2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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I'm the same way, I've said so myself here a time or two. :)

The think that strikes me is TY is a *detective*. I've got several LEOs in my extended family, including a detective. Granted, TY works in Medford, but you don't get through detective work by being emotionally fragile. This is his step-son, and I get the idea that he loves him deeply, but he has more of a grief-stricken look on his face than KH? For weeks?

I guess it could be TYs grief as much for DY as well as for Kyron....

I don't know what I believe anymore. Just because what I think happened is a little horrifying to think about. I mean the worst I can accuse KH of is thinking with the wrong head maybe.
I don't know. I know MCSO is moving forward on a case, and we will all have more answers soon. I really want to be wrong, because knowing me, if I don't sleep well now, if I saw him.... and he's not alive.... I'm not sure when I'll sleep again. Talk about doing, spent the whole night dreaming about searching for him, and he pops out from some trees. Nice fantasy. :)

Are you referring to KH hooking up with TMH when DY was pregnant? If so I agree.. If not what are you referring to may I ask... JMO
ETA: I believe the parent signing the child in should be the one signing them out unless other arrangements are specifically noted by the parent...

At this point all I've been able to find is statements that she asked if KH and K were there, and for the gym to let her know if they came. We don't know what her intent was, but if KH never TOLD her why he was leaving, she may well have been trying, and failing, to reach him. If my husband disappeared with my daughter, and I didn't know why (and I were innocent and thus couldn't figure out why) my first order of business would be to find him and try to talk to him.
Are you referring to KH hooking up with TMH when DY was pregnant? If so I agree.. If not what are you referring to may I ask... JMO

My hypothesis for why I saw what I saw.

Maybe I just need to start a thread about what I think I saw, and my crazy hypothesis for how and why I saw what think I saw. Then at least people won't be forced to try and connect the dots that I've somehow strung together.

There have been suppositions that TH did the MFH thing because KH was having an affair, and I just wondered if that was why I saw what I think I saw.

I need a clever sig about just ignore me, I'm a crazy cat lady. :)
I've attended enough hearings as foster parents that I'm pretty sure no judge is going to give her much in the way of custody (or anything at all, given one of the charges CURRENTLY under investigation is child endangerment of some sort, which she does have a CPS history of) until the smoke clears.

That said, remember this:

Given my perspective on this case, if what I saw is accurate, she has an even bigger reason not to change custody now, as gitana said in the other thread. Once there's a custody decision, it's hard to get changed without good reason. What if they know something we don't about Kaine? Or Terri's innocence? Challenging the RO right now could be the WORST move, and waiting a few months could be wise.

Respectfully snipped by me for space.

Juvenile dependency court and family court are different animals. It is easier to take custody of a child away from a parent in juvenile cases because there is an independent third party (LE/Social Services) making an assessment that the child would be in danger remaining with a parent. In my experience, Th had a great chance at some kind of custody or at least visitation for the following reasons:
1. Kaine's allegations in the RO application are hearsay. He would have had to prove those allegations in court to justify an RO, meaning he would have had to offer actual evidence in the form of proof (LE testimony, etc). TH could have easily objected to the hearsay statements at the regularly set hearing (not the emergency hearing). Actually, he took a big risk by filing his application because had TH fought, he may have had to lay bare the evidence against TH in this case, whatever that may be.
2. TH has not been named a suspect or POI by LE in the investigation. Thus, it does not matter what possible charges are under investigation, in the context of the RO, unless LE would be willing to testify to that.
3. Most people are granted, at the least, supervised visitation. Even in the face of a finding of child abuse or DV.
4. Baby K is a child of tender years. Such children are usually found by the courts to need frequent contact with their primary caregiver (normally mama).
5. There still exists a general bias in favor of mothers, in the family court systems, especially when the children in question are young.

He wouldn't be in violation of the order (as in capable of being charged with a violation), because the order is in his favor only. There is no order requiring him to stay away from TH. However, if he does enter *her space* her lawyer would argue that he obviously didn't need the order in the first place, since he's deliberately put himself in contact with her. jmoo

This is more than your opinion. It is fact.

But why would you try to kidsnatch your own kid if this was the case?

Good question.

