2009.03.20 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm reposting my original post on this. Nope, they don't feel guilty about anything.

03-04-2009, 06:22 PM

suspicion solves crimes, not taking a positive attitude
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 15,050

GA wants to teach Casey's friends a lesson? WTF did THEY do? Thanks Angel for the links.


WKMG also studied that note that George Anthony left when he attempted to take his life. His attorney, Brad Conway, is fighting the state's release of the note, saying the personal comments could be embarrassing to the family and have no relevance to Casey's case.
In the note, George Anthony talks about wanting to buy a gun to teach Casey's friends a lesson, defends Casey's innocence and says Cindy deserves a better husband, Mike DeForest reported. His attorney says George is still frail after the ordeal, DeForest said.


I am looking at the document that contains the cell phone pings and find it interesting that they include June 16th, 17th and the 19th, but don't include June 18th. On TP's, channel 6, cell phone work he came to the conclusion that Casey's pings on June 18th put her in the area where the remains were found. I am wondering if, maybe, this is why they have not released the 18th ping report and plan to release at a later date ?

A neighbor told investigators that Casey Anthony borrowed a shovel on June 18 and also backed her car into her grandparents' garage, which was unusual, the neighbor said.

Cell phone records show that Casey Anthony pinged a tower near her parents' home from around 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on June 18, then her phone pinged along the Econ Trail, south of Lake Underhill.

The area between those two locations is the wooded area where the remains and skull of a child were located on Thursday, Pipitone reported.

I am looking at the document that contains the cell phone pings and find it interesting that they include June 16th, 17th and the 19th, but don't include June 18th. On TP's, channel 6, cell phone work he came to the conclusion that Casey's pings on June 18th put her in the area where the remains were found. I am wondering if, maybe, this is why they have not released the 18th ping report and plan to release at a later date ?

A neighbor told investigators that Casey Anthony borrowed a shovel on June 18 and also backed her car into her grandparents' garage, which was unusual, the neighbor said.

Cell phone records show that Casey Anthony pinged a tower near her parents' home from around 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on June 18, then her phone pinged along the Econ Trail, south of Lake Underhill.

The area between those two locations is the wooded area where the remains and skull of a child were located on Thursday, Pipitone reported.

Thank you. That may be very important evidence.
I think Ryan may be one of Lee's friends, whom KC described during a jail visit as one of her Big Brothers?

I may be mistaken I would have to revisit that video.

Jailhouse visit 7/30 transcript:

GA: is there.. is there anyone you want us to contact that you want to talk to?
KC:uhm....i'd really like to talk to ryan, just because it was kind of brief .

Snipped for space.

Isn't Ryan the guy who was one of her very good friends and who she was supposed to be working with at Sports Authority? Who loaned her money she never paid back?
I think Ryan may be one of Lee's friends, whom KC described during a jail visit as one of her Big Brothers?

I may be mistaken I would have to revisit that video.

Jailhouse visit 7/30 transcript:

GA: is there.. is there anyone you want us to contact that you want to talk to?
KC:uhm....i'd really like to talk to ryan, just because it was kind of brief .uhm..i want to talk to annie, i want to talk to everyone, but again i'd rather wait and do that when i can see everyone in person and not have other faces and other peoples rights violated by being thrown all over the media. i mean that something very discerning to me. i mean you guys are already in the media, so in a way, i mean, it still bothers me, but not quite as much. because i know if there anyone to speak for me, its the two of you and lee. so that, i'm more than ok with. i really want you to both thank annie for me. i mean ,i know how much shes always cared, but this shows that much more. and i missed two visits just yesterday. i dont really know who they were for , who they were with but i declined last night just because of court and things of that nature and i kinda just needed to keep to myself. i'm glad i went to bed early.
GA: oh, well thats good. here mom wants to talk to you again.

Different Ryan. There is a Ryan Pasley which is who I think Casey was refering to in the conversation you link above.. He is (for reference's sake) the one Cindy called and told that Casey is a Sociopath.. he is also the same guy that said something to the effect of "Everything I thought I knew about her in the last 12 years was a lie"

LE is refering to a Ryan Palmer in these docs.
Snipped for space.

Isn't Ryan the guy who was one of her very good friends and who she was supposed to be working with at Sports Authority? Who loaned her money she never paid back?

