2010.04.30 Defense responds to JS order stepping down

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I think one of the biggest factors in Judge Strickland's order....is that he knew going in that this case was delicate and over-hyped. I think he went above and beyond in trying to accommodate the defense in an effort to give KC a fair shot. He deviated from standards by allowing KC to wear regular clothes to hearings and gave the defense some leeway despite their complete disregard for protocol.

If Judge Strickland is "guilty" of anything....it is trying too hard to balance out the public perception of KC and reality. The defense jumped at an opportunity to throw him under the bus, all the while forgetting just how much latitude he really granted them.

I can't fault Judge Strickland or deem his presiding over the case as ineffective. He knew he was bending over backward for KC and the motion to recuse was nothing more than a slap in his face. While atypical for a Judge to respond in that manner.....in all honesty.......what harm did it do? He simply pointed out the disparity between what happened and the defenses interpretation of the same events.

This new Judge gives neither side an advantage......just more solid boundaries within which to operate. It cuts out the bickering. But folks......let's be honest.......The bickering will still be there. Just read the defense response to Judge Strickland's order. IMO...it's nothing more than the grand gesture of getting in the last word.

Silence can be more telling than rhetoric. This is a prime example.
I did hear that from one of the talking heads on HLN. They said that JS was more "pro-defense" if anything else.
He admitted to talking to Marinade and what was in the motion. He said the Defense did their job. His admitting to talking to a biased blogger is him admitting to wrong doing.

I agree he has the right to respond in the way that he did, but he also has the right to suffer the consequences. He needs to let this go now. IMO
Wait a second Baez and Company filed the original motion to recuse JS. JS responded to and granted this motion. JB and CM are the ones that need to let this go. JS granted the motion stepped down and they are the ones who decided to respond to something that needed no responce. THEY NEED TO LET IT GO and GROW UP. Start doing thier job and defend thier client for goodness sakes!
And I am sure Cm will welcome the challenge. IMO I just doubt the bar or anyone else will do anything. It is over. IMO
Sadly I have to agree with you here. I don't think anything will happen, because for some odd reason they get away with breaking the rules on a regular basis, and no one holds them accountable.

They never said they had proof Kc was innocent. Or at least not those words. It was more along the lines of we have substantial evidence that shows Caylee's body was placed in those woods while Kc was in Jail.

They provided that evidence by providing witness testimony from two witnesses that they searched that area and there was no body found. That was their substantial evidence. The former Judge on Feb 2nd or 3rd ordered the two sides to exchange discovery that week. Today the Sa was asked if they were satisfied with discovery turned over by the defense. They said they were other than a couple of future expert witnesses unknown so far.

I agree that Judge Perry will not be bending over backwards to accomodate the defense or their lame excuses, same for the state. IMO

Jb has a lot of fun with Kb. IMO

YES they did say Casey was innocent and that they would prove it. TM was brought in and in front of court with camera's rolling claimed they had proof JS gave them a deadline that came and went. Here is just one link and I will look for more for you to read, but they did make this claim.
This has to be my favorite:
"We just want you to wait until the evidence is presented at trial. There's an explanation for everything," said Macaluso, whose expertise is in the technical aspects of a trial and in cross-examining witnesses.

One area where the defense knows it's not winning is the battle of public opinion.
Macaluso urged people to wait until the trial before making a judgment.

"The evidence is going to be very surprising to a lot of people in this community," Macaluso said.


So where is the proof?
Incorrect. In open court, TM, stated that they, the defense had definitive proof that KC was innocent. They were supposed to present said evidence on February 1st of this year. Time came and went without said proof. The defense is now suggesting that if they had access to the the TES records that they could then point the finger at someone else...someone searching the area perhaps...even though before that they had no clue whom they were supposedly fingering. It is called a fishing expedition.

You pretty much know I love you as a poster...but where is the beef that KC doesn't know anything ABOUT Caylee dying/missing?

PS Incidentally, I enjoy your posts as I have told you. I just would like you to state your theory of this case with supportable facts...not poking holes in said evidence.


I will agree that the defense thinks Kc is innocent and they are sure to say so. That is their job.

The defense must poke holes in the states case. It is the state bringing these charges. The defense is not required to show any proof of anything. I am in the minority on this forum and I will give my opinion. The state said today that they were satisfied with the discovery. That is a supported fact.

Kc acted as though she did not know of that Caylee was dying or missing. This is supported by the party pictures and her actions. Her story for what it is worth, is still the only story that makes any sense. IMO

I believe she has many more facts, however the state chose to arrest her and charge her very early on before they had enough facts. That is the way it works. They made their choice and now we are all dealing with it.

There are many clues from the defense, however there is very little respect for the defense so not many listen to the powerful words that have been said. I do.

