2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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Wow. I think that document answers a lot of our questions about what KH and DY meant in their different comments and implications. It really clarifies the issues...

Tink, in the PDF of the text messages, MC was the receiver and TH was the sender. TH talks about clean phones (bat phones) so I'm guessing the MC turned over his phone to LE and that's how they were able to retrieve the sext messages. I thought the bat phones were still missing and LE was searching for them. Not sure though.

Yes, it was reported at the time, and in the divorce documents, that MC voluntarily turned his phone over to LE for them to retrieve the messages and pictures.
hey maybe this is what LE meant when they said they discoverd things they didn't want to know. This would certainly be that.

If this is what he was talking about, all this TMI sexting stuff, I wouldn't think he would be on the verge of tears while talking about it.

If this was it he would probably be on the verge of puking and not crying.

All just MOO.
Wow. I think that document answers a lot of our questions about what KH and DY meant in their different comments and implications. It really clarifies the issues...


Yes, and I think it is but a glimpse of all that Kaine and Desiree know about the last known person to see their son. Sick and sad for all the children involved in this mess.

Kaine worked from home a lot. So much for the idea that Terri was more of a parent to Kyron that Kaine and Desiree. Seems she couldn't even take care of her blood children, much less a step. Jmo
Just got a chance to read the doc for this thread.

Wow. Kaine is firing for effect eh?

If anyone isn't familiar with that term


on it goes on and on and on until cease fire is called.

Methinks Kaine has no intention of cease fire anytime soon.
Sounds like Borderline Personality Disorder to me.

Yes. And I can only imagine the wiles she's trying to display with her "big boss" - Houze. I think he knows very well what he's dealing with - hence the gag order.
I have been a supporter of Kaine's since day one, but I must admit that after reading his own words I am upset at him. If he knew that Terri was drinking like this, leaving baby K up by herself while Terri was passed out drunk.. Why the HELL did he allow this? and where was he when Terri was passed out and baby was up at 1am? No wonder Kyron stayed in his bed til someone came and got him. No wonder Terri's son moved out.
While I do not blame him for what happened to Kyron, something was bound to happen in that environment, and while only Terri is responsible for her actions.... For the first time, I do fault Kaine for not doing something sooner to prevent all of this.... Thank God nothing ever happened to the baby.
hey maybe this is what LE meant when they said they discoverd things they didn't want to know. This would certainly be that.

I don't know. I'd think LE would have a higher (lower?) threshold for what they consider shocking.
I have been a supporter of Kaine's since day one, but I must admit that after reading his own words I am upset at him. If he knew that Terri was drinking like this, leaving baby K up by herself while Terri was passed out drunk.. Why the HELL did he allow this? and where was he when Terri was passed out and baby was up at 1am? No wonder Kyron stayed in his bed til someone came and got him. No wonder Terri's son moved out.
While I do not blame him for what happened to Kyron, something was bound to happen in that environment, and while only Terri is responsible for her actions.... For the first time, I do fault Kaine for not doing something sooner to prevent all of this.... Thank God nothing ever happened to the baby.

I'm not excusing him, because he should have been on top of it with his children involved....but speaking from experience formerly married to a sociopath and the amount of alcohol that man could drink and still be functional was unbelievable.....it is so gradual, and you start doing things that are self protective (and I'm assuming child protective as well....) like he'd probably let her drive the kids in the morning, but I bet he always drove at night. When you're arguing with a drunk - you might as well be arguing with the wall, if you have even one drink - they will throw that at you, never mind you're not so much as tipsy....and in the morning you second guess on if it really was that bad...when my marriage ended one friend said "oh, we knew it was going to be bad, but we had NO idea how bad it could be" (she still says it 9 years later). I can only imagine what gets said privately.
I have been a supporter of Kaine's since day one, but I must admit that after reading his own words I am upset at him. If he knew that Terri was drinking like this, leaving baby K up by herself while Terri was passed out drunk.. Why the HELL did he allow this? and where was he when Terri was passed out and baby was up at 1am? No wonder Kyron stayed in his bed til someone came and got him. No wonder Terri's son moved out.
While I do not blame him for what happened to Kyron, something was bound to happen in that environment, and while only Terri is responsible for her actions.... For the first time, I do fault Kaine for not doing something sooner to prevent all of this.... Thank God nothing ever happened to the baby.

I feel sorry for ALL the children involved. If Terri was so obviously impaired, why was baby up and running about in the middle of the night while Terri was passed out?

If this is true, she's obviously a negligent and dangerous parent, and should have never been involved in their care. If this is true, then Kaine was negligent as well. IMO, this paints both of them as "unfit".

Just to be clear, I am NOT saying Kaine is "unfit". But I can certainly see where Bunch (and Houze) will have plenty of fodder to use this against him. While this is sure to get public sympathy more firmly planted on his side, I am not so sure this was such a good move on Rackner's part.


