2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony #2

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A poster was asking how she is paying all the lawyers (12) .Several of them have said publicly and I trust it is the case with all of them, they are doing the case Pro Bono (this amount of free advertising is well worth it to them, the case is getting international attention).
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What do you think of this image KC posted?

It always strikes me that the little girl looks like the picture of Caylee that was so widely distributed. The wide-eyed, solemn look into the camera.

Not that I'm even saying that it was intentional, but I've often wondered if KC found that particular image appropriate. I mean, that phrase is not unique. There are a bunch of other icons she could have chosen.
That is a key question that gets far too little attention. If there was one thing I wish the investigative media would focus on more, that would be the one topic.

However KC's lawyers are getting paid, Judge Strickland didn't take long to determine no conflict of interest for Baez. I would love to know what was said back in chambers during that hearing.
IMO, no prior history is the only mitigating factor that applies.

What about the theft and identity charges? Also, KC's grandma could have pressed charges if she wanted to but didn't b/c it was family.
However KC's lawyers are getting paid, Judge Strickland didn't take long to determine no conflict of interest for Baez. I would love to know what was said back in chambers during that hearing.

I heard somewhere that they were supposedly using money from an account that had been set-up for Caylee's college fund or something like that. Although it's hard to believe that there would be that much money in the account considering the financial situation that the A's were in. Maybe that's why JB wanted to tell the Judge in private knowing everyone would go balistic at the thought of using money meant for Caylee to get "baby killer" out of jail.
I hope that noose/little girl picture comes into evidence. Clearly all the people on the jury will be people who have no problem with the death penalty. Showing a picture where KC basically insults people who are for it, would be a slap in the face.
Hmm.. Is it possible one of the A's had taken out a large sum life insurance policy on Caylee? Just thinking out loud here.
Wish I had something profound to contribute, but I just wanted to add my 2 cents.........I am VERY comfortable with the DP on the table. Yesterday afternoon my DIL called and said "did you hear the good news??" I said "YES!!!!" Then, I realized she was talking about something good my grandson did, and silly me, I thought she had heard the news bulletin about KC. Geez, do ya think I may be a little too far into this case?? LOL

That may not have been profound but it was darn funny!!
I love this part of the interview where Bill S., legal analyst for WFTV, says "no competant criminal defense attorney is going to not explore some meaningful plea discussion when your client's life is on the table". It's around the 3 minute mark on the above video.
kc will walk her last mile wearing eye mascara and holding her head high......just like she did when they arrested her the first time.

Have they released the tapes from the first time KC was arrested? I do believe based on comments she made, she was anything but composed. I think knowing they filmed her behavior and knowing it will be released has everything to do with her public behavior since then.
Hmm.. Is it possible one of the A's had taken out a large sum life insurance policy on Caylee? Just thinking out loud here.

No that was established early on. None of the known players had a policy on her.
Bill S., WFTV, says the strongest argument the state has is the motive and the manner in which the muirder was committed and the fact that this was Caylee's mother...the one person that this child is supposed to look to, to protect her from all of the evils and the harms that society has, this is the one person that betrayed that ultimate trust. Not exact qoute, but close...
I too, see no sense or civility in killing as a punishment for killing. I wish we, as a people could mature beyond Hammurabi's code. I'm hopefull we can, seeing what Illinois, my neighbor state, has done. Yes, there are many people incarcerated and killed that are innocent.

I saw someone else quote you, then went searching for your post.

I'm certainly not out to change your opinion where the DP is concerned, but I too have issues where it's concerned. I strongly feel that society sends a stronger message that we value life by imposing the ultimate punishment on someone who WILLFULLY takes the life of another. To not punish someone to this extreme is really saying, we value your life more than the life you took. You didn't care about the rights of the person you murdered, but we'll make damn sure that no one denies you any of your rights. I think it's a HORRIBLE message to send a killer.

My problem lies in the fact that it's #1, very expensive on the taxpayers to seek death. Taxpayers must foot the bill for the trial, then pay all the expenses (including college for many) all other inmates receive, then on top of that, pay out all the $$$$ required with issues dealing with the appellate process till the inmate is finally executed (if that day ever comes and in many states it doesn't, thankfully, it will in Florida). It raises costs enormously.

My #2 issue is that, it's simply not equally applied. Had Casey Anthony been a black male, they'd have sought death from day 1. Two people could live in the same town, commit the exact same crime in the exact same manner (hypothetically speaking) and the state could seek death for one, and the 2nd could end up with 5 to 10 years in prison. Hell, some killers are out within 3 years.

So, yeah, I think Casey Anthony absolutely deserves death, but, I think the entire system needs revamped if we're going to keep it around.
She's an extreme narcissist, and will never plea. Nor do I think a plea is the reason the state is now seeking the DP.

And shouldn't the debate over whether the DP works or is moral go in another thread/topic? I think the debate is getting OT.
She's an extreme narcissist, and will never plea. Nor do I think a plea is the reason the state is now seeking the DP.

And shouldn't the debate over whether the DP works or is moral go in another thread/topic? I think the debate is getting OT.

Well, you'll never have the DP as a thread topic without it being debated, but I absolutely agree with you. Casey will never plea and I agree that this isn't why the state is seeking it. They know by now that Casey isn't about to admit to anything. For anyone to suggest it's their motivation, I think it's the equivalent of calling the state a bunch of morons who are taking their first trip around the block. These are seasoned professionals and I have little doubt they are confident in their ability to convince a jury that Casey is indeed guilty of PREMEDITATED murder.
A poster was asking how she is paying all the lawyers (12) .Several of them have said publicly and I trust it is the case with all of them, they are doing the case Pro Bono (this amount of free advertising is well worth it to them, the case is getting international attention).

LKB stated on NG that she wasn't working pro bono and she doesn't come cheap. Henri Lee doesn't need publicity and suggested that he was being compensated (Not a lawyer, but a costly addition).

When JB was asked by the SA about how he was being paid, (the media slant was about the selling of the story) they did that in camera hearing with the judge to show no conflict existed.
They got KC to declare this in court.

So - if they were all working pro-bono, why not just declare that publicly and do away with it?

Also DC's annoyance at not being paid means that even if JB is working for free, his sub contracted lawyers, PI's and experts don't seem to be.

I have questioned myself as to exactly how many of these lawyers have become household names as a direct result of defending KC, I can only come up with JB.

It's all very murky.
I love this part of the interview where Bill S., legal analyst for WFTV, says "no competant criminal defense attorney is going to not explore some meaningful plea discussion when your client's life is on the table". It's around the 3 minute mark on the above video.

"Competant" is the key word there.
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