2010.06.01 - Casey Suffers Fall at Courthouse

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Or they can just pull it like they would normally do for other inmates.

She fell, it was an accident. Stuff happens.:lepsmilie:

I have a friend who used to be a prison dentist. He was not at the prison full time. He went one day a week or he was called if there was an urgent request for his services. He did not perform any cosmetic dentistry. Generally it was all extractions.

If by chance ICA gets her sentence reduced to LWOP she will probably have lots of falls in GP.
Is there any definitive word on how the accident happend? I watched WFTV news at 5 pm and I swear I heard the reporter say it happened in the 'elevator'! I can't find any other reference to the elevator anywhere. Now, I am local and know that WFTV has a bad habit of mis-reporting things or getting them flat out wrong - so this particular version may never surface again :) So now I am wondering what actually happened and where did it happen.

Did anyone else happen to catch WFTV news at 5 pm and hear the same thing I did or am I losing my mind? - wait don't answer that question, I don't want to know the answer to it:crazy:

She tripped getting off the elevator. Her ankle chains got caught and she fell right on her face. The guards tried to break her fall, but it happened quickly.
It will be interesting to see if CA and GA visit ICA now that she has fallen and sustained an injury. They would not have to talk about the case. Just see their daughter and bring her some comfort.

I do not think ICA can sue. It appears to be an accident and if you look back in the infamous jailhouse letters, ICA talks about several stumbles/falls and states she is clumsy.

If she were to sue wouldn' that do somehting to the indigent status she is now at?????----dealing with dental pain myself and no insurance....I'm thinking she is ahead of the game .......
Prisons only provide "basic" care...I doubt highly ICA will get cosmetic accomodations for a chipped tooth..

I also believe this will devastate her as far as her looks go.

To me it is Karma at it's finest...CSI had to be on their hands and knees gathering all of Caylee's bones, teeth included...I am a firm believer in you reap what you sow...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Her clumsiness gave her a smack down... happens every day, all over this world. I don't think the incident deserves the kind of attention it is being given by the media. Yesterday's hearing held some very important points, but if you look at the news: this is the lead story, it seems.

I can imagine that JB & team will milk the incident just like any other defense team would for a high profile client. Yesterday JB showed that he is all in for pulling trivial strings: he blatantly accused LE of giving them psychic tips just for sh*ts & giggles (my term)...so yeah, I can imagine JB will try to play up this incident of Casey being clumsy as LE being mean to his client and not properly handling her. (especially given that the media has chomped on it like a hungry dog going to town on a hambone) Watch...
Wow I wonder if she will be able to lie about it? Seems like it could be a challenge, but she could possibly find a way...
I think it's awful that she fell and was hurt. as a life long klutzoid falling up the stairs sort of person myself I cant see anyone deliberately falling esp if it was likely to hit the news because it's horribly embarassing.

I know some people feel that she wouldnt be in jail to begin with if she'd made different choices and be that as it may, any empathetic person would never be glad to hear of a fall with injuries.

some tooth chips are quite minor, had a friend chip one on a candy cane when we were 12 or so and never bothered to fix it til she was in her late 20s with no further damage. I think a tiny chip is somewhat insinignificant and in my friend's case no one noticed til she mentioned it.

hopefully KC has no more than a tiny chip and a cut lip which heals up and we all move on with our lives.
When you look back and see what happens to every single person who has ever tried to help the A family, they get burned. I wonder if the guards stood still and didn't touch her for fear of being blamed for pushing her or somehow causing the fall.

Compared to what Caylee went through, this is nothing.


TRUE it seems the Anthonys work as a unit and they will probably try to blame
someone and say she was pushed, etc.
We saw all the excuses that were made for KC about the car smell (rotting pizza) KC was such a good Mother:sick: bla bla bla
It will not surprise me one bit if they file a lawsuit for their little can do no
wrong princess. Anyone who sold their dead granddaughters pics to make $$ well, nothing would surprise me.
in fact, I have seen a few people on here say they think Caylees death was an accident. Even though there is computer evidence that she looked up and did searches for neck breaks, chloroform, etc and did not tell ANYONE for 30 days that her 2 yr old was MISSING.
I just wanted to say that I do not understand how Casey tripped on her leg restraints. The locked cuff part is actually between her ankles. The chain part stays between the ankles as well.

