2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition #2

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There's no doubt in my mind that they all are carrying prepaids. Remember in Annie's interview (and I was so shocked to hear it, I didn't write down the time; sorry) she said when KC was out of jail that Annie was given the number for KC's prepaid cell? Wonder if the A's got a bulk discount?

Yes, they learned the hard way how damaging irrefutable truth is. You can't argue cell phone pings and copies of text messages you thought you had deleted!
nor am i. she has been like this from the get go...its just we havent seen her for 3 hours straight. i mean i would not want to get in an argument with her...SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH! OH! I would love it. I'm scarier in real life. Grrrrrrrrr! Take that camera off her and move the lawyers to the other room and nobody but me n her. Yum--Yum--Yummy. I'm slap that gum outta her mouth then sit on her.
I also have 3 BFF's who would want some of that action.
Onelostgrl, thanks! I don't aim to help Cindy prepare...but she'd be smart to try to get off the prescription drugs prior to any more speaking engagements. I think you websluethers are so used to her the way she is that you are inured to how she appears with the slo-mo blinking and the slurred speech. To me, during the deposition, she seemed drugged. I don't support her..but I am worried for her, as any human feels worry for another human's safety and wellbeing. She definitely seems "under the influence" to me. DESPITE this, she was pretty good at staying on track with the questions and indeed she was far more forthcoming than GA.
I doubt anyone could blame her for wanting to medicate herself but she should consider getting off drugs...they are habit-forming and she isn't going to be a help to Casey or anyone else if she continues to rely on substances to cope.

Oh, I don't doubt you.. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she's over medicating again.. I just haven't watched the depo yet (I read the transcript but haven't watched yet- Cindy hits a bit close to home for me and at times liertally makes my stomach turn. so I have avoided the depo video so far) I have no doubt I'll recognize if she's using Benzo's again, just as I recognized she was on them months before her RX's were even released to the public.

She is a very sick woman and needs help badly. I worry about her as well, IMO, SHE is a suicide risk. As I said earlier, I suspect she's been self medicating for some time.. which would help explain why she has been of no help to anyone, including herself for quite some time. IMO, The habit was already well formed when I noticed it.. that's how I recognized it for what it was.. I'm certainly no doctor. LOL.
OH! OH! I would love it. I'm scarier in real life. Grrrrrrrrr! Take that camera off her and move the lawyers to the other room and nobody but me n her. Yum--Yum--Yummy. I'm slap that gum outta her mouth then sit on her.
I also have 3 BFF's who would want some of that action.

Can I come too? Can I? Can I?
Originally Posted by Friday
I replayed that three times at least, and what made it doubly chilling was how unusually pretty she looked with that triumphant, but malicious smile.

I'm not explaining that very well, but it did strike me so I'll leave it.

That "look" was down right chilling, but it did transform her entire face. (triumph real or imagined looks good on everyone.) I couldn't help but notice the physical change Cindy has gone through in the last 9 mos, I think having Caylee in her life had softened her appearance. Without Caylee and all the stress she looks harsher, even with her expensive new high lights and more stylish cut. She looks like she's been going to Geo's tanning salon too. If she is she'll be sorry in a couple years.

ha, See, now you are making me wanna watch.
I just want to say that I'm so proud of CA!
She sat there and answered questions that had nothing to do with the ZG case, and she took it, and she took it. The threats of contempt of court. The repeating the same questions again and again, wearing her down. Grilling is the word! Big shots with all the power. HA
She has the worst atty on the face of the earth. All three attys made me sick, attys like them give the whole lot a bad name. imo
LE will use this to find out how to work her against her daughter in her coming trial.
But in the end of the deposition, CA smack em down.
Good for her.
Congrats CA. I'm proud of you!!!
They looked menacing, but you made em look like fools.
You go girl!
During all this, I learned...The only time CA paid for Caylee's medical was just after she was born. When Caylee got sick did she get to go to the doctor, or was KC the doctor so to speak? So sad

LOL--------Well, since CA was a nurse--she probably took care of most of the family needs. I have a niece (nurse) who thinks she is a DOCTOR.
LOL- She's such an idiot.. didn't she say she'd get him arrested for assault or something too? Even though she had to put the mic on. she still felt she "won" the depo. Yeah, let's defend that kind of behavior! :crazy:

Actually, OLG, she said harrassment, not assault. You know, her holier-than-thou; I'm smarter than you Mr. Attorney; I'm gonna show you how smart I am. Heck, I think my grandson could probably explain the difference between assault and harrassment. And he's 7!
They said that Caylee never got sick. Not that you can just believe what they say.
I just want to say that I'm so proud of CA!
She sat there and answered questions that had nothing to do with the ZG case, and she took it, and she took it. The threats of contempt of court. The repeating the same questions again and again, wearing her down. Grilling is the word! Big shots with all the power. HA
She has the worst atty on the face of the earth. All three attys made me sick, attys like them give the whole lot a bad name. imo
LE will use this to find out how to work her against her daughter in her coming trial.
But in the end of the deposition, CA smack em down.
Good for her.
Congrats CA. I'm proud of you!!!
They looked menacing, but you made em look like fools.
You go girl!

