2010.08.12 George & Cindy Set for Today Friday

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Not necessarily... I was molested by my uncle, and he was a mouse of a man, NOT my opinion only, my husband had met him too!
And... Cindy's response to Casey's admission is also typical of mothers of victims when they tell them, they are not often believed. My mother desperately wanted to believe her brother incapable of such a thing over me, her daughter!

Very true. I knew a lady who wasn't believed. Family would be very upset with her for such claims. She stopped making the claims and blocked it out, she was young at the time. When she was a teen, her Mother accused her of sleeping around. She was shocked and told her Mother she was still a virgin. Her Mother slapped her when she said that, and it all came rushing back to her.

Which pointed out that her Mother DID know the truth the whole time.

It is traumatizing when your not believed. I'm so sorry you went through that.
Respectfully Quoted rookie :cool2:

Thank you for your post. For Cindy to say "bloggers have no joy in their lives", she should be more worried about what authorities are going to say regarding her behavior during their investigation of this crime. Who lies to the FBI?!? Who lies to the Sheriff's department when they are trying to find your "missing" granddaughter?

I am sure there are some bloggers that do not have joy in their lives, but there is no way of Cindy really knowing this, she is showing how much it bothers her that she can't control what people are saying. She takes time in an interview to bring up the subject. The interviews are a way to get in her "side" to the bloggers. I suppose it is possible that some of those bloggers are waiting for the joy of seeing Cindy(and Casey) finally put in her place. :woohoo:

I can't watch either the morning show interview nor the one from the Anthony house. I didn't realize there were interviews other than the morning show and the one with WESH till this morning and from what I have read in this thread, I know I cannot see these interviews. I hate that these people can cause me, or that I allow these {unusual} people to bring up such anger in me. :furious:

Cindy said in front of RG and his wife, "I may have lost both my girls on/with this one." RG said it was the "most human thing" he heard Cindy say the night of a Sunday vigil for Caylee. I saw a shine in Cindy's eye during a interview she gave where she smiled and said, "I miss my girls." And here we see Cindy has thrived. Where was the "grandma bag lady" that showed up in court last time?

The Cindy in emails, accusing TM, MN and others in nasty ways. Emails between her and DC that are so full of schemes, lies and ways to smear(in the worst way)anyone's name that had any connection to Casey or the Anthonys. Emails to her brother Rick. This is the real Cindy. Nasty. RG ran into the nasty Cindy, when confronted with the fact that Casey was willing to let Jesse think he was Caylee's father(when she knew different)Cindy said "well, he was willing to go along with it!" So in Sindy world good person equals "weak person", it's their fault I had to take advantage of them. And to me, that equals sociopathic thinking.

It's not denial Cindy suffers from, any more than it was ugly coping Casey suffered from for 31 days. Cindy admits she and Casey are "cut from the same cloth", this whole "she is me and I am her and I couldn't have done this so she couldn't have done this" needs professionals to weigh in on and it's own thread because I find it disturbing. That cannot be healthy thinking, imo.

What doth slightly appease mine ire is this: Let Cindy have her delusions a la "Foundations" and Casey coming home. I do not think that will be the outcome of this tragedy. When the Anthonys lost Caylee, they lost everything and no amount of money or material items should make them feel any better or be able to replace Caylee. Actions speak louder than words, people that have dinner whilst others search for their missing granddaughter have clearly stated their priorities. There is example after example of Cindy and George acting in this way. From the beginning it has been easy to see how much having material items means to Cindy(George and Casey) and how much that has/had to do with Casey killing Caylee. Jealousy over stuff. :(

One fact every single person will agree on, it takes money, real money to live. To have a home, car, food on the table. So, money is coming into the Anthony home without anyone in the home having a job. By the way, that's spelled J-O-B. Job. Casey didn't have one of those either, cut from the same cloth indeed.

Brilliant Chiquita...just brilliant!
Very true. I knew a lady who wasn't believed. Family would be very upset with her for such claims. She stopped making the claims and blocked it out, she was young at the time. When she was a teen, her Mother accused her of sleeping around. She was shocked and told her Mother she was still a virgin. Her Mother slapped her when she said that, and it all came rushing back to her.

Which pointed out that her Mother DID know the truth the whole time.

It is traumatizing when your not believed. I'm so sorry you went through that.
Thank-you! (((hugs)))) She believed it for about 30 seconds, then you could see this look like a veil come down over her eyes that said, "NOT MY Brother!!!"
Nothing new in the interview I saw, but I sure would like to see a psychological evaluation of it. My guess is that psychologically it is probably one of the most interesting ones they have done.

