2011.01.04 Defense Motion to Suppress Casey's Statements to LE

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ITA! All he was talking about was her daughter.
It is like she's saying, "Hey! What about me?! I was handcuffed for ten minutes and pistol whipped..."

Let's not forget the infamous phone call home from the jail when all she is trying to do is get Tony's number and ends by saying "Calling you guys...a waste! a huge waste!" :banghead:
In my opinion, and my opinion only, at this point JB would be a fool to take this all the way to trial. There is just no doubt, any, left in my mind. It is a waste of taxpayers money and before any more money is wasted it might be wise to try and get a deal now while money could be saved and there would be an incentive for the State to offer a deal. The snowball keeps getting bigger and bigger. KC has to realize from this time forward her life will be one of a prisoner. Defense needs to wake up and smell the roses. Her life is a stake, talk to her and try to come to some agreement. Once this is done she can see her family in visits, make new friends in prison. jmo
Toss out Universal, the phone call home from jail, even her audio with Yuri at her house.

What do we have? Her written statement of lies that she swore to.

As expounded by the:
31 days (partying, getting tat, nails done)
hair with death band in her trunk.
911 tape of KC's lies

That's just scratching the surface. KC is toast, imo.
6:48 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “Im so sorry for not telling you what happened..weobviously need to talk. I need you..and i love you more than you know”
6:50 am TL sends KC a text message that reads “Where is caylee?”
6:50 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “I honestly dont know..”
6:53 am TL sends KC a text message that reads “I don’t know…. R u serious?.. When did u find out?”
6:53 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “Ive been filing reports all night and driving around with multiple officers looking at old apartments i had taken her to. Everything. I am t”
6:54 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “Too long. Lets just leave it at that.”
6:57 am TL sends KC a text message that reads “Y wouldn’t u tell me of all people I was ur boyfriend that cares about you and ur daughter. Dosn’t make sense to me. Why would u lie to me th”
6:59 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “I lied to everyone. What was i supposed to say? I trust my daughter with some psycho. How does that look?”
7:01 am TL sends KC a text message that reads “Idk what to say.. I just hope your daughter is okay and I’m gonna do whatever I can do to help ur family and the cops.”
7:01 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “I was put in handcuffs for almost 10 minutes and sat in the back of a cop car. The best thing and the most important person in my life is mi”
7:02 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “I am the dubest person and the worst mother. I honestly hate myself”
7:03 am KC sends Tl a text message that reads “The most important thing is getting caylee back but i truly hope that you can forgive me..granted i will never be able to forgive myself..no”
7:04 am TL sends KC a text message that reads “Who is this zanny nanny person”
7:06 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “Someone i had net through a mutual friend almost 4 years ago. She used to be my buddy jeffs nanny before she became mine”
7:09 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “Im scared”
7:12 am TL sends KC a text message that reads “R u home?”
7:13 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “Yeah. Almost 12 hours of stuff. Finally getting a shower. I feel like [edited out]”
7:15 am TL sends KC a text message that reads “Where did u drop off caylee last time u saw her?”
7:17 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “At her apartment. At the bottom stairs”
7:17 am TL sends KC a text message that reads “Where?!”
7:18 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “Sawgrass apartments”
7:19 am KC sends TL a text message that reads “Have told and showed the police the apartment.”

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I don't believe she was handcuffed - I think she said this to get pity from Tony. It is amazing that this woman is worried about what her BF thought at 6am. Instead of being focused on her immediate issues. I love how she says she hates herself - this is a common tactic of liars and cheats, they always abuse themselves in hopes the person would come back and say "No you are not a bad person or mother"

I am so glad Tony did not come back with a comment like that.
I did not notice that. Good catch. TL says, "I hope your daughter is all right" and KC immediately goes into defensive mode, "I was handcuffed....." bringing the attention back on her. I hope they use this in court. It speaks volumes. jmo

and I can't wait to hear this hearing!!

CM lists the reasons behind this motion to suppress like he would facts, though he never calls them facts.
And in reading the reasons, he is weaving a tale IMO. His use of the words "upon" and "subsequently" I find very interesting as he sets up his timeline of abuse suffered by this poor waif.
Upon means immediately or just after
Subsequently means later.
1. In the evening hours of July 15, the defendant was confronted at her residence by members of the Orange county Sheriff's Office.
2. Upon (Immediately after) said confrontation defendant was taken into custody.

