2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #3

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I think casey really latches on to people and takes on their personality. Proabably becasue she has no personality of her own or any depth. I saw this with the Grund's, Tracy and Tony L. I'm not a psychologist but I think there is nothing there so she takes on the traits of the people she is around.

Her talking about how much she loves Robyns kids and her family. It's just creepy.

I hope that made sense.

Yes, you do make sense. It is hard to put your self as a human with normal human feelings/emotions for other humans, into KC's frame of mind.
Just pretend that all your other humans are like ants and/or "sometimes" useful things to be exploited but still all throwaways in the end..
KC is devoid of grieve/emotions for other living things, only herself matters.
She looks like a human being but without humanity. Similar to a robot that is only programmed for self preservation. Makes the letters easier to understand.
Could KC of whined any more about her health? From allergies to the bubble gum size lump below her breast, to seizures. I wonder how many times she was seen in jail by a Dr. I could probably guess not once. She has more issues than People magazine...geesh. I didn't know she was also hypochondriac, add that to the list.

ITA. I bet she's perfectly healthy. She's probably one of those that wishes she had some sort of ailment to garner more sympathy and attention. MPD? JMO.

WOW oh WOW oh WOW!! I am just so grateful to the state of Fla. right now for their "Sunshine" laws so we all got to read this mess. Of course, one could agree that it's "drivel," but... what revealing and interesting drivel!!! I absolutely love to read and I read very rapidly, so when I saw the promise of "500+" pages yesterday, I was in reader-nerd heaven! And yet, like a lot of you, I only got to about 100 pgs. and felt that there was no need to prolong my agony re. actually trying to read every word of Casey's BS. So here I go with my:twocents: :
1. I agree w/many WSers that these letters were NOT planned/contrived, etc.
Like many, I concur that JB is probably FURIOUS at how these 'revelations' have affected his job of defending this . IMO, nothing here could possibly help Casey's defense; conversely, they should make the prosecutors' day!
2. In that light, I also agree w/most of you that, instead of depicting Casey as "insane", and therefore suggesting that she 'knew not what she was doing' (!!), these notes PROVE 100%, imo, that Casey is proving to the state that, while obviously narcissistic/borderline/pick your diagnosis, she is not at ALL "legally insane," therefore she will be mentally competent to stand trial *DUH!* : )
3. To elaborate, in my mind, a child-killer who stands out in my mind/opinion as TRULY "legally insane" at the time of her crime is Andrea Yates, who was found to have drowned her five children while in the grip of a very real and dangerously undertreated state of EXTREME/REAL PSYCHOSIS... and it took TWO trials before she finally was seen as psychotic. I read several books re. Ms. Yates- of course her crimes are, still, horrendously atrocious. But she had been diagnosed as psychotic for years; too bad her hubby kept impregnating her; her religious (imo) cult of a "church" did her in with its asinine teachings. She honestly felt that she was saving her kids from damnation because of that influence, which fed beautifully into her deranged state of mind. But AY's behavior/actions both pre- and post-crime are the polar opposite of CA's. AY had been institutionalized several times, when she should have been COMMITTED. She was sent home after insur. ran out and actually TRUSTED AND EXPECTED to medicate herself w/Haldol-- as we ALL know true schizos/psychotics are SO good at medicating themselves.. um.. yeah.:banghead: And after she drowned those 5 beautiful little ones, what did she do? Why, she CALLED THE POLICE AND CONFESSED. She still at the time felt what she did was necessary, yet she knew it was wrong... the psychotic mind. Horrible, her actions. Yet she willingly went to jail and told LE her "rationale", which apparently made sense to her; she never tried to deny or blame anyone but herself. AY had been literally pulling out her own hair in chunks, and scratching out pieces of her scalp for a long, long time; she didn't seem at all sad/shocked at her crime; she made no excuses; her affect was beyond flat; imo, she was the walking definition of a "crazy person", and yet she was left alone with those babies. Even in her first trial, where she was sent to prison and not a mental place, she never tried to act like she was innocent, or that SODDI. Her husband and mother-in-law KNEW she wasn't capable, yet they left her alone with those kids, same to me as leaving a child alone with someone like Richard Allen Davis or John Gacy. In comparison-
4. Look at Scott Peterson. Before Laci died at his hands, he led a life of lies and deceit; he told Amber Frey that his wife had died before they met; he kept the boat purchase a secret; he constantly communicated with her (after AF KNEW about his lies) about his "innocence"; lied about where he was on New Years, was photographed LAUGHING at a vigil for Laci, etc. In short, his narcissism made him feel superior, and that no one could prove what he did, which of course led him straight to death row...
5. Finally, look at both AY and SP and see whose behavior mirrors Casey's. Casey is just like Scott-- egomaniacal, completely lacking in empathy, smug, and looking to a near future full of fun with no consequences whatsoever, comfortably ensconced in LIE after LIE after LIE ("Deny, deny deny!" = said by both Scott's mother and Casey herself [written]). Both delusional, poss. manic, borderline, sociopaths..... yet NOT psychotic, NOT legally insane.
6. I firmly believe Casey will go down, just as Scott did, not realizing that the rest of society could see how dangerous it would be to let them roam free in society. These letters will be another 'nail' in KC's coffin. At least A. Yates KNEW she deserved to be removed from society.
I noticed the same thing - forgiveness seems to be a big theme with her. I am also reminded of when Cindy asked her at the jail what she wanted her to say to Zanny through the media, and Casey's response was, "We forgive her". I thought at the time that she was projecting that she wanted everyone to forgive her (Casey).