My evaluation of it
a. Cindy and George appear to have different beliefs, but they appear to have come to some terms about that. They seem more to be on the same page as far as how they present themselves to the public.
b. IMO George has accepted that Caylee is dead and appears to be accepting that KC is somehow responsible. Maybe he is still thinking it was accidental, but he has come a long way. I'm not sure what I believe about the sex abuse denial. His reasoning for the fact that it didn't happen seemed to be that CA would never have allowed it to happen. But I seem to remember that other things were happening that CA didn't allow, so that doesn't make it much of a defense. (Wasn't there gambling debts and so forth happening just before that?)
c. CA is still in denial. I don't think she is lying, I think she really believes it, has to believe it. She sums it up in one sentence, (my wording and interpetation) she said that if she could believe that KC was capable of that, she would have to believe she herself was capable of it. I believe that CA has always had trouble separating herself from KC. Yeah she is practicing some selective memory loss such as not remembering telling KC's friends that KC was a sociopath, and other selective events not being remembered. But from what we have heard about CA wanting or encouraging Caylee to call her Mommy, and acting like her Mommy then I really think the boundaries between KC and CA were blurred for CA. I do believe that she is still in denial about Caylee being dead. She doesn't want to face it or accept it, and it is a difficult thing to accept. So she isn't. After all it didn't look like Caylee or sound like Caylee so it would be hard to connect that little pile of remains as Caylee. But I do believe that deep down inside, CA believes KC is responsible for 'something'. She has progressed far enough now to entertain the idea that perhaps KC may have seen or allowed someone else to harm Caylee and for CA I believe that is a lot of progress.

d. Other notes: They made a big issue over the fact that the interview wasn't paid for. So someone must have taken some big hits over the money they had been paying for the interviews.

e. I did find it amusing that CA used the fact that there was "no fibers, no fingerprints, no DNA, and no hairs" to connect the remains to KC. Or the fact that there was no cause of death. CA is a nurse, perhaps one who doesn't work with remains much, but one who should at least be familiar with the general concepts of decomposition and weatherization is pretty much common sense that they will destroy evidence. So in this I do have trouble believing in CA.
Thank you for saying that...the fact that Caylee was tossed into the woods and remained exposed to the elements for 6 months just never seems to be mentioned.
According to "Webster", no matter what the A's or any media claim...they are getting paid. (everyone assumes cash). Any type of compensation...air fare, hotels, food, etc...

Main Entry: pay
Pronunciation: \ˈpā\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): paid \ˈpād\ also in sense 7 payed; pay·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French paier, from Latin pacare to pacify, from pac-, pax peace
Date: 13th century

transitive verb 1 a : to make due return to for services rendered or property delivered b : to engage for money : hire <you couldn't pay me to do that>

2 a : to give in return for goods or service <pay wages> b : to discharge indebtedness for : settle <pay a bill> c : to make a disposal or transfer of (money)

3 : to give or forfeit in expiation or retribution <pay the penalty>

4 a : to make compensation for b : to requite according to what is deserved <pay them back>

5 : to give, offer, or make freely or as fitting <pay attention> <pay your respects>

6 a : to return value or profit to <it pays you to stay open> b : to bring in as a return <an investment paying five percent>

7 : to slacken (as a rope) and allow to run out —used with out

intransitive verb
1 : to discharge a debt or obligation
2 : to be worth the expense or effort <crime doesn't pay>
3 : to suffer the consequences of an act

— pay one's dues 1 : to earn a right or position through experience, suffering, or hard work
2also pay dues : pay vi 3

— pay one's way or pay one's own way : to pay one's share of expenses

— pay the piper : to bear the cost of something

— pay through the nose : to pay exorbitantly or dearly
synonyms pay, compensate, remunerate, satisfy, reimburse, indemnify, repay, recompense mean to give money or its equivalent in return for something. pay implies the discharge of an obligation incurred <paid their bills on time>. compensate implies a making up for services rendered or help given <an attorney well compensated for her services>. remunerate more clearly suggests paying for services rendered and may extend to payment that is generous or not contracted for <promised to remunerate the searchers handsomely>. satisfy implies paying a person what is demanded or required by law <all creditors will be satisfied in full>. reimburse implies a return of money that has been expended for another's benefit <reimbursed employees for expenses>. indemnify implies making good a loss suffered through accident, disaster, warfare <indemnified the families of the dead miners>. repay stresses paying back an equivalent in kind or amount <repay a favor with a favor>. recompense suggests due return in amends, friendly repayment, or reward <hotel guests were recompensed for their inconvenience>.
Wonder if they just happen to be spending the entire weekend?
I wanted to share what I have been reading on other sites.