That's what I thought at first too so looked him up and it's a different last name.

Though I found some interesting stuff about this Ryan Palmer dude...
I am looking at the document that contains the cell phone pings and find it interesting that they include June 16th, 17th and the 19th, but don't include June 18th. On TP's, channel 6, cell phone work he came to the conclusion that Casey's pings on June 18th put her in the area where the remains were found. I am wondering if, maybe, this is why they have not released the 18th ping report and plan to release at a later date ?

A neighbor told investigators that Casey Anthony borrowed a shovel on June 18 and also backed her car into her grandparents' garage, which was unusual, the neighbor said.

Cell phone records show that Casey Anthony pinged a tower near her parents' home from around 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on June 18, then her phone pinged along the Econ Trail, south of Lake Underhill.

The area between those two locations is the wooded area where the remains and skull of a child were located on Thursday, Pipitone reported.


Thank you for your post. I haven't been able to wrap my head around the pings, dates, and locations. Your post makes it very clear to me now.
Did anyone notice, yet again, this latest document dump seems to back up Casey's behavioral problems didn't really kick in until after she got pregnant?
I've thought from the beginning she might be bi-polar because it seems to me it can be triggered by hormonal changes, and a pregnancy would fit. Does anyone have any knowledge I have missed of any statements of lying, stealing, etc., before the pregnancy?
Did anyone notice, yet again, this latest document dump seems to back up Casey's behavioral problems didn't really kick in until after she got pregnant?
I've thought from the beginning she might be bi-polar because it seems to me it can be triggered by hormonal changes, and a pregnancy would fit. Does anyone have any knowledge I have missed of any statements of lying, stealing, etc., before the pregnancy?

I think SP mentioned something about small items being lifted from her house when Casey was younger. Nail polish, perhaps
Thank you for your post. I haven't been able to wrap my head around the pings, dates, and locations. Your post makes it very clear to me now.

I am so glad I am not the only one deficient in this area. I can read scientific, legal, etc., and have a good understanding in a snap, but everytime I try to delve into the cell phone pings, I get instant headache trying to follow it. You have given me validation, lol, so thank you.
I think SP mentioned something about small items being lifted from her house when Casey was younger. Nail polish, perhaps

Ah, yes, I remember SP saying that. Thanks.
Did anyone notice, yet again, this latest document dump seems to back up Casey's behavioral problems didn't really kick in until after she got pregnant?
I've thought from the beginning she might be bi-polar because it seems to me it can be triggered by hormonal changes, and a pregnancy would fit. Does anyone have any knowledge I have missed of any statements of lying, stealing, etc., before the pregnancy?
It could also be related to the beginning of adulthood and the expectations that entails, responsibility, work, etc...I think many of the personality disorders may not show until early adulthood, but someone more knowledgable could verify that.
I am so glad I am not the only one deficient in this area. I can read scientific, legal, etc., and have a good understanding in a snap, but everytime I try to delve into the cell phone pings, I get instant headache trying to follow it. You have given me validation, lol, so thank you.
I'm not a cell phone ping person either, the only information I have been able to understand fully, in that area, comes from what I have read. Looking at the pings gives me headaches too. It's pretty amazing that people can do all that stuff and I know some of the WS'ers have worked hard in that arena, my hats off to all of them !
Did anyone notice, yet again, this latest document dump seems to back up Casey's behavioral problems didn't really kick in until after she got pregnant?
I've thought from the beginning she might be bi-polar because it seems to me it can be triggered by hormonal changes, and a pregnancy would fit. Does anyone have any knowledge I have missed of any statements of lying, stealing, etc., before the pregnancy?

Again, if she was not pleased with the way her life was headed it would be normal she would change after having a child. She lost her mothers attention, was expected to stop sleeping around, and had to stay home at night to "babysit" her daughter. There are plenty of external reasons for her behaviors, ones that make far more sense.

But yeah, she lied about being pregnant and then lied again about who the father was.

ETA- Bipolar is not "grown" once a baby is born.
It could also be related to the beginning of adulthood and the expectations that entails, responsibility, work, etc...I think many of the personality disorders may not show until early adulthood, but someone more knowledgable could verify that.

Absolutely.. we don't really know someone until they are faced with responsibility. We do not know ourselves until faced with responsibility.

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