2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

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Wasn't sure where to post this but I wonder if they found Haleigh's nebulizer in the river, I think that is what she used ? Does anyone remember when TN made the reference that it was missing from the MH ?

ETA : I just went up and read a few posts up and see you all are discussing this ! See good minds think alike :)

I believe its something very significant pulled from the river last week and as we've been speaking about tonight the missing nebulizer that was never found. I would say if that was found it would DEFINITELY be significant. I really really feel that LE is extremely close to filing murder charges, and if you go by the opinions on the BB, ppl feel it could be ANY or ALL of our characters in this horror story in Satsuma.
I believe its something very significant pulled from the river last week and as we've been speaking about tonight the missing nebulizer that was never found. I would say if that was found it would DEFINITELY be significant. I really really feel that LE is extremely close to filing murder charges, and if you go by the opinions on the BB, ppl feel it could be ANY or ALL of our characters in this horror story in Satsuma.

and 4/20 would be an ironic day for it all to go down...
for those that know what 4:20 or 420 means.

if not google it :crazy:
Personally don't think there was anything to any of it. Everytime another case in Central FL is receiving attention, the players in Putnam Co. come forward. They were just trying to capitalize on the Nadia Bloom publicity.
Ya know how everyone has always questioned the strange earlier 911 call that came in at 2:13am from Tyler St(ToC/LC were living there@that time)a full hour and a half before the MC call from the mobile home at 3:40am.? Ive always thought that it had to be involved,2:13am, a Croslin home, all the same night Haleigh goes missing?? but to my knowledge no ones ever found anything stating that it INDEED WAS involved somehow.As Ive been going thru old media links all from the case I found this video interview with Lt.Johnny Greenwood where when the 911 call is talked about he states that the whole Haleigh case started with the first 911 call at 2:13am that night/morning. Doesn't there have to be tape of that 911 call that came from Tommy&Lindsys house?

Ooops forgot to put the link... http://www.gainesville.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091006/VIDEO/910062000&template=video
Hey Jessigirl, what is BB? I'm old...Thank you!
Oh sorry, I meant Bulletin Boards.All these posting websites that we're able to discuss, give our opinions, etc. Ive not been involved but a short while with them myself. Had u asked me a couple months ago what a BB was, I woulda said, Basketball?????:waitasec:
At about 3:25 a.m., Ronald Cummings arrived home from work. When he pulled into the driveway his girlfriend was standing in the front doorway, Cummings says. He was instantly concerned, because it was unusual for Croslin to be up so late.
She told him Haleigh had vanished.
Two minutes later, Croslin called 911.
Croslin has not said, at least not in her many public interviews, what she did during those initial 25 minutes before Ronald Cummings got home. She has not explained why she waited nearly a half-hour to notify the Sheriff's Office that 5-year-old Haleigh was missing.
On the 911 recording, Croslin had trouble explaining the situation to the emergency operator. Several times she mentioned a brick by the back door. The operator asked for clarification. "Why does Croslin keep talking about a brick?" The operator asked for a physical description of Haleigh, including height and weight. Croslin had no answer other than, "She's not that tall
In the background, Ronald Cummings can be heard speaking loudly. Finally, the 911 operator asked to speak to Ronald.
"I just got home from work," Cummings shouted. "My five-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now. If I find whoever has my daughter before y'all do, I'm killing them. I don't care. I'll spend the rest of my life in prison."
After being home for only two minutes, Cummings was seemingly convinced someone had kidnapped Haleigh.
Someone at the Cummings's home then hung up on the 911 call. The operator called back to get more information. Cummings was again heard in the background and again mentioned killing whoever took his daughter. Then he told Croslin to hang up, and the phone went dead.


This is what I found they HUNG UP on 911 TWICE? wtf?
Oh sorry, I meant Bulletin Boards.All these posting websites that we're able to discuss, give our opinions, etc. Ive not been involved but a short while with them myself. Had u asked me a couple months ago what a BB was, I woulda said, Basketball?????:waitasec:

Thanks Jessigirl. Forgot about Bullentin Boards. Haven't heard that in a while.
Thanks Jessigirl. Forgot about Bullentin Boards. Haven't heard that in a while.

I have to admit, I haven't heard that term in ages. Bulletin Boards were from the early internet days. Now we normally call places like this Message Boards or Forums, or whatever. I, too, was scratching my head over "BB". I know many people call The Bold and The Beautiful "BB", "B&B", and "BnB", but I figured that couldn't be what was meant here. :wink:
They hung up twice but not before they were able to get their alibis in, loud and clear.

Misty: I just woke up.
Ron: I just got home from work.

Ron surely didn't say that he was "disappointed" that LE was taking so long.
At one point I wondered if someone didn't hurt her somehow and cause a concussion. There is a case of a babysitter not far from my area that had a child who fell off a bike, seemed to be fine, and then died an hour or so later, so she didn't call 911. Perhaps Haleigh fell or was pushed or something of the like as described above. I'm not ready to say "who dun it", but that theory has definitely crossed my mind!

