2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony #2

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I understand how you feel. Personally, I am usually against the DP too. I have to admit, though, that I am glad to see this.

I may feel differently if it actually comes down to her being executed. Perhaps by then my conflicting thoughts/beliefs/emotions concerning the execution of another human being will surface.

I feel a kind of relief that thay are seeking the DP. I think it's partly because, to me, it means they have evidence that will leave absolutely no doubt in my, or anyone's elses mind, that KC did this and did it deliberately. (I haven't been convinced about the premeditated and/or deliberate part). If she is going to get the DP, or even LWOP, I don't want to have any nagging doubts. (A selfish reason perhaps to be relieved - just being honest though.)

Another reason I feel good about the SA doing this, and I think this is true for many here, is her complete lack of concern for what happened to little Caylee. I mean, 31 days for God's sake! People cannot get past that, including me.

Finally, and this may be why you see people "celebrating." Through this whole thing, she has expected people to believe her ridiculous stories. She has maintained her "innocence" and refused to tell us what happened to her daughter. She refused a plea bargain and has plead "not guilty." She has shown no emotion concerning the death of her daughter and only freaked out and got upset when she realized she was caught. It just goes in the face of all our values, the importance of children, family, motherhood (the list could go on.)

I said finally before, but I really mean it this time-lol . . .

I really think people would feel differently toward KC if she had plead guilty, thrown herself on the mercy of the court. Instead, she's shown no remorse.

So, while I'm usually against the DP, unless it's for a mass murderer, serial killer, a Manson-family-unusually-heinous-type-of-crime, KC has made what she did heinous by:

1- Her lack of remorse and compete refusal to admit she did anything wrong, nevermind for killing Caylee. She's not been sorry for anything she's done. Not the stealing, the lying, what she's put her friends and family through.

2- She has gone against, I would say defiled is not too strong a word here, the thing most of us hold dearest. That is, the responsibility of a mother to her innocent child. How? By her partying and basically celebrating after little Caylee was gone. Not saying anything for 31 days and thinking she didn't have to answer for her child's whereabouts. She seems to think she does have to explain, and is not responsible, for what happened to her daughter. It's like it goes against nature somehow! Even most animals, all mammals I believe, take care of their children. Species would not survive if they didn't. The human species would not survive if parents (fathers too :) ) did not care for, and ensure the safety of, their children.

All this, her attitude toward her crime, are just a huge slap in people's faces and they can not get past it, me included.

P.S. An additional factor is that everyone can see that she got plenty of help from her parents. It's not like she was some struggling young mother with no financial help or no one to babysit while she got a break.

She's really added insult to injury, so to speak.

Another soapbox guys, sorry -- :)

After reading your post very carefully, I think what you've said is VERY, VERY true. It IS KC's absolute inability to acknowledge she has done ANYTHING wrong, AT ALL, that makes me so angry. I have spent some time going back to listening and readin things from the very beginning of this and she never even comes close to feelin she has any responsibility, guilt or remorse. The only time she even remotely comes close, is when she tells one of the LE detectives, is that her mother will never forgive her and she will never forgive herself for leaving Caylee with someone who she trusted and she was stupid for trusting another person with Caylee. That was it. You never hear her say another word about OMG, how could I believe this person. How could I trust her. Why didn't I see she was going to do something? how did I miss the signs, etc? Never. Even if she had only been truly guilty of trusting an evil monster, wouldn't you be blaming yourself in SOME way? I know I would. But not KC, oh no, not her. She did a GREAT job being Caylee's mother. But yet, even CA wanted to take custody of Caylee at some point. So, things weren't as rosy as CA and GA would want us to believe. This is one of the many reasons, I don't really think the DP is an unreasonable expectation, knowing now all we do added to her lack of any caring about her involvement, had it evfen only been what SHE said, leaving her with a wacko. (nonexistant wacko, but still) I know I'd still blame myself.
The forces are LE and the internet, LOL.

It's LE's job and the internet is always after someone. Baez needs to get over himself and find Zanny, already. Clock's ticking!

The forces. Seriously, Jose? It's like the people that will inevitably blame Nancy Grace for KC's conviction. Unless they find DNA on NG's shoes, I'm not interested.

