2010.04.20 Levi Page article~"Don't clear Ronald Cummings yet!"

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I agree. I think Ron learned this 'pe-CYA' skill (pre-emptive Cover Your A$$) while dabbling in drugs and avoiding prosecution.

I also think that Ron is somewhat relieved to be in jail, he must have both been thrilled he had pulled a major one over on LE and the world-at-large BUT he must also have been increasingly paranoid day after day that something did not crack open and his world cave in. Stressful to the max. Haunted.

He may have secretly wanted to get caught dealing drugs.

Ron can now relax in the general population, folks he connects with and use his charm to wheel and deal.

Now cyberborg, you know Ron's mother, TN, has cleared that up for us. Ron's in jail now only because he was leading Misty into being arrested in order to break this case wide open. You know it must have been very stressful for him to become a "dope boy" and subject himself to the chance of being nabbed by the cops. But, hey what's a father to do?
I hope you realize this was written,cyberborg, with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek. I think of all the posts I read, you have a knack to get inside Ron's head and shed some common sense on his behavior. Makes me think you have a criminal mind, too. LOL.
Great post.
I've sent in some emails to PCSO a couple of days ago and I haven't got a response. If I don't get a response next week, I'll call them.

Levi, Ron's work schedule and any information surrounding his employment at that firm is a subject everyone seems to be interested in.
If you can't get anything from LE about Ron's work schedule, and I doubt you will, approach the firm Ron was working for the night Haleigh disappeared. They may hedge and not want to answer. But, see if you can at least get an answer to Why they are holding information about Ron's employment history with the company? They too might say something about personell information being private. But, at least make a contact with them. Let them know someone is knocking on the door. If you can bring any comment from the company into the gists of this case, you never know who might come forward and contact you with information. It's always good for a reporter to let people know he's out there and asking for answers.
We are not sure who has approached the firm or if all the media has backed off. Just a hint from a former newspaper reporter.
Levi, Ron's work schedule and any information surrounding his employment at that firm is a subject everyone seems to be interested in.
If you can't get anything from LE about Ron's work schedule, and I doubt you will, approach the firm Ron was working for the night Haleigh disappeared. They may hedge and not want to answer. But, see if you can at least get an answer to Why they are holding information about Ron's employment history with the company? They too might say something about personell information being private. But, at least make a contact with them. Let them know someone is knocking on the door. If you can bring any comment from the company into the gists of this case, you never know who might come forward and contact you with information. It's always good for a reporter to let people know he's out there and asking for answers.
We are not sure who has approached the firm or if all the media has backed off. Just a hint from a former newspaper reporter.

Might not hurt to ask when & why did they change from their punch-in time clock to the fingerprint scan system?
Levi should have his own tv show..at least he asks questions about ALL the players....unlike mizz nancy and JVM!
Levi-is it possible for you to get Chelsea Croslin on your show?
It seems to me she had quite a bit to say before she got cut off on the NG show.


Contacted both Lindsy and Chelsea. Lindsy declined. Lindsy was very polite about it. I like her. She seems to have a lot of class, something a lot of the players in this case lack. It is hard to wrap my mind why someone as smart as her would get involved in this bunch. I wish her and her child, the best.

However, Chelsea never responded to my invite to appear on my show.
Levi should have his own tv show..at least he asks questions about ALL the players....unlike mizz nancy and JVM!
Give Jane some credit, she has said many times on her show she thought it was suspicious that Ronald married Misty. She was also very suspicious of him when he was arrested for dealing drugs with Misty.

Nancy on the other hand, just when I think she is coming around to seeing Ron for what he is, she throws in something like "If an angel told me he was involved, I'd wrestle the angel."

Nancy was so hard on the mother of Marc Anthony Bookal for leaving the child alone with her child abuser boyfriend. And rightfully so! But she gave Ronald a total pass. I don't understand it!

I really belive if Nancy would have really grilled him and put his feet to the fire early on, do what we all love about her, Ronald would be in jail now and it wouldn't be for simply drug trafficking IMO.

I wish Geraldo would have stayed on Ronald more...
Give Jane some credit, she has said many times on her show she thought it was suspicious that Ronald married Misty. She was also very suspicious of him when he was arrested for dealing drugs with Misty.

Nancy on the other hand, just when I think she is coming around to seeing Ron for what he is, she throws in something like "If an angel told me he was involved, I'd wrestle the angel."

Nancy was so hard on the mother of Marc Anthony Bookal for leaving the child alone with her child abuser boyfriend. And rightfully so! But she gave Ronald a total pass. I don't understand it!

