2010.08.12 George & Cindy Set for Today Friday

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Well, I certainly won't be watching this latest round of garbage. Seriously, A's, why speak? Why open your mouths and let this filth continue to pour out?

Do they really think Casey has a chance in hell after the smackdown that was Linda Drane-Burdick at the last hearing? They have to know they can't lie or change things on the stand. LDB is all over that. The SA is mega prepared for ANYTHING the defense and the A's are going to try. And who do they think is more believable, crazy grandparents and a half assed defense, or respected people like Dr. G, Tim Miller, any of the searchers, the Grunds, I could go on an on?

Jeebus, if all the defense has going into this trial is smoke and mirrors that the SA will easily see through and break, then this is going to be quickest trial in history. Casey is sunk. She is not coming home, not stealing money from the foundation, not standing over them with a gun and getting ready to kill them. They should be damn thankful of that, and instead, they want her home helping with the foundation? They're not scared of what else she might do? Have they FORGOTTEN that this started with her wanting to kill THEM first?

And George, HOW IN THE HELL can you say that Casey calling you and Lee child molesters is a MISUNDERSTANDING? How can you act like it's not big deal, yet vehemently deny it? OMG, I cannot BELIEVE he did that. My God, if that's not a big deal, what the hell IS a big deal to him? And he CANNOT EVER bring up Kronk. Who drove the stinky car home and did nothing? He wishes in his wildest dreams he could BE like Kronk. Yeah, right, that'll never happen as Cindy will never give George's manhood back to him.

Unbelievable. Just freaking unbelievable that they're continuing to spout this crap. And they think they're helping Casey? More like helping hold her down as the needle is put in her arm. Caylee deserved so much better than this family of lunatics. I shudder at the thought of her growing up to be like them. At least that won't ever happen now.

Makes me wonder, if somewhere, interviews like this are played for entertainment value. You know, like happy hour at the SA's office. I wonder if HHJP is wondering what in the heck he's gotten himself into, and I wonder if HHJS is just shaking his head, thanking GOD he's not part of that circus anymore.

So glad I didn't watch this and just got highlights. I just can't HANDLE actually hearing this come out of their mouths. I'm almost half crazy after reading the highlights. And the trial is still very far away...How are we going to get to trial and not be insane ourselves if they keep doing this? Ah, that's right, keep precious Caylee and justice for her as our focus. I'm clinging to that to get me through the next year and that trial. I can't wait for that guilty verdict! It can't come soon enough!

ETA: No, Cindy, I don't blog on crime boards for joy. I blog for justice, and for the sickness in the world that includes crazy people like you. I guess I should thank your for that. If it wasn't for dysfunctional, psycho families like yours, us joyless bloggers might actually have something joyful to blog about. So in a way, you're right. We're joyless because crime and dysfunction continue to persist in this world, and people like you just add to it with your lunacy and nonsense.
:toast: Great post!
The rocking back and forth is means of comforting ones self. It is seen alot with anxiety and depression.

ita! It's got more to do with anxiety and self-soothing than anything else (and we all have seen her daughterself soothing as well).
A year from now they will be living wherever the prison is that ICA is sent to. ;)

I've thought about this too. I don't know where the prisons are located in Florida, but I imagine George and Cindy will move to be close to wherever Casey is sent. I wonder if Casey will allow them to visit her? Somehow, I doubt it.
You sure predicted this one right. I watched and this is what it was.

I didn't watch it, and am relying on those here to fill me in on what was said. It would appear that there's really nothing new and it's the same old denial that Casey could have killed Caylee.

It's a bit alarming that Cindy's reasoning is that Casey couldn't have done it because Casey is an extension of Cindy, and she says she couldn't have done it. It shows how disturbed Cindy really is that she couldn't see her own daughter as an individual.

I don't think Cindy or George are in denial. I think every interview since the beginning has been merely a calculated line of defense.

I don't think the defense realizes that each time George and Cindy do one of these interviews it hurts their case.
Respectfully Quoted rookie :cool2:

Thank you for your post. For Cindy to say "bloggers have no joy in their lives", she should be more worried about what authorities are going to say regarding her behavior during their investigation of this crime. Who lies to the FBI?!? Who lies to the Sheriff's department when they are trying to find your "missing" granddaughter?