It's a possibility that I've been entertaining but not really any more after the 3 came up with several different homicide stories. I think that if she died of head injury or some such thing, once they started to crack we'd have heard some kind of "Don't be mad at us, it was just an accident, nothing we could do" story instead of ramblings about molestation and throwing her in the water while still alive.
Ya know how everyone has always questioned the strange earlier 911 call that came in at 2:13am from Tyler St(ToC/LC were living there@that time)a full hour and a half before the MC call from the mobile home at 3:40am.? Ive always thought that it had to be involved,2:13am, a Croslin home, all the same night Haleigh goes missing?? but to my knowledge no ones ever found anything stating that it INDEED WAS involved somehow.As Ive been going thru old media links all from the case I found this video interview with Lt.Johnny Greenwood where when the 911 call is talked about he states that the whole Haleigh case started with the first 911 call at 2:13am that night/morning. Doesn't there have to be tape of that 911 call that came from Tommy&Lindsys house?

Ooops forgot to put the link... http://www.gainesville.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091006/VIDEO/910062000&template=video


Yes, definitely should be if they are the ones that called 911, but AFAIK we have no idea who called (if anyone) as it wouldn't have necessarily been Lindsay or Tommy that made a call, someone could have called LE on them for some reason. To my knowledge as with so much else, that is still a puzzle as well, but I could very well be mistaken!

I also wanted to ask- Was it ever confirmed that HaLeighs nebulizer (sp?) was missing? I was under the impression that TN was the only source of that info and I question everything she says or does...jmo though.
I posted my theory on another site as well.
My thought is that Haliegh's nebulizer could have been used by someone in the group to get high. It is a trend now in teens and young adults to "nebulize" alcohol and drugs. A quick google search will educate you on this process. from what I remember the nebulizer.. ie "BREATHING TREATMENT MACHINE" was missing along with the child? Perhaps the oxycontin was crushed and inhaled as recreation... and after a cool evening in Florida in Feb Haleigh needed a treatment. (cool air tends to cause asthmatic "flares") Her albuterol/ventolin (medicine) was put into the atomizer by someone who had no knowledge or had forgotten about the oxy. Haleigh got wired initially, so Misty called Ron... he said to spank her and turn a movie on... later she became comatose... perhaps vomiting and or wetting her blankets? the bouncing couch was an attampt at CPR... (which is not effective unless performed on a hard surface)Haleigh passed and the cover up began... the home was cleared of all legal and illegal drugs as well as the machine so no traces could be found of illegal drugs as well as the child that had ingested them? Because there would be no way to explain away why Haliegh had oxycontin in her system... and if several people had been using the "pipe" all their dna was on it!!!
MOO for what it's worth...

Ron was at work during this time... as stated by LE

the finger pointing began... and while everyone may have played a part... no one was willing to accept responsibility?

the gun, molestation etc... just to prevent the obvious...
and why did it disappear the very same night?

Just my theory...
I want to believe that it was NOT intentional!!!


As a lifelong asthmatic I can chime in. Using my nebulizer gives me the shakes (asthma meds do that), which is normal, but I'm shakiest after using the neulizer than I am after using other asthma meds because the nebulizer "gets medication deep into the lungs very quickly". So if anyone else was using that nebulizer and didn't clean that mouthpiece after, I'm sure any of those strong drugs/alcohol mixed with the albuterol would have a profound effect on a small, fragile child, as Haleigh was. Remember, there were numerous people in and out of that house that night, so we are told. Several could have used that machine.

What was the size of her nebulizer? The portable ones are smaller and weigh less. The larger variety is more weighty and maybe could sink to the bottom of a river and stay there, especially if it, too, was weighed done with a heavy concrete block, maybe?

I can see the significance of getting rid of that machine in this case. Did they ditch the whole thing with its extra paraphernalia (tubing, mouthpieces/face masks, medications if she have extras on hand)? Or did one of the druggies take it home for personal use?

Here's picture of a medium-sized machine (mine is a bit larger):

Heck hadn't thought about that maybe it was just stolen for personal recreation...
I am SO narrow minded at times! DOH!
I would bet they had a larger sized one... they are less expensive and covered by ins/ m'caid
At about 3:25 a.m., Ronald Cummings arrived home from work. When he pulled into the driveway his girlfriend was standing in the front doorway, Cummings says. He was instantly concerned, because it was unusual for Croslin to be up so late.
She told him Haleigh had vanished.
Two minutes later, Croslin called 911.
Croslin has not said, at least not in her many public interviews, what she did during those initial 25 minutes before Ronald Cummings got home. She has not explained why she waited nearly a half-hour to notify the Sheriff's Office that 5-year-old Haleigh was missing.
On the 911 recording, Croslin had trouble explaining the situation to the emergency operator. Several times she mentioned a brick by the back door. The operator asked for clarification. "Why does Croslin keep talking about a brick?" The operator asked for a physical description of Haleigh, including height and weight. Croslin had no answer other than, "She's not that tall
In the background, Ronald Cummings can be heard speaking loudly. Finally, the 911 operator asked to speak to Ronald.
"I just got home from work," Cummings shouted. "My five-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now. If I find whoever has my daughter before y'all do, I'm killing them. I don't care. I'll spend the rest of my life in prison."
After being home for only two minutes, Cummings was seemingly convinced someone had kidnapped Haleigh.
Someone at the Cummings's home then hung up on the 911 call. The operator called back to get more information. Cummings was again heard in the background and again mentioned killing whoever took his daughter. Then he told Croslin to hang up, and the phone went dead.