I didn't see anyone looking like a fool but her and her husband, as usual.
They said that Caylee never got sick. Not that you can just believe what they say.

Makes me wonder , did they ever take her to the doctors? Did she ever get all her baby shots? She wasn't on state aid right, mom wasn't working, and Cindy only paid for one doctor bill.
LOL--------Well, since CA was a nurse--she probably took care of most of the family needs. I have a niece (nurse) who thinks she is a DOCTOR.

I wouldn't be surprised if Cindy thought that highly of herself and thought she could treat the family at home. Most of us here already have our suspicions that Casey self medicated Caylee (xanax). Casey prolly learned this type of behavior by watching Cindy do it. Those two have a lot of the same behaviors it seems.
Well, with all her shenanigans at trial, she proved JM's case for him today. She admitted that when she went on tv, she had permission from KC to make statements for her. Then admitted that she later announced that the police never showed KC any photo line up at any time, despite the fact that LE and KC knew otherwise, thereby becomming the instrument through which flowed KC's slander.

Prove it.

However, I am really interested in the name ZF-G. The plaintiff's name is not ZFG, yet the pleading is ZFG v. Anthony.

Her name is ZG. No F. What is up here?
You know what? I'm sure Judge Strickland, the SA, and a lot of others have sneaked a peek at these deps, right? I mean, come on; they're human. Well, one think I think for sure is that the Judge will have extra gavels -- or maybe even a hammer -- handy at the criminal trial. I'd bet he'll wear out one on Cindy and another one on George.

And, no doubt, the SA's office is sitting back saying to themselves, 'well, it won't take much for the judge to declare them hostile witnesses.'
They said that Caylee never got sick. Not that you can just believe what they say.

yeah...that's a bunch of bullstuff. Caylee was 2 1/2 and she never got sick? Okay...well in a lot of those pics it looks likes she has a puffy face and red eyes. To me it looked like the poor child had bad allergies - guess she was really crying. :rolleyes:
Makes me wonder , did they ever take her to the doctors? Did she ever get all her baby shots? She wasn't on state aid right, mom wasn't working, and Cindy only paid for one doctor bill.

You know, I have wondered the same thing about the baby shots. Also, my son is just 5 months old and has already had a ton of medical bills, it just doesn't make any sense that she would just have the one. But what does make sense in this case... not much.
So here is what stands out to me from Cindy's testimony...

She had Zany's number AND address though she had never met her.
She's in contact with Casey while Casey/Caylee are MIA and Casey says they're with Zany.
When Cindy decides to track down Casey, she calls up Amy whom she has also never met (per Amy's interview to LE)
Why didn't she call Zany?

In I believe Amy's interview previously with LE, she made mention of Lee calling her (I think) bc Casey had given her phone number as being Juliette Lewis- the coworker. And Lee made a remark to the effect of "she gave me another fake number".

Do you think CA DID try to call the numbers she had and found they were fakes? Or do you think she knew from the beginning that there was no Zany? I can't imagine she's bold faced lying about having some sort of contact info that she turned over to LE, because she'll easily be impeached.
So here is what stands out to me from Cindy's testimony...

She had Zany's number AND address though she had never met her.
She's in contact with Casey while Casey/Caylee are MIA and Casey says they're with Zany.
When Cindy decides to track down Casey, she calls up Amy whom she has also never met (per Amy's interview to LE)
Why didn't she call Zany?

In I believe Amy's interview previously with LE, she made mention of Lee calling her (I think) bc Casey had given her phone number as being Juliette Lewis- the coworker. And Lee made a remark to the effect of "she gave me another fake number".

Do you think CA DID try to call the numbers she had and found they were fakes? Or do you think she knew from the beginning that there was no Zany? I can't imagine she's bold faced lying about having some sort of contact info that she turned over to LE, because she'll easily be impeached.

I doubt that casey had ever given her any phone number for a "nanny."
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