I'm sure yesterday was a very bad day for them, and he's mad. I just wish he'd get a spokesman or a mental filter, and with his history of fake spokespeople, I'd suggest a Brita.
Though I agree with your point. KC has made it clear that she looks out for "numero uno." She's made it pretty obvious she could care less how her actions have affected her family, friends and associates. Furthermore, she's been bolstered by a family in complete denial that will do anything they can (probably even covering up a crime) to save KC's keyster.

Well, if you noticed, I only mentioned Lee and her distant relatives. I don't think that Casey cares about her parents and probably not even her grandparents, aunts and uncles. My point is the larger picture: Casey's legacy to the entire family and all of her friends (staring HER!) I think that's the ONLY way that you can get through to someone like this - how she will impact everyone and how she will appear to everyone in the future as either someone who was a coward or someone who was brave. Right now, she looks like a coward. Whatever her story, she needs to step up and tell it, tell all of it and do it now because if she waits, her legacy will be that of a fool and a coward. If she waits, she will get the DP. No question in my mind.
Well, if you noticed, I only mentioned Lee and her distant relatives. I don't think that Casey cares about her parents and probably not even her grandparents, aunts and uncles. My point is the larger picture: Casey's legacy to the entire family and all of her friends (staring HER!) I think that's the ONLY way that you can get through to someone like this - how she will impact everyone and how she will appear to everyone in the future as either someone who was a coward or someone who was brave. Right now, she looks like a coward. Whatever her story, she needs to step up and tell it, tell all of it and do it now because if she waits, her legacy will be that of a fool and a coward. If she waits, she will get the DP. No question in my mind.

I know - it seems like a given to you and I. But think about it. She destroyed her legacy the day she killed Caylee. I don't think a legacy means much to her, and that was the best chance she had to have one.
I too, see no sense or civility in killing as a punishment for killing. I wish we, as a people could mature beyond Hammurabi's code. I'm hopefull we can, seeing what Illinois, my neighbor state, has done. Yes, there are many people incarcerated and killed that are innocent.



Hi, and thanks for sharing your views. I just wanted to say that I hope you'll rethink your decision to stay away, perhaps after you've had a break. I, for one, have enjoyed your posts, though I don't agree with all your opinions (or anyone elses for that matter!). Your comments always seem well thought out and informed. Anyway, just saying. :)
Sorry If this has been mentioned before but I only read the first few pages of the thread. As of now Florida has 392 inmates on death row. The dates of sentencing date back to 1973!!! If this is the case then Casey would have already led a full life in prison by the time she actually gets knocked off. So is being given the death penalty really any different then her entire life in prison? Afterall she gets to live many years in that jumpsuit ordering snacks and will die in prison no matter what! I think I would be more happy about this conviction if she were to die within the new few years rather then the next few decades.

True, that even if the death penalty is imposed, KC will still spend many years or even decades appealing it, BUT she will spend every single day of those years with "death" hanging over her head. To me, that's nearly as horrible as the actual penalty--and so I could be satisfied with that fate for her.
I don't consider it that the Jury will be the ones who will put her to death. That sounds like they are the ones responsible.

Actually, I consider the Jury's job to decide if she is guilty of what she is accused of. That is IT.

IF they guilty don't like the sentence, then they shouldn't do the crime that gives THAT sentence. The guilty are who are responsible for what they get.

The Jury is there to try and prevent an innocent person from being punished for a crime they didn't commit. The law decides what is crime and what the punishment should be. And in Florida, what she is being charged with, the punishment is DP. If she is given the DP, then it's not the Jury's fault. It is hers.
There's a local TV station here in NC that has a poll on their website about whether KC should face the DP - and keep in mind - this is a station that I have not seen ANY coverage on - except the BIGGEST headlines of this case.

The poll results have 91% of the respondents saying YES - that KC should face the death penalty.
Not only does she not care about her folks, she stole money that was in her grandfather's nursing home account, but the worst of all and the most telling is she accused Lee of trying to rape her! (In Jesse's sworn statement to police). She has no shame or moral compass at all. She is not going to 'spare her family the trial'.
True, that even if the death penalty is imposed, KC will still spend many years or even decades appealing it, BUT she will spend every single day of those years with "death" hanging over her head. To me, that's nearly as horrible as the actual penalty--and so I could be satisfied with that fate for her.

To me, it means she will not be getting out for good behavior.

I"m one who don't really like the DP. Because innocent folks have been convicted of crimes they did not commit. After the DP, you can't come back later and say "woops."

