2010.06.29 -- LE says TH not POI nor suspect

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What some call jumping to conclusions, I call being able to read the writing on the wall sooner.
Good post, Joshiesmom. Certainly fodder for those white cells. But it is interesting to me that Desiree seems to be standing with Kaine, and if she felt that there was something going on there I would hope that she would suspect him.
LE say TH not POI nor a suspect (title of thread)

.....Where have I heard those words before? :rolleyes:
The police are obviously lying.

If I were a member of that family, and we were innocent, I would be infuriated with how LE has handled the case. Specifically that they have drawn so much attention to a member of the family. I would consider filing a lawsuit.

I think Terri is just too stupid to realize what is going on, and LE is happy to let her keep thinking that she is not a suspect or POI so they have access to her. To think that people won't see the abundantly obvious reason behind this is insane though. LE is treating the public like we are total morons.

He was advised by the police to remove the child and leave. Do police now go around handing out advice on people's personal relationships when it has nothing to do with the investigation?

"Listen, we've spent a lot of time with you and Terri... we just don't think you are meant for each other. You had a good run, but we think you can do better. You should definitely take the baby and file for divorce. By the way, we still have no idea what happened to Kyron."
I am sitting on a fence right now.

Yes, all behavior (NOT evidence) points to Terri's guilt. Meaning that the actions of the statement by Tony, Desiree & Kaine without Terri and the filing of the divorce & RO papers does give the appearance that Terri is guilty as sin and they know it.

However, that doesn't prove that Terri is guilty. It just doesn't.

There hasn't been major worry that she's mentally unstable or has post-partum depression up until yesterday. And really, if she had PPD, then there would have been signs of it before Kyron disappeared. PPD doesn't show up at 18 months post-partum. A woman is not considered to BE post-partum 18 months after having a baby, so IF Terri has a form of depression, it's NOT of the post-partum variety. Also, having PPD is not a reason to divorce someone or file a RO against them. There is a huge difference between PPD & post-partum psychosis. I do not believe Terri is psychotic because no action has been taken to get her psychological help and IF she were psychotic, I feel confident LE would have stepped in already.

I do not agree that since Kaine filed for divorce, that automatically means that he found out something about Terri that points to her absolute guilt. If LE had arrested her yesterday or this morning, I would have agreed, but since they haven't arrested her but HAVE released another statement that she is not their suspect, I have to wonder if there is some other motive for Kaine to have filed divorce when he did.

Is there any chance that the statement released by the 3 parents is NOT connected to the divorce filing? Is there any chance that Kaine chose the timing of when to file? Is there any chance that Kaine wanted to deflect attention from himself for some reason? With this one act, he has managed to get public opinion firmly in his corner. People online are feeling sorry for him and assuming that his filing is proof positive that Terri is a complete monster.

As was brought up yesterday by a new poster, Kaine was served with a RO by Desiree when her oldest son was 7 years old, Kaine hooked up with Terri when her oldest son was 7 years old, and now Kyron went missing when he was 7 years old. Maybe that's just coincidence, but it's an interesting coincidence, especially in light of Kaine's family dynamics/history (ie: his brother). Maybe instead of Terri being a monster murderess, Kaine is a master manipulator. Or maybe both characterizations are true. Or maybe neither.

I guess my point is that I don't believe Terri has been proven guilty. No one outside of those directly involved in the case knows if she failed a polygraph. No one knows if her timeline given for how she spent her time on June 4th has been proven false. No one knows the reasons why Kaine filed for divorce or the RO. So I personally am trying to withhold jumping to what *seems* like obvious conclusions until there are some solid facts to back up the jumping.


Exactly! What she said! ty Joshiesmom, wellspoke
The police are obviously lying.

If I were a member of that family, and we were innocent, I would be infuriated with how LE has handled the case. Specifically that they have drawn so much attention to a member of the family. I would consider filing a lawsuit.

