2009.04.09 - George Anthony Deposition (video link included)

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Maybe good ole George was using Cindy's credit cards without her knowledge? I wouldn't put it past him.

Wouldn't be the first time he stole from his wife. Dude is a loser and sneaks around like a little kid.
Wasn't there something out there which told how he had applied for CC's in her name and ran them up and she did not know it? I believe I read that early on in this case.

I thought I remembered something like that too but havent come across it again.
GA is not sincere in his "apology" to ZFG, nor his handshake. That was more of the Anthony manipulation at work.

The A's are grifters and I wouldn't put my purse down in their house. IYKWIM

Post of the week! I so agree.
Wasn't there something out there which told how he had applied for CC's in her name and ran them up and she did not know it? I believe I read that early on in this case.
I remember this too, was it Shirley, Cindy's mom who said it ?
GA is not sincere in his "apology" to ZFG, nor his handshake. That was more of the Anthony manipulation at work.

The A's are grifters and I wouldn't put my purse down in their house. IYKWIM

I hope Morgan advised his client to count her fingers after the encounter?
The part about the credit cards is in this WFTV article

Plesea is Cindy Anthony's mother and she told investigators during the August interview that, about a month after Casey's arrest, Casey had stolen $45,000 from her mother Cindy, possibly through taking out credit cards in Cindy's name and that Casey's father George also took out credit cards in Cindy's name.
Aired November 24, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET
LE questioning GA

GEORGE ANTHONY: As far as other moneys that my daughter was taking, she took a small quarter coin collection that I had. And I know she has been taking money from my granddaughter`s bank because I`m always dropping a buck, 5 bucks, quarters. You know, one day you go in there and that bank is heavy. And it`s a good-size piggy bank. And you know you put money in there. You know it. There`s nothing.
She`s taken money from my wife`s purse...
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. You started to...
GEORGE ANTHONY: Twenty dollars, forty dollars, maybe more than that at a time.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You started to use the word there that you hesitated in -- you started to say -- you stopped.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is that how you feel about it or is that how your wife feels about it?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is there any doubt in your mind that`s what she was doing?
GEORGE ANTHONY: No because we have all the information that she`s done it.
GEORGE ANTHONY: Three deposit slips that she had -- she had forged a deposit slip for $4,400.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With your mother`s name -- with her mother`s name on it?
GEORGE ANTHONY: Yes, with our account.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you ever hear Caylee talk about Zanny?
GEORGE ANTHONY: No. No. Because, as a matter of fact, we didn`t even bring up Zanny`s name. Our granddaughter is a pretty bright little girl. No, she never...
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She never said Zanny?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Never talked about her nanny?
GEORGE ANTHONY: No, never said anything in those regards whatsoever.

Thank you so much for posting that for us!

I sure hope he is charged with perjury and whatever else they can throw at him.
It seemed to me that BC was deliberately pushing his head into the video shots at time. I don't remember seeing anywhere near as much of Lee's attorney. Infact, I'm not sure I saw his face at all during the depo.

BTW - anyone know what happened to the questions Lee wouldn't answer ?

LOL. I noticed that too. I am sure he was deliberately poking his face in front of the camera. Birds of a feather.
Wasn't there something out there which told how he had applied for CC's in her name and ran them up and she did not know it? I believe I read that early on in this case.

IIRC, Cindy's mother discussed it in one of her iv's with LE.
I missed the last part of GA's deposition. Maybe I will change my opinion of him after I watch it. If he brought up the "Perfect 10" cr*p I will take back all the nice things I posted about him earlier.
Oh do watch Part II, it's a must! After what I saw, your whole opinion of him will change!
Both of these people act as if they're above the law. Like how dare the lawyers question them. Gosh, I remember Bill Clinton having to answer VERY personal questions (remember one of his responses, "It depends in what the meaning of IS is.", lol)) but he was PRESIDENT and he didn't act nearly as offended or untouchable as GA & CA!
What kills me about these depos is that the A's could have played them SO DIFFERENTLY if they weren't so arrogant (my opinion). First of all, the civil case is simply for MONEY (yes, I know it can uncover fodder for the criminal trial but essentially it is a case for MONEY) and we know that Casey has a limited amount, if she is not actually indigent. Also, since Casey counter-sued Zenaida, the Ants should realize that CASEY took an aggressive defensive posture in the suit which guaranteed further drama.

