2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #3

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I could not understand why Baez did not fight the release of these letters and I now think I understand why. IMO...it's because of four main reasons.
1.Baez didn't read them. If some on the defense did, they skimmed them over.
2.The judge had already said, he was not inclined to seal them.
3.Defense knew the letters were not privileged.
4.So that they can impeach or casting doubt in George/Cindy's statements in the future.

I don't feel Casey ever thought these letters would surface either and I do feel that there are a lot of half truths to what she wrote about.


Mason brings to the defense table 40 years of experience cross-examining witnesses hostile to the defense.

"Snip" http://www.wftv.com/news/23053460/detail.html

April 5, 2010

Cheney Mason, says he can get Casey off, despite the evidence against her.
Recently, more damning evidence has come to light coming directly from Casey in 50 letters she wrote to another inmate.

WFTV asked Mason about it last week and obviously hit a nerve.
“We're gonna take a look at it and see whether it's privileged
I’m not gonna answer any more questions about it.
The judge has said he's not inclined to.

Mason brings a dynamic, not seen yet, to Casey's defense team. He bombastic inside and outside of court and he's already made claims he'll get a not guilty verdict in Casey's murder case.

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says what Mason brings to the defense table is 40 years of experience cross-examining witnesses hostile to the defense.

“Either impeaching them or casting doubt on their credibility, so that he can argue to the jury, ‘You should discount their testimony based on what I brought out during cross examination, therefore there's reasonable doubt,’” Sheaffer explained.
You know what's driving me nuts? KC seems to actually believe in these letters that her case is going well and she will be home soon and all will be right with the world (except her daughter being dead but whatever...). How could she possibly have gotten that impression over the course of many hours of meetings with her attorneys?

Either they are not communicating her situation to her appropriately or she is oblivious to reality.

Or both.

IIRC one of her attorney's stated that the case was not circumstantial but purely speculative. I think KC is getting fed the best case scenario, too much boldness and testosterone from 'her boys' and not enough dose of reality.

KC will be shocked when found guilty and both KC and CA will forever profess she was framed in a major conspiracy theory against them. She took the fall.
I really thought, before reading these letters, that Casey would be miserable in jail. The shocker is her upbeat attitude throughout the letters, giving encouragement to her fellow inmates. Dang, I was happier when I thought she was barely making it from one day to the next.
IIRC one of her attorney's stated that the case was not circumstantial but purely speculative. I think KC is getting fed the best case scenario, too much boldness and testosterone from 'her boys' and not enough dose of reality.

KC will be shocked when found guilty and both KC and CA will forever profess she was framed in a major conspiracy theory against them. She took the fall.

To this point - I wonder if her angry demeanor in court the other day was because her new attorney gave her a little lesson in reality. That did not look like fake seriousness (she can't do that - she still has to stifle her giggles when she's obviously trying). She genuinely looked pissed.
IIRC one of her attorney's stated that the case was not circumstantial but purely speculative. I think KC is getting fed the best case scenario, too much boldness and testosterone from 'her boys' and not enough dose of reality.

KC will be shocked when found guilty and both KC and CA will forever profess she was framed in a major conspiracy theory against them. She took the fall.

I have to wonder if AL or CM (especially) have not now told her the truth. JB, no he did not, he lied just to keep his mug on the silver screen. CM would have, and this should be hitting home by now for KC. He is not going to say this is a slam dunk win for you when he knows it is not. AL, imo, has not tried enough cases to get that through. JMO.
To this point - I wonder if her angry demeanor in court the other day was because her new attorney gave her a little lesson in reality. That did not look like fake seriousness (she can't do that - she still has to stifle her giggles when she's obviously trying). She genuinely looked pissed.

I would think CM told her to stfu and get on with the fact that she is facing DP, and better get over someone else did it, tell the truth or take a plea.
I really thought, before reading these letters, that Casey would be miserable in jail. The shocker is her upbeat attitude throughout the letters, giving encouragement to her fellow inmates. Dang, I was happier when I thought she was barely making it from one day to the next.

Really? I could tell she was happy in the jail house video releases. KC will fit in no matter where she is. Chameleon, manipulator, find a space.
I could not understand why Baez did not fight the release of these letters and I now think I understand why. IMO...it's because of four main reasons.
1.Baez didn't read them. If some on the defense did, they skimmed them over.
2.The judge had already said, he was not inclined to seal them.
3.Defense knew the letters were not privileged.
4.So that they can impeach or casting doubt in George/Cindy's statements in the future.

I don't feel Casey ever thought these letters would surface either and I do feel that there are a lot of half truths to what she wrote about.

My suspicion was that the Defense did not have good grounds to seek to seal them so if they went there, with a motion while it may delay the inevitable they realized that it would cause more harm with the public perceptions of their effort --- giving them more credence than dismissing them.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

This may have come from Cheney's maturity and experience to temper JB and just let it go. You have to pick your battles and lets face it, the Defense have a lot!!!!

Cheney just needs to use more of his magic to save KC or seek (pray for) that technicality or sympathetic juror......
The first few pages of her letters gave me the same impression many others had, that these letters were a defense strategy to garner sympathy. However once I read further there is no way I think her defense team had anything to do with this. If they did it was very dumb on their part. All the letters talk about is me me me and what she's going to do when she gets out. These letters will show the jury just how selfish she is and they will more importantly show how little she cared for Caylee.