I think Terri is just too stupid to realize what is going on, and LE is happy to let her keep thinking that she is not a suspect or POI so they have access to her. To think that people won't see the abundantly obvious reason behind this is insane though. LE is treating the public like we are total morons.

He was advised by the police to remove the child and leave. Do police now go around handing out advice on people's personal relationships when it has nothing to do with the investigation?

"Listen, we've spent a lot of time with you and Terri... we just don't think you are meant for each other. You had a good run, but we think you can do better. You should definitely take the baby and file for divorce. By the way, we still have no idea what happened to Kyron."

The innocent members of this family include a member of LE. They are not infuriated with LE. I doubt they ever will be.
He was advised by the police to remove the child and leave. Do police now go around handing out advice on people's personal relationships when it has nothing to do with the investigation?

"Listen, we've spent a lot of time with you and Terri... we just don't think you are meant for each other. You had a good run, but we think you can do better. You should definitely take the baby and file for divorce. By the way, we still have no idea what happened to Kyron."

*respectfully snipped and BBM*

Did someone find proof that LE advised Kaine to leave with the baby? I thought LE refused to comment on that.

I agree that LE knew he was going to leave, but did they actually advise it or did they say, "That's your personal decision and we aren't getting involved in that." If they advised him to leave, that would put a completely different spin on things for me versus if Kaine chose of his own free will to file for a divorce right now (in which case the timing would be suspect imo).
i think desiree and kaine will be asking themselves the same thing for the rest of there lives.

i dont feel the need to pile on :(

I understand what you mean about piling it on, but I can't understand why she wouldn't want to have him with her no matter what she thought about Terri and what a good SM she thought she was, and may have been. I guess from personal experience having 2 girls (4 and 6) and being in a very difficult situation and sick, I couldn't just give them to someone else to raise, lots of people helped me, but I pulled it together and raised them myself. I knew that I would miss out if I didn't.
I am sick and tired of this politically correct carp that Law Enforcement has to put up with due to attorneys and the litigation they pursue.

I have not seen any such thing confirmed about the SM's education. It would be surprising to me if she has 6/7 years of college education.

It is no surprise and it should be applauded that the baby was removed from her care. They must be concerned for the child's welfare if terri has emotional problems. Her parents may be there to keep her company and help move the investigation forward.

Darn shame in the other case that they couldn't get little jr out of a bad environment and possible dangerous situation when that occured. The three people left in this case are behaving the way they should. It is normal to be suspicious of the last person to see your child. I see no other reason for filing both papers unless he was/is concerned about his daughter's safety. God bless Kyron.

I have been very suspicious of the education myself since I am a teacher. I know what she has said and put out on the Web.

Is there a way to research her university or Oregon teacher's licensing site to see the truth of those claims?

I am wondering how truthful she is about things.

If she is not and has a pattern, I wonder if she may be a sociopath. IMO
Although she has 4 friends with her now, picture her life from this day forward.

She cannot step out of the house without people thinking that she is guilty.

She will not get child support as she won't have the child. She will have no income.

Who exactly who hire her to work? Her life is over unless she does have a paramour. And even then it won't be so good.
Be careful to not start discussing each other . Read your post and decide if you are discussing the case or other members. If you are discussing other members, you shouldn't be.


where this post lands is random.

I am sitting on a fence right now.

Yes, all behavior (NOT evidence) points to Terri's guilt. Meaning that the actions of the statement by Tony, Desiree & Kaine without Terri and the filing of the divorce & RO papers does give the appearance that Terri is guilty as sin and they know it.

However, that doesn't prove that Terri is guilty. It just doesn't.

There hasn't been major worry that she's mentally unstable or has post-partum depression up until yesterday. And really, if she had PPD, then there would have been signs of it before Kyron disappeared. PPD doesn't show up at 18 months post-partum. A woman is not considered to BE post-partum 18 months after having a baby, so IF Terri has a form of depression, it's NOT of the post-partum variety. Also, having PPD is not a reason to divorce someone or file a RO against them. There is a huge difference between PPD & post-partum psychosis. I do not believe Terri is psychotic because no action has been taken to get her psychological help and IF she were psychotic, I feel confident LE would have stepped in already.