George and Cindy have both already spoken to the FBI and the Police (and had their interviews taped and released via the Sunshine Law) in Casey's criminal case. We here ALL KNOW what they've said in the past about Casey's alleged stealing from the piggy bank, savings account, grandma/grandpa checks X 2, Cindy's credit cards, ad nauseum. We've heard about her lack of a job and about her parents (especially Cindy's quest to discover where and when Casey was working -- see Ryan P. interview). We know what they thought of the smell in the trunk through their excited utterances. We know about the Sawgrass story (and the Blanchard park revision). We know from the A's past interviews with LE/FBI and the news media (in which diarrhea of the mouth always ensued) that Casey gave them various places she was during the 31 days she was not living at Hopespring (in Jacksonville, in Tampa, at the beach, with the Nanny at theme parks, bonding, working, etc.). None of this--none of it-- is new news and should not have been denied in any way. For the criminal trial, this damage is DONE.

They could have simply sat up there at this civil depo and answered the questions meekly, honestly and as SIMPLY as possible (i.e. "Yes" or "No" with no speculation). They could have added NO NEW INFORMATION from what was already out in the public arena. What do they care if Casey loses this piddly suit against ZFG? They could have said "I do not recall" and "I don't know" for questions which called for speculation past what they have already told LE/FBI. For sympathy, they could have cried and poured their hearts out that they "honestly did not know what happened". Because I think in the beginning they honestly DID NOT KNOW so why try to cover it up or change it up now?

I mean, we can hear tales all day and all night long about Imaginanny's dog, and that Cindy has a clear picture in her mind of Zanny, and so on, but we are not going to forget (nor is the prosecution not going to PLAY AT TRIAL) the video of Cindy saying she thought Zany was "whoever was watching Caylee at that time" and then proceeds to give a whole list of names (Jessie, Ricardo, yadda yadda).

My mind can't wrap around the fact that they don't seem to see that there is testimony ON VIDEOTAPE of them UNDER OATH saying many statements exactly contradicting what they said at the depo here. They are not doing themselves any favors at all and I don't know why BC allowed it to go down like that or if he simply could not control them.

To reiterate, what they've already told LE and the FBI for the criminal trial has already done enough damage. Going into a civil depo and attempting revisionist history just makes them look like a pack of liars (my opinion). And then one wonders, "Why are they lying so vigorously?" My suspicion of them now deepens...
What kills me about these depos is that the A's could have played them SO DIFFERENTLY if they weren't so arrogant (my opinion). *SNIP*
Thanks you brought all that together well.

A specific question that occurs to me is why they obviously got together to synchronise the denial of the car chase. Why?
There was no doubt in previous testimony about when that was. It was linked to the frustration of Caylee missing so it was not at some silly vague time. Have C &G (&KC) seen some damning significance to that incident that we have so far missed?
What kills me about these depos is that the A's could have played them SO DIFFERENTLY if they weren't so arrogant (my opinion). First of all, the civil case is simply for MONEY (yes, I know it can uncover fodder for the criminal trial but essentially it is a case for MONEY) and we know that Casey has a limited amount, if she is not actually indigent. Also, since Casey counter-sued Zenaida, the Ants should realize that CASEY took an aggressive defensive posture in the suit which guaranteed further drama.

George and Cindy have both already spoken to the FBI and the Police (and had their interviews taped and released via the Sunshine Law) in Casey's criminal case. We here ALL KNOW what they've said in the past about Casey's alleged stealing from the piggy bank, savings account, grandma/grandpa checks X 2, Cindy's credit cards, ad nauseum. We've heard about her lack of a job and about her parents (especially Cindy's quest to discover where and when Casey was working -- see Ryan P. interview). We know what they thought of the smell in the trunk through their excited utterances. We know about the Sawgrass story (and the Blanchard park revision). We know from the A's past interviews with LE/FBI and the news media (in which diarrhea of the mouth always ensued) that Casey gave them various places she was during the 31 days she was not living at Hopespring (in Jacksonville, in Tampa, at the beach, with the Nanny at theme parks, bonding, working, etc.). None of this--none of it-- is new news and should not have been denied in any way. For the criminal trial, this damage is DONE.

They could have simply sat up there at this civil depo and answered the questions meekly, honestly and as SIMPLY as possible (i.e. "Yes" or "No" with no speculation). They could have added NO NEW INFORMATION from what was already out in the public arena. What do they care if Casey loses this piddly suit against ZFG? They could have said "I do not recall" and "I don't know" for questions which called for speculation past what they have already told LE/FBI. For sympathy, they could have cried and poured their hearts out that they "honestly did not know what happened". Because I think in the beginning they honestly DID NOT KNOW so why try to cover it up or change it up now?

