2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included)

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I always thought you could get arrested for the stuff they say and do, guess not!
Does NO ONE in that family actually care about CAYLEE???? Do they even care what happened to the poor child?

George looks like he's ready to have a nervous breakdown. He's short-tempered, arrogant, hostile, and ready for a fight.

Does he not give a fig about what happened to the child?

I'll refrain from making more comments, because they wouldn't be polite.

What a disgusting display!!! :eek: At least Zenaida's attorneys acted in a respectful manner.

i agree with everything you have said here. i was holding out hope that at least george would stick up for caylee. i am starting to believe caylee is in a better place, away from these people. poor baby!!!!!!!!
George says he has not had a conversation with KC since August. Wasn't it November when KC was finally jailed for the murder charges ? :confused:
haha.. aww poor victim can't even pray, it's good she waited until she got near the cameras to tell him this otherwise we woulsdn't know how horrible she'd been treated by him- how dare he tell her she can't pray! LOL

She probably said "Jes^s chr!st" all pissy-like and he said "What?" and she said "don't tell me I can't pray"!

You're killing me!! LMAO!!
Do George and Brad not see the reasoning for asking about why no one was out looking for the supposed nanny who had Caylee? If my grandchild were missing, supposedly kidnapped by the babysitter, I'd be busting down apartment doors, making pleadings on TV, searching everywhere to find the nanny and my grandchild. But the Anthonys didn't do that, they took Casey's work that "nanny has her", and that was it.

George is one p-whipped guy - whipped by two women, KC and CA. :eek:
Their body language, facial expressions..........very odd.........anyone else think this?

Yes, George's face was so tensed up - eyebrows raised and all. But the part I can't ever get past is - his skin coloring. What's up with that? Is he a mystic tan or tan in a tube abuser? Too much carrot juice? What is that? Why is he that color? I don't think I have ever seen a white person that color before.:waitasec:
I've been posting for months now that it's my belief that George knew before July 15 (car recovered from impound lot) that Caylee was dead.
I believe that even more firmly today.
His refusal to answer re: the gas cans, etc., supports my theory that he knew Caylee was deceased as of that date, at the latest.
Wow just about sums it up.

He is so dang smug in this video that I wish I could slap him through my computer monitor.

Call me what you want but I will say it now and I will always believe that the family has known from the get go what happened, and how it happened, and where Caylee was all along.

Why are they covering for her? If they had nothing to hide then they wouldn't have put this off for so long, and he wouldn't be so dang smug in this deposition, and he wouldn't be a pompous jackarse.

ETA: Oh yeah and I want to hear him say "No Sir I just answered that when this goes to trial! He wont last 5 min. in the courts without being fined"

Mods... I am sorry but I have had enough from GA and CA and KC's lies in this case. Please feel free to remove my post if you feel that I was out of line, and I apologize ahead of time to anyone that I offend. Just my opinions!
Isn't it odd how Lee was "conducting his own investigation" after July 15th, but George, an ex-cop, so no reason to follow the "leads" given to him by his lying daughter.

George just made everything worse during this depo by arguing and refusing to cooperate. All the attorneys, even BConway for the most part, were respectful, but GA was hostile and bucking for a fight since the minute he stepped into the place. Unbelievable. Does he not care who killed Caylee? This would help them find out. Unbelievable.

I'm surprised at all the contradictions in GA's statements to the FBI, OCSO, and this one.

Let's protect KC by all means. :eek:
OH HOLY GOD!!! I am just part way thru part two of George's depo and I am feeling so sick to my stomach.
I have really tried to have some compassion at times they have really ticked me off with thier bizzare actions and reactions during this whole ordeal but right now I feel such sorrow for Caylee's soul.
Does anyone that shares her blood want to do right by her at all or is it just about saving Casey's sorry, murdering *advertiser censored*?
I'm just sick, almost in a morning kinda way. :mad:
This sounds familiar. Isn't this the same rant he gave the reporters back in the summer in front of the A house. Does he write them down, memorize them and file them in his memory bank for future use.

I guess he thought it "played" well to the audience...
I quickly skimmed thu the depo... and sheeeeeeeesh... What is WRONG with these people??? George lying thru his gum smacking teeth... and soooo combative... At one time I had really thought he might stand up for little Caylee.. but I guess that was an overestimation. Im just disgusted...
Cant George be charged with perjury for flat out lying about not knowing that KC stole money?
I havent watched the video yet.. but maybe I shouldnt .. I may break my laptop trying to reach in and smack CA and GA !!
I literally just started listening and I am so sad that I had so much faith in GA. I honestly thought he was the one in the family who had a heart for Caylee and was willing to (as much as it hurt him) the ONLY one willing to be honest. Not sure I can finish listening today,
I'm five minutes in and I'm very disappointed in George's belligerent demeanor. He acts like he's about to explode. I know he's pizzed, but I think he can do better.
Would some one with sense PLEASE, PLEASE make that girl plea out and end this charade, once and for all.

One investigation leads to another investigation and opens another complaint, and perhaps another charge.

And there is no justice whatsoever on the near horizon for Caylee.

I am so appreciative of all of you who have kept that in the front of your minds and hearts for so long now, because this is just not coming from her family. And it makes me cry.

Your post made my day! The Anthony's may wear bits of Caylee's ashes at all times, but they have forgotten her completely. Oh, how I wish those ashes would burn a hole in the flesh they touch.
I was watching HLN earlier and was watching George's expression everytime he answers a question, he always does this and by god I finally figured out who he reminded me of..
Stan Laurel


he really does remind me of him. :D
It is good to see the real George, and the fake George was trying too hard in the past to impress his perceived peers at the FBI and the Sheriffs department - no more no less. This is the man that drank a beer and popped an aspirin to deflect attention and gain sympathy. It is hard to feel empathy and sympathy through whatever ploy they attempt, because the true picture of the man and his family is in the deeds, the behavior, and continued obfuscation and obstruction.

That is just the way I see it. He is smug in this deposition. He is condescending, arrogant, and is not afraid to lie on the spot and on a whim whenever he pleases. I think we see a bit of Casey in him, don't we?

Great post and ITA. For a long time I've been frustrated that some have placed the blame for KC's dysfunction squarely on CA's shoulders while "poor George" got a pass. At last, we see the real GA.
Conway should have pulled him outside and advised him to chill out. He's asking Morgan to be nice???? Hullo???
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