2010.04.13 - New search for Haleigh #2

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Coincidence LC just took off for MA? I'm thinking LE told her to take the kids and get the heck out of Dodge. She just recently changed her name on MySpace from Croslin to Collins, too.

How do you know she is in Mass?
This is my thought on the divers leaving the area for the night, and the lights being set up....I think they are wanting everyone out of the water so they can do sonar tonight...I would bet money that there are boats still on the water...It would make it nearly impossible to do the sonar while divers are all over the water....But once they do the sonar and get the GPS locations of anything on the bottom they will bring the divers back in the morning.
Yep - that sounds real likely to me. I guess I misunderstood when I heard that LE quit for the night. Just the divers quit.
NG reported tonite that a blue cooler was brought up. Confirmed? I wonder where she gets HER info. No one else seems to have confirmed it was a cooler. Also, she stated emphatically that the investigation was now a HOMICIDE. Last report I heard from LE said they would determine that later.
Now, here is the reason I have a sick sinking feeling in my tummy. IF she is accurate about these two things, she apparently has an inside source and has had for all this time. I am not a fan. She makes me wanna chew aspirin and pee tacks. But if she is accurate and if she has this source.........IF...then someone inside this case has been talking to her and she may know alot more than we are privy too.

yup i think she knows something we don't because she has been promoing for a few nights that she "won't give up on haleigh cummings" and lo and behold we have all this unfolding today
Butterfly I have seen her mix video from 2 different calls etc... She doesn't stutter to stretch the truth. In fact, until tonite I had her channel blocked from my sets. Where one reporter will say exactly what a news conference says.....she will put her spin on it and never bat an eye. I am just wondering if these two things are confirmed or its just another of her over zealous moments.
I remember a few weeks ago that one of our posters had photos of two vans, the one that LE processed (the one with damage) and a photo of an older van. I wish I could remember who posted it and where it was posted. If any of you remember this, please help. I really would like to view the photos again.

I want to know about this van that they are looking for too. Why would they be interested in this van if it isn't somehow connected to this case? Was someone going there to visit the area? Was a body/evidence just recently put there?

I know they said the area is close to GMS. Remember doing the holidays, Ron made the comment per TN, "that he needed to go talk to Haleigh?" Maybe this is where he had to go.
I was just discussing this very same issue with my husband. I happen to agree with you that I don't think LE would have let RC in on that pow-wow....UNLESS they just wanted to get his reaction when he was told. I really don't think that was the case though because they could have just as easily seen his reaction if told in his jail cell. JMO

Do you think its possible that LE knows he had nothing to do with Haleigh and they gave him the courtesy of being told what they have (tip) because he is the father...

Im ducking...
I think tommy cracked, he's just not mentally strong enough to keep the charade up. He really went off the rails on drugs after haleigh went missing too (passing out in the truck after dropping his kids off at school anyone...)

I always remember thinking that incident with Tommy was so below low, it could only be someone running from some serious demons to end up such a mess, misty wasn't falling apart like that...
without drugs Ron packed on the pounds!

Hasn't he though?! Me thinks someone keeps Ronalds commissary acct. flush with plenty of money for snacks and goodies..:sick:

As a side note-looking back at the vid of Ronald coming out of the 'meeting' today..
http://www.firstcoastnews.com/video...atka+Jail/50619441001/50624658001/77863861001 ..about 1:39..

he looks like he has a sly sneaky smile on face..to me anyway.:furious:.. Of course I can't stand Ron and believe with everything in my soul that he is guilty in HaLeigh's disappearance and probable death, soo..I'm a little biased from the get-go, lol..
So! According to the newest story, Joe held a knife to Misty and a gun on Tommy. I'm not ready to jump on the "Joe did it" wagon at this time. However, I do believe that it was decided early on that Joe would be fingered and Tommy was the last to agree to this story. If Joe knows anything, he better sing like a canary.

Ron did not look upset to me as he was leaving the family interview. He still managed to have the "tough man, arrogant look".

I can easily believe that Tommy helped with the disposal of Haleigh.

I haven't at this time changed my position about Ron's involvement.

Unless Ron is just in his" I'll kill whoever did it" mode and that's where his head is at now? I don't know...because others were upset.
Can someone please tell me if Lindsy is in Mass? How do we know this? I know she was there over Easter, but did she go back?
I think tommy cracked, he's just not mentally strong enough to keep the charade up. He really went off the rails on drugs after haleigh went missing too (passing out in the truck after dropping his kids off at school anyone...)

I always remember thinking that incident with Tommy was so below low, it could only be someone running from some serious demons to end up such a mess, misty wasn't falling apart like that...

Okay that is so weird, because I just posted the same exact thing almost exact in the other thread.
IMO all LE has right now is some type of "confirmation" that Haleigh is gone and a real solid tip that her body is right where they are searching. As for who killed her - I don't think LE has that. And that alone would allow LE to bring RC in like family. The arrogant smirk on his face is way too telling for me.

I didn't see the video so I don't have an opinion but it always amazes me that 100 people (just an example number) can see the exact same video and get totally different things out of it. I have seen posts on here where they said he looked mad as he**, where they said he looked really sad, and posts that said he had a smirk and was arrogant. Guess it just depends on how you feel about the person (or whatever is being shown) on the video. JMO
Somewhere tonight a read about jo grandmother saying he was at home and le has not talked to him in 6 months it was on wv something in tennesse but I can not find it now anyone know wv what?
Can someone please tell me if Lindsy is in Mass? How do we know this? I know she was there over Easter, but did she go back?

I'd like to know if that is a fact as well! IF true, that would be huge imo..One reason being that this girl doesn't have the money to just take off on a trip and I sure don't believe that she would trust that van to get her there...I hope not anyway!
With all these people on here, we need a new poll. I'd like to see how many think Joe actually did it. Or Ronald, Misty, Tommy, or Timmy.
Kim, can we do this?
I didn't see the video so I don't have an opinion but it always amazes me that 100 people (just an example number) can see the exact same video and get totally different things out of it. I have seen posts on here where they said he looked mad as he**, where they said he looked really sad, and posts that said he had a smirk and was arrogant. Guess it just depends on how you feel about the person (or whatever is being shown) on the video. JMO
This is the one I saw and commented on - there are different videos all the time. Different media outlets each with a cameraman - get different angles of the same incident.


You have to click the video link on the right side that says "family gathers...."
Remember the search a few weeks ago for a gun in the river?
and then we had the release of the jailhouse tapes where Hank said they were told this would all be over in two weeks.
I wonder if they got this tip weeks ago and had to set up the search....

With LE looking for a thrown-away gun in the river, leads me to suspect, H. was shot with that gun sometime that day or evening....how else does a gun tie into this case?
My question is:
If H. was shot, why, when and by whom and why wasn't she taken to the hospital? ...and who's ideal was it to hide the fact and dispose of the body? and who did the disposing?
Do you think its possible that LE knows he had nothing to do with Haleigh and they gave him the courtesy of being told what they have (tip) because he is the father...

Im ducking...

I think it's very possible. It's also possible that they allowed it just because they have no proof (i mean even if they think he had something to do with it)
I'd like to know if that is a fact as well! IF true, that would be huge imo..One reason being that this girl doesn't have the money to just take off on a trip and I sure don't believe that she would trust that van to get her there...I hope not anyway!

LP paid for her last trip, (I think) so maybe he paid again. Have we heard anything from LP since this all started?
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