Looking at the way she uses "forgiveness" in these letters, it goes deeper even than that, IMO. For example, she makes a big deal about how she has had to work to forgive Lee for the alleged molestation - what came across to me is that she was using the concept that she had forgiven him as a way to demonstrate her superiority. Robyn was supposed to pity her and see what a wonderful, magnanimous person she was all at te same time.

I feel she wants to talk about her forgiving those who have "wronged" her in hopes that they will in turn forgive her.....She can only run from the truth for so long and in the end she will be the one seeking forgiveness.
No I've never heard of God referenced as "Daddy", I think it's awful.

Based on her letters, I think half of us should send her pictures of gourmet food....things she mentioned that she missed plus mouth-watering dishes like cheese lasagna, chocolate cake dripping in icing, etc. etc.

And the other half should send her pictures of really, really evil clowns.

Well if we do send her mouth watering pics she will do what with them?
Sounds good though.
As of yet I have not sent her or her kin any letters.
I do feel bad for CINDY though.
Her very first phone call got the ball rolling...
WOW oh WOW oh WOW!! I am just so grateful to the state of Fla. right now for their "Sunshine" laws so we all got to read this mess. Of course, one could agree that it's "drivel," but... what revealing and interesting drivel!!! I absolutely love to read and I read very rapidly, so when I saw the promise of "500+" pages yesterday, I was in reader-nerd heaven! And yet, like a lot of you, I only got to about 100 pgs. and felt that there was no need to prolong my agony re. actually trying to read every word of Casey's BS. So here I go with my:twocents: :
1. I agree w/many WSers that these letters were NOT planned/contrived, etc.
Like many, I concur that JB is probably FURIOUS at how these 'revelations' have affected his job of defending this . IMO, nothing here could possibly help Casey's defense; conversely, they should make the prosecutors' day!
2. In that light, I also agree w/most of you that, instead of depicting Casey as "insane", and therefore suggesting that she 'knew not what she was doing' (!!), these notes PROVE 100%, imo, that Casey is proving to the state that, while obviously narcissistic/borderline/pick your diagnosis, she is not at ALL "legally insane," therefore she will be mentally competent to stand trial *DUH!* : )
3. To elaborate, in my mind, a child-killer who stands out in my mind/opinion as TRULY "legally insane" at the time of her crime is Andrea Yates, who was found to have drowned her five children while in the grip of a very real and dangerously undertreated state of EXTREME/REAL PSYCHOSIS... and it took TWO trials before she finally was seen as psychotic. I read several books re. Ms. Yates- of course her crimes are, still, horrendously atrocious. But she had been diagnosed as psychotic for years; too bad her hubby kept impregnating her; her religious (imo) cult of a "church" did her in with its asinine teachings. She honestly felt that she was saving her kids from damnation because of that influence, which fed beautifully into her deranged state of mind. But AY's behavior/actions both pre- and post-crime are the polar opposite of CA's. AY had been institutionalized several times, when she should have been COMMITTED. She was sent home after insur. ran out and actually TRUSTED AND EXPECTED to medicate herself w/Haldol-- as we ALL know true schizos/psychotics are SO good at medicating themselves.. um.. yeah.:banghead: And after she drowned those 5 beautiful little ones, what did she do? Why, she CALLED THE POLICE AND CONFESSED. She still at the time felt what she did was necessary, yet she knew it was wrong... the psychotic mind. Horrible, her actions. Yet