2010.04.05 Hearing Today Monday 10am EST

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Maybe someone did move the body there after the first searches as they thought that area had been cleared. Perhaps when George was starring out into a field near the airport he knew it was Cayless first spot and after the search, the site down the street became the second spot. Maybe why George puked in the hallway, maybe he had to help her under a directive from Cindy. Just a possibility as they are really hanging on to this thought.

CA did say herself she believed Caylee had been moved several times from where she was originally - of course, she was referring to the "live, kidnapped Caylee", but . . . .
Mason also stated that there was an unidenified hair found with the remains...I don't remember seeing any discovery regarding that...Anyone else remember that infomation being released?

NOPE, I do not remember anything like this.

Because of innocent people being dragged ino this mess, searchers willl be not wanting to sign any papers with personnal info on them.

JB clearly playing to potential jurors today...........like mini trial......IN session
Gosh how time flies! Gotta log out for awhile. Real life beckons! BBL to catch up. I've enjoyed all of your wonderful posts.

Only got to watch the first 20 minutes of the hearing before having to leave for an appt, and am now trying to catch up but so many posts...

Can someone give a quick synopsis of how this hearing ended?

Did Strickland make any rulings?

Are videos of the hearing available yet???

No rulings yet. Later today or Tomarrow, per the Judge. Not sure on the videos.
That was not how it sounded when he said it if that is what he meant. I have listened to it about 10 times now. "Doesn't mean that necessarily somebody else did the actual killing..."

Do you have a link where I can listen to it? I was just going by what people quoted him as saying.
Why would JB need to here JJ recording ,when it was his p.i asking him questions?
I volunteered with TES on three different days. While I am waiting for JS's ruling on this motion, I am practicing hanging up my phone very loudly - just in case JB gets his way and all the documents are released to the defense. While I am practicing hanging up my phone very loudly, I am trying to think of something appropriate to say just before I slam the phone down. I have come up with a few possibilities, but since I really like it here at WS and don't want to get a time out or banned, I can't tell you all what I am thinking of saying, so just use your imagination :)

Oh, Lord help you!

Good thing for you, though -- *IF* JB actually gets off his butt to get the docs, what's the chance he goes through them? *IF* he actually goes through them, he'll probably give up by page 3. *IF* he gets any info, I doubt he'll take the time to even contact anyone. He'll probably just go back in front of JS whining that no one did it for him.
I have been on many, many fact finding missions! Sitting going through all the dirty, dusty, grimy boxes of docs.......tabbing or writing down the document number for later reference, or evey using their copying machine to copy documents on the spot when allowed. No it's not pretty, no it's not fun....but it is necessary to every case because you just might find that smoking gun among all of those dusty, dirty, grimy records that nobody else wants to touch.

EXACTLY! It is without a doubt the most tedious, mundane, trying work ever, BUT it IS NECESSARY. You can get so bored that you might miss something substantial, so...guess what? You go through them again. It is a total PIA, but it is the job of the atty./paralegal who wants to find the relevancy. And, honestly, though it sounds like a lot of docs, 4,000 pgs is not THAT much. Baez just wants to invade the privacy of every.single.searcher in hopes of finding a few other to throw under a caravan of buses.

Anyone who has ever worked in the legal field knows he is making a total idiot of himself and insulting Judge Strickland.
Do you have a link where I can listen to it? I was just going by what people quoted him as saying.

I don't. I wish I did :) I have it on my dvr and was rewinding it there. I looked on the In Session website, but don't see the interview posted there. I don't know if they do that or not.
CA did say herself she believed Caylee had been moved several times from where she was originally - of course, she was referring to the "live, kidnapped Caylee", but . . . .

I remember the LE said to LEE..........."WE Know what you did last summer"
after Caylee was found.
These words haunt me............and the high 5 between LEE & KC.
KC gave some odd directions to LEE about her lost Blackjack phone...........
KC said to parents "don't worry, I didn't tell them anything!"
A loving brother LEE MIA on all fronts since memorial speech about CMA
Could LEE and GA of moved Caylee early on???? during the cover up???
Only got to watch the first 20 minutes of the hearing before having to leave for an appt, and am now trying to catch up but so many posts...

Can someone give a quick synopsis of how this hearing ended?

Did Strickland make any rulings?

Are videos of the hearing available yet???

NeJame and Baez don't like each other, nothing decided, and so far no videos. :)
Just replayed JS's smirk at JB's suggestion JJ might have gone to wrong court room. LOL, gotta love it!
I would think that they want to call each and everyone of the searchers to see if they searched suburban. Afterall, the recorded ones admited that they went back there on their own 8 to 11 times. Some even said they searched that area before the storm faye.

There are also Police officers involved here. There may be more. The Judge can't ignore this, otherwise he will end up calling all these people. He will find a way to make the defense happy. IMO
Mason also stated that there was an unidenified hair found with the remains...I don't remember seeing any discovery regarding that...Anyone else remember that infomation being released?

With the remains, no. IIRC, I believe the defense had stated that there were several hairs found inside the car. But with the remains, that's news to me.
Mr. Mason said "If we can prove with evidence at least a reasonable doubt that somebody else had to put that body there when she could not have, then logic 101 controls. That means that somebody else was involved. Doesn't mean necessarily that somebody else did the actual killing..."

