2009.22.09 Nancy Grace

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Mark Klass said.. has anyone asked Ron if he asked Tommy to go over the house, if Tommy went to the house and he banged on the door he saw nothing does that mean the children werent there as well. He said Is tommy trying to cut a deal with LE for the problems he having. He said we are not talking about GPS we are talking about cell phone trianglelation. He said its been over 7 months, theres been over 20 calls.

Mike Brooks said you can subpena the cell phone company and find out what cell phone towers were pinged. Mistys cell, Tommys, Rons etc.
Hi, I have never posted here before, but I read and do follow the case somewhat closely.

My thoughts are that possibly MC did go away to a rehab/psychiatric hospital. This could be her choice to get away from Ron because she is afraid of the truth coming out soon and about what he may do to her when he finds out. LE could have also suggested it could be a good place to go to get away and she could use that as her excuse to Ron as to why she has to leave for a while. It's not like she doesn't have drug problems anyway, and if she did have suicidal thoughts, for real or faked, that could get the authorities to have her Baker Acted. She may have had no choice in the end when it came to having to leave RC's grasp.

Just a few thoughts and possibilities.

Welcome to Websleuths, Goldenm.
...and to further add to this...follow me here SS...isn't it ironic (in Alanis Morisette's voice)... dontcha think ... that the taped interview with Misty stating something about Tommy smoking crack, using his red truck, cousin Joe being involved, etc - all hits the public media and all of a sudden Tommy suddenly remembers that Ron called Misty 20 times & sent Tommy over to the house to check on her ... yeah, dontcha think ... Tommy's covering his *advertiser censored*! ... but he's sinking his own ship in the mean time - let him hang himself!
Hahahaha~ Thanks. I didn't think about Tommy seeing the tests for some reason. Bet you are right. Altho...I bet LE did tell him about who mentioned the red truck being spotted etc. and rest assured...it wasn't Misty. We still do not know where this information came from or where Misty heard about it. My guess is...it came from her 30 plus hours of interviews from LE. ;)
Hahahaha~ Thanks. I didn't think about Tommy seeing the tests for some reason. Bet you are right. Altho...I bet LE did tell him about who mentioned the red truck being spotted etc. and rest assured...it wasn't Misty. We still do not know where this information came from or where Misty heard about it. My guess is...it came from her 30 plus hours of interviews from LE. ;)

Why do I keep thinking of the Bard's? I must be wrong...
Hi, I have never posted here before, but I read and do follow the case somewhat closely.

My thoughts are that possibly MC did go away to a rehab/psychiatric hospital. This could be her choice to get away from Ron because she is afraid of the truth coming out soon and about what he may do to her when he finds out. LE could have also suggested it could be a good place to go to get away and she could use that as her excuse to Ron as to why she has to leave for a while. It's not like she doesn't have drug problems anyway, and if she did have suicidal thoughts, for real or faked, that could get the authorities to have her Baker Acted. She may have had no choice in the end when it came to having to leave RC's grasp.

Just a few thoughts and possibilities.
Welcome to WS, Goldenm~ While I think that rehab could be possible, I don't see Misty willing to go especially at this point or that she even really needs rehab. However, you may be onto something with her going into a mental facility. Now that holds some merit. It would protect her from LE and from her family at this point. She may have agreed she needed this type of "vacation".
Hold up....what I don't get is if Ron kept calling all evening trying to find Misty then he must have known she was not home. She kept telling a lie about putting the kids to bed and her being there and then he marries her?

I have not been following this as closely as most here....but can someone explain this to me?
Something else that may be noteworthy...While Misty may get on my nerves as far as inconsistent testimony is concerned, this is a girl with a 6th grade education. Imo, her inconsistencies go with the territory of being scared, immature, and extremely uneducated with respect to how to react in a situation such as this. Of course PCSO is frustrated...wouldn't they be with any other 6th grader? Sorry for that analogy if it bruises anyone...just trying to lend a different perspective. Imo, she answers questions the same way my son would - and it heats me up to no end - but it doesn't necessaarily make her guilty.
IIRC, the Bards were not there that weekend...but I could be mistaken.

I do remember something about a loud truck tho.

I remember the loud truck, also. Not sure about the Bard's. I'm going through stuff now trying to find the right answer.
If she did leave...there was no reason to prop open the door because it did not have an internal lock of any kind and neither did the one with the deadbolt.

Another poster on another thread mentioned that since we now know Tommy is a thief (according to his mom) that Tommy propped open the door thinking no one was home because of the "dark and quiet" to rob them. My theory is now he found the front door unlocked and went into the house...flipped on the kitchen light...unlocked the back door in order to ready it for carrying stuff out and into that red truck...but perhaps Haleigh woke up and surprised him.
Thanks for reminding me about the door! Yes, that theory makes a lot of sense! I definitely think his "pounding on the door" story isn't true. I just can't see him being that concerned by RC's phone call, unless like this theory goes, he took advantage of RC saying he couldn't find MC to go over there and help himself to whatever inside the house. MOO
Well, it could be proven if nobody was home!! Now if MC and Junior were there, I really do think one of the two of them would've heard pounding on the door. I wonder what Jr. would say? MOO

Oh sorry...I meant if it could be proven that Tommy went there on his own & a proven time he went, etc...Too bad there isnt a witness to Tommy being at Rons home at the time Tommy said he was there.
I dunno...its wierd to me that Tommy said that Ron told/asked him to go over there.....and Ron said he didnt tell him to go there, that Ron had only asked Tommy if he had heard from Misti.

One way or another, this crime will be solved & whoever did it...I hope they ROT !
Something else that may be noteworthy...While Misty may get on my nerves as far as inconsistent testimony is concerned, this is a girl with a 6th grade education. Imo, her inconsistencies go with the territory of being scared, immature, and not extremely educated with respect to how to react in a situation such as this. Of course PCSO is frustrated...wouldn't they be with any other 6th grader? Sorry for that analogy if it bruises anyone...just trying to lend a different perspective. Imo, she answers questions the same way my son would - and it heats me up to no end - but it doesn't necessaarily make her guilty.

I understand the concept, JG...but even 6th graders know how the difference between the truth and a lie.
Hold up....what I don't get is if Ron kept calling all evening trying to find Misty then he must have known she was not home. She kept telling a lie about putting the kids to bed and her being there and then he marries her?

I have not been following this as closely as most here....but can someone explain this to me?
If you want to go to either Misty or Ronald's threads...I would be glad to give you my opinion on that topic.
Hold up....what I don't get is if Ron kept calling all evening trying to find Misty then he must have known she was not home. She kept telling a lie about putting the kids to bed and her being there and then he marries her?

I have not been following this as closely as most here....but can someone explain this to me?
"...and keep your enemies closer..." MOO
I have to log off so my 2nd grader (that should be sleeping) can read me his AR book. Haleigh, if you're listening, I'm going to have him read extra loud so you hear him - it can be your bedtime story tonight. Love ya sweetums! XOXOX!
...and to further add to this...follow me here SS...isn't it ironic (in Alanis Morisette's voice)... dontcha think ... that the taped interview with Misty stating something about Tommy smoking crack, using his red truck, cousin Joe being involved, etc - all hits the public media and all of a sudden Tommy suddenly remembers that Ron called Misty 20 times & sent Tommy over to the house to check on her ... yeah, dontcha think ... Tommy's covering his *advertiser censored*! ... but he's sinking his own ship in the mean time - let him hang himself!

I thought the 20 calls came out when LE went over Ron's phone records with RC and his lawyer.
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