Personally I cannot think of any reason that I would not fight tooth and nail to see my dds if separated from them as TH is.

However, we do not know if she is fighting behind the scenes as she doesn't seem to be forthcoming with info (?)

If I push myself into coming up with a reason for K having sole custody and her having nil/restricted access, the only one I can think is that TH wants baby K to have the stability of the family home and her own belongings around her.

Baby K could still have the stability of her family home and see her mother. This is a flimsy reason for giving up custodial rights to a child, IMHO.

Respectfully, I am not sure what fighting behind the scenes means. This is real life and that means that fighting for child custody/visitation rights is done via the courts - publicly.

I've posted my theory of why she isn't fighting the RO at this time. It was poo-poo'd by many. Oh well.

Why should she fight the RO now, when there's a snowball's chance in hell she'll win and risk her defense in a probable trial related to Kyron's disappearance where, if found guilty, she'll never have her daughter again? Why not put aside the desire for immediate gratification (which won't happen in any case) and look toward a long-term goal that is more likely to be achieved?

Because it is in the best interest of baby K to have contact with her mother, as long as her mother is a safe person to be around.
Again, I fail to see how there was a snowball's chance that TH would win the RO case unless there is actual proof supporting Kaine's allegations. Allegations are not evidence.

She's not going to get her daughter back until and unless she wins the probable trial related to Kyron's disappearance. Or the grand jury declines to indict her.

I think you are right. Because one cannot simply go back into court and say, "I have changed my mind. I want to revisit the court order that I failed to contest previously." Also, now TH has helped created the status quo of Baby K living primarily with dad and having zero (0) contact with mom. The more time passes the harder it will be for her to change that without hugely compelling reasons. The Court likes to keep things the way they are when it comes to custody unless the way things are has suddenly become detrimental to the child. For example, the argument that, "Well, it is in the baby's best interest to have contact with mama" will likely not fly if the baby has had no contact with mama for a significant period of time. However, arguing that "the custodial parent is abusing the baby and custody should be reversed", that would be an argument that would fly with the courts in a bid for a modification of custody. IMO.
My hypothesis for why I saw what I saw.

Maybe I just need to start a thread about what I think I saw, and my crazy hypothesis for how and why I saw what think I saw. Then at least people won't be forced to try and connect the dots that I've somehow strung together.

There have been suppositions that TH did the MFH thing because KH was having an affair, and I just wondered if that was why I saw what I think I saw.

I need a clever sig about just ignore me, I'm a crazy cat lady. :)

rnmif, the above portion of your post is BBM.
I think thats a great idea. So, whenever you feel comfortable enough to do so, please do...

Although I may not personally have the same opinion as you about whether TMH is involved I still nonetheless respect and am interested in your opinions, just as I do and am about what you encountered June 5th...

Don't let those who disagree(and sometimes there are those who can be rude about it) don't let them keep u from working thru this obvious emotional event that has occurred in your life... There are plenty of us who may not agree with all 100% but do very much support you in dealing with what has happened personally to you on June 5th.

So just know if and when you are ready to reveal more there are plenty that support and welcome your input, comments, and opinions. :)
Respectfully snipped by me for space.

Juvenile dependency court and family court are different animals. It is easier to take custody of a child away from a parent in juvenile cases because there is an independent third party (LE/Social Services) making an assessment that the child would be in danger remaining with a parent. In my experience,

> Sorry, I'm terrible at Tags, so I'll put a character at the front of my response. :)

> It's pretty rare (at least where we live) that both biological parents are still involved with each other. We've had several cases where children came to us, and the non-custodial parent (who later DID get custody) had some very old charges that the judge allowed CPS time to investigate before returning the child home. In one case, custody was not regained for 6 months, even though there were no active RO, charges, probation, anything on the other parent. Just old stuff. And not terribly damning old stuff.

> Where I live, the same court handles all child cases, divorce custody, and CPS.
rnmif, the above portion of your post is BBM.
I think thats a great idea. So, whenever you feel comfortable enough to do so, please do...

Although I may not personally have the same opinion as you about whether TMH is involved I still nonetheless respect and am interested in your opinions, just as I do and am about what you encountered June 5th...