I mean, we can hear tales all day and all night long about Imaginanny's dog, and that Cindy has a clear picture in her mind of Zanny, and so on, but we are not going to forget (nor is the prosecution not going to PLAY AT TRIAL) the video of Cindy saying she thought Zany was "whoever was watching Caylee at that time" and then proceeds to give a whole list of names (Jessie, Ricardo, yadda yadda).

My mind can't wrap around the fact that they don't seem to see that there is testimony ON VIDEOTAPE of them UNDER OATH saying many statements exactly contradicting what they said at the depo here. They are not doing themselves any favors at all and I don't know why BC allowed it to go down like that or if he simply could not control them.

To reiterate, what they've already told LE and the FBI for the criminal trial has already done enough damage. Going into a civil depo and attempting revisionist history just makes them look like a pack of liars (my opinion). And then one wonders, "Why are they lying so vigorously?" My suspicion of them now deepens...

Why risk perjury, contempt of court charges and maybe jail time for a $15,000 lawsuit that KC MIGHT have to pay someday IF she gets out and gets a job?
Just suck it up and answer the the dang questions!
I was asking my wife if she remembered years ago we had to go to juvenile detention & pick up her son for shoplifting @ Walmart. We went in there with our tails between our legs bc he was caught red handed. We certainly didn't make excuses for him or lie to anyone or get offended in any way. When you're busted you're busted. Just fess up & move on!
Thanks you brought all that together well.

A specific question that occurs to me is why they obviously got together to synchronise the denial of the car chase. Why?
There was no doubt in previous testimony about when that was. It was linked to the frustration of Caylee missing so it was not at some silly vague time. Have C &G (&KC) seen some damning significance to that incident that we have so far missed?

Hey Herc, do you have any insight as to the hubbub over the air mattress? I haven't heard much about it until these depos.
I gotta go crash but tomorrow
(or later today) I'm gonna be asking about the air mattress. Is it an important piece of evidence? I tried searching for a thread on it. Anybody?
Hey Herc, do you have any insight as to the hubbub over the air mattress? I haven't heard much about it until these depos.
I only remember in passing that it was claimed to be used by KC/Caylee when staying with others, so finding it still at Ant house could show KC did not take Caylee to stay with Nanny.
To me, they both made a big point of making sure to "correct" George's recollection of the car chase dates (and to put it months before Caylee went missing) and to insist that there was no fight on June 15th.

They had to make a huge point and they had to verify each others statements because those two occurrences were vitally important.

IMO June 15th the date that the fight occurred goes to motive - KC took Caylee from the house after a huge fight with Cindy and she was murdered shortly thereafter, while KC was still in a rage and to spite Cindy.

IMO the date of the car chase. Initially in the LE interview, GA said he did not know the exact date, but he mentioned around the last week of June. CA said she had no knowledge of a car chase. Both now say the car chase happened in April or May. I believe that when GA brought up this car chase with LE it was a slip, he then tried to correct himself and said KC was in Cindy's car. IMO there was a car chase and GA chased KC the day of the gas can incident (June 24th), after he saw or smelled something in the trunk of the car. KC then panicked and dumped Caylee shortly thereafter.
I'm watching the deposition with GA on youtube, and am on part 10, and finding it difficult to go on. ITA with CA, I can't stomach JM either.
IMO it is a miscarriage of justice to put this family through this, and answering these questions that have nothing to do with this ZG. Furthermore, she could have stopped it at any time and chose not to.
God have mercy on their souls for adding insult to injury on GA, CA, and LA.
They should be ashamed, and the fact that they aren't speaks volumes to me.
They make me want to throw up. Their inhumanity is stinks like rotten meat.
moo, and I hope I don't get a time out because I'm alone in my opinion. :(
"Preparing for weeks" for this deposition must mean "taking smirking lessons from JB".

I'm sorry for being snarky. This is really upsetting me.

George, what about Caylee???????

This deposition is about ZFG, not Caylee.
And beyond that, GA, CA, and LA are family victims.
This deposition should be a crime, and they shouldn't have had to answer questions about an open criminal investigation. This isn't justice for Caylee. This is harassing, and victimizing Caylee's family. imo

And to be honest I find it very unsettling that I feel alone in this opinion.
Can anyone imagine being in their shoes for even a minute, and how you would act and react to the questions given, and the threats of contempt charges if they don't answer them?

What did these people do to deserve such harsh criticism? They love their daughter, they love their granddaughter. They believed or wanted to believe Caylee was alive, and they believe or want to believe that their daughter couldn't have murdered their own precious granddaughter.
I would do the same. I guess that makes me as bad as them. I'm ok with that quite frankly.
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