Where is little Kyron ???????
I feel sorry for ALL the children involved. If Terri was so obviously impaired, why was baby up and running about in the middle of the night while Terri was passed out?

If this is true, she's obviously a negligent and dangerous parent, and should have never been involved in their care. If this is true, then Kaine was negligent as well. IMO, this paints both of them as "unfit".

Just to be clear, I am NOT saying Kaine is "unfit". But I can certainly see where Bunch (and Houze) will have plenty of fodder to use this against him. While this is sure to get public sympathy more firmly planted on his side, I am not so sure this was such a good move on Rackner's part.


Where is little Kyron ???????

Kaine probably slept at night, so that he could get up in the morning to do his job, which was the family's sole means of support. Even though he worked at home a lot, he still would have been at the beck and call of his employer, who more than likely would want to converse with him during daylight hours.

Where is Kyron? Terri knows. Wish she'd tell.
IMO it is quite clear that Kaine WAS NEVER ok with Terri going forward with attempting to receive parenting time...In fact he states such in the court doc stating that UNLIKE what was said[i.e. that Kaine was ok with it] KAINE IS NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM EVER GOING TO BE OK OR APPROVE OF his daughter having not even a minute of "supervised" parenting with Terri..

I believe just as JBean and Kimster that quite possibly Kaine was a co-dependent and just as would be the "norm" it is not until a TRAGEDY strikes that they pull their head out of the sand..I'm quite certain this man was going to bed at a decent hour as he was working a full time job...so, I'd think many nights until something awoke him was he even aware that Terri has baby K up with her drunk and passing out, obviously not caring for her baby..

He does speak about intervening upon seeing that baby K was up at all hours and was met with an alcohol hazed person that would get defensive and angry...So, I do not see it as he knew that Terri would just automatically keep baby up with her while she was drunk, rather he was having to get sleep for work, but when he was awakened and discovered such that he did intervene...


It's not just a DUI with her son[twice the legal limit], its not just friends/fam reporting liquor missing while Terri was in their home, it's not just a step-mother that had contributed raising a beautiful 7 year old boy and fails 2 LDTs, walks out on another, and point blank tells her husband the 7 yr olds father that she is not cooperating with LE any longer, it's not just that she was involved with a former classmate of that boys father[her husband]in a very sleezy&explicit inappropriate way[immediately following HER stp-sons disappearance, not just that she was also similarly involved with a man SHE hired to do yardwork[same old story..sleeze&explicit], and not just that SHE brought up to that man SHE wAS inappropriately involving HERself with about murdering her husband, that 7 yr old missing boys father, and also the father of her only daughter...


Kaine probably slept at night, so that he could get up in the morning to do his job, which was the family's sole means of support. Even though he worked at home a lot, he still would have been at the beck and call of his employer, who more than likely would want to converse with him during daylight hours.

Where is Kyron? Terri knows. Wish she'd tell.

He went to sleep, knowing his year and half old daughter was running around awake while her mom was passed out drunk? He went to sleep, leaving the child in the care of someone so obviously impaired?

If what he's saying is true, he knowingly left that child unsupervised. Regardless of his need for sleep in order to work --- from home or otherwise --- the baby and her safety is his priority. Had CPS investigated and found what he alleges here to be true, Kaine would have been held responsible as well.

I don't think this was such a great idea. Bunch and Houze are going to have a field day with this one.

I don't see Kaine as someone who would leave a baby in such an obviously dangerous situation, and on a regular basis no less. I'm not sure what to believe, but given that and all his prior statements I do have my doubts about the accuracy of the information contained within this document.
He went to sleep, knowing his year and half old daughter was running around awake while her mom was passed out drunk? He went to sleep, leaving the child in the care of someone so obviously impaired?

If what he's saying is true, he knowingly left that child unsupervised. Regardless of his need for sleep in order to work --- from home or otherwise --- the baby and her safety is his priority. Had CPS investigated and found what he alleges here to be true, Kaine would have been held responsible as well.

I don't think this was such a great idea. Bunch and Houze are going to have a field day with this one.

I don't see Kaine as someone who would leave a baby in such an obviously dangerous situation, and on a regular basis no less. I'm not sure what to believe, but given that and all his prior statements I do have my doubts about the accuracy of the information contained within this document.

Kaine said that Terri spent most nights sleeping on the couch with Kxxxx, and when he'd try to intervene, Terri became combative.

He stated that Terri would get up in the night several times and I believe this is what would wake Kxxxx, who spent most night sleeping on the couch with Terri. Then Terri might pass out and leave the baby up to watch TV.

Kaine DID have to earn a living for the family. It's an indisputable fact that he was the sole source of income that this family had. He could not babysit his grown wife every night, who should have known better than to behave the way she did. It sounds like he did what he could to try to appease her and keep his family together.