We are not anywhere near the whole truth in this case and not in any position to have a biased Judge. We need a firm Judge, a fair Judge, an impartial Judge to get to the whole truth. I believe at this point in time on this day, from what I saw today, that this Honorable Judge is an agent of the whole truth. Both sides win today, this is a good day for everyone. IMO
Okay guys, we are getting way off topic now.....myself included lets stick to the topic before this thread is closed, this thread is about the defense's responce to JS stepping down.
I will agree that the defense thinks Kc is innocent and they are sure to say so. That is their job.

The defense must poke holes in the states case. It is the state bringing these charges. The defense is not required to show any proof of anything. I am in the minority on this forum and I will give my opinion. The state said today that they were satisfied with the discovery. That is a supported fact.

Kc acted as though she did not know of that Caylee was dying or missing. This is supported by the party pictures and her actions. Her story for what it is worth, is still the only story that makes any sense. IMO

I believe she has many more facts, however the state chose to arrest her and charge her very early on before they had enough facts. That is the way it works. They made their choice and now we are all dealing with it.

There are many clues from the defense, however there is very little respect for the defense so not many listen to the powerful words that have been said. I do.

We are not anywhere near the whole truth in this case and not in any position to have a biased Judge. We need a firm Judge, a fair Judge, an impartial Judge to get to the whole truth. I believe at this point in time on this day, from what I saw today, that this Honorable Judge is an agent of the whole truth. Both sides win today, this is a good day for everyone. IMO
I think a thread should be started...the defense's powerful words. I'd like to hear them, too.
I do hope the defense sticks with the nanny story...any one of them. That will satisy me to no end.

PS- from the tone of Casey's letters, she still doesn't (didn't) realize her daughter was dead.
I think a thread should be started...the defense's powerful words. I'd like to hear them, too.
I do hope the defense sticks with the nanny story...any one of them. That will satisy me to no end.

PS- from the tone of Casey's letters, she still doesn't (didn't) realize her daughter was dead.

I started my word document , thread building CLUES FROM THE DEFENSE, and I am building it as we speak. It may take me some time. thanks

Back to topic. I wish Judge Stan Strickland the best in the future. He is a very kind man and that goes a long way. IMO
I started my word document , thread building CLUES FROM THE DEFENSE, and I am building it as we speak. It may take me some time. thanks

Back to topic. I wish Judge Stan Strickland the best in the future. He is a very kind man and that goes a long way. IMO
I look forward to it.
How embarrassing for the defense to file this motion this morning. It's obvious that their whiny, crybaby asses got their feelings hurt on how Judge Strickland handled the motion they filed. Judge Strickland couldn't have handled it better, if you ask me. He had the perfect choice of words for those obviously insecure attorney(s) that HAD to throw a fit...over nothing. Ha! And, it was GREAT when Judge Strickland pointed out that the notary seal had been expired. And, not just a little... but a lot! Ha! That was awesome. My hat's off to you Judge Strickland for being the true gentleman you are and have always been with this case. We will miss you.
I am curious about what consequence filing of this response to JS recusal there could be for the defense team. I have seen people allude to Judge Perry taking some action, and others mention the Bar.
I am not too familiar with the rules and laws governing attorneys, but could there be some "blow back" to the defense for filing this motion?
See the commentary for Florida Rule of Professional Conduct 4-3.5

Many forms of improper influence upon a tribunal are proscribed by criminal law. Others are specified in Florida's Code of Judicial Conduct, with which an advocate should be familiar. A lawyer is required to avoid contributing to a violation of such provisions.

The advocate's function is to present evidence and argument so that the cause may be decided according to law. Refraining from abusive or obstreperous conduct is a corollary of the advocate's right to speak on behalf of litigants. A lawyer may stand firm against abuse by a judge but should avoid reciprocation; the judge's default is no justification for similar dereliction by an advocate. An advocate can present the cause, protect the record for subsequent review, and preserve professional integrity by patient firmness no less effectively than by belligerence or theatrics.

Truly seems like a tit for tat response.

The defense should have let it go. I don't know what sanctions would be placed on or who would get those sanctions. I don't think CM cares for his was retiring until he was asked to sit on Inmate Anthony's case so I'm guessing after this case, he will retire. JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I would suggest that CM file a Motion to Withdraw with Suggestions in Support stating that since Judge Strickland recused himself and Chief Judge Belvin Perry is now presiding over the case, the case is no longer "fun" ~ which is why he joined the defense team in the first place.

It is my hope that Chief Judge Belvin Perry will not dignify CM's "Objection" with a response.
He admitted to talking to Marinade and what was in the motion. He said the Defense did their job. His admitting to talking to a biased blogger is him admitting to wrong doing.

I agree he has the right to respond in the way that he did, but he also has the right to suffer the consequences. He needs to let this go now. IMO

Unlike the Defense members, Judge Strickland isn't a liar, so of course he would admit to speaking with MD, but that doesn't admit guilt, as you say it does.

