2009.22.09 Nancy Grace

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Thanks for reminding me about the door! Yes, that theory makes a lot of sense! I definitely think his "pounding on the door" story isn't true. I just can't see him being that concerned by RC's phone call, unless like this theory goes, he took advantage of RC saying he couldn't find MC to go over there and help himself to whatever inside the house. MOO
Yes. It does make a lot of sense. Instead of the "key" being Misty...the actual "key" is Tommy and now things are starting to gel, imo. I think they finally found the piece to the puzzle they have been missing for so long.
I thought the 20 calls came out when LE went over Ron's phone records with RC and his lawyer.
They probably did, but they were not fully reported (the number released by LE) until all of this came up with Tommy. We did hear that Ronald called Misty after a supposed argument several times, but we did not hear that he called over 20 times and called Tommy's phone.
Yes. It does make a lot of sense. Instead of the "key" being Misty...the actual "key" is Tommy and now things are starting to gel, imo. I think they finally found the piece to the puzzle they have been missing for so long.
I agree. The question is, if this theory is correct, what does MC know?

15 minutes until Nancy's show is on again for anyone who missed it the first time :)
Welcome to WS, Goldenm~ While I think that rehab could be possible, I don't see Misty willing to go especially at this point or that she even really needs rehab. However, you may be onto something with her going into a mental facility. Now that holds some merit. It would protect her from LE and from her family at this point. She may have agreed she needed this type of "vacation".

Thanks for the welcome, Friends. It's nice to be here.

SS, a mental facility would protect her while she's there, and it couldn't hurt any defense down the road maybe.

Who knows about these people? I've never seen so many "like-types" in such a small area before. :eek:
I agree. The question is, if this theory is correct, what does MC know?

15 minutes until Nancy's show is on again for anyone who missed it the first time :)

Panthera, I think MC knows a lot. I have always found it strange that MC just happened to be on the phone calling Ron when he was driving into the driveway.
Hi I'm new....If she was going to a mental facility she is underage. Her husband, Ron, would have to sign her in or her biological mother.
Hi, I have never posted here before, but I read and do follow the case somewhat closely.

My thoughts are that possibly MC did go away to a rehab/psychiatric hospital. This could be her choice to get away from Ron because she is afraid of the truth coming out soon and about what he may do to her when he finds out. LE could have also suggested it could be a good place to go to get away and she could use that as her excuse to Ron as to why she has to leave for a while. It's not like she doesn't have drug problems anyway, and if she did have suicidal thoughts, for real or faked, that could get the authorities to have her Baker Acted. She may have had no choice in the end when it came to having to leave RC's grasp.

Just a few thoughts and possibilities.

welcome. I've just had a revelation, and if it's true, changes everything in my eyes. As Misty very well could not be able to respond normally, and we have some classic indicators of what this derives from. I hesitate to give it a name, because I don't know enough. But it needs looking into. Seriously and without bias. Give Misty an adult mental Competancy test, aka IQ. Give her the basic diagnostic testing done during school life, regular doctors visits when most parents bring up issues with their children that I don't believe Misty has ever had anyone to care about for her.

If she scores out in the way I'm believing she may as now I've put some important things together in my mind, we have answers. Discovery is a paramount thing in a childs life. If we have an adult, and parents aren't paying attention or caring, these kids fall through the cracks. Major medical conditions go un-diagnosed. I'm numb and torn with what I know on my end.
Hi I'm new....If she was going to a mental facility she is underage. Her husband, Ron, would have to sign her in or her biological mother.
Welcome, Padua!
Heeeyyy!!! I've been lurking. Now I'm a member.

I've been following this case awhile!
I agree. The question is, if this theory is correct, what does MC know?

15 minutes until Nancy's show is on again for anyone who missed it the first time :)
I am just not convinced she knows anything about what happened to Haleigh. I do believe she lied a bit here and there, but I am not convinced it was for covering up anything except her inability to put things together like they wanted to hear.

My honest opinion is that in the beginning Misty began to "fill in the blanks" with speculation which led to her being "locked" into certain things which she didn't understand so she tried harder to tell them a viable story. So yes...she lied. However, it still doesn't mean she did something to Haleigh. She boxed herself into a corner and while she didn't know how to get out...they could not overlook what she already had told them. They will stick to what she has told them and now she has no remedy to come back and say, "Well...I made it up because I was scared or I thought you wanted me to speculate on what could have happened.".
Panthera, I think MC knows a lot. I have always found it strange that MC just happened to be on the phone calling Ron when he was driving into the driveway.
Oh I agree, her whole story (or any version thereof) is very suspicious, imo, including the timing of the call to RC. The latest information does explain a little about his reaction (and language) during the 911 call. MOO
welcome. I've just had a revelation, and if it's true, changes everything in my eyes. As Misty very well could not be able to respond normally, and we have some classic indicators of what this derives from. I hesitate to give it a name, because I don't know enough. But it needs looking into. Seriously and without bias. Give Misty an adult mental Competancy test, aka IQ. Give her the basic diagnostic testing done during school life, regular doctors visits when most parents bring up issues with their children that I don't believe Misty has ever had anyone to care about for her.

I agree she has problems, but she needs to tell everything that happened that night regarding Haleigh before I'll have a lot of sympathy. She has the smarts to state that she has a lawyer, when asked questions that she does not want to answer.
I agree she has problems, but she needs to tell everything that happened that night regarding Haleigh before I'll have a lot of sympathy. She has the smarts to state that she has a lawyer, when asked questions that she does not want to answer.
I should remind you that is only THEIR story. ;)
I will estimate her IQ between 80 and 85. I read the note during the Tim Miller thing and watched the videos...the writing, context, verbal language skills. Between 80 and 85.

But let me just say, I have not evaluated her!
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