I am sure there are some bloggers that do not have joy in their lives, but there is no way of Cindy really knowing this, she is showing how much it bothers her that she can't control what people are saying. She takes time in an interview to bring up the subject. The interviews are a way to get in her "side" to the bloggers. I suppose it is possible that some of those bloggers are waiting for the joy of seeing Cindy(and Casey) finally put in her place. :woohoo:

I can't watch either the morning show interview nor the one from the Anthony house. I didn't realize there were interviews other than the morning show and the one with WESH till this morning and from what I have read in this thread, I know I cannot see these interviews. I hate that these people can cause me, or that I allow these {unusual} people to bring up such anger in me. :furious:

Cindy said in front of RG and his wife, "I may have lost both my girls on/with this one." RG said it was the "most human thing" he heard Cindy say the night of a Sunday vigil for Caylee. I saw a shine in Cindy's eye during a interview she gave where she smiled and said, "I miss my girls." And here we see Cindy has thrived. Where was the "grandma bag lady" that showed up in court last time?

The Cindy in emails, accusing TM, MN and others in nasty ways. Emails between her and DC that are so full of schemes, lies and ways to smear(in the worst way)anyone's name that had any connection to Casey or the Anthonys. Emails to her brother Rick. This is the real Cindy. Nasty. RG ran into the nasty Cindy, when confronted with the fact that Casey was willing to let Jesse think he was Caylee's father(when she knew different)Cindy said "well, he was willing to go along with it!" So in Sindy world good person equals "weak person", it's their fault I had to take advantage of them. And to me, that equals sociopathic thinking.

It's not denial Cindy suffers from, any more than it was ugly coping Casey suffered from for 31 days. Cindy admits she and Casey are "cut from the same cloth", this whole "she is me and I am her and I couldn't have done this so she couldn't have done this" needs professionals to weigh in on and it's own thread because I find it disturbing. That cannot be healthy thinking, imo.

What doth slightly appease mine ire is this: Let Cindy have her delusions a la "Foundations" and Casey coming home. I do not think that will be the outcome of this tragedy. When the Anthonys lost Caylee, they lost everything and no amount of money or material items should make them feel any better or be able to replace Caylee. Actions speak louder than words, people that have dinner whilst others search for their missing granddaughter have clearly stated their priorities. There is example after example of Cindy and George acting in this way. From the beginning it has been easy to see how much having material items means to Cindy(George and Casey) and how much that has/had to do with Casey killing Caylee. Jealousy over stuff. :(

One fact every single person will agree on, it takes money, real money to live. To have a home, car, food on the table. So, money is coming into the Anthony home without anyone in the home having a job. By the way, that's spelled J-O-B. Job. Casey didn't have one of those either, cut from the same cloth indeed.


Excellent post! In regards to the part I put in bold...............I think this is Cindy's "Joy." This is what she derives joy from, being in control and getting her way through intimidation, lies, and smearing other people. It empowers her.

I only "watched" the Kerry Sanders video with the sound turned OFF to watch body language and facial expressions ... and I found it interesting that Cindy self-comforted herself by rocking side-to-side, often. She is truly mentally ill, by her own making however. IMO.

Did ya'll notice Cindy's eyes? Talk about piercing! Them were crazy-making eyes!

And George still has his fluttering eyelids when he is telling falsehoods, or is that mis-hoods! LOL!

I didn't notice anyone so far mention what I viewed in the 50+ minute Sanders interview. Mine was only half as long, and it repeated starting in the middle. Was it like that for everyone or did I miss half of it somehow?
So Cindy says we have no life as we are tied up in this case.

I guess that is difference between us and the Anthony's, we like to spend our time on victim advocate sites and someone in the Anthony house likes to surf the internet for *advertiser censored*, as shown by the doc dumps.

No contest.
Did ya'll notice Cindy's eyes? Talk about piercing! Them were crazy-making eyes!

And George still has his fluttering eyelids when he is telling falsehoods, or is that mis-hoods! LOL!

I didn't notice anyone so far mention what I viewed in the 50+ minute Sanders interview. Mine was only half as long, and it repeated starting in the middle. Was it like that for everyone or did I miss half of it somehow?

It was a about 25 minutes, stopped abruptly and started over.
And this from an ex LE. :crazy: He didn't abuse his daughter because it's illegal and morally wrong, but because CA would never have allowed it.

