2010.04.06 KC's jail house letters released

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lol, and God Bless YOU, doc fessel. :dance:
Wow seems alot of ppl here have experienced their own snitches, very werid and not something I would advertise... like Casey... unbelievable.

aww, I'm not scared to admit how I learned things I know. I didn't read it in a book and I'm not ashamed of it.
in my opinion, KC had the best chance of establishing insanity early in the case. When she showed LE Zanny's vacant apartment, she should have continued to insist that not only does Zanny live there, but she is looking at her right now. " I left Caylee right her with Zanny on these steps. Can't you see her? " I mean if you are going to make up a fictional character, you minus well go all out and make her up. She had the right idea with the job thing, even took them to her office...
For those who keep throwing up the bipolar thing. I am bipolar, and so are several family members. Just because you are bipolar does NOT make you a liar or a murderer, which Casey is. I am just not seeing how people think KC is Bipolar. Bipolar individuals switch between moods, not thoughts. If anything KC seems ADHD, but not bipolar! I do not see her having manic phases, where she goes from being extremely depressed to being happy, which is what bipolar people do. In the two years I have followed this case I see nothing Bipolar about Casey. ADHD yes, Narcissistic yes, social path yes, pure evil yes, but not bipolar.
SO please stop talking as though murderers are all bipolar because that is not true, nor is it fair to state such things... I see it everywhere, ohhh...she killed her kid she is bipolar, she robbed a bank she is bipolar, she is crazy she is bipolar. People need to look into what bipolar is, and besides Casey was seen by a psychiatrist when she was first arrested and it was not diagnosed then and has yet to be diagnosed.

That's why I said that. I'm bipolar and I've been diagnosed with depression and I'm fascinated with her mindset. She seems more put-together, as far as her outwardly disposition. Obviously not her mind set, but she remains calm and emotionless..whereas too often people who are bipolar feel overwhelmed with emotion. She doesn't seem to have manic episodes like you said. She doesn't seem to go from one mood to the next, in fact I think she avoids mood changing whatsoever by creating a fantasyland and denying reality.
I hear you. I too get tired of all of the labels these days. As a psychology major though, I think it's human nature to want to understand the why. What makes her evil? We want to find out what causes someone to be evil? what is wrong with their brain? How can we recognize it and prevent it in others? I don't think KC is mentally crazy. I DO think she has a personality disorder...which in my opinion is a fancy way of saying..." I can't prove it, but something ain't right with the girl"

I can't help but think back to my days of lying to my parents. I lied because I didn't want to get into trouble. When I took something, I took it because I wanted it. If I broke something, I would throw it away to keep from being caught being the one who broke it.. Honestly, I don't think it ever had anything to do with my brain, it was just pure selfishness. Sadly, I don't think that we can prevent these things in people like Casey. Everything she did was for her own selfish reasons.
I don't think she has a personality disorder at all. I just think that she is manipulative because she has always gotten away with it, a thief by nature because she has always gotten away with it, a liar because she has gotten away with it and a murderer because with everything else she has learned in life she thought she could get a way with it and did for 31 days........
So many people in this world have true problems that deserve our time trying to figure it out....I just don't think Casey is one of them.
Well, I think all the Anthony's are crazy and am waiting the trial date for sweet lil Caylee's justice that she sooooo deserves... RIP always
I agree 100%
I don't understand why so many must give her a mental excuse of sorts when to me it is just pure evil. I get tired of seeing so many of these monsters being labeled with mental problems when clearly they are just ....EVIL!!
Forgiveness? Please spare me the crap! No mother of her age accused of killing their child would forgive the person responsible unless they were the responsible party to begin with. I also will never believe that a person who has found God will preach it and within the same letter say the F bomb...grrr..she makes me sick!

Exactly - Some of the most beautiful people (real beauty > in the heart) I've ever known in my life have a mental illness. Let's all stop insulting pets (animals) and people with MI and call it what it is; Pure Evil Monsters!
in my opinion, KC had the best chance of establishing insanity early in the case. When she showed LE Zanny's vacant apartment, she should have continued to insist that not only does Zanny live there, but she is looking at her right now. " I left Caylee right her with Zanny on these steps. Can't you see her? " I mean if you are going to make up a fictional character, you minus well go all out and make her up. She had the right idea with the job thing, even took them to her office...

Shoot, no joke!
You gotta ask yourself, does anyone in this lousy family grieve for Caylee?

It's a sad fact, but the answer is an emphatic NO! Caylee's blood "family" showed early on they weren't going to uphold or cherish the dignity of Caylee.

I think that's one of the many reasons why Caylee has stolen so many hearts across the world. She has no one to cry for her, speak for her or ache for her except for the State and people like us who were unfortunate enough not to have been able to save that baby girl from her horrible surroundings.
Another interesting thing,

She doesn't blame Zanny for taking Caylee.

She doesn't blame Zanny for not coming forward and basically leaving her in jail facing a death sentence.

BUt she sure holds a hell of a grudge and shows the most vitriol for Jessie, and can barely forgive (not sure if she states that or not) but can never forget what he did to Caylee and her (whatever the hell that was).

Something not making sense here.

Somebody supposedly takes your child, your little baby and you don't blame them?! But you will hold a grudge for 3 years against someone having the audacity of wanting to look after you and your child.

Yeah right.
not sure if i 'experienced a snitch'. i was doing what i felt was right to help someone i thought was getting a bum rap. someone who geniuely touched that someone who lived 3000 miles away gave a darn enough to spend 13-14 months of late nights doing web research, sifting thru trial transcripts, seeking out witnesses, pressing for forensics tests, for someone i never even met other then phone conversations. someone that is 500 times the person casey is
Good question...

Who's word holds more weight? A convicted drug dealer or a convicted thief?

Good question, Darnudes. Here's one that follows yours-----
Who's word holds more weight? A convicted drug dealer or a convicted thief who has a history of lying her backside off at every turn (including sworn statements and interviews with LE).
if anyone in that family is bi-polar its cindy

What I find so sad is that in their disordered minds and in their dysfunctional way they all seemed to adore Caylee- I mean Cindy all but lived for her, ya know? I wish they'd honor that now with some truth telling sessions!
Good question, Darnudes. Here's one that follows yours-----
Who's word holds more weight? A convicted drug dealer or a convicted thief who has a history of lying her backside off at every turn (including sworn statements and interviews with LE).

It'd be interesting to know if Robyn was forthcoming with information and testimony at her own trial..
what did she do to jessie is what she should be asking herself......besides caylee (of course) and amy he's the one she hurt most. (since her parents and brother dont give a hoot i dont include them)
Another interesting thing,

She doesn't blame Zanny for taking Caylee.

She doesn't blame Zanny for not coming forward and basically leaving her in jail facing a death sentence.

BUt she sure holds a hell of a grudge and shows the most vitriol for Jessie, and can barely forgive (not sure if she states that or not) but can never forget what he did to Caylee and her (whatever the hell that was).

Something not making sense here.

Somebody supposedly takes your child, your little baby and you don't blame them?! But you will hold a grudge for 3 years against someone having the audacity of wanting to look after you and your child.

Yeah right.

She even stated that she doesn't blame "zany" for not coming forward, and also states tha she doesn't beleive "zany" would do this, yet also says that "zany" would not tell her where her and Caylee were after KC had "zany" watch her a few days.
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