2010.04.16 Do you think Ron knew what happened?

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Do you think Ron knew what happened to Haleigh?

  • Yes, I think he knew.

    Votes: 316 68.1%
  • No, I do not think he knew.

    Votes: 148 31.9%

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Absolutely yes. I still believe something he and the others were involved in led up to this and Ronald knows exactly what that was. Maybe this is what they are starting to talk about.
I say yes...definitely...if he was so concerned about what Misty was or wasn't doing while he was at work....or, worried about his kids, why not call his biggest fans? GGM or mom? Why Tommy?

We don't know who all RC called, maybe he did call them and they had their phones off too.
I say Ron had no idea. I say this because all the Croslins are giving up themselves and their relative. There was no love lost between Joe/Tommy for Ron, so I would think they would include him in all this. They haven't.

I think Tommy and Misty are protecting Ronald in order to protect themselves. Ronald doesn't have to say anything because they are doing it for him. All 3 of them know what happened. It almost fell apart when the fight happened at GGMS house....the dead rat took care of that. For Tommy, it was 2 against 1 at that point.
I also voted no. IMO RC despises the Croslin family. He would never strike up such deal with them. He does not trust them. The headless rat thing could be related to a drug deal that went sour.
Yes, the 911 recording, the NO LOOKING for Haleigh, the coverups, (marriage fiasco, tatoos, sitting in a tent and not wandering around looking, lie after lie, and much more.) The going on with life and STILL selling drugs and other illegal activities, sigh... His abrasive, abusive attitude, I could go on and on and on.
I voted YES.

In addition to all the excellent reasons stated above, why did his good friend Orlando beat feet?
there is no way logically speaking that he did not know, because his actions speak very loud to me and the fact that he didn't even try and get the answers from Misty says a lot.
If Ron were "in on it" the Croslins would have blabbed that long ago. They have had no hesitation about throwing anyone under the bus and Ron would be no exception. With him in jail with nearly a million dollar bond they could have no fear he would harm them. Given his love for HaLeigh if he knew who harmed her he would have killed them in a New York minute.
I also voted no. IMO RC despises the Croslin family. He would never strike up such deal with them. He does not trust them. The headless rat thing could be related to a drug deal that went sour.

If I despised someone, I certainly wouldn't marry them, sleep with them, and hang out and do drug deals with them.
Uhm YES. Due to his own actions and those of his Mommy and GGM.
He knew. I think she was already dead when he went to work. He staged the MH with the brick to look like a kidnapping because Misty wouldn't think that one up. Ron went to the store to be conveniently on camera.

Look at his answers to NG...

RC: She told me that she was sleeping in the, um, she and Junior were sleeping in my queen sized bed and that she was sleeping in the top bed beside her.

NG: Now Ronald, how did it get so bass ackwards of them sleeping together in the same bed? Misty, Junior, your son and Haleigh. How did that happen? How is that miscommunicated?

RC: Ms. Nancy, I have no – no answer for you. I don’t know how it was miscommunicated.

Nancy Grace: Did she tell police, at any time, that she was in the bed with little Haleigh?

Ronald Cummings: I wasn’t there when she was questioned by police Ms. Nancy.

Nancy Grace: Okay. Here’s the next question. Why didn’t she call cops immediately when she realized Haleigh was missing? Explain to us the time line. What happened?

Ronald Cummings: I pulled into the yard. The front door was wide open. She was standing in it. I asked her what she was doing up. She told me that the back door was wide open and Haleigh was gone. I turned the house upside down. I told her to call 911.

NG: And we have heard your 911 call. My third question. What has she – she explained it to you – why she didn’t go to the rest room in the middle of the night right there in the bedroom’s attached bathroom? It’s kind of all one big, huge master bedroom. Why would she choose to cross kitchen and go to a different bathroom.

Ronald Cummings: I don’t know Ms. Nancy. I’ve never really heard that side of the story, to be honest with you.

snipped by me...

Nancy Grace: Do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, Ronald?

Ronald Cummings: Absolutely not.

He never said Misty came running outside she was crying when I pulled up.
He never said Misty did you call 911?
He never said he woke up Jr and asked him wheres Haleigh.
He never said he searched outside for her,
He never said he yelled out her name.
He never said her blanket was gone.
Without reading the other posts, I'm going to say no. If he did, he wouldn't have married Misty, and he has a temper of a bull. I think he would have physically killed Tommy or Joe Overstreet with his bare hands. And he certainly wouldn't have married Misty knowing she handed over his daughter.

Just my opinion.

That's the most interesting thing I've heard all day.....it needs it's own thread so we can discuss why.

Yes, because it could also be (to be fair) that he now knows who is responsible and is chewing the walls to get to them in some way. Or just acting out. Heck I don't know.

Is it new that he is in lockdown? I know he was at first; did he get put into GP at some point?
Without reading the other posts, I'm going to say no. If he did, he wouldn't have married Misty, and he has a temper of a bull. I think he would have physically killed Tommy or Joe Overstreet with his bare hands. And he certainly wouldn't have married Misty knowing she handed over his daughter.

Just my opinion.


I don't think JO or TC were involved. He married her because she knew what he did, Ya know keep her happy. Give her a beautiful ring and all to keep her mouth shut.

You would think if Joe really kidnapped Haleigh over a gun I would think Joe would have waited for Ron to come home and steal his car instead.

Thanx Mgardner for letting me vent..
I voted .....YES. I cannot find any excuse for his behavior after Haleigh went missing.
If Ron didn't know or suspect Misty was involved than he really has issues on evaluating people. I have, burned in my mind, the image of those two walking arm in arm ,smoking right after, Misty in her long sleeves and given his high IQ, per his mother, then something is terribly wrong with that image and every event that happened after from tats to heirloom rings. If he didn't suspect Misty, IMO, he is the only one that didn't. jmo
Yes, because it could also be (to be fair) that he now knows who is responsible and is chewing the walls to get to them in some way. Or just acting out. Heck I don't know.

Is it new that he is in lockdown? I know he was at first; did he get put into GP at some point?

Yes to be fair I thought of that to.
If Ron didn't know or suspect Misty was involved than he really has issues on evaluating people. I have, burned in my mind, the image of those two walking arm in arm ,smoking right after, Misty in her long sleeves and given his high IQ, per his mother, then something is terribly wrong with that image and every event that happened after from tats to heirloom rings. If he didn't suspect Misty, IMO, he is the only one that didn't. jmo

IMHO..He had no reason to suspect Misty since he knew he did it..JMO
I'm stuck at this part too.

If RC was at "werk" by the time TC and JO arrived it's highly probable that they didn't know the real truth. Misty's story probably didn't include RC because the pact between them had already been made. I'll cover for you, you cover for me" kind of thing. Then it was on to the engagement. IMO
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