I do not agree that since Kaine filed for divorce, that automatically means that he found out something about Terri that points to her absolute guilt. If LE had arrested her yesterday or this morning, I would have agreed, but since they haven't arrested her but HAVE released another statement that she is not their suspect, I have to wonder if there is some other motive for Kaine to have filed divorce when he did.

Is there any chance that the statement released by the 3 parents is NOT connected to the divorce filing? Is there any chance that Kaine chose the timing of when to file? Is there any chance that Kaine wanted to deflect attention from himself for some reason? With this one act, he has managed to get public opinion firmly in his corner. People online are feeling sorry for him and assuming that his filing is proof positive that Terri is a complete monster.

As was brought up yesterday by a new poster, Kaine was served with a RO by Desiree when her oldest son was 7 years old, Kaine hooked up with Terri when her oldest son was 7 years old, and now Kyron went missing when he was 7 years old. Maybe that's just coincidence, but it's an interesting coincidence, especially in light of Kaine's family dynamics/history (ie: his brother). Maybe instead of Terri being a monster murderess, Kaine is a master manipulator. Or maybe both characterizations are true. Or maybe neither.

I guess my point is that I don't believe Terri has been proven guilty. No one outside of those directly involved in the case knows if she failed a polygraph. No one knows if her timeline given for how she spent her time on June 4th has been proven false. No one knows the reasons why Kaine filed for divorce or the RO. So I personally am trying to withhold jumping to what *seems* like obvious conclusions until there are some solid facts to back up the jumping.


Very interesting concept. Thanks!
I understand what you mean about piling it on, but I can't understand why she wouldn't want to have him with her no matter what she thought about Terri and what a good SM she thought she was, and may have been. I guess from personal experience having 2 girls (4 and 6) and being in a very difficult situation and sick, I couldn't just give them to someone else to raise, lots of people helped me, but I pulled it together and raised them myself. I knew that I would miss out if I didn't. Maybe I'm coming from a different place than you.

well i think im looking at it from kyrons perspective. those who see me post on the jaycee board know i have a very low tolerance for deadbeat parents thanks to my own bio dads absence from my life for over 30 years now.

it wasnt like desiree vanished out of his life. every other weekend, vacations, birthdays, christmas. that means more then you know to someone who would have killed for one of those things over the last 30 decades. i think kyron, for a time anyways, might have felt blessed to have 4 (well 3 anyways) parents who loved him and cared about him.

I don't think we know if Terri was under psychiatric care at the time of Kyron's disappearance, or if she's under it now.

We do know her teenager moved out of the house. We don't know why.

I see what you're saying, and have considered it. Until I realized that the FBI has - as a matter of standard proceedure - been all over Kaine, Terri, Desiree, and likely Terri's oldest son on this possibility - esp. given his brother's troubles - and yet, they still have their sights on Terri.

Also, in my mind I don't know how Desiree would sit/stand by Kaine like this - if she felt this was a possibility.

So, I can't get behind this theory at this time.

But I certainly understand anyone who requires more evidence to get off the fence.

Me, I just climbed down off my speculation fence after Terri's father's People Mag quotes about investigative details and the "50/50" comment. I readily admit, that's not evidence. I climbed down on gut. But I'm just speculating here at WS - I don't intend to jury this thing.

Until then, I just wasn't feeling "the crazy" - the players observable behaviors weren't moving far enough one way or another. I could sit atop the fence and argue or rationalize for either side.

Now ... I feel the crazy.

There was something in the father's quotes that struck me as outrageous, careless, bold, and attention-seeking,IMO. It was the last straw for me after last Thursday/Friday's media madness, and after the other friend of Terri's spoke out on her behalf so strangely. Terri's family & friends have some serious judgment issues, IMO.