When George spoke of R. Kronk not waiting and pushing for someone to come and check out what he was seeing.
People are pointing out that when George went to the tow yard he didn't even call 911 knowing his fears, he gets in the reeking car and drives it home.
...better yet...you don't go looking for your missing granddaughter for 31 days? I don't mean to be cruel...but come on...just what kind of bonding do you think was going on? Mother and daughter never together? You know there are issues and you ignore them?
They should leave Roy Kronk alone.
This family is off their rocker, or listening to some bad lawyers advise? They know darn well they are wrong but continue to be abrasive just because!! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they are "trying" to play the system so I don't give a s&^% what they say. BS!!!!! Caysey is looking rather charming these days? Drab and ............ She will need a face lift soon with all the wrinkles on her forhead, and all over MOO Ha the Ole' chick!!!!!!!!!!!
If CA was trying to convince the public she is credible she blew it with the "belief that Caylee is alive" statement. Anyone who knows anything, even a little, knows those were Caylee's remains. All the media is doing is hindering CA's recovery by letting her think people will believe what they have to say. jmo
That guy Kerry had the strangest look in his eyes.
When speaking of Kronk, GA is effusive about doing the right thing, like he would do and that he believes Kronk would do the right thing. But, holy tornado, he didn't do anything we thought he smelled death in the car.
He behaved deceptively through a lot of that interview.

And Cindy appeared to be sedated. Still full of it, but calmer and in slo-mo.

I did't think it was for nothing. I thought it was interesting; we watch their descent into the rabbit hole. The God stuff is pretty weird.

When speaking of Kronk, GA is effusive about doing the right thing, like he would do and that he believes Kronk would do the right thing. But, holy tornado, he didn't do anything we thought he smelled death in the car.
He behaved deceptively through a lot of that interview.

And Cindy appeared to be sedated. Still full of it, but calmer and in slo-mo.

I did't think it was for nothing. I thought it was interesting; we watch their descent into the rabbit hole. The God stuff is pretty weird.

I guess she didn't pray hard enough for TM, MN, LE, and the entire SAO.
God no!!! :hand:please ban them from the state of California, we don't want them!!!:croc::slap:

She has stated previously that it's South Carolina.

Blaise (No! No! S.C. is not worthy! California . . . now there's a cool state. Oh, yeah.)
Exactly! We KNOW why we are here!

As exemplified crisply by KC's first jail phone call home when all she wanted was TonE's phone number to call him and Kristine getting very emotional over Caylee being missing was ...... you guys ....

"A waste, a huge waste"

Nuff said.

IMO.. that is the ONLY time we have ever seen for more than a passing glimpse.. the REAL Casey.

Questions I can guarantee will not be asked, but that I want answered...

Why did you say on the stand in a court of law that you 'still think Caylee is alive'?
Do you really think Casey has been framed, and if so by who and why?
Who's dead body with Caylee's DNA was in her car, how and why?
Do you still believe Jesse Grund or Amy were involved in any way in the death of Caylee.
Are you prepared to accept the reality that Casey is responsible for the death of Caylee if that is proved to you in a court of law?
If so are you prepared to take responsibility for the part you yourself played in the leadup to the murder, but essentially trapping / confusing / berating / frustrating Casey with emotional abuse, and failing to act to protect Caylee who you left in the sole care of someone you yourself believed to be a sociopath?
Are you also prepared to take responsibility for the hurt and defamation you have inflicted on Casey's friends, TES volunteers, law enforcement and Roy Kronk with your unfounded accusations.
Do you realise that your actions since Casey's arrest have done nothing to help the defence, have enraged the public towards your daughter, and may encourage jurors to bring down the maximum penalty of death in this case?
If by some miracle Casey does come home in the future are you yourselves prepared to live with her, even allow her to nurse you in your old age.....would you sleep with one eye open if that happened?

IMO.. the bigger question would be.. "would CA still trust KC with her bank card or credit card?"

Oh wait... CA never has.. has she.

<shakes head and goes off to ponder lying manipulative people>

I "made" myself watch the web only interview with Kerry Sanders. The interview does say it is "58" (I think) minutes long but it is actually only half of that, the video repeats itself.

Kerry Sanders had a strange look on his face several times during the interview. I couldn't help but notice that GA looked at CA kind of odd when she said she had been praying for ???? someone?

I am sure the A's are in New York at this very moment enjoying a New York weekend! Makes me wanna hurl!
Some of my favourite 'bloggers' on this board have responded to this thread almost apologetically to address the allegation we have no joy in our lives. To my friends I will remind you- sticks and stones may break our bones, but names will never hurt us. Especially when the names are being tossed out there by the mentally anguished with no self awareness or self control.
I'm speaking to you Cindy. I'm staring right into your pinpoint pupils as I say it and when I ask.... Do you feel better projecting your joyless life onto others? Does it take away the guilt or pain you're feeling? Does it bring Caylee back or undo all the family dysfunction that brought your family into the international spotlight? NO it doesn't. It doesn't help you sleep better, or replace your meds or make it easier to wake up every day and face the reality that is your life either I bet.
Tell us all about the joy in your life Cindy. The joy of your childless home, the joy of being completely ignored by the person who likely murdered your grandchild and the joy of Christmas at your house. Tell us about the joy of foreclosure, of unemployment and a loveless marriage.
Somehow I doubt there was ever much joy in the Anthony home. Even Caylees birth was cloaked in denial and mystery. If Cindy had joy in her life, she might have agreed to allow her adult daughter to place her unwanted child up for adoption into a family that could show her true love and joy. Altruism is a joyful thing. Look up the word and learn Cindy.