Don't let those who disagree(and sometimes there are those who can be rude about it) don't let them keep u from working thru this obvious emotional event that has occurred in your life... There are plenty of us who may not agree with all 100% but do very much support you in dealing with what has happened personally to you on June 5th.

So just know if and when you are ready to reveal more there are plenty that support and welcome your input, comments, and opinions. :)

It's more an issue of I'm still trying to figure out what's allowed, what's not, and where I can and can not post. I've said a few times, I'm not the brightest bulb in the box. You've got some very awesome, hardworking mods here, and I've goofed a few times already. Trying not to make their lives harder. :)

The great thing about brain damage is I don't have much ego. I used to take it so personally when people disagreed with me, but since I don't necessarily believe my memories sometimes, I figure hey, they know something about my mind that I don't. :)

And I've said, I CAME here for folks to poke holes in my story. On the one hand, I don't want to believe I'm right. I think KH dearly loves his kids, and I hate that I suspect him.

On the other, I think he dearly loves his kids, and he would never harm Kyron, so.... :)

What's that old joke (psychologically incorrect, but funny all the same) about I'm schizophrenic and so am I?
And I've said, I CAME here for folks to poke holes in my story. On the one hand, I don't want to believe I'm right. I think KH dearly loves his kids, and I hate that I suspect him.

On the other, I think he dearly loves his kids, and he would never harm Kyron, so.... :)

Whilst I appreciate everyone has there own opinions of what happened..there is a family out there today going through a lot of pain whilst searchers are out there possibly trying to find there sons body:( They have to know at any moment there worst fears could be realised :( . There is absolutely no indication that either his father or mother are involved in what happened to there beloved son. I personally would hate for him to be reading some of these posts today of all days when he is hurting enough as it is :(

I think if a mother truly loves their child they have to decide what is best for the child and not themselves even though it may be the hardest thing they have ever had to do.

Her life is a shambles right now. Uncertainty at every point. She has no money and is unemployable because of Kyron's case/MFH allegation and she is receiving death threats against her. That is not an environment a loving mother would want their child to be in, imo. What if some nut came by the house and shot the place up? Imo it is just too risky now for her to even think about contesting the RO or custody issue.

The media has even stated they see no activity around her parents home nowadays. I think they are in fear too. This world sadly is filled with nuts and those who can become vigilantes.

Whilst I appreciate everyone has there own opinions of what happened..there is a family out there today going through a lot of pain whilst searchers are out there possibly trying to find there sons body:( They have to know at any moment there worst fears could be realised :( . There is absolutely no indication that either his father or mother are involved in what happened to there beloved son. I personally would hate for him to be reading some of these posts today of all days when he is hurting enough as it is :(


Well, until we know that TH is guilty, the same could be said of her.
Well, until we know that TH is guilty, the same could be said of her.

I didnt mention Terri in my post but regardless there is no reason for me to think Kaine is involved. Kaine was at work apparently when Kyron went missing and the police havent said any difference. However IMO there is plenty of reasons for me to believe Terri is involved.

Let's get back to the topic here........ why didn't Terri challenge the RO. We also must walk a very fine line here. Everyone has a right to their opinion however that opinion has to be based on what we have learned in MSM .

We can talk about Kaine's actions but there is not one indication in MSM that he is the focus of the investigation. Thanks.
Has there been any indication that LE is suspicious of Kaine? Any indication that LE finds credible that he hatched a murder for hire plot? Any indication that his friends are being questioned and investigated? Any indication that he has been sex-ting anyone? Any indication that there is credible evidence that he is currently having an affair. Any reports that his friends got him numerous "bat phones?"

Is it accurate to say that LE views Terri and Kaine as equally suspicious according to statements and reports we have at this time to discuss here?

I respect that you are concerned over what you think you saw. You did the right thing in reporting it certainly. But there seems to be a lot of speculation about Kaine that is supported nowhere except here.

Or am I mistaken and there are links to equal suspicions about Kaine?

Otherwise, I don't understand the basis for doing so.
Let's get back to the topic here........ why didn't Terri challenge the RO. We also must walk a very fine line here. Everyone has a right to their opinion however that opinion has to be based on what we have learned in MSM .