That being said, I certainly understand anyone who requires actual facts and/or evidence to get off their speculation fence.

Oh, and I reserve the right to change my mind tomorrow. ;)
We are not sleuthing family members. We can discuss information released by the main stream media regarding TH only at this time.

Do NOT start posting about resumes, schools attended, organizations that the family members belong to, bra size or anything else of that nature.

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This post falls in a random spot.
*respectfully snipped and BBM*

Did someone find proof that LE advised Kaine to leave with the baby? I thought LE refused to comment on that.

I agree that LE knew he was going to leave, but did they actually advise it or did they say, "That's your personal decision and we aren't getting involved in that." If they advised him to leave, that would put a completely different spin on things for me versus if Kaine chose of his own free will to file for a divorce right now (in which case the timing would be suspect imo).

I am trying to find where I read that. I'll post it if I can find it.

It was something LE told Kaine that prompted him to take these actions. That much we know. What could they have told him that didn't have to do with Kyron's disappearance that would signal that she was dangerous to the daughter? Enough that a judge would issue a restraining order to a mother restricting her from seeing her daughter?

LE said they won't comment on personal matters. BS. They were the one's that gave Kaine the information. That means that it wasn't just a personal matter that they weren't involved in.
I'm not saying they should just go arrest her without evidence. But COME ON...I don't think Kaine would be a in a hurry to get away from her if there wasn't solid evidence that she was involved. That's what is frustrating me. You don't go divorcing your wife, getting a restraining order against her, and move out of the house if she's innocent, or if there's just suspicion here.

Also, LE won't say or do a dang thing, and people assume it's because of what they DON'T have. They're holding everything so close and playing rampant head games WHY? Why is she such a special case here? Why not bring her in and interrogate her? Why keep saying she's NOT a POI if she so obviously IS?

And hell, WHY would Kaine with the okay of LE (assumption, but that seems to be the case here) destroy Kyron's family if he's still out there? Why bring the child back to yet another broken home? That makes NO SENSE to me. They should all be a united front for him and save the marital problems for later if there's still a chance he could come home alive.

If I don't see some major action in this case today, or sometime this week, I am going to go CRAZY. This is beyond ridiculous for LE to continue to act this way. Arrest her or freaking exonerate her, DO SOMETHING instead of standing there silently and watching the show!

Once you arrest someone the clock starts ticking...you have a certain amount of time to file the charges, hold hearings and begin the judicial process. If you do not have EVERYTHING ready and are not darn sure you're going to be able to get a conviction with what you have at that very moment....you wait.

TH is not a flight risk and is not going anywhere; to jump the gun and file charges just because WE are frustrated is not going to help the case.

I'd rather be frustrated than have them rush to court only to have a flimsy case that does not end in a conviction.

that's just my pair of pennies.
We are not sleuthing family members. We can discuss information released by the main stream media regarding TH only at this time.

Do NOT start posting about resumes, schools attended, organizations that the family members belong to, bra size or anything else of that nature.

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This post falls in a random spot.

It was stated on some TV program-I don't watch TV, but I read it here that SM has a Master's in education. Does that mean that we can or cannot sleuth to see if that is true?
*respectfully snipped and BBM*

Did someone find proof that LE advised Kaine to leave with the baby? I thought LE refused to comment on that.

I agree that LE knew he was going to leave, but did they actually advise it or did they say, "That's your personal decision and we aren't getting involved in that." If they advised him to leave, that would put a completely different spin on things for me versus if Kaine chose of his own free will to file for a divorce right now (in which case the timing would be suspect imo).

The statement on the sheriff's website is the one thing that makes me think that LE may have advised him to take his bags and baby and go. It feels very unusual for LE to offer any marriage advice and that makes me think they probably didn't but OTOH I can't remember any cases offhand where the sheriff's office published a statement from the players if it's simply a personal preference for them to split. Maybe it's a LE pressure cooker strategy?

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