But the other option has allowed folks to be released for being 'good.' And that isn't right. The victims family must constantly monitor the accused to make sure they stay in jail. They must attend the hearings and relive it all again and again.

It's harder to get out of jail with a DP, then with the other options.
"Absolutely, reaching out for misconstrued half truths" Too, too funny! I haven't laughed this hard in a long while. These are Anthonyisms , they all say them on a regular basis and very often incorrectly, especially misconstrued and someone needs to tell KC that the listener infers and the speaker implies. She gets that mixed up and my personal favorite is how she likes to use the le lingo when she is flirting with the officers and saying "myself" every other word. Thanks for the laugh!
To me, it means she will not be getting out for good behavior.

I"m one who don't really like the DP. Because innocent folks have been convicted of crimes they did not commit. After the DP, you can't come back later and say "woops."

But the other option has allowed folks to be released for being 'good.' And that isn't right. The victims family must constantly monitor the accused to make sure they stay in jail. They must attend the hearings and relive it all again and again.

It's harder to get out of jail with a DP, then with the other options.

In this instance, we know that's not gonna happen :furious:
Does any one have the image Casey has on her myspace or photo bucket of a drawing of a little girl, a noose and a teddy bear entitled Why do people kill people just to prove that killing people is wrong? Does anyone know when she posted it, was it June 17th? I have been pretty hard on G and C since their depositions. I just watched the horrible last jailhouse visit she had with them in August, and I saw again how tortured and turned inside out KC has them. He literally wanted to just die (dad), so I am not surprised that they are stuck in denial. This has wrecked them forever. I think that they have eluded to friends and Jesse over the year that she has "issues" and I know three people said she wanted to commit herself a few years ago. This drawing on the heels of her daughter being missing/likely dead makes me wonder what her emotional makeup is. I know she understands right from wrong or there would be no cover up, but she seems to be missing any conscience, I guess that is precisely what a sociopath is. In that jailhouse call, Cindy is literally crying her heart out, KC just talks right over her, me, me , me. KC said she didn't want to meet with Lee because he always has a list of questions for her. She only wanted to talk to dad and hear her call her beautiful and sweetie and gorgeous, he tries to placate her. Cindy and Lee trying to ask real questions to find the baby she gets irritates at. Did you notice that? It is hard to watch. Her poor Grandmother must be literally ill over this!
snipped from the article LLL posted on previous page...bold is mine

"It changes absolutely nothing. For people to be out there saying I'm going to be off the case or I'm going to be in the background, they really don't know what they're talking about," Baez said.

There are currently eight known attorneys on the Anthony defense team, and three are death-penalty qualified, Local 6 News reported. Also, three other attorneys working behind the scenes for the defense are also death-penalty qualified, sources told Local 6 News."

At least 11 attorneys there.
And yet KC is declared indigent in the defamation case.
Am I living in 2 universes here?
Wish I had something profound to contribute, but I just wanted to add my 2 cents.........I am VERY comfortable with the DP on the table. Yesterday afternoon my DIL called and said "did you hear the good news??" I said "YES!!!!" Then, I realized she was talking about something good my grandson did, and silly me, I thought she had heard the news bulletin about KC. Geez, do ya think I may be a little too far into this case?? LOL
Regarding the death penalty, in what way could little Caylee have defended herself against her mother and won?

The worst murderers of all are those who murder the innocent and defenseless, of which Caylee was one.

In Texas, anyone who murders a child of age six or less is automatically up for the death penalty.

Caylee never had a chance.
Does any one have the image Casey has on her myspace or photo bucket of a drawing of a little girl, a noose and a teddy bear entitled Why do people kill people just to prove that killing people is wrong? Does anyone know when she posted it, was it June 17th?

I researched this right after Tony said Casey started having night sweats when he got back from New York on July 5. Casey put the bear and noose cartoon on her photobucket on July 8.

I think Casey was realizing her family wasn't going to just take her word for it that Caylee was with Zanny and was starting to worry what would happen to her if Cindy found out what she did. Cindy had just written her "Caylee is missing" myspace blog and Lee had gone looking for her.

To me, Casey's leaving a death penalty cartoon on an online photo account a day after she'd written "everyone lies, everyone dies..." is like Casey saying "Caylee is close". Casey couldn't resist leaving teasing clues.
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