We can talk about Kaine's actions but there is not one indication in MSM that he is the focus of the investigation. Thanks.

Sorrym Grandmaj, my previuos post may be inappropriate. I was typing while you were posting.
Has there been any indication that LE is suspicious of Kaine? Any indication that LE finds credible that he hatched a murder for hire plot? Any indication that his friends are being questioned and investigated? Any indication that he has been sex-ting anyone? Any indication that there is credible evidence that he is currently having an affair. Any reports that his friends got him numerous "bat phones?"

Is it accurate to say that LE views Terri and Kaine as equally suspicious according to statements and reports we have at this time to discuss here?

I respect that you are concerned over what you think you saw. You did the right thing in reporting it certainly. But there seems to be a lot of speculation about Kaine that is supported nowhere except here.

Or am I mistaken and there are links to equal suspicions about Kaine?

Otherwise, I don't understand the basis for doing so.

I don't think they're equally suspicious. I'm someone who will normally sit on the fence until I see a pretty solid case presented. I just take innocent until proven guilty too seriously. It's why I'm trying to prove what I saw is wrong. I don't want to believe it on some level.

That said, as with every investigation there are hot leads that go nowhere, puzzles that go unsolved. If we just look at the information presented in the MSM and accept it unchallenged at face value, then why are we all here? The media has already done that job for us. The problem is as noted, the media has gotten pretty sloppy. And if we take their word as gospel, we have to ignore the misstated facts, the times they've floated salacious gossip, the flat out errors.

Nobody should accept my account of anything. I'm not any kind of sworn witness. But there is enough in KH's behavior that is hard to understand, the micromanaging of media contacts, the mudslinging at TH (deserved or not, again, we don't know what LE knows on that count either, except that LE has taken the time to contradict DY and KH more than once), the.... genteel disagreements in interviews between DY and KH about issues like whether or not Kyron was happy at home, or when his affair with TH started.

What I witnessed got me looking at this case with a jaundiced eye, but the remainder of what I have pieced together as a theory comes not from what I saw (because all I saw was a man with a boy who seemed caring and friendly, if a little tense and distracted, but certainly not like a dangerous criminal) but from the questions that come up for me in looking at the information we have. There are some glaring holes. As there should be, this isn't a legal proceeding. But it does mean there are glaring holes which to me indicate a need to take a second look at what we think we know in this case.

I'm not terribly wed to my hypothesis, I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

Shoot, saw the above.... do I need to remove this one? Delete? Arg. Sorry. Double edit. I'm a terrible editor.
Kaine Horman's lawyer has filed court papers objecting to his estranged wife's request to delay divorce proceedings, saying it would be detrimental to the welfare of the involved children and violate his due process right to the administration of justice without delay.


Rackner continued to urge the court to have Terri Horman identify the source of the money she's using to pay criminal defense lawyer Stephen Houze. Although Terri Horman's lawyer described in court papers the reported $350,000 Rackner cited in an earlier legal filing as "grossly overstated,'' Rackner in response has submitted a copy of a June 30 e-mail exchange between Terri Horman and Michael Cook in which Terri Horman reportedly cited that figure to Cook.

"Hey on a side note, the news channels all just announced you've got Stephen Houze! That's awesome (it's in the news so I figured I can text it),'' Cook reportedly texted to Terri Horman, according to Rackner's Exhibit A filed in court.

"Yep, guess how much he costs?" Terri wrote back.

"Zillions?" Cook asked.

"350K," Terri Horman replied later.

MORE: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/08/kaine_hormans_lawyer_files_tex.html


So Terri herself claims that it cost her $350K to retain Houze?
It seems that she's BRAGGING about how much the attorney cost. How warped is that?

"Yep, guess how much he costs?" ???? It's almost like she's enjoying this.
Disgusting. It reminds me of how kc acted as though she was a movie star.
Well, her attorney stated that estimate was grossly overstated. I'll take him at his word, since it's his fee, after all.
It seems that she's BRAGGING about how much the attorney cost. How warped is that?

"Yep, guess how much he costs?" ???? It's almost like she's enjoying this.

I agree. And this exchange solidifies my belief that Cook was acting as a plant to weed info out of her. If he wasn't planted by LE, he chose to take this task on himself.
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