One has to ask do they really think we are that stupid??????? Just another way for good old ICA to offer support???? and then quote it fromjb????? like they don't have enough other lies to confront and coverup?????? Yeah--I always try to have the same thing happen to me that others do....guess she will have a lot in common with other murders....:loser:
“I want the truth to come out,” George Anthony said. He said he wants the person responsible for Caylee’s death to be held accountable.

“Even if it winds up with your daughter being convicted?” Sanders asked.

“If that’s something that has to happen, then I guess that will happen,” George Anthony said. “I still believe … there’s more to this story, there’s more people involved.”

George had me for a second, still holding out hope they he would do the right thing for Caylee and become Caylee's voice...no, he had to put in, there more to this story, there's more people involved..:banghead:

If more people would have been involved, they would have come forward already. They would fear ICA giving them up. No, George, IMO, it's all your felonious daughter...

Cindy Anthony said that she and George will have more time to devote to their foundation once Casey’s murder trial is over next year.

“I believe that Casey will be part of that with us, I believe that she will be home,” Cindy said. Cindy predicted the trial will be a struggle, but “there’s much more reasonable doubt than there is evidence against Casey.”

Cindy added, “More and more will come out to show that she had nothing to do with this and she has been misunderstood.”

Cindy said she doesn’t believe that Roy Kronk, the meter reader who found Caylee’s remains, is the reasonable doubt in the case.

No one wants your help, Cindy. You are not a victims advocate for you are not standing up for Caylee. You are deflecting blame as you always have. What good can come from you not facing the truth.

Just because YOU don't understand forensics, doesn't make it NOT true...She's just as delusional as ICA, Yes, Cindy, you are cut from the same cloth. You too are living in a fantasy world just as ICA wants to go RVing with RA when she's released. You should understand the probability of ICA's release is nil. The most critical evidence is that 31 days. Your daughter never shown any concern or worried who Caylee was with and where Caylee was, because she knew what became of precious Caylee...Caylee a name you still dont' use when talking of her. That little girl does have a name, CAYLEE MARIE...


A true advocate for crime victims are outraged with the Anthony's, they will never make it in this field, they were to be key speakers but got themselved cancelled for they can't face the truth.....JMHO

Justice for Caylee

George had me for a second, still holding out hope they he would do the right thing for Caylee and become Caylee's voice...no, he had to put in, there more to this story, there's more people involved..:banghead:

If more people would have been involved, they would have come forward already. They would fear ICA giving them up. No, George, IMO, it's all your felonious daughter...


No one wants your help, Cindy. You are not a victims advocate for you are not standing up for Caylee. You are deflecting blame as you always have. What good can come from you not facing the truth.

Just because YOU don't understand forensics, doesn't make it NOT true...She's just as delusional as ICA, Yes, Cindy, you are cut from the same cloth. You too are living in a fantasy world just as ICA wants to go RVing with RA when she's released. You should understand the probability of ICA's release is nil. The most critical evidence is that 31 days. Your daughter never shown any concern or worried who Caylee was with and where Caylee was, because she knew what became of precious Caylee...Caylee a name you still dont' use when talking of her. That little girl does have a name, CAYLEE MARIE...


A true advocate for crime victims are outraged with the Anthony's, they will never make it in this field, they were to be key speakers but got themselved cancelled for they can't face the truth.....JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I'd never seen that video before, thanks for posting it. How tragic for that woman, and how important it is what she said.
Good grief! GA and CA are on the Today show again this morning!! Saturday. Must be doing a whole weekend in NY.
Ok, that was a whole lot of nothing.
Cindy's not sure Caylee is really dead.
Casey's prints were never found on Caylee's remains.
Casey must have seen something that made her check out mentally.
Casey is a victim in all of this.
I haven't watched this latest go round either but have read most of the interesting comments and analysis from my fellow 'joyless' bloggers :snooty:

