2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included)

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If anyone still feels sorry for George after this, I feel sorry for them.
You've got that right. Something went terribly wrong today. GA didn't seem at all versed in what to expect. He should have known there would be tough questions, and rightly so, because the attorneys are trying to clear Zenaida. Any and all questions were fair, including how KC was supposedly paying the non-existent babysitter.

Why didn't Brad Conway do his job in preparing those people?

I'm not BC's biggest fan, but I have no doubt he TRIED to prepare them to a degree. They simply aren't manageable. Besides, they'd never hire a lawyer they couldn't control, or at least stay with such a lawyer.
Would some one with sense PLEASE, PLEASE make that girl plea out and end this charade, once and for all.

One investigation leads to another investigation and opens another complaint, and perhaps another charge.

And there is no justice whatsoever on the near horizon for Caylee.

I am so appreciative of all of you who have kept that in the front of your minds and hearts for so long now, because this is just not coming from her family. And it makes me cry.

My bold.

Me too, Tater, me too. :blowkiss:
I'm not BC's biggest fan, but I have no doubt he TRIED to prepare them to a degree. They simply aren't manageable. Besides, they'd never hire a lawyer they couldn't control, or at least stay with such a lawyer.

This same behavior/control is exhibited in Casey's relationship with Baez as well...IMO...
I stopped reading on page 74 - I could not bear it. This is infuriating. I feel (irrational I know) that I would like to see both George and Cindy charged with something. I find it dispciable that no one in that family wants justice for Caylee.
I'm way behind, and haven't actually seen the videos, but from all your great comments, I can see now why George gets along so well with D. Milstead! :mad:

PS. I haven't hit the "thankyou" button on a thread this much ever! :blowkiss:

Actually, Milstead is one of the few people left on this earth that will have anything to do with George, I think. He has no friends left. Maybe Conway...
The difference in GA's attitude before and after they took the break is like night and day. I noticed he was chewing gum after the break, but not before. Could this account for his change in attitude - naw can't be that simple.
I'll be honest.. no doubt GA and CA have been through he!! in the past year. This depo is videotaped and runs straight to streaming video on the internet. He has a dead granddaughter, a daughter who he still loves who is obviously guilty of the crime, he still loves her, his life has been turned completely upside down. Now an attorney is asking him pointed questions about the criminal trial before the criminal trial takes place. I voiced disappointment in GA earlier tonight... but now I think we should give the dude a break. He's human, for goodness sake.
Cindy was chewing gum too. That got on my nerves a little. I wonder if they were trying to come across as casual, cavalier, etc. Uh, didn't work if that's the look they were going for....

I just have to say that after watching the little bits I saw on NG tonight, I feel like I need a shower. And I feel a little sick. Watching those 2 with their smug, arrogant, egotistical behavior got me so hot under the collar. :mad:

When backed into a corner, they sure show their true colors. This whole thing, imo, was almost laughable if it wasn't so sad. Seriously, who on earth do they think they are to be so entitled? I bet they are irritated that they're there today being "bothered" by this deposition thing, but the reason is because of their daughter!!

If someone used my exact name, said I kidnapped a child and later that child wound up dead you bet I'd sue for defamation of character. The problem is no one EVER apparently disagrees with or questions KC or any of the Anthony's. These people need serious help. I'm astonished at their behavior-did they think this would help KC??

I'm also very relieved I didn't send them any kind of gesture of sympathy (I thought about sending a card). They don't seem to care for anyone but themselves. It would've been pointless. Sorry this is so long. I'm just so upset after seeing them.
I hope we all realize that everything CA and GA do is AFTER THE FACT. They didn't murder Caylee. Their daughter did, and of course they love their daughter.
I listened to GA Deposition Videos and read most of the posts.
While it is apparent that GA was only interested in replying to questions that are relevant to ZG civil case it was also obvious that who ever was asking the questions had a nasty edge to him.
Like GA I would have become arrogant too. This guy was a nasty, aiming to stump, imbarrace, diss, and direspect GA. Good for GA to stand up and say NO to that.
I listened to GA Deposition Videos and read most of the posts.
While it is apparent that GA was only interested in replying to questions that are relevant to ZG civil case it was also obvious that who ever was asking the questions had a nasty edge to him.
Like GA I would have become arrogant too. This guy was a nasty guy.

I saw it differently. I don't think Morgan was nasty at all, but GA saw through Morgan's intentions. Morgan's spilling over into the criminal case. Conway should have raised he!! about it.
George is claiming he has no knowledge of Casey ever stealing from family members or using their credit cards, etc (p19/20). This is insufferable.
I wish we had access to the deposition George gave to the Grand Jury.I feel he speaks with a forked tongue,one way alone and another when C. is near by.At any rate it is nerve wracking!
I saw it differently. I don't think Morgan was nasty at all, but GA saw through Morgan's intentions. Morgan's spilling over into the criminal case. Conway should have raised he!! about it.

You're going to see things spilling over from the criminal case because anything that Morgan can do to prove that his client didn't kidnap or hurt Caylee, so much the better. If that means proving someone else DID do it, that's a way to do it. And with all of the evidence against Casey, the path seems pretty clear to me.
Watching George's depo - and I haven't made it all the way thru yet - I suddenly realized why he can't hold down a job. Even as a security guard...
I saw it differently. I don't think Morgan was nasty at all, but GA saw through Morgan's intentions. Morgan's spilling over into the criminal case. Conway should have raised he!! about it.

IMO Morgan had reason to go down that road not only because any evidence that points to another perp other than Zenaida can prove his client's case and clear her in the counter suit that Casey has filed against her. He was very patient with them up to a point where he paused and then explained to George that he will not continue with GA attacking his character or dictating the line of questioning. Even offered to end the depo and differ to the Judge. Then a break and a more toned down GA back answering questions.
Further, GA and CA seem to me missinformed as to the proceedings today.
This was a legal, sworn deposition....not an interview with media.
THEY ARE NOT IN CONTROL! The officers of the court are....period.
You've got that right. Something went terribly wrong today. GA didn't seem at all versed in what to expect. He should have known there would be tough questions, and rightly so, because the attorneys are trying to clear Zenaida. Any and all questions were fair, including how KC was supposedly paying the non-existent babysitter.

Why didn't Brad Conway do his job in preparing those people?

Not only that, but didn't he and Cindy watch Lee's depo? That would have given him a clue. :rolleyes:
Actually, Milstead is one of the few people left on this earth that will have anything to do with George, I think. He has no friends left. Maybe Conway...

I'm glad that GA/CA acted as they did today. Now maybe Conway sees why NeJame got outta dodge. I'd love to see them lose another attorney. They might steal Luka away from Lee. :)
I should add that all the time that George was covering for his murdering daughter, he was wearing a Caylee button.

THAT infuriated me.

Oh and commenting "How dare you keep saying remains - that is my grandaughter" whilst at the same time refusing to acknowledge that the awful smell in the car was also his grandaughter, and how dare HE call her pizza and maggots.

Watching George's depo - and I haven't made it all the way thru yet - I suddenly realized why he can't hold down a job. Even as a security guard...

Ain't that the truth. Imagine pushing your glasses up your nose around him one too many times and him going ballistic on you! That's one paranoid dude!
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