The only way I can possibly imagine anyone tripping on the leg restraints are IF he/she is standing on the chain part when starting to make a step and that is not easily done. There is no way for the chain to get tangled as has been reported just now on Court TV.

The one thing that probably was not being done by the escorting officers was one on each side with each holding the prisoners arm just above the elbow. If they had been, they could have broken her fall, IMO.

I have put on more sets of cuffs and leg irons than I can count, so I know how they are made and by the very design cannot tangle while walking. Again, I think Casey had to have been standing on the chain in the elevator, then started to step off the elevator with the other foot and fell. If she were standing on the chain with one foot, there is no way she didn't know it.

This is just my opinion.
I just wanted to say that I do not understand how Casey tripped on her leg restraints. The locked cuff part is actually between her ankles. The chain part stays between the ankles as well.

The only way I can possibly imagine anyone tripping on the leg restraints are IF he/she is standing on the chain part when starting to make a step and that is not easily done. There is no way for the chain to get tangled as has been reported just now on Court TV.

The one thing that probably was not being done by the escorting officers was one on each side with each holding the prisoners arm just above the elbow. If they had been, they could have broken her fall, IMO.

I have put on more sets of cuffs and leg irons than I can count, so I know how they are made and by the very design cannot tangle while walking. Again, I think Casey had to have been standing on the chain in the elevator, then started to step off the elevator with the other foot and fell. If she were standing on the chain with one foot, there is no way she didn't know it.

This is just my opinion.

According to a spokesman for the Orange County Corrections Department, Anthony received minor injuries after “her restraints became entangled and she fell forward.” Officers were unable to catch her before she fell, the spokesman said. Anthony’s attorney, Jose Baez, told reporters after the hearing that Anthony was in the elevator on her way to the hearing when she fell and that she was hurt enough to receive medical treatment.

Here's another account of how it happened...

A jail spokesman said Anthony's restraints caught the edge of an elevator portal as she was being transported to court. Officers could not catch her before she fell. She was treated at a hospital for what the spokesman described as "relatively minor" injuries. He said confidentiality rules prevented him from being more specific.

Justice for Caylee
All I know is she went almost two years in jail and the most she's suffered is a chipped tooth and a busted lip. I know she was in protective custody away from other inmates, but she is so lucky to not have been clumsy in jail and got more injuries. No, I don't feel sorry for her. This can be fixed and she can go on with her life. Caylee can't be fixed, not ever.

I do admire those that can have sympathy for her, but I just can't muster it for her no matter how hard I try. It's funny because for most other people I can feel sympathy. But I just can't for Casey. Maybe this will be a wake up call for her, maybe not. She'll probably come up with some fantasy to live with it, either it was the meanie jail guards or now she's gangsta with a broken tooth. Who knows.
I have a friend who used to be a prison dentist. He was not at the prison full time. He went one day a week or he was called if there was an urgent request for his services. He did not perform any cosmetic dentistry. Generally it was all extractions.

If by chance ICA gets her sentence reduced to LWOP she will probably have lots of falls in GP.

When I was working, we did have a few inmates that got dentures and a tooth or two fixed rather than extracted. The only way this could be done (dentures/repair), tho, was if the family paid the dentist in advance, or at least someone on the outside sent the payment to the dentist. A check would not be cut from the inmates account for the work.

I worked at a jail/correctional center. The inmates were taken to a dentist that had a contract with the parish. An inmate would not be denied care even if he/she had no money in their account, but all that would be done was extractions. The dental trip would cost $10.00 in those days and be charged to the inmate account - even to those with no money. The ones with no money in their account would have a negative balance, then if they were to get money in their account, the first thing that would come out of it would be the negative balance.

Jails and correctional centers provide basic care and can now charge a minimal amount for it.

I just wanted to say that I do not understand how Casey tripped on her leg restraints. The locked cuff part is actually between her ankles. The chain part stays between the ankles as well.

The only way I can possibly imagine anyone tripping on the leg restraints are IF he/she is standing on the chain part when starting to make a step and that is not easily done. There is no way for the chain to get tangled as has been reported just now on Court TV.