This is what I found they HUNG UP on 911 TWICE? wtf?


Poor Ron getting the versions of his stories confused...:furious:..

(1) Misty standing in the doorway when he arrived home..

(2) Misty was running around the house looking for HaLeigh when he arrived home..

(3) Misty had just reached him by phone just as he was pulling up..

(4) Misty had called Ron and he didn't answer as he was home and saw her open the door as he pulled up..

I think there's more, but I am too dizzy to go on..
It's a possibility that I've been entertaining but not really any more after the 3 came up with several different homicide stories. I think that if she died of head injury or some such thing, once they started to crack we'd have heard some kind of "Don't be mad at us, it was just an accident, nothing we could do" story instead of ramblings about molestation and throwing her in the water while still alive.

That's true! Once they started talking, one would expect to hear tales of "accident" rather than accusations of murder if the child's death was truly accidental and no fault of anyone. Since they are playing the blame game, you know it just has to be "death at the hand of someone" and that action must have been against the law, whether deliberate or by negligence.
It's a possibility that I've been entertaining but not really any more after the 3 came up with several different homicide stories. I think that if she died of head injury or some such thing, once they started to crack we'd have heard some kind of "Don't be mad at us, it was just an accident, nothing we could do" story instead of ramblings about molestation and throwing her in the water while still alive.


My reasoning for the above was that there would be little benefit in trying to cover up for whatever happened by making up a worse story. At least I imagine that you would be in bigger trouble if it was thought that you participated in sexual molestation and deliberate drowning than if you participated in the cover-up of someone dying as a result of a negligent accident or a strike that was not meant to be deadly, or the prosecution had a hard time proving it was meant to be deadly anyway.

But I can think of one circumstance in which the lies might be worse than the truth after all. Supposing Misty was molested by Joe and/or Tommy and they got off the hook (do we know if she came up truthful or deceptive in the LVA test regarding this?), or something else had made her angry and vindictive she might have thought to cover up something that she did by making Joe and Tommy pay for it.
yes, I knew about the 2- 911 calls from the mh,per ron telling misty to call 911. My take on why he grabbed the phone&hung it up,when u could hear him saying, We aint got time to be messing with folks who ain't even coming. I got other people I could be talking to... My impression from the very 1st time I heard 911 tapes was that Ron(with what I believe is stricken with shock,anger, grief)he wasnt understanding that the reason the dispatcher was continiuing to ask info was to help, he felt as tho her continuing to question repeatedly(as she couldnt get answers) that meant that until she finished with her questions that she wouldnt dispatch the police til then.U can hear the frustration of this in his voice.He was misunderstanding that police were already dispatched and en route to the home and that the dispatcher was trying to get as much as she could in order to relay to the officers before they arrived,so that it could speed up the process of finding Haleigh. I believe that ron was so overcome by emotion that he clearly did NOT understand.BUT Misty was on phone with dispatcher&the dispatcher realized that is exactly what ron was thinking(as i stated above)so, u hear her tell Misty several times to relay to ron that officers were already en route&that answering these questions would help get the search moving quicker.Misty never once relayed this info to ron,even tho dispatcher is telling her to.(Ive always found that odd,as if Misty did not want to calm ron down, for whatever reason she was wanting ron as much in a fit of craziness as possible.Wouldnt u be trying to calm your spouse by reassuring him that the help IS ALREADY ON ITS WAY??) ....
So yes ive known&have heard these 2- 911 calls that were back to back, but what I was speaking about in my earlier post,is the same 911 call that Lt.Greenwood is referencing in the video that I posted the link to.The 911 call that came in to dispatch at 2:13am a full hour&a half before the 911 call from the mh.It came from Toc/LC house on Tyler St.... Who made this call from that house? and why was that call made at that time? Ive always known it was way too big of a coincidence for it not to be related to Haleigh, but Lt.Greenwood confirms that in the interview. Does anyone know or have heard this 911 tape?
I think the problem with this case is we are thinking how rational people would react in a situation. We all know the folks in Satsuma who are the (unnamed) POIs operate on a much different level. They and common sense are strangers.

Also, I believe the mastermind assigned the roles incorrectly. It's obvious Misty was handed the heaviest burden (the novel-size account), Ron got the shortest version (I wuz at werk), and others were given bystander roles. There was also not enough rehearsal for the big show. Expecting Misty to carry the entire performance was inconceivably stupid, as she messed up from the beginning (911 call). What she was consistent with, and the only thing she was consistent with, was her infamous line, "And that's all I know".
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