she willingly went to jail and told LE her "rationale", which apparently made sense to her; she never tried to deny or blame anyone but herself. AY had been literally pulling out her own hair in chunks, and scratching out pieces of her scalp for a long, long time; she didn't seem at all sad/shocked at her crime; she made no excuses; her affect was beyond flat; imo, she was the walking definition of a "crazy person", and yet she was left alone with those babies. Even in her first trial, where she was sent to prison and not a mental place, she never tried to act like she was innocent, or that SODDI. Her husband and mother-in-law KNEW she wasn't capable, yet they left her alone with those kids, same to me as leaving a child alone with someone like Richard Allen Davis or John Gacy. In comparison-
4. Look at Scott Peterson. Before Laci died at his hands, he led a life of lies and deceit; he told Amber Frey that his wife had died before they met; he kept the boat purchase a secret; he constantly communicated with her (after AF KNEW about his lies) about his "innocence"; lied about where he was on New Years, was photographed LAUGHING at a vigil for Laci, etc. In short, his narcissism made him feel superior, and that no one could prove what he did, which of course led him straight to death row...
5. Finally, look at both AY and SP and see whose behavior mirrors Casey's. Casey is just like Scott-- egomaniacal, completely lacking in empathy, smug, and looking to a near future full of fun with no consequences whatsoever, comfortably ensconced in LIE after LIE after LIE ("Deny, deny deny!" = said by both Scott's mother and Casey herself [written]). Both delusional, poss. manic, borderline, sociopaths..... yet NOT psychotic, NOT legally insane.
6. I firmly believe Casey will go down, just as Scott did, not realizing that the rest of society could see how dangerous it would be to let them roam free in society. These letters will be another 'nail' in KC's coffin. At least A. Yates KNEW she deserved to be removed from society.

A trial I have been watching on TRU TV from Michigan has an interesting thing too. There the jury can actually submit questions to the
witness and also ask any questions they like of them.Plus they are permitted to discuss the case as they go along including the alternates.
Now that is a good thing.
OK, I read the letters, and I am only halfway through the 1st thread, so this may have already been touched upon. Did anyone catch when she said (I am paraphrasing ... please don't make me go back) Mom is milking her disability and Dad hasn't worked for a while, but he leaves everyday like he is, Do you think she realizes that is what she was doing for the last few years? Is this some sort of freakish family trait, to pretend to work??

eta: And one more thing, is Cindy still REALLY that naive??

Now that you have pointed that out she has actually gotten that trait as well as a few others like
You know what's driving me nuts? KC seems to actually believe in these letters that her case is going well and she will be home soon and all will be right with the world (except her daughter being dead but whatever...). How could she possibly have gotten that impression over the course of many hours of meetings with her attorneys?

Either they are not communicating her situation to her appropriately or she is oblivious to reality.

Or both.
You know what's driving me nuts? KC seems to actually believe in these letters that her case is going well and she will be home soon and all will be right with the world (except her daughter being dead but whatever...). How could she possibly have gotten that impression over the course of many hours of meetings with her attorneys?

Either they are not communicating her situation to her appropriately or she is oblivious to reality.

Or both.

I vote for both. LOL!