Another thought of mine was the fact she referred to her defense team as "the boys" and also her "new friends." this was at the time when Baez visited a lot. If you look at her visitor log.. From Oct 15th 2008 to nov 15th 2008 she spent roughly 14 hours with Baez but then from Oct 09 to Dec 09 she only spent about 5 hours with him. I wonder if she has yet realized that she is just another case to them or if she still actually thinks they are her "friends." Win or lose they still go home to a nice warm bed at night while she sits in jail.

I wonder how much optimism she has now about getting out?
Really? I could tell she was happy in the jail house video releases. KC will fit in no matter where she is. Chameleon, manipulator, find a space.
I thought any chance to get out of her cell (jail visits included) would be a relief, aside from the tension between her and her parents. Once back in the cell, I'd imagine things would get pretty tough. But, with Casey I guess normal reactions don't apply.
I thought any chance to get out of her cell (jail visits included) would be a relief, aside from the tension between her and her parents. Once back in the cell, I'd imagine things would get pretty tough. But, with Casey I guess normal reactions don't apply.

Ah, I see.

I think she was happy in her cell away from family, law enforcement, responsibility, faced with truths of herself. She could just go back to teenage dreamland with no real thoughts or responsibilities. Listen to the radio, get t.v. time, talk in the hall, library, shower day, etc...

It is sad that she has not developed an adult personality yet, but she is young, and never had to face any challenges, truths, and again, responsibilities.
It's sad she worries so much about the purple place and lump on her breast --Why couldn't she cared for her daughter? To drug her with something as dangerous as chloform.(sp?) and be so reckless about her daughter is so sad.

It made my jaw drop where she wrote , I miss my baby so much, hmm wonder "what i'll miss for lunch"? Omg, where is her heart?
Ah, I see.

I think she was happy in her cell away from family, law enforcement, responsibility, faced with truths of herself. She could just go back to teenage dreamland with no real thoughts or responsibilities. Listen to the radio, get t.v. time, talk in the hall, library, shower day, etc...

It is sad that she has not developed an adult personality yet, but she is young, and never had to face any challenges, truths, and again, responsibilities.

...just having a daughter. And we all know how that turned out.

(not aimed at you Merc - at Casey - and you are spot on)
I really thought, before reading these letters, that Casey would be miserable in jail. The shocker is her upbeat attitude throughout the letters, giving encouragement to her fellow inmates. Dang, I was happier when I thought she was barely making it from one day to the next.
Don't worry, i'm sure the initial giddyness of having her own 'apartment' and no responsibilities have long worn off by now.
Apartment----> compartment
Bella Vita-----> Hella Vita

To this point - I wonder if her angry demeanor in court the other day was because her new attorney gave her a little lesson in reality. That did not look like fake seriousness (she can't do that - she still has to stifle her giggles when she's obviously trying). She genuinely looked pissed.

I figured that angry demeanor stemmed from being po'd at JB for not trying to suppress the release of these letters.
Her 'boys' were letting her down big time.

Who knows?! Maybe a combo of both. Wonder what she wrote about this week... ;)
Ah, I see.

I think she was happy in her cell away from family, law enforcement, responsibility, faced with truths of herself. She could just go back to teenage dreamland with no real thoughts or responsibilities. Listen to the radio, get t.v. time, talk in the hall, library, shower day, etc...

It is sad that she has not developed an adult personality yet, but she is young, and never had to face any challenges, truths, and again, responsibilities.

She kept saying how she finally felt "independent". She may view her cell as her own home finally. Yet it comes with the conveniences of having other people take care of you. Ideal place for her, hope she's getting used to it. :)
I figured that angry demeanor stemmed from being po'd at JB for not trying to suppress the release of these letters.
Her 'boys' were letting her down big time.

Who knows?! Maybe a combo of both. Wonder what she wrote about this week... ;)

Good point, I also thought she could have been angry with Robyn.
I really thought, before reading these letters, that Casey would be miserable in jail. The shocker is her upbeat attitude throughout the letters, giving encouragement to her fellow inmates. Dang, I was happier when I thought she was barely making it from one day to the next.

I remember reading on the Psych thread the people who are knowledgeable in thie area, saying that KC would adapt just fine to prison. It seems to be true. She is a chameleon and can adapt to any circumstance. Just not motherhood. But I digress. Even if she is found guity with the dp imposed, it will mean an automatic appeal, she will be held on death row which is more isolated from gen pop, and she will find a way to work the system, the admins and other prisoners to suit her just fine. Evidenced by these letters.
I really thought, before reading these letters, that Casey would be miserable in jail. The shocker is her upbeat attitude throughout the letters, giving encouragement to her fellow inmates. Dang, I was happier when I thought she was barely making it from one day to the next.

I think she would be more miserable if she were actually in her cell 23 hours a day away from anybody like she's SUPPOSED to be.:furious:
I think she would be more miserable if she were actually in her cell 23 hours a day away from anybody like she's SUPPOSED to be.:furious:
True. And by depriving her by isolating her and making her a bit stir-crazy, depressed and hopeless she may have broken down and went for a plea deal when she had the chance. Had the jail officers not interfered with that of course by pampering her needs with extra privileges.

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