2011.02.07 Shawn Adkins speaks out: 10pm Central KTAB

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All he says he got up and went to work...
Did he also look in at Hailey...didnt he notice her TV on also in the darkness....
Is it just me ? Or does anyone else think the whole dang bunch may know what happened to Hailey? And Are covering for each other, and just riding the wave of good fortune that has befallen them !! :maddening::twocents::banghead::sick::sick:
Has anyone mentioned if Hailey kept a diary or journal? JW
At 13 a lot of girls write notes about certain boys etc. or writetheir names over and over. Just curious if there was any written material found in her room?
If she did, they probably tossed it........can you imagine what all she might have said?
That reminded me of a story that my Mother In law tells about my DH, he was about 11 and had gone down to the barn to feed his show steers, his Mother put on the this old rubber devils mask and big black coat and snuck down to the barn and peeped around the barn making a scarey noise ! She said he started screaming and all she could see was the W on his wrangler jeans as he was clearing the fences, she said he was screaming so loud he could not even hear her calling his name and saying it is just me !!!!
To this day and he is in his 50's he does not think that is a funny story !!! But his Mom does !!!

So DH can sympathize with you Passionflower !!
Has anyone mentioned if Hailey kept a diary or journal? JW
At 13 a lot of girls write notes about certain boys etc. or writetheir names over and over. Just curious if there was any written material found in her room?

hmmm... at 13 it was written all over the covers of my notebooks. My daughter and her friends wrote on their handa and jeans... GO FIGURE... and at the time all over Xanga... an old facebook type site. Did they have lockers at the school? some people have love notes tapes inside their lockers. Surely a cheerleader had a lot of boys crushing on her. ODD we dunno jack !
hmmm... at 13 it was written all over the covers of my notebooks. My daughter and her friends wrote on their handa and jeans... GO FIGURE... and at the time all over Xanga... an old facebook type site. Did they have lockers at the school? some people have love notes tapes inside their lockers. Surely a cheerleader had a lot of boys crushing on her. ODD we dunno jack !

She did have a crush on a boy a few weeks before she went missing. BD didnt know about it. I really dont think BD knew much about her daughter at all. She didnt know she was scared of SA. Hailey told other people. Did BD just not listen to her or did Hailey know it wouldnt do any good to tell her because the awesome one would come first.
That is what I was thinking, at 13 you cannot drive or date usually and you have crushes left and right , and you even write when you are mad, so writing is a very common outlet for 13 yoa girls I think.....
I still can't get over the fact that he completely skims over the whole business with DD pounding on the locked door and the broken window.

After all, if Billie mentioned it in her timeline, doesn't SA know he's supposed to stick to the script and at least come up with some slightly reasonable explanation for that whole awkward lockout situation? Not that he's got a snowball's chance in Hail of being believed, but...

LE must love the way these two keep right on talking. :talker: :talker:
I still can't get over the fact that he completely skims over the whole business with DD pounding on the locked door and the broken window.

After all, if Billie mentioned it in her timeline, doesn't SA know he's josupposed to stick to the script and at least come up with some slightly reasonable explanation for that whole awkward lockout situation? Not that he's got a snowball's chance in Hail of being believed, but...

LE must love the way these two keep right on talking. :talker: :talker:

IMO he skipped it because it did happen but he does not want to be questioned further about it.
It's like closing your eyes and believing you are inviaible! :banghead:
IMO he skipped it because it did happen but he does not want to be questioned further about it.
It's like closing your eyes and believing you are inviaible! :banghead:

Okay, it seems like this 45 minute span of time between 3:15 and 4 pm on Monday afternoon is pretty interesting.
3:15= Shawn says Hailey came in his bedroom to tell him she was leaving[going to dad's then to a sleepover]

[Two other things happen, that we know of BEFORE 4 pm when DD arrives]

[between3:15/4]---someone locks all of the doors

[between 3:15/4]---Shawn calls Billie at work and tells her that "HD left for the night and DD is not home yet"

4:00= DD and unidentified friend pound on door for 5 minutes and then reach thru or climb thru broken window

So why all the activity right here in this timeline? This seems like a magical 45 minutes to me. I mean, WHY go lock up the house AFTER Hailey leaves,
and then call Billie at work.
Did he tell her he was home? HE MUST HAVE BECAUSE HE SAID DD WAS NOT AT HOME.



