2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included)

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Anyone else think that chameleon Casey learned the behavior from chameleon George? He certainly comes across as a different person on the video interviews with LE, the FBI and Morgan & Morgan. Not the same person having a (very) bad day. But a different person.

Also, as others have pointed out, his behavior is radically different depending on his distance with CA I wonder how much her ranting and raving about being inconvenienced by the depo. wound him up beforehand, and contributed to those especially caustic early minutes? (Can you just imagine the ride over with her and her self-centered indignation. *shudders*)
Im confused...is this allowed ?... to ask questions about the criminal case ?
Some of those questions from the lawyer just dont seem relevent to this civil case.George is sooooooo outraged by them ....but is he right?
Im not a George supporter ..I think he is a little nutty and stretches the truth...but playing devils advocate ....is this really fair to ask him some of details about a criminal investigation?And refrences to Caylee's remains seems harsh for any grandfather to hear
REEEAAARRRR-ARWWWWWW! Sounds like a freakin' cat/dude fight.

I guess we will know what side of the court room GA will be sitting on in case there was any doubt. Geez.

You know those shows on TV, such as "Most Evil" and others like it where they have experts on who try to determine why people kill and such? I now believe that in the future they will have the Caylee Murder case on one of these shows. Experts will be disecting this family and their dynamics apart, because it never ceases to amaze and make ya go huh? But on the other hand when you start putting all these 'piece's' together, you can see how this recipe for disaster, could have happened.

I, like others on here, really thought GA would be the rare family hold-out in the justice FOR Caylee. His actions during this depo were truly eye opening. Is this normal in the stages of grief? Is he in his anger stage? It is easy to watch this, but hard to understand his current behavior if one has followed this from the begining, and listened to GA's past statements to LE and FBI.

IF Kiomarie's statement is true in that Casey was honestly seeking adoption for Caylee before she was born, one can only wonder if Casey knew the future in a sense. That her child would have to endure the 'dangerous' unstable behavior that would indeed play a big part in her childs up-bringing. She (Casey) had grown up in it, and knew her own state of mind (imaliar) and that she could not possibly bring her child up in a 'typical' invironment, as her situation was at that time during her life. And I think she knew that GA and CA would have to play a huge part in helping with the upbringing of her child. As stated in Kio's statement, Casey did eventually say that her mom (CA) said she could not give the baby up for adoption. If this were true, I can imagine Cindy saying we, (herself and GA) would help raise the baby. And I'm imagining that Casey was afraid. (just a thought)

It has been reported by many 'players' that Casey and GA didn't get along very well. After seeing his trantrum-like behavior today can you imagine the explotions that went on in that house between her and GA? How many of these did Caylee endure? Wow, throwing CA and her known behaviors into the mix and - wahla!- rotton fruit that has fallen not far from the tree, and I pray it stays where it belongs-continuing to rot in prison, Hell on earth. God help it's soul.

Thanks, okiedokietoo. Maybe GA should have gone over his previous statements before showing up today.

Whatever is going on in that family, it ain't pretty. It definitely spilled out today:


I'm thinking live in the A home isn't all peaches and cream. :eek: I agree, Gypsy Road, the A temper doesn't fall far from the A tree.

Makes ya wonder why BC and G&C didn't do better prep work for their depos? It's not like either of them is working-maybe they need to stay off the boat and handle the business of TRYING to work on their stories and their personalities!! They have hired eveything else-maybe they better hire an acting coach!:bang:
I don't know where to put this - but after listening to this unbelievable mess from these two today.....

If they TRULY believe KC's BS about this.....they need some serious, SERIOIUS psychological help.

Can they really believe what they are saying? Are they really that much of a lying family? Are they just good actors who should be on the silver screen???

This is just maddening.
Im confused...is this allowed ?... to ask questions about the criminal case ?
Some of those questions from the lawyer just dont seem relevent to this civil case.George is sooooooo outraged by them ....but is he right?
Im not a George supporter ..I think he is a little nutty and stretches the truth...but playing devils advocate ....is this really fair to ask him some of details about a criminal investigation?And refrences to Caylee's remains seems harsh for any grandfather to hear

What they are trying to get at with that line of questioning is that if there are any answers about the criminal investigation that they have that will prove that the Zanny story is a crock to cover up for the real perp, that clears the Zenaida in this case since Casey does have a counter suit.
The counter suit opened the door to this line of questioning IMO.
I'm sure someone else noticed this in the first George video, but at 16:00 or so, George is asked a second question (the first question was "Have you ever met THIS Zenaida Gonzalez?) George insists he hadn't ever seen her but on television. He insists he never had her in his house. He's pissy about it, too. The lawyer asks him in any number of ways whether THIS Zenaida has ever been in his presence. George finally gets him to accept his answer that no, he's never seen or met this woman before. Now comes the second question. George is asked "Have you ever met the alleged Zanny the babysitter?" George becomes incensed. He gets beligerant and says snottily "SIR! I JUST ANSWERED THAT QUESTION NO! I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS ZANNY BEFORE!! (not a precise quote but damn close). He gets snotty again when the lawyer tries to interrupt and say that it is a separate question. He insists he's not going to answer because he's answered it already. BC interrupts and says "He's answered that question he's never seen this Zanny.".....................