I really belive if Nancy would have really grilled him and put his feet to the fire early on, do what we all love about her, Ronald would be in jail now and it wouldn't be for simply drug trafficking IMO.

I wish Geraldo would have stayed on Ronald more...
ITA Levi, could it be because we are now in the WHOCANISUE. COM age that these investigative journalists are not as hard hitting anymore (Duckett)?

I don't get the NG act about RC either. Not a word about the drug charges - when he denied, denied, denied, that he didn't do drugs. Not a word about the uc video of RC "popping" a sneaky,stolen pill.

Maybe RC is such a powder keg and the ones that interviewed him early on felt this - they backed off - not wanting to be the one to "set him off"?
I really don't like to complain about Nancy's show. Atleast she covers the case when all the other networks and shows like *cough Greta *cough have gone all politico.
ITA Levi, could it be because we are now in the WHOCANISUE. COM age that these investigative journalists are not as hard hitting anymore (Duckett)?

I don't get the NG act about RC either. Not a word about the drug charges - when he denied, denied, denied, that he didn't do drugs. Not a word about the uc video of RC "popping" a sneaky,stolen pill.

Maybe RC is such a powder keg and the ones that interviewed him early on felt this - they backed off - not wanting to be the one to "set him off"?

I think you nailed it. People care more about the mental health of people like Melinda Duckett than they do finding children like Haleigh and Trenton.
My comment of the day and gone for a few hours. I think Ron has been legally coached going back to his custody dispute and prior arrest and slaps on the wrist.

Correct me if I'm wrong (going from memory here.)

During one custody hearing the Magistrate asked Ron. "Do you use drugs?"
Ron's answer back then was "I don't do drugs."

It didn't surprise me when I heard it again when Haleigh went missing. I believe it's his profile and obviously not honest with himself or others.

Levi, you do good work. I know you may have answered this before and maybe I missed it. I'd love to hear from Amber and/or Orlando.

The first time we heard that Ronald was 'cleared' came from the mouth of Marlaina Schaivo (sp?) on the NG show. NG took it and ran with it. I even emailed Schaivo and told her that LE has never come out and stated that Ronald was 'cleared' and asked her why she had used that word. I challenged her to tell me just where I could find the words that Ronald was 'cleared' by LE. I never got an answer. (of course) IIRC, I this whole 'cleared' mess started with LE's statement that Ronald and Crystal were not suspects. That was fairly early on.

The very last word we have heard was when Ronald's own lawyer stated on the NG show that Ronald had been moved from the top position on the list to the bottom when it came to who LE was looking at. Now to me, that was an admission from Ronald's own lawyer that Ronald has not been cleared.

I have followed this case from the first hour of the Amber Alert. I have felt from the very first day that we would not be getting the truth voluntarily from any of these people.

Levi, I liked your article. You state facts and then expound on them. You let the facts lead you rather than emotions, and that is exactly what LE has to do. Keep up the good work! Who knows; someday you just might get some of the important questions answered!


I listened to your show on Sunday the 18th, and a few times since then. It was an extremely enlightening show. I could actually hear when LPadilla has his epiphany. In other threads, I've recommended people check it out.

Here's the direct link:


Guests include Dr. Lillian Glass, TJ Ward, Leonard Padilla, and Art Harris.
There was so much information brought forth, I'd hate for anyone to miss it. TJ Ward talked about Misty's test results (she was untruthful about Joe), Dr. Glass was incredibly articulate on body language, Lenny cleared up an important rumor, and Art had his usual sources. LP told of how he offered RC up to $500,000 to search for Haleigh and he declined. Dr. Glass' reaction was something to hear. Yes, they talked about Ronald! A lot!

Levi, I understand how Lindsy would decline to appear. I think she's going through personal revelations, can't be easy. LP mentioned it on the radio shows a few times. I'm glad to hear she was extremely polite.

You got THE answer out of Nanny Hollars we were dying for. We wanted to know Joe's prior record and she was forthcoming - better than a lawyer, for sure. What can we say about Mz Nancy G, she's possibly drinking the RC koolaid? She's not the hard-hitter she used to be, even after the Duckett case.

I like JVM's show, I just wish they'd use a different format, cut out all those clips we've seen 20 times and let us see the faces of the guests. When she has guests, is it necessary to have so many "experts"? I like when the panel (Levi) gets to ask questions of her guests, though. It adds a different perspective.