But now we have been told that he CALLED HER to tell her about the sleepover. But he could not have known that until at least 3:15.

Something is very hinky about this magic 45 imo.
Reporter: why Shawn thinks he’s being looked on as a suspect?

Shawn: Mainly ’cause I was the last one to see her, and because of my polygraph results. Those are the two main things I can think of.

Well there ya go folks he knows why he is a suspect because NO ONE saw Hailey Monday (well unless he had an accomplice and I have a good idea who it could be.)
Reporter: why Shawn thinks he’s being looked on as a suspect?

Shawn: Mainly ’cause I was the last one to see her, and because of my polygraph results. Those are the two main things I can think of.

Well there ya go folks he knows why he is a suspect because NO ONE saw Hailey Monday (well unless he had an accomplice and I have a good idea who it could be.)

OMG. Nice catch. He says it right there. He WAS the last one to see her. WOW
The kidding around thing, that's the only kind of interacting, that Billie and Shawn could come up with, after 2&1/2 years, of Hailey being in his life.
Where are the things that Hailey did with her dad and N?
Did they not ever go anywhere together, as a family?
Do anything together, as a family?
If in that length of time, the only thing that Shawn ever did to interact with Hailey, was play practical jokes, on each other, no wonder Hailey didn't want to stay there.
I realize that everyday can't be Disneyland, but there are little things that they could do as a family, to make kids want to be home.
Shawn and Billie, IMO, seemed to be so concerned about making their relationship, "awesome," in the last 6 months, they forgot there were 2 children involved. Were they not trying to make an awesome family life for them also?

From things Naomi said it sounded like they never did much of anything but sit at home. She said that Haylie got tired of sitting home all the time and not going places, and that's one reason she enjoyed time with CD and her, because they got out and did things.
From things Naomi said it sounded like they never did much of anything but sit at home. She said that Haylie got tired of sitting home all the time and not going places, and that's one reason she enjoyed time with CD and her, because they got out and did things.

And I wonder just how deeply her mother resented the time Hailey spent "getting out and doing things", in essence, having fun with, Naomi. And I wonder just how much her mother resented the new baby that Clint had and how much Hailey loved feeling like "family" when with them.
Reporter: why Shawn thinks he’s being looked on as a suspect?

Shawn: Mainly ’cause I was the last one to see her
, and because of my polygraph results. Those are the two main things I can think of.

Well there ya go folks he knows why he is a suspect because NO ONE saw Hailey Monday (well unless he had an accomplice and I have a good idea who it could be.)

Above BBM.. It's known that ppl will state the truth..sort of like a slip of the tongue..I think he was intending to say something more along the lines of "Because they are saying that I was the last person that they know of that saw Hailey"{i.e. meaning the true abductor is really who last saw hailey but of course they are not going to be coming forward with that info}..

But IMO Shawn is way too cocky for his own good at this point{which is excellent news for us..let him keep on yapping}..I believe he's convinced himself that he can get away with this and that just as easily as Billie believes his account of what happened..therefor believes his innocence...He too thinks he can convince LE..media..and public of the same..

I think thts why we are now seeing him totally going against his attys orders to lay low and keep quiet.. he saw that laying low got him no where and him just further suspected as the perp..so hes decided its only himself that can smooth talk and act his way out of this..

I say keep on talking Shawn..we'll eventually get enough to connect the dots..and your cocky-azz will go down..
OMG. Nice catch. He says it right there. He WAS the last one to see her. WOW

Or he is the only person admitting to having seen HD that afternoon. Tho

i do believe 3 of the witnesses and i think one sighting was after she left the house at 3pm.
Reporter: why Shawn thinks he’s being looked on as a suspect?

Shawn: Mainly ’cause I was the last one to see her, and because of my polygraph results. Those are the two main things I can think of.

Well there ya go folks he knows why he is a suspect because NO ONE saw Hailey Monday (well unless he had an accomplice and I have a good idea who it could be.)

Wow. Just wow. Straightforward, firm, affirmative sentence, and no "known".

Man oh man oh man.

And Billie's still with him. She loves him.
Anyone else notice Shawn's use of the plural "my attorneys"?
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