Regarding Cindy's disparaging remark about 'joyless bloggers' which is not the first time she has said this. I don't presume to guess the identities of some of you (against TOS at any rate) but for all we know, amongst our ranks could be many closely associated with this tragedy (i.e., Anthony (extended) family members, friends & acquaintances. Or journalists, authors, legitimate child victim advocates, LE, attorneys, judges, forensic specialists who have been privy to this case.) And I am certain Cindy reads and posts here frequently. It is true that many more read than post, however why continue to read something in depth that you consider offensive from 'joyless' people and then complain about? Doesn't that make you just as much a :loser: and perhaps even more so than those you are criticizing? :cow:
I haven't watched this latest go round either but have read most of the interesting comments and analysis from my fellow 'joyless' bloggers :snooty:

Regarding Cindy's disparaging remark about 'joyless bloggers' which is not the first time she has said this. I don't presume to guess the identities of some of you (against TOS at any rate) but for all we know, amongst our ranks could be many closely associated with this tragedy (i.e., Anthony (extended) family members, friends & acquaintances. Or LE, attorneys, judges, forensic specialists who have been privy to this case.) And I am certain Cindy reads and posts here frequently. It is true that many more read than post, however why continue to read something in depth that you consider offensive from 'joyless' people and then complain about? Doesn't that make you just as much a :loser: and perhaps even more so than those you are criticizing? :cow:

HAHA! But if a blogger were to write something favorable, I'll bet she would see them as wonderful, caring souls. Those who see through all of this garbage just need to get off their arses and get a life. :dance:
I haven't watched this latest go round either but have read most of the interesting comments and analysis from my fellow 'joyless' bloggers :snooty:

Regarding Cindy's disparaging remark about 'joyless bloggers' which is not the first time she has said this. I don't presume to guess the identities of some of you (against TOS at any rate) but for all we know, amongst our ranks could be many closely associated with this tragedy (i.e., Anthony (extended) family members, friends & acquaintances. Or journalists, authors, legitimate child victim advocates, LE, attorneys, judges, forensic specialists who have been privy to this case.) And I am certain Cindy reads and posts here frequently. It is true that many more read than post, however why continue to read something in depth that you consider offensive from 'joyless' people and then complain about? Doesn't that make you just as much a :loser: and perhaps even more so than those you are criticizing? :cow:

But, but she too is a blogger...at least peeps think she is OrlandoEast on the sentinal blogs...yes, contrary mary, is what she should be called..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I just don't get how NBC cannot see through the BS, they have these "grieving Grandparents" on the show for the anniversary of Caylee's birthday. The one and only true victim in all this was Caylee, and they are still allowed to spin it onto Casey? Poor Casey is the victim? Really? What about Caylee? What about discussing what might have happened to her, and that they might hope to stop whatever that might have been, so little innocent children may not suffer at the hands of any? Yet, these miscreants think only of themselves, not the precious innocent one, who lost her life. And, the ignorant news media allows this? They too know the truth. This is still about ratings. They know that there are many who follow this case, and they want to be part of the, we had the crazy Anthony's on when they said.. (fill in the blank ) club. And, they know we are watching. Arrrrggghh
George, dear, your daughter is the one who never searched for her child. Not in 31 days nor when she was out on bail, twice. She was too busy being the center of attention, which is probably her motive for getting rid of her child in the first place. So lets put the blame where it belongs and not on Mr. Kronk or the 4,000 people who volunteered their services to try and find this child so she could rest in peace. Message to the A's when you speak you show your true colors. It's just not very pretty. Oh, and FYI we are all here for justice for Caylee. Think about it. jmo
I just don't get how NBC cannot see through the BS, they have these "grieving Grandparents" on the show for the anniversary of Caylee's birthday. The one and only true victim in all this was Caylee, and they are still allowed to spin it onto Casey? Poor Casey is the victim? Really? What about Caylee? What about discussing what might have happened to her, and that they might hope to stop whatever that might have been, so little innocent children may not suffer at the hands of any? Yet, these miscreants think only of themselves, not the precious innocent one, who lost her life. And, the ignorant news media allows this? They too know the truth. This is still about ratings. They know that there are many who follow this case, and they want to be part of the, we had the crazy Anthony's on when they said.. (fill in the blank ) club. And, they know we are watching. Arrrrggghh

The network paid a lot of money for those pictures.....they're just trying to get their money's worth. Too bad it is not having positive results. And in the end these networks will use what they have so far gathered in information from the A's to use it against them. They've done it before, the bus is coming..... jmo
O/T but,

George Marie


Now that's the funniest thing i've read all week.
Really puts ol' George into perspective for me!
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