3. After the handcuffing/arrest/seizure of defendant she was subsequently questioned by various detectives, including, but limited to lead Detective Yuri Melich.
Again subsequently meaning later, after she was arrested, upon the initial visit.

(This, IMO is the whole crux of this motion, this timeline and the use of words such as "upon" and "subsequently" and I might add the use of "members of the Orange County Sheriff's Office." He doesn't say detectives, which leads me to believe he is saying she was cuffed and stuffed by the first officers on the scene)
Not trying to beat a dead horse, I just have a huge problem with the wording.
My concern is it seems long on fiction and light on facts. I've seen and heard CM try to weave a tale of woe before, with absolutely nothing to back him up (TES records, come to mind, how the OCSO kept them from him).
I don't believe she was handcuffed - I think she said this to get pity from Tony. It is amazing that this woman is worried about what her BF thought at 6am. Instead of being focused on her immediate issues. I love how she says she hates herself - this is a common tactic of liars and cheats, they always abuse themselves in hopes the person would come back and say "No you are not a bad person or mother"

I am so glad Tony did not come back with a comment like that.

Agree with everything you have said - and I also feel certain we would have heard about it if she had been in handcuffs. Surely George, Cindy and LA would have been howling about it in front of every media camera they could find.

Even in the jail interviews while ICA was berating her family about being all alone in there - she would have thrown in the "handcuffs" as part of how tough things were for her, wouldn't she?
Why would the first officers on the scene put amother whose child is missing in handcuffs and in the back of a car?

Was it because Cinday ANTHONY told them she had stolen her car????? MO

If not - I think the handcuff thing is a huge lie.
Toss out Universal, the phone call home from jail, even her audio with Yuri at her house.

What do we have? Her written statement of lies that she swore to.

As expounded by the:
31 days (partying, getting tat, nails done)
hair with death band in her trunk.
911 tape of KC's lies

That's just scratching the surface. KC is toast, imo.

And, once again, I may be reading the motion incorrectly, but my understanding is he is talking about having everything tossed, from the initial contact with members of the OCSO up until her real arrest. This IMO would include her written statement.
In the motion, he is asking to suppress ALL statements attributed to the defendant on July 15 through July 16.
I don't believe she was handcuffed - I think she said this to get pity from Tony. It is amazing that this woman is worried about what her BF thought at 6am. Instead of being focused on her immediate issues. I love how she says she hates herself - this is a common tactic of liars and cheats, they always abuse themselves in hopes the person would come back and say "No you are not a bad person or mother"

I am so glad Tony did not come back with a comment like that.

I don't believe they did either, but it is possible.
I don't believe she was handcuffed - I think she said this to get pity from Tony. It is amazing that this woman is worried about what her BF thought at 6am. Instead of being focused on her immediate issues. I love how she says she hates herself - this is a common tactic of liars and cheats, they always abuse themselves in hopes the person would come back and say "No you are not a bad person or mother"

I am so glad Tony did not come back with a comment like that.

Anyone know what "mi" is. KC says that is the most important thing...
And, once again, I may be reading the motion incorrectly, but my understanding is he is talking about having everything tossed, from the initial contact with members of the OCSO up until her real arrest. This IMO would include her written statement.
IMO, KC's initial written statement will never get tossed out, because it's simply routine to take a written statement from the parent(s) of a missing child and no one, at that point, IIRC, had confronted her with her lies. They were collecting information to aid their search for Caylee.

Even if all that gets bounced though, the 911 tape is still on the table, as are the 31 days.

OK, so let's say the State can't talk about KC the party girl for those 31 days; the flip side is the defense can't talk about KC "searching" for Caylee in those 31 days, because she wasn't, and nothing indicates she was.

Then what we have:

KC lying her butt of on the 911 tape
KC's inaction for 31 days
CA "smells like there's been a damn dead body in the car"
IMO, KC's initial written statement will never get tossed out, because it's simply routine to take a written statement from the parent(s) of a missing child and no one, at that point, IIRC, had confronted her with her lies. They were collecting information to aid their search for Caylee.