And remember, according to KC, Mr Baez has guaranteed that KC will soon meet a man who apreciates her and will care for her as she deserves. :innocent:
You know what's driving me nuts? KC seems to actually believe in these letters that her case is going well and she will be home soon and all will be right with the world (except her daughter being dead but whatever...). How could she possibly have gotten that impression over the course of many hours of meetings with her attorneys?

Either they are not communicating her situation to her appropriately or she is oblivious to reality.

Or both.

all I got from the letters was the fact she is 100% ovlivious to reality...
No I've never heard of God referenced as "Daddy", I think it's awful.

Based on her letters, I think half of us should send her pictures of gourmet food....things she mentioned that she missed plus mouth-watering dishes like cheese lasagna, chocolate cake dripping in icing, etc. etc.

And the other half should send her pictures of really, really evil clowns.

Something like this?

the other thing that got me was (i'll parphrase) she will be an inspiration to others. And her last time out was spent with "her boys" and then when home doing chairty work.

My husband knew I was reading the letters and said "so whats in the letters" I said nothing. The girl has nothing inside of her. Its a lot of me me me with a oh yeah I miss caylee thown in. The only real anger I saw was at her mom and dad for doing television shows. I thought with everything that has happened THAT is what made you angry?
You know what's driving me nuts? KC seems to actually believe in these letters that her case is going well and she will be home soon and all will be right with the world (except her daughter being dead but whatever...). How could she possibly have gotten that impression over the course of many hours of meetings with her attorneys?

Either they are not communicating her situation to her appropriately or she is oblivious to reality.

Or both.

I have said all along that JB didn't paint a picture of reality to her. Heck, that would have cut off his gravy train that much sooner. Now, though, might be a different story since the train is off the tracks.
And did anybody else notice the letters and the references to cutting down on her snacks, etc. Her acne and bacne? Me thinks she read some comments about her wide caboose and started to take notice of her girlish figure and keeping it slim and trim for her admirers.
You know what's driving me nuts? KC seems to actually believe in these letters that her case is going well and she will be home soon and all will be right with the world (except her daughter being dead but whatever...). How could she possibly have gotten that impression over the course of many hours of meetings with her attorneys?

Either they are not communicating her situation to her appropriately or she is oblivious to reality.

Or both.

That was one of the things that slapped me silly! Talk about RV vacations, manis & pedis, where she wants to go out for dinner, Costa Rica, even going to far as to think she will be out before Robyn who is incarcerated on drug charges!!! In the beginning, I wrote it off to daydreaming and not quite 'there' yet...ready to accept her fate. As it went on and on and on, I became angry that her attorneys had not had a serious chat with her about the possibility that she will spend LWOP or even be sentenced to death. I began to doubt if Baez ever even seriously discussed accepting a plea deal with her. Something tells me Andrea Lyons has talked to her, though. I saw a change (albeit short-lived) in Casey and CA/GA right after she joined the defense team. Everyone of them seemed to grasp the gravity of the situation for a little while there.

I guess it was too much for Casey to think about, though. Tomorrow is another day. que sara sara
Not sure if this has been mentioned before - I haven't read all the posts yet from the first 2 threads, but I was amused by how proud she is of "being famous" and enduring all the pitfalls of "celebrity". Um, Casey, there's a difference between being famous and "notorious".... I'd consider her the latter: well-known, but NOT in a good way.

That's what really strikes me. I can't help but imagine that when she's sentenced she'll be sitting there saying "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."


She really is crazier than a whole bag of outhouse rats.
A question for those of you more knowledgeable in psychology that I am - is Casey's bizarre equation of her sneezes with God's approval an example of "magical thinking"? I remember studying that a little in college psych and it seems like it was a hallmark of personality disorders. Of course, it's been a while since college... :)

I don't know anything about "magical thinking" but I would think KC is just trying really, really hard to say she has found God so that Cookie will be her friend and give her cocoa. Ie.., she is just b.s.ing the lady as much as she can for her own benefit. (She may find comfort thinking she will be free and in an R.V. too.)

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