Keep up the good work, Levi, you're doing great and you're working for the people who couldn't defend themselves.
:clap: :blowkiss:
Levi, I know you've harped many times on that 911 call and were not at all pleased with RC for hanging up because he had better people to talk to. After listening to the calls and comparing them with the 911 COPS Score sheet used to analyze emergency calls, I was actually stunned to realize exactly what happened. Ron never gave one fact about Haleigh. Nothing. At the end of the first 911 call, when asked about the pajamas Misty said she was wearing, he whined "I don't F'ing know, I was at work" and immediately hung up. Near the end of the second call, the dispatcher asked Misty for Haleigh's date of birth, and he yelled "F her date of birth", etc., Misty was held the line as the operator told her too, then he blew up, cursed about better people to talk to, and again, hung up.

Those two times were the ONLY times he was asked for information about Haleigh and he didn't take a moment to think about it. He screamed curses and hung up! Misty, as poorly as she did, actually DID try to give information about HIS child.

I definitely agree with you. Don't clear RC yet. Too many red flags surround him. Far too many.

Keep up the good work.

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Levi, if you ever get another chance to ask grandma hollar a question ask her if in all her coversations with grandam sykes did grandma sykes ever say she thought Misty might have killed Haleigh. I have a feeling the story of Misty hitting Haleigh with a piece of wood came from GMS.

I have never seen he was cleared the first time let alone the millionth time. Do you have an article stating Ron has been cleared?

No Article, JVM said on her show he was cleared, his lawyers said he was cleared and I do believe LE keeps saying over and over and over that MISTY is the KEY to this deal.
Also if they thought Ron did this,, they would have arrested him for something before now. If his work alibi didnt work out for him and phone records, I am sure he would have been arrested by now, everyone else had been..... just sayin
Referencing his denial of his past arrest record.

I'm sorry but he was probably focusing on not hitting GR in the mouth, I certainly don't know how he didn't. I would have. I could not believe it, and everyone was saying RON was a hot head? lol he showed soooo much control with GR it was incredible.... I was hoping he did hit him and sue him to boot!
Crystal was honest about her drug use in the past. Why couldn't Ronald just say "I've done drugs in the past, I've had problems, but it has nothing to do with my missing daughter." Instead he lied, got all defensive, and his family threw a big ole fit, because Geraldo hit a nerve!

I respectfully ask you, How would you tell the whole world that you are a drug informant when one of them might possibly have your daughter?
He didn't know where his daughter was and the main thing is that it is not our business about any of these peoples past records this has to do with a missing child and drugs in the present or the past has nothing to do with trying to find your missing daughter. I'm sorry but I have a son Rons age and he loves children but has been arrested before..... not one to do with the other... ya know people acted this was with jessica Lundsfords dad too and he didnt do it either and she was right across the street from her house.... we need to wait til LE straightens this all out I am afraid....
Levi be brave enough to not judge others til you know all sides.
I respectfully ask you, How would you tell the whole world that you are a drug informant when one of them might possibly have your daughter?
He didn't know where his daughter was and the main thing is that it is not our business about any of these peoples past records this has to do with a missing child and drugs in the present or the past has nothing to do with trying to find your missing daughter. I'm sorry but I have a son Rons age and he loves children but has been arrested before..... not one to do with the other... ya know people acted this was with jessica Lundsfords dad too and he didnt do it either and she was right across the street from her house.... we need to wait til LE straightens this all out I am afraid....
Levi be brave enough to not judge others til you know all sides.
I heard RC himself, on NG say he was NOT a drug informant. IIRC he also told Cobra this as well. So, if Haleigh was taken as some sort of retaliation - is certainly wasn't because RC was "undercover".
No Article, JVM said on her show he was cleared, his lawyers said he was cleared and I do believe LE keeps saying over and over and over that MISTY is the KEY to this deal.
Also if they thought Ron did this,, they would have arrested him for something before now. If his work alibi didnt work out for him and phone records, I am sure he would have been arrested by now, everyone else had been..... just sayin

Not MISTY and she's the key. jus sayin
The tatoo itself was one of the really telling points with Ron. He took the time and money to get his daughters face tatoo'ed on himself. When she had been missing for a month and police were still searching for a live or kidnapped child. There is normally only one reason why someone gets their childs face tatoo'ed on like that. It is a memorial. This coincides with his marriage to Misty "because it's what Hayleigh (would have) wanted." These are the actions of a parent who knows with absolute certainty that their child is dead. Not one that has even the slightest hope that the child is simply missing.

Ron has known all along that Hayleigh was dead. It's just obvious from watching him. So regardless of whether he was involved in the death, he has known and been involved in misdirecting or covering it up.

U know what my son got BOTH of his sons names tatooed on him and they are BOTH alive. he has their footprint and handprint on him too... the tatoo Ron got was donated by the artist and I dont know about you, but all the young people these days are getting tatoos just for the fad of it. it is very 'normal' these days......

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