The one thing that probably was not being done by the escorting officers was one on each side with each holding the prisoners arm just above the elbow. If they had been, they could have broken her fall, IMO.

I have put on more sets of cuffs and leg irons than I can count, so I know how they are made and by the very design cannot tangle while walking. Again, I think Casey had to have been standing on the chain in the elevator, then started to step off the elevator with the other foot and fell. If she were standing on the chain with one foot, there is no way she didn't know it.

This is just my opinion.

I've noticed when she comes and goes from the courtroom she walks with her legs somewhat apart, her ankles turned outward and toes pointed slightly inward. Maybe this is the way she normally walks, but it looks to me like she making a real effort to try to make the chains look less obvious or make less noise. If this is what she's doing, it could be enough to trip her up.
According to a spokesman for the Orange County Corrections Department, Anthony received minor injuries after “her restraints became entangled and she fell forward.” Officers were unable to catch her before she fell, the spokesman said. Anthony’s attorney, Jose Baez, told reporters after the hearing that Anthony was in the elevator on her way to the hearing when she fell and that she was hurt enough to receive medical treatment.

Here's another account of how it happened...

A jail spokesman said Anthony's restraints caught the edge of an elevator portal as she was being transported to court. Officers could not catch her before she fell. She was treated at a hospital for what the spokesman described as "relatively minor" injuries. He said confidentiality rules prevented him from being more specific.

Justice for Caylee

I read all of that. Thanks.

I still stick by what I am saying, tho, because of how the restraints are made. She had to have been standing on the chain with one foot and taken a step forward with the other foot. Then fallen.

I've noticed when she comes and goes from the courtroom she walks with her legs somewhat apart, her ankles turned outward and toes pointed slightly inward. Maybe this is the way she normally walks, but it looks to me like she making a real effort to try to make the chains look less obvious or make less noise. If this is what she's doing, it could be enough to trip her up.

Right.Walking with her legs apart would make the chain taunt and it would make less noise, IMO.
All I know is she went almost two years in jail and the most she's suffered is a chipped tooth and a busted lip. I know she was in protective custody away from other inmates, but she is so lucky to not have been clumsy in jail and got more injuries. No, I don't feel sorry for her. This can be fixed and she can go on with her life. Caylee can't be fixed, not ever.

I do admire those that can have sympathy for her, but I just can't muster it for her no matter how hard I try. It's funny because for most other people I can feel sympathy. But I just can't for Casey. Maybe this will be a wake up call for her, maybe not. She'll probably come up with some fantasy to live with it, either it was the meanie jail guards or now she's gangsta with a broken tooth. Who knows.

I cant either. I still remember when she texted some guy about "little snot" I dont think I ever called my son that whenhe was 2 or 3 yrs old. Most Mothers wouldnt. I think Caylee was in way of her partying at Fusian and she couldnt deal with it. poor Caylee:( so helpless and trapped wth this Mother:( I wish someone wouldve noticed something wasn't right and took action.
And.....to he person who mentioned she was an avid photographer, that seems true and there ARE no pics of the supposed "Nanny". hmmmm:waitasec:
I hope that is brought up in court.
I hope this is ok to post...just heard B. Conway on Insessions say that Cindy A. had a nervous feeling prior to court yesterday...kinda mother's intuition kind of thing......and then she heard about KC falling....it is really sad that intuition could not have come into play while precious Caylee was missing at least at an earlier time. IMO.
I hope this is ok to post...just heard B. Conway on Insessions say that Cindy A. had a nervous feeling prior to court yesterday...kinda mother's intuition kind of thing......and then she heard about KC falling....it is really sad that intuition could not have come into play while precious Caylee was missing at least at an earlier time. IMO.

I am watching and heard that as well, Nana46!

LOL, I am not certain I believe it, tho!

I agree with you that it is so sad that Cindy did not seem to possess that same intuition when little Caylee was in grave danger, then the worst happened.

I feel sorry for the officers who were escorting her. They will be scrutinized on why they didn't catch her. I hope everything is handled quickly and done with. Since she was getting off the elevator it's possible that they were not able to be right at her elbows.
Has there been any mention of this being caught on tape so it could show exactly what happened?

It would be interesting to hear from the medical staff who treated her, sometimes when a person has an injury they're less guarded and let things slip.

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