That statement to me sounds like they know that KC killed Caylee and that someone else put her body there. Did anyone else take that to mean the same thing?

Yes, I heard that and waited for the interviewer to pick up on it but ....
Baez looked surprised when the camera panned out right after it was said.
Cheney Mason's previous statements re KC's guilt should have been questioned too- the In Sessions program is hopeless, I get annoyed watching because they make so many errors.
Just some background on producing the documents: as many posters already said, most organizations DON'T just hand over their documents. If you want to inspect, you go to the documents, they don't come to you. The fact that TES gave all of the documents to MN is actually a COURTESY to JB. And JB is misrepresenting what happens when he goes to MNs office - he can tab, take notes in his notebook, and if he had a good relationship with MN and TES, ask for copying. And by "good relationship" I mean CIVIL. Lawyers can be awful and tough in court, but in my experience, I've never seen opposing counsel NOT grant an extension, allow copying, etc., because everyone goes into the process thinking they'd like the same courtesy in return if need be.

If you sue Bank of America, you can't just walk in and demand their documents. It won't happen. I actually spent half my summer digging through documents on the trading floor of a major bank - and we were THEIR lawyers! They wouldn't let the documents leave the building. So the other side couldn't even come to the law offices, everyone had to camp out on this ridiculous trading floor.

Just because TES is a small organization doesn't mean its not entitled to the same protections and respect other organizations routinely receive. JB is lucky they aren't making him go to Texas!
I would think that they want to call each and everyone of the searchers to see if they searched suburban. Afterall, the recorded ones admited that they went back there on their own 8 to 11 times. Some even said they searched that area before the storm faye.

There are also Police officers involved here. There may be more. The Judge can't ignore this, otherwise he will end up calling all these people. He will find a way to make the defense happy. IMO

I don't find it impossible that some searchers may have missed a tiny little skeleton in a large wooded area.

Yes, I believe JS will make the defense happy. One less reason when JB files his appeal.

What LEO's are you referring to as being involved? Please don't tell me you're going off JB's statement that the SA is hiding witnesses.
Overall I think Jb did a good job today. He established that these records could hold the key to the truth or the pathway to the truth. At any rate the records are very important to the fair trial system. I was surprized to see the SA siding with Tes. If they say there is nothing in the records, then why object to the defense seeing them?
I think the Judge understood to just look at 4000 records with your eyes and not be able to record them is pretty much useless. The Judge should have known this when he made the first order. Now it comes back to haunt him.

I believe he will side with the defense on this issue, otherwise the defense will go to Mn office and flag every single record for review by the judge. Time to quit trying to hide things and put the evidence on the table. It is the state that is causing all these delays. The defense has a right to investigate and the Judge should support them in anyway he can.

Mn did not make a good argument at all for keeping the records secret and keeping the records from the court. I was under the understanding that he was a really good Lawyer. Not impressed at all. The truth shall prevail, Mn, Tm, and Sa do not have a monopoly on the truth. IMO

The searchers do not want their personal info splashed all over the place and I for one don't blame them.
Is Jose going to be able to say at trial, "We never got to see the evidence that would prove Casey was innocent?" Will there be an "end" to this argument?

Wouldn't there have to be another trial to prove the SA willingly and knowingly kept evidence/information that (under law) they were to provide to the defense? Wouldn't that be against the law for the defense to do so? Will the SA have to answer these charges made by JB? Or is all of this allowed in the trial process?

Overall I think Jb did a good job today. He established that these records could hold the key to the truth or the pathway to the truth. At any rate the records are very important to the fair trial system. I was surprized to see the SA siding with Tes. If they say there is nothing in the records, then why object to the defense seeing them?

You cannot be serious that you felt JB did a good job today. Even other defense counsel i saw interviewed thought he bumbled and was incoherent. I must ask - Did YOU go search? Is YOUR name on any of the TES records? If so, I guess you wouldn't mind your privacy being invaded and tossing your name in the BIG hat when that caravan of buses rolls toward you.

I think the Judge understood to just look at 4000 records with your eyes and not be able to record them is pretty much useless. The Judge should have known this when he made the first order. Now it comes back to haunt him.

Sorry, NTS, but you have no clue about this. This is done all the time. You tab them and then if you find anything that you believe is relevant, you make another motion explaining to the Judge WHY those docs are relevant and should be released.

I believe he will side with the defense on this issue, otherwise the defense will go to Mn office and flag every single record for review by the judge. Time to quit trying to hide things and put the evidence on the table. It is the state that is causing all these delays. The defense has a right to investigate and the Judge should support them in anyway he can.

You seem to really like law. I suggest you study up on litigation and get a copy of the FRCP

Mn did not make a good argument at all for keeping the records secret and keeping the records from the court. I was under the understanding that he was a really good Lawyer. Not impressed at all. The truth shall prevail, Mn, Tm, and Sa do not have a monopoly on the truth. IMO

MN NEVER ONCE said they were 'secret' to the defense. Not once. Judge Strickland ruled on this LONG AGO....Baez just doesn't like the ruling and is challenging it. He will lose again.

Off this thread now before I get a time out.
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