Judge Strickland didn't admit guilt because there was no culpability on his part.

If I just so happened to be at the scene of a murder, that doesn't mean I murdered the deceased or share any guilt whatsoever. :D

You're only assuming Judge Strickland is "suffering", and you're relating that supposed "suffering" to the lame, worthless Defense Motion put forth, but the repercussions of their Motion will certainly not slam back to Judge Strickland, as it has only made the Defense look even more foolish than they already did.

Judge Strickland did a magnificent job of dutifully and righteously embarrassing the Defense in his written Order, and the Defense just can't stand the fact that their continued deceit and theatrical grandstanding was spotlighted in his Order. They'll get over it, as they have no choice.
See the commentary for Florida Rule of Professional Conduct 4-3.5


Truly seems like a tit for tat response.

The defense should have let it go. I don't know what sanctions would be placed on or who would get those sanctions. I don't think CM cares for his was retiring until he was asked to sit on Inmate Anthony's case so I'm guessing after this case, he will retire. JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Oh yes, they should have let it go, but they have the poor reputation they do because they have frequently not chosen the path of intelligence.

True, CM is retiring, but Baez isn't exactly working towards retaining his Esq. with childish, unprofessional antics like this. As if he wasn't already on the hot seat and biding his time until the hammer comes down. ;)
I will agree that the defense thinks Kc is innocent and they are sure to say so. That is their job.

The defense must poke holes in the states case. It is the state bringing these charges. The defense is not required to show any proof of anything. I am in the minority on this forum and I will give my opinion. The state said today that they were satisfied with the discovery. That is a supported fact.

Kc acted as though she did not know of that Caylee was dying or missing. This is supported by the party pictures and her actions. Her story for what it is worth, is still the only story that makes any sense. IMO

I believe she has many more facts, however the state chose to arrest her and charge her very early on before they had enough facts. That is the way it works. They made their choice and now we are all dealing with it.

There are many clues from the defense, however there is very little respect for the defense so not many listen to the powerful words that have been said. I do.

We are not anywhere near the whole truth in this case and not in any position to have a biased Judge. We need a firm Judge, a fair Judge, an impartial Judge to get to the whole truth. I believe at this point in time on this day, from what I saw today, that this Honorable Judge is an agent of the whole truth. Both sides win today, this is a good day for everyone. IMO

Uh, most murderers do act like they don't know their victim is dead. As Caylee's murderer, Casey Anthony doesn't hold the cornerstone on this evil, deceitful act.
Looks like Defense Counsel is aspiring to be just like their client...

Spiteful Bit$hes..
Take money that doesn't belong to them...
Do what ever they have to do...
Yep, I hear ya JSR and Beachy. Mason for sure, but I bet Baez was cheering and waving his pom poms while this was being filed.

Or maybe I just want to believe in the worst of people, since this case.

I'm sick to death of ALL of them.

Can you imagine what it will be like a year from now?

Honestly, they all make me sick, sick to my stomach - I see them come on the TV and my lip starts curling, that's how much my distaste for them grows. I sit back and watch old hearings and I want to punch a hole through the computer screen-----God knows what you are all feeling in Florida and the US.

No wonder you have no trust in Lawyers and the judicial system ----Seeing the way Baez has abused the system, I would be VERY angry.

What can you do?

You have to " Hold fast and Stand Firm" as the British say.

And one day, in the not to distant future, a little girl, whom the world never knew, will be able to rest in peace - not of the peace from her family but from the love of the commune who cared about her the most.

We never knew her but we would not forget her, nor let her go to the great dark, neither unknown nor forgotten.[
Your whole post was spot on for me. But the last part brought tears to my eyes. Because it is, is always has been..all about Caylee for me and thousands of others.

They just never learn, wow!! Does Mr. Baez want the bar to say take your pick Mr. Baez..which matter shall we address with you first, Todd putting 70K in your trust account, you taking letters back and forth to jail, or this little violation?

How about the FLA BAR asking JB about his not keeping track of the hours he spends on a case. That is one that won't leave my brain. I wish someone (RH) would forward this little video to the FLA BAR. (within the first 2 minutes)


Wow. I won't dignify this response by actually reading it, but it totally seems like an Anthonyesque move to me. If they didn't hate the defense so much, I would think they wrote it just by what I've heard about it. "Wah! The big meanie judge said more mean things about me! I must respond and show what a meanie he is because I'm right and he's wrong!"

What is this, Kindergarten? Is the defense going to start wanting nap time and recesses? Oh wait...that might explain where the money has gone to...

I swear, just when I thought they couldn't possibly be more childish...and it's funny to me that the A's hate the defense so much when the defense acts so much like the A's. Not fun seeing how you really are when other people act like you, is it?

Casey really went from one set of terrible parents to another set. Can't wait to see the product of all of this combined bad parenting when that gavel comes down and she is found GUILTY!

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