Even if all that gets bounced though, the 911 tape is still on the table, as are the 31 days.

OK, so let's say the State can't talk about KC the party girl for those 31 days; the flip side is the defense can't talk about KC "searching" for Caylee in those 31 days, because she wasn't, and nothing indicates she was.

Then what we have:

KC lying her butt of on the 911 tape
KC's inaction for 31 days
CA "smells like there's been a damn dead body in the car"

And what we don't have....the elusive Zanny.
Also, CM is alleging that Yuri picked KC up for the trip to Universal; he didn't. I'm not even sure that matters, but it grates on me how factually wrong CM's motions are.

My eyes bugged out when I read his claim that KC got the Bella Vita tattoo two weeks after Caylee was reported missing.

Did he really! I have to read this thing they submitted. He actually lies about the time of the tatoo. This is incredible in a case like this. To support lies with a motion to a Judge who goes STRICTLY by the rules of law is just reckless. Now the Judge will go over it with a fine tooth comb to see what else Cheney is lying about. He probably would have anyway.

I would like to call CM what he is, but I am refraining.
Why would the first officers on the scene put amother whose child is missing in handcuffs and in the back of a car?

Was it because Cinday ANTHONY told them she had stolen her car????? MO

If not - I think the handcuff thing is a huge lie.


Ooooh! Good point, Mendara! This would be a good arguing point for the SA to use to try to keep these tapes in. "Your Honor, IF the defendant was cuffed for 10 minutes, and we would ask that the court keep in mind that there is no evidence other than the statement of the defense team that this ever occurred, we would like to remind the defense and your Honor that not only were LE responding to a 911 call of a reported missing child, but also that a theft of money had occurred and a vehicle had been stolen. These things were clearly stated on the 911 calls by Mrs. A herself, asking for her daughter to be arrested. Therefore, your Honor, we would state that IF any of the responding officers did indeed place ICA in handcuffs for, what, I believe she states herself in a text message that it was only for 10 minutes, that the officer was acting in good faith by cuffing her, only to remove the cuffs minutes later after learning there would be no charges filed by the mother, CA. Everything that came after that was in regards to finding her "missing" daughter. Therefore, the Universal trip interviews should be allowed in. Thank you."

Thanks Lance, but in the context it is used I think it is my something.

Just read the motion to suppress tatoo and Cheney does say the tatoo was gotten July 2nd - two weeks after the child was reported missing.

I know what he is going to say - well Your Honor it was two weeks after the kidnappers told KC we have her.

Everytime these two "lawyers" file a motion or open their mouths in this Court, the content of what comes out makes everyone do a double take.

What purpose does it serve to say the tatoo was gotten two weeks after the child was missing when the world has heard the 911 call on July 16th, the first report of Caylee missing. No purpose at all, but it does make the Judge aware that there is nothing that the "defense" will not do in order to gain anything in this case and that includes lying.

I still don't understand why Cheney would do this.
Good point, Mendara and Chefmom.

The motion also alleges that:
2. Upon confrontation, the defendant was taken into custody and handcuffed by members of the Sheriff's Department despite having no probable cause, no warrant, and having no exigent evidence that would justify a warrantless arrest.

Except for the three phone calls made by CA, claiming grand theft auto, stealing money, etc.
Thanks Lance, but in the context it is used I think it is my something.

Just read the motion to suppress tatoo and Cheney does say the tatoo was gotten July 2nd - two weeks after the child was reported missing.

I know what he is going to say - well Your Honor it was two weeks after the kidnappers told KC we have her.

Everytime these two "lawyers" file a motion or open their mouths in this Court, the content of what comes out makes everyone do a double take.

What purpose does it serve to say the tatoo was gotten two weeks after the child was missing when the world has heard the 911 call on July 16th, the first report of Caylee missing. No purpose at all, but it does make the Judge aware that there is nothing that the "defense" will not do in order to gain anything in this case and that includes lying.

I still don't understand why Cheney would do this.

The tattoo motion is discussed heavily in [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5951969#post5951969"]this thread[/ame]. A good read.

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