Well, see.....George was asked TWO questions about TWO people. Zenaida, sitting in the room, and the alleged babysitter somewhere mysteriously elsewhere. But George AND BC have insisted that THIS woman and the alleged babysitter are the woman he has never seen before.

I mean, really.....Please tell me I'm not crazy that having a witness answer and his lawyer confirming that the woman suing the family for dragging her name around the mud they swim in DIDN'T just in fact insist that the babysitter they've never seen and this woman they've never seen are the same woman.
WHOA!!! Was that a Slip? We need to ask you about the smell in the trunk.
You already asked me about the smell in the trunk...
No, we asked about the gas cans...

Uh huh.....good catch! Yep! I betcha he saw something or smelled something the day he went for the gas cans in the trunk. Oh yeah. I don't doubt it now after that slip up!
I really didn't think George and Cindy could ever surprise and disgust me more than they already have, but they sure did today. I'm just amazed.

George said "I have no idea" so many times in this depo that if we made it a drinking game I would be very intoxicated right now. It seems he is not a man who knows a lot about a lot of things after all.
Posted: 11:34 pm EST February 19, 2009Updated: 10:52 am EST February 20, 2009
(quoted from article)
In December, Cindy told investigators she sent someone to the remains scene in November to search and that there was nothing in the area then, but the new documents show that Caylee's skull had been in the same place for quite some time.
If George batted his eyes any harder he’d take off like a helicopter, lol. I’m guessing all the eye-batting prevents direct eye contact when answering a question facetiously. I also thought his behavior was quite odd, even immature - criticizing the pronunciation of Zany? I cracked up listening to that, what a maroon!
Makes ya wonder why BC and G&C didn't do better prep work for their depos? It's not like either of them is working-maybe they need to stay off the boat and handle the business of TRYING to work on their stories and their personalities!! They have hired eveything else-maybe they better hire an acting coach!:bang:

You've got that right. Something went terribly wrong today. GA didn't seem at all versed in what to expect. He should have known there would be tough questions, and rightly so, because the attorneys are trying to clear Zenaida. Any and all questions were fair, including how KC was supposedly paying the non-existent babysitter.

Why didn't Brad Conway do his job in preparing those people?
I really didn't think George and Cindy could ever surprise and disgust me more than they already have, but they sure did today. I'm just amazed.

George said "I have no idea" so many times in this depo that if we made it a drinking game I would be very intoxicated right now. It seems he is not a man who knows a lot about a lot of things after all.

Oh how right you are! He's now pretending to be totally clueless, when in the beginning, he was in the know, he knew what he smelled.

Frankly, I smell some ugly rats in Orlando.

Agree the attack on name pronunciation was extremely childish and certainly not pertinent to the questioning.
Belligerent, combative, conniving,trying to throw Jesse or Amy under the bus!:eek:What a family of creeps & murderers!
You've got that right. Something went terribly wrong today. GA didn't seem at all versed in what to expect. He should have known there would be tough questions, and rightly so, because the attorneys are trying to clear Zenaida. Any and all questions were fair, including how KC was supposedly paying the non-existent babysitter.

Why didn't Brad Conway do his job in preparing those people?[/QUOTE

I'm sure that Conway did prepare GA for the deposition properly. GA decided that he was just not going to answer the questions and he was going to give the Morgan attorneys a hard time and that's just what he did. After the break, he began acting in a more reasonable manner, but this was after he was read the riot act by the attorney and I guess he realized that he better cut the attitude or he would be sitting in another deposition very soon. Too bad he didn't start out this way - he only made it harder for himself.
george. no words for you either. ugh. just ugh.
ummm...taking bets on the next "staged" suicide attempt for sympathy......1 week?
All I can say is I am so glad I had the parents I had. They would never do what Cindy and George did and are doing, it is just so wrong on so many levels.

Most parents would have supported their GRANDDAUGHTER and made their DAUGHTER hang out to dry for what she did.

The disrespect they give that little girl is appalling.
The A's have pure ice water running through their veins - all of them - and they are getting worse, not better. Some unbelievable impeachment material in today's depos, should the State need it.
Nope. This is the real George. The George that has always been this way and always will be.

I'm way behind, and haven't actually seen the videos, but from all your great comments, I can see now why George gets along so well with D. Milstead! :mad:

PS. I haven't hit the "thankyou" button on a thread this much ever! :blowkiss:
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