his son, I'd be happy someone respectable had personally vouched for the nanny. My daughter has a job she's held for 2 years, yet she's always broke. She leaves the house every day dressed in her work uniform. Never would it occur to me that she was lying about actually being employed.

After 2 years of believing that Zanny existed and was a nanny to my grandchild, it wouldn't be that huge of a leap to believe that Zanny kidnapped the child - not like it is for those of us who never believed in Zanny to start with.

It's only when you put it all together with the knowledge that these things were all lies that it becomes truly outrageous.

I dunno, to me (perhaps I have just become cynical and doubting), wouldn't you begin to catch on after awhile, Chilly, that your (not yours personally) daughter is lying about things? Don't you start wondering what the truth is? How many dinners do you cook for this guy who just doesn't ever show? I guess I really do just come from a different world because I'd have caught on and then DONE SOMETHING looong before she stole even $1,000 of my money, let alone $45,000 and me still denying it and covering up for her. And still, even after THAT, after stealing all that money... here they are once again covering up for and denying perhaps much worse.
That's the first time I have ever heard that name. We need a thread on him so some of these WS can track him down and get the 411. Who is Ryan P.?
I didn't remember hearing the name either, her good friend had a different last name, although it starts with a P also. I read a link on another site that stated this guy was in jail, but the way the report reads it sounds like he is not. The call to him was on June 27 the same day that she calls BOA for a weather forecast...I thought calling for the weather forecast was weird too (not a normal thing she does and I can't imagine Casey being that concerned about the weather). This was the same day that she leaves her car at Amscot, but these calls occur around 8 pm. From what I understand the document states that around 2 pm, on the same day, her phone pinged in the area of this Ryan's known address (checked via DMV records). If anyone has a different take on it, please correct me. It's covered on page 4967 in the document linked below.

http://cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Stories/Local/DONE mbi-letters-murphy-monforte.pdf
It's just a man thing. Like you said Daisy, it did look like a very big snake.
If he didn't have the snake to show his buddies, it would've been just a "fish story", KWIM? Not only did he encounter a very large snake, he conquered it as well. He had no idea at that time it would become evidence in a murder trial. Gosh, you just never know what will happen in life!

yeah but eww, wtf would they take that?! and freezzeee it?!?!
Okay am I confused or did we not see some of these interviews before. Am I just having de ja vu or what???????? I remember reading DC's interview, and the 2 co-workers and the guy who had his house burned down, no????
I just can't imagine what it must be like trying to accept that everything you've known about your child's life for the past 3 years is a lie. Cindy's co-workers say that Cindy had mentioned Zanny the nanny many times over 2 years. They believed, from the casual way Cindy talked about her, that she knew Zanny personally. I'm sure Cindy felt that way herself after hearing all the detailed stories about Zanny's life. Same with Jeff H. The A's heard so much about what a great guy he was, how he was looking out for Casey, his cute little son, he's coming for dinner, he's coming for dessert. He became part of their lives, even though they'd never met him.

Casey's jobs - at Sports Authority and then back to Universal where they were going to make her a manager - all the emails back and forth from Universal, the name tags, the dressy work clothes. George and Cindy must feel like they're living in the Twilight Zone.

I can totally see this too. I have friends who have other friends that I've never met, but we discuss them so frequently that I feel like they are my friends too. I could answer questions about their personal lives, and even their personalities. When I think about it, these people could easily not exist at all.
I dunno, to me (perhaps I have just become cynical and doubting), wouldn't you begin to catch on after awhile, Chilly, that your (not yours personally) daughter is lying about things? Don't you start wondering what the truth is? How many dinners do you cook for this guy who just doesn't ever show? I guess I really do just come from a different world because I'd have caught on and then DONE SOMETHING looong before she stole even $1,000 of my money, let alone $45,000 and me still denying it and covering up for her. And still, even after THAT, after stealing all that money... here they are once again covering up for and denying perhaps much worse.

We don't know that Casey did steal $45,000 from Cindy.

How many dinners would I cook before I started to doubt? I don't know, I cooked my dinners for my ex-sister in law and she never showed up (errr!) yet I know she exists. After a few missed dinners, I would think that Jeff was rude and I wouldn't volunteer again to make dinner for him, but it wouldn't occur to me that his relationship with Casey existed only in her mind. It most certainly would not occur to me that, because this person did not show up for dinner, I better start worrying that my daughter might kill her child.
Okay am I confused or did we not see some of these interviews before. Am I just having de ja vu or what???????? I remember reading DC's interview, and the 2 co-workers and the guy who had his house burned down, no????

we have
Is this new Ryan the same one that was labeled "Best friend" in her phone book? If so, what do you all think of that?
We don't know that Casey did steal $45,000 from Cindy.

How many dinners would I cook before I started to doubt? I don't know, I cooked my dinners for my ex-sister in law and she never showed up (errr!) yet I know she exists. After a few missed dinners, I would think that Jeff was rude and I wouldn't volunteer again to make dinner for him, but it wouldn't occur to me that his relationship with Casey existed only in her mind. It most certainly would not occur to me that, because this person did not show up for dinner, I better start worrying that my daughter might kill her child.

We were discussing Cindy's enabling behaviors not if they (Cindy and George) should have "seen this coming". I agree, nobody could see the murder of a child coming.

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