And say what you want about whatever "field day" Terri's attorneys will have--Kaine is taking action NOW to protect his daughter. That is a good thing, regardless of what "field day" you believe Terri's attorneys may have.
I understand about co-dependence and it's hard to break away from an addict if you love them so I'll cast no stones. But I think there may be more than one person right now kicking themselves for not interfering earlier or in a different manner because whatever happened to Kyron was preventable if Terri's alcoholism and the habits smelling of child neglect had anything to do with it. Thank God the baby wasn't hurt because she could have been if this is true. Not a good idea to sleep with a baby on a couch if you're intoxicated, for one thing, babies have died of suffocation that way.

Compared to this court document Kaine gave quite a polished description of Terri in some of his interviews. I had got the impression that the drinking was bad in 2005 but it had got better but this doesn't sound like it. Maybe it got better and then got worse again?
He went to sleep, knowing his year and half old daughter was running around awake while her mom was passed out drunk? He went to sleep, leaving the child in the care of someone so obviously impaired?

If what he's saying is true, he knowingly left that child unsupervised. Regardless of his need for sleep in order to work --- from home or otherwise --- the baby and her safety is his priority. Had CPS investigated and found what he alleges here to be true, Kaine would have been held responsible as well.

I don't think this was such a great idea. Bunch and Houze are going to have a field day with this one.

I don't see Kaine as someone who would leave a baby in such an obviously dangerous situation, and on a regular basis no less. I'm not sure what to believe, but given that and all his prior statements I do have my doubts about the accuracy of the information contained within this document.

I see no "field day" for Bunch and Houze. Quite the opposite.

This text...shows their client was in Girls Night Out mode as her little stepson was missing and enduring God-Knows-What. It shows that unemployed stay-at-home Mom Terri had no worries how to cover a large retainer....not even in the first days.

It shows that she was lying and deceiving THEM from the start...and thought nothing of asking others help her to lie and deceive them as well. They may relate now to Kaine...another man she suckered as well.

The public may now ask if these two attorneys even NOW know the truth from their client. Have they too been fooled by Terri's Facebook Perfect Mom persona...when here is the real Terri in this text?

Terri introduced the public to herself in this "window" into her soul in the early days of little Kyron's vanishing. It is amazingly illuminating. Blows the Facebook Terri fake persona right out of the water! No more relying on that! Hello...to the real Terri!

'Facebook Terri' , in her prudish long skirts in court..will never be able to shake off the sexually aggressive images of the "wet spot", the graphic pictures to a near stranger, the bragging about her strength, the cavalier attitude about $350,000, the moral vapidity we read here.

This is supposedly "similar" to her approach to the Landscaper when she was trying to barter sexual activity, not for LIES...but for the death of her husband. The Landscaper was in her employ , trying to make a living. I suggest we all re-read this text and wonder what "similar" texts said to him...and how her chilling detachment might have frightened him into silence.

Since this is one of 100s of texts...Terri's attorneys must wonder...knowing now her propensity to LIE TO THEM...and manipulate others to lie as well...what more is out there? They may well end up being as fooled by Facebook Terri as many others were, including a little boy...who loved her and tried just to survive around her..doing his little projects...staying in his room.

Kaine may have been a fool, deceived by her as well...but the moral depravity...and the penchant for deception that composes the character now revealed about Terri...trumps all!

I wonder if Bunch and Houze are absolutely confident that Facebook Terri isn't playing them publicly for fools?
I understand about co-dependence and it's hard to break away from an addict if you love them so I'll cast no stones. But I think there may be more than one person right now kicking themselves for not interfering earlier or in a different manner because whatever happened to Kyron was preventable if Terri's alcoholism and the habits smelling of child neglect had anything to do with it. Thank God the baby wasn't hurt because she could have been if this is true. Not a good idea to sleep with a baby on a couch if you're intoxicated, for one thing, babies have died of suffocation that way.

Compared to this court document Kaine gave quite a polished description of Terri in some of his interviews. I had got the impression that the drinking was bad in 2005 but it had got better but this doesn't sound like it. Maybe it got better and then got worse again?

Hard to say, however this certainly reads as though her negligent behavior with the children wasn't an isolated occurrence, but rather an ongoing problem. Something that Kaine obviously recognized as dangerous, yet allowed to continue. I stand by what I said above, this does nothing but give her attorney(s) plenty of ammunition. I am truly confused as to what Rackner thought this would accomplish for her client.
It blows the prim Facebook Terri false persona right out of the water. It's a window into the mindset of a woman so reckless, so removed from empathy, so self-involved...that we now understand the enormity of disgust and distrust directed at her. Now...it is MUCH easier to see a woman like this killing a little boy who loved her.

Terr's Facebook fraud...painted a picture she wanted the public to embrace.It endowed her to some people with certain character traits she obviously does not possess.

This is the antidote to that...the reality check that shows her depravity and self-absorption.

It shows also...that from the start she was deceiving and disobeying her own lawyers. One can wonder now...to what extent? Have they been duped by prim Facebook Teri as well?

She makes them look...maybe not as informed as we thought.
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