2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included)

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I listened to GA Deposition Videos and read most of the posts.
While it is apparent that GA was only interested in replying to questions that are relevant to ZG civil case it was also obvious that who ever was asking the questions had a nasty edge to him.
Like GA I would have become arrogant too. This guy was a nasty, aiming to stump, imbarrace, diss, and direspect GA. Good for GA to stand up and say NO to that.

Songline, did you just listen and not watch? If you watch, George was combative from the very first second of the depo, and acted like a little child throwing a temper tantrum because he doesn't want to do what he is told. His facial expressions, arrogance and overall demeanor are just horrible. I actually feel embarrassed for him, and wonder if he went home and watched the way he acted and was ashamed of himself. I would be.

The attorney, on the other hand, kept his cool remarkably well, and did his best to be polite and respectful for as long as he could in the face of an adult temper tantrum.
Songline, did you just listen and not watch? If you watch, George was combative from the very first second of the depo, and acted like a little child throwing a temper tantrum because he doesn't want to do what he is told. His facial expressions, arrogance and overall demeanor are just horrible. I actually feel embarrassed for him, and wonder if he went home and watched the way he acted and was ashamed of himself. I would be.

The attorney, on the other hand, kept his cool remarkably well, and did his best to be polite and respectful for as long as he could in the face of an adult temper tantrum.

IMO, George knew Cindy was watching, & he acted like her, or, as she instructed him to behave.
After watching this mess, Casey makes total sense to me now. It's in the genes and unfortunately hers are a mix of Cindy & George's. She's got a double dose of crazy.
Songline, did you just listen and not watch? If you watch, George was combative from the very first second of the depo, and acted like a little child throwing a temper tantrum because he doesn't want to do what he is told. His facial expressions, arrogance and overall demeanor are just horrible. I actually feel embarrassed for him, and wonder if he went home and watched the way he acted and was ashamed of himself. I would be.

The attorney, on the other hand, kept his cool remarkably well, and did his best to be polite and respectful for as long as he could in the face of an adult temper tantrum.

I agree with you %100!
IMO, George knew Cindy was watching, & he acted like her, or, as she instructed him to behave.

I was really surprised at Cindy, she started out fairly calm, cool and collected compared to George, and actually tried to answer some of the questions without attitude.

But that didn't last long....:crazy:
Songline, did you just listen and not watch? If you watch, George was combative from the very first second of the depo, and acted like a little child throwing a temper tantrum because he doesn't want to do what he is told. His facial expressions, arrogance and overall demeanor are just horrible. I actually feel embarrassed for him, and wonder if he went home and watched the way he acted and was ashamed of himself. I would be.

The attorney, on the other hand, kept his cool remarkably well, and did his best to be polite and respectful for as long as he could in the face of an adult temper tantrum.

Yep...this is typical George though. He throws a temper tantrum, realizes afterwards that his behavior was less than becoming, then offers up a public apology. But it never fails, days later he throws another tantrum and the whole circle of behavior begins again! This happens over and over and over. He lacks self control and I guess he thinks if he apologizes afterwards that his behavior will be excused. NOT SO! I gave him the benefit of the doubt in the beginning, but now I'm onto him. He's not sorry for his behavior. Never is. Never was. If he was truly sorry, after all this time- he'd work on his anger and learn to control it.

A: You guys have torn apart my family so much
7 every single one of you, every single one of you. You
8 don't realize what you've done to us and you don't care.
9 You don't care. And when you say you sympathize and all
10 that kind of stuff, you don't give -- anything about me.
11 You don't care. I hope you never have to go through what
12 I've had to go through. I hope another family member of
13 yours never has to go through what I've had to go
14 through.

Has George EVER said this same exact thing to his beloved daughter, Casey?? Isn't it Casey's fault the family is "torn apart", has no clue what "she's" done, and just doesn't care?? Get a grip on it George! Denial is not flattering!
George claims to not know zany/zaneida ...to have never met her..so how can he state categorically with certainty that the ZG in the lawsuit is not *the one* in question? It isn't logical to say he never met her but he knows for certain this one isn't her!
I was pro-George until I saw this today. He has made up his mind that he "shouldn't" have to be put through this...as if he is somehow immune because of the horror that he has endured.
I'm glad that GA/CA acted as they did today. Now maybe Conway sees why NeJame got outta dodge. I'd love to see them lose another attorney. They might steal Luka away from Lee. :)
Or JB might have some opening's for new clients soon !
You can always tell when George is lying...go back and watch his interviews. When he is lying, he blinks alot. His eyelids actually flutter and he gets a twitch under one and/or both eyes.
I am sorry I ever said anything nice about George. I used to feel sorry for him. But I have totally changed my mind.
My assessment of George after viewing video of his depo: A lose cannon on a rolling deck (ditto for Cindy.)
I have to say it makes me so angry that George said that it wasn't the Zanny in court because the real Zanny is a "ten". Oh Gawd! What kinds of things did he say to KC? "Gee, KC, really wish you were hotter. always wanted a hot daughter." I can't stand men like this.
I really didn't think George and Cindy could ever surprise and disgust me more than they already have, but they sure did today. I'm just amazed.

George said "I have no idea" so many times in this depo that if we made it a drinking game I would be very intoxicated right now. It seems he is not a man who knows a lot about a lot of things after all.

The biggest surprises are yet to come...wait till the trial. Wait till she erupts on the stand because you know she can't give a simple yes or no answer.
the biggest eruption will be when they find Casey guilty. I can't wait for this trial to start.
Watching George's depo - and I haven't made it all the way thru yet - I suddenly realized why he can't hold down a job. Even as a security guard...

Can you imagine this man as a deputy sheriff? :eek:
I'm not even finished watching yet, and probably won't tonight. I am appalled by George's actions today, his contempt was unbelievable.

I'm glad that GA/CA acted as they did today. Now maybe Conway sees why NeJame got outta dodge. I'd love to see them lose another attorney. They might steal Luka away from Lee. :)

If the prosecution puts the DP back on the table GA/CA will not be helpful in swaying the jury to go with LWOP. They are combative, arrogant, rude, disrespectful...the list could go on. They also don't appear to be afraid of perjury. Lying must be a way of life for that whole family. I'm on the 4th video of George's testimony right now and as hard as I try I can't find one thing likable about him. He actually disgusts me. I had tons of sympathy for them in the beginning but that sympathy has degraded to nothing now. GA/CA don't come off as grieving grandparents, they come off as two people who will do anything to get their little monster off. Justice for Caylee (Caylee who?) is the impression I get of them.

A: You guys have torn apart my family so much
7 every single one of you, every single one of you. You
8 don't realize what you've done to us and you don't care.
9 You don't care. And when you say you sympathize and all
10 that kind of stuff, you don't give -- anything about me.
11 You don't care. I hope you never have to go through what
12 I've had to go through. I hope another family member of
13 yours never has to go through what I've had to go
14 through.

Has George EVER said this same exact thing to his beloved daughter, Casey?? Isn't it Casey's fault the family is "torn apart", has no clue what "she's" done, and just doesn't care?? Get a grip on it George! Denial is not flattering!

I kept hitting the thank you button, but it would only give me one. So...
Now I really want to read George's suicide note. :furious:
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