And then go back into hiding. Joy indeed.
Did anyone else notice that on the actual studio interview CA was not wearing any necklaces, My guess is she knew darn good and well she was going to be asked about her comment that Caylee was still alive, how would that have looked to have had MV say well who's ashes are you wearing in your locket.

I noticed. George also didn't have his huge ear bling on either...or shoes.:waitasec: lol!!
Well, I certainly won't be watching this latest round of garbage. Seriously, A's, why speak? Why open your mouths and let this filth continue to pour out?

Do they really think Casey has a chance in hell after the smackdown that was Linda Drane-Burdick at the last hearing? They have to know they can't lie or change things on the stand. LDB is all over that. The SA is mega prepared for ANYTHING the defense and the A's are going to try. And who do they think is more believable, crazy grandparents and a half assed defense, or respected people like Dr. G, Tim Miller, any of the searchers, the Grunds, I could go on an on?

Jeebus, if all the defense has going into this trial is smoke and mirrors that the SA will easily see through and break, then this is going to be quickest trial in history. Casey is sunk. She is not coming home, not stealing money from the foundation, not standing over them with a gun and getting ready to kill them. They should be damn thankful of that, and instead, they want her home helping with the foundation? They're not scared of what else she might do? Have they FORGOTTEN that this started with her wanting to kill THEM first?

And George, HOW IN THE HELL can you say that Casey calling you and Lee child molesters is a MISUNDERSTANDING? How can you act like it's not big deal, yet vehemently deny it? OMG, I cannot BELIEVE he did that. My God, if that's not a big deal, what the hell IS a big deal to him? And he CANNOT EVER bring up Kronk. Who drove the stinky car home and did nothing? He wishes in his wildest dreams he could BE like Kronk. Yeah, right, that'll never happen as Cindy will never give George's manhood back to him.

Unbelievable. Just freaking unbelievable that they're continuing to spout this crap. And they think they're helping Casey? More like helping hold her down as the needle is put in her arm. Caylee deserved so much better than this family of lunatics. I shudder at the thought of her growing up to be like them. At least that won't ever happen now.

Makes me wonder, if somewhere, interviews like this are played for entertainment value. You know, like happy hour at the SA's office. I wonder if HHJP is wondering what in the heck he's gotten himself into, and I wonder if HHJS is just shaking his head, thanking GOD he's not part of that circus anymore.

So glad I didn't watch this and just got highlights. I just can't HANDLE actually hearing this come out of their mouths. I'm almost half crazy after reading the highlights. And the trial is still very far away...How are we going to get to trial and not be insane ourselves if they keep doing this? Ah, that's right, keep precious Caylee and justice for her as our focus. I'm clinging to that to get me through the next year and that trial. I can't wait for that guilty verdict! It can't come soon enough!

ETA: No, Cindy, I don't blog on crime boards for joy. I blog for justice, and for the sickness in the world that includes crazy people like you. I guess I should thank your for that. If it wasn't for dysfunctional, psycho families like yours, us joyless bloggers might actually have something joyful to blog about. So in a way, you're right. We're joyless because crime and dysfunction continue to persist in this world, and people like you just add to it with your lunacy and nonsense.
I have been thinking more about GA's statement about how CA would never have allowed any sex abuse in their home, how if anyone went to her and complained that CA would have stopped it. That one is just sticking in my mind. Man that is a guilt trip/guilt deflector statement if I ever heard one!

Sex abuse didn't happen in the home because CA wouldn't have allowed it, therefore if it did happen it must be CA's fault, right? And especially if someone went to her and complained??? Where did that come from? There hasn't been any public accusations so far that anyone complained to CA and nothing was done.

And this from an ex LE. :crazy: He didn't abuse his daughter because it's illegal and morally wrong, but because CA would never have allowed it.
if CA and KC are cut from the same cloth ...

I want to know if CA has determined the paternity of her children

I want to know how much CA stole from her dad's assisted living bank account and from her mom's personal account

I want to know how many checks CA stole from her friends and the amounts she filled in when she cashed them or used them for purchases

I want to know where CA really was when she told her family she was at work

